/** * Implements hook_process_node(). */ function osha_frontend_process_node(&$vars) { // Change default text of the read more link. if ($vars['type'] != 'press_release' && $vars['view_mode'] == 'full') { if (isset($vars['content']['links']['print_pdf'])) { // only press release could be downloaded as pdf unset($vars['content']['links']['print_pdf']); } } if ($vars['type'] == 'publication' && $vars['view_mode'] == 'full') { fill_related_publications($vars); } // CW-1087 - publications opens at alias/view link. if ($vars['type'] == 'publication' && !empty($vars['content']['links']['node']['#links']['node-readmore'])) { $url =& $vars['content']['links']['node']['#links']['node-readmore']['href']; $path = path_load($url); if (!empty($path)) { $url = $path['alias'] . '/view'; } else { $url .= '/view'; } } if (isset($vars['content']['links']['node']['#links']['node-readmore'])) { $vars['content']['links']['node']['#links']['node-readmore']['title'] = t('Show details'); } /*insert views blocks - disabled for the moment add_blocks_inside_content($vars);*/ }
<?php /** * @file update_aliases.php * * Drush script for removing the prefixed / from the courses aliases. * * @example: * * drush scr update_aliases.php */ if (!drupal_is_cli()) { // The file is not reachable via web browser. return; } // Iterate over the elements. $results = db_select('url_alias', 'u')->fields('u', array('pid'))->condition('alias', '/courses%', 'LIKE')->execute()->fetchAllAssoc('pid'); if (!$results) { return; } foreach (array_keys($results) as $pid) { $path = path_load(array('pid' => $pid)); $params['@url'] = $path['alias']; $path['alias'] = str_replace('/courses', 'courses', $path['alias']); path_save($path); $sandbox['pid'] = $params['@pid'] = $path['pid']; drush_log(dt('Updating @url(@pid)', $params), 'success'); }