echo "<div class='pageitem_bottom'\">"; echo "<ul class='pageitem'>"; $fixToSLE = $_POST['fixToSLE']; switch ($row[foldername]) { case "AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement": if ($fixToSLE == "on") { patchAppleIntelCPUPowerManagement("{$fixLogPath}/fix.log", "SLE", "yes"); } else { patchAppleIntelCPUPowerManagement("{$fixLogPath}/fix.log", "EE", "yes"); } break; case "BCM4352WiFiPatches": if ($fixToSLE == "on") { patchWiFiBTBCM4352("{$fixLogPath}/fix.log", "SLE", "yes"); } else { patchWiFiBTBCM4352("{$fixLogPath}/fix.log", "EE", "yes"); } break; case "AR9285AR9287WiFiPatch": if ($fixToSLE == "on") { patchWiFiAR9285AndAR9287("{$fixLogPath}/fix.log", "SLE", "yes"); } else { patchWiFiAR9285AndAR9287("{$fixLogPath}/fix.log", "EE", "yes"); } break; case "VGA_HDMI_Intel_HD3000_Patch": if ($fixToSLE == "on") { patchAppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB("{$fixLogPath}/fix.log", "SLE", "yes"); } else { patchAppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB("{$fixLogPath}/fix.log", "EE", "yes"); }
function PrepareEDPKextpacks() { //Get vars from global $workPath, $svnpackPath, $rootPath, $slePath, $modelNamePath, $eePath; global $ps2db, $audiodb, $wifidb, $cpufixdb, $batterydb, $landb, $fakesmcdb; global $modeldb, $modelRowID; global $os; //Get our class(s) global $builder; global $svnLoad; // model path $modelDirPath = "{$workPath}/model-data/{$modelNamePath}"; // Use EDP Kexts? if ($modeldb[$modelRowID]['useEDPExtensions'] == "on") { // // copying PS2 kexts from kextpacks // $ps2id = $modeldb[$modelRowID]['ps2pack']; if ($ps2id != "" && $ps2id != "no") { $fname = $ps2db[$ps2id]["foldername"]; // remove installed kexts before if (is_dir("/Extra/Extensions/VoodooPS2Controller.kext")) { system_call("rm -rf /Extra/Extensions/VoodooPS2Controller.kext"); } if (is_dir("/Extra/Extensions/ApplePS2Controller.kext")) { system_call("rm -rf /Extra/Extensions/ApplePS2Controller.kext"); } if (is_dir("/Extra/Extensions/AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext")) { system_call("rm -rf /Extra/Extensions/AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext"); } if (is_dir("/Extra/Extensions/ApplePS2ElanTouchpad.kext")) { system_call("rm -rf /Extra/Extensions/ApplePS2ElanTouchpad.kext"); } // remove voodooPS2 files if its installed before for non-voodoo install if ($ps2id != "2" && $ps2id != "5" && $ps2id != "6") { if (is_dir("/Library/PreferencePanes/VoodooPS2.prefpane")) { system_call("rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/VoodooPS2.prefpane"); } if (file_exists("/usr/bin/VoodooPS2Daemon")) { system_call("rm -rf /usr/bin/VoodooPS2Daemon"); } if (file_exists("/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.Daemon.plist")) { system_call("rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.Daemon.plist"); } if (is_dir("/Library/PreferencePanes/VoodooPS2synapticsPane.prefPane")) { system_call("rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/VoodooPS2synapticsPane.prefPane"); } } if ($fname != "") { writeToLog("{$workPath}/logs/build/build.log", " Preparing to download Touchpad kext {$fname}...<br>"); if (!is_dir("{$svnpackPath}/PS2Touchpad")) { system_call("mkdir {$svnpackPath}/PS2Touchpad"); } $svnLoad->PrepareKextpackDownload("PS2Touchpad", "{$fname}", "{$fname}"); } } // Reset vars $name = ""; $fname = ""; // // copying Wifi/BT kexts from kextpacks / patch WiFi/BT Kexts // if ($modeldb[$modelRowID]['wifipack'] != "" && $modeldb[$modelRowID]['wifipack'] != "no") { $wifid = $modeldb[$modelRowID]['wifipack']; $name = $wifidb[$wifid]['name']; $fname = $wifidb[$wifid]['foldername']; if ($name != "") { switch ($wifid) { case 0: writeToLog("{$workPath}/logs/build/build.log", " Patching WiFi kext for {$name}...<br>"); patchWiFiAR9285AndAR9287("{$workPath}/logs/build/build.log", "EE", "no"); break; case 1: writeToLog("{$workPath}/logs/build/build.log", " Patching WiFi kext for {$name}...<br>"); if (getMacOSXVersion() >= "10.8.5") { patchWiFiBTBCM4352("{$workPath}/logs/build/build.log", "EE", "no"); } else { writeToLog("{$workPath}/logs/build/build.log", " OSX version is not supported for WiFi, need OSX 10.8.5 or later<br>"); } break; case 2: writeToLog("{$workPath}/logs/build/build.log", " Preparing to download rollback WiFi kext {$fname}...<br>"); if (!is_dir("{$svnpackPath}/Wireless")) { system_call("mkdir {$svnpackPath}/Wireless"); } $svnLoad->PrepareKextpackDownload("Wireless", "{$fname}", "{$fname}"); break; } // Load Bluetooth kext for AR3011 and BCM4352 if ($wifid < "3") { writeToLog("{$workPath}/logs/build/build.log", " Preparing to download Bluetooth kext {$fname}...<br>"); if (!is_dir("{$svnpackPath}/Wireless")) { system_call("mkdir {$svnpackPath}/Wireless"); } $svnLoad->PrepareKextpackDownload("Wireless", "BluetoothFWUploader", "BluetoothFWUploader.kext"); } } } // Reset vars $name = ""; $fname = ""; // // copying fakesmc kexts from kextpacks // if ($modeldb[$modelRowID]['fakesmc'] != "" && $modeldb[$modelRowID]['fakesmc'] != "no") { $fakesmcid = $modeldb[$modelRowID]['fakesmc']; $fname = $fakesmcdb[$fakesmcid]['foldername']; $name = $fakesmcdb[$fakesmcid]['name']; if ($fname != "") { writeToLog("{$workPath}/logs/build/build.log", " Preparing to download FakeSMC kext {$fname}...<br>"); if (!is_dir("{$svnpackPath}/FakeSMC")) { system_call("mkdir {$svnpackPath}/FakeSMC"); } $svnLoad->PrepareKextpackDownload("FakeSMC", "{$fname}", "{$name}"); } } // Reset vars $name = ""; $fname = ""; // // copying audio kexts // if ($modeldb[$modelRowID]['audiopack'] != "" && $modeldb[$modelRowID]['audiopack'] != "no") { $audioid = $modeldb[$modelRowID]['audiopack']; $fname = $audiodb[$audioid]['foldername']; $name = $audiodb[$audioid]['name']; // Remove HDA Enabler if (is_dir("{$slePath}/HDAEnabler.kext")) { system_call("rm -Rf {$slePath}/HDAEnabler.kext"); } // // Check for AppleHDA // $usingAppleHDA = ""; switch ($audioid) { case "sl": case "lion": case "ml": case "mav": case "yos": global $modelID, $edp_db; global $os, $sysType; switch ($sysType) { case "Mobile Workstation": case "Notebook": case "Ultrabook": case "Tablet": $applehda = $edp_db->query("SELECT * FROM applehdaNB WHERE model_id = '{$modelID}'"); break; case "Desktop": case "Workstation": case "AllinOnePC": $applehda = $edp_db->query("SELECT * FROM applehdaDesk WHERE model_id = '{$modelID}'"); break; } foreach ($applehda as $row) { $aID = explode(',', $row[$audioid]); if (getVersion() >= $aID[1]) { writeToLog("{$workPath}/logs/build/build.log", " Preparing to download Audio kext patched {$audioid} AppleHDA...<br>"); if (!is_dir("{$modelDirPath}/applehda")) { system_call("mkdir {$modelDirPath}/applehda"); } $svnLoad->PrepareKextpackDownload("Extensions", "audiocommon", "{$modelNamePath}/applehda"); $svnLoad->PrepareKextpackDownload("Extensions", "audio{$audioid}", "{$modelNamePath}/applehda"); $usingAppleHDA = "yes"; } else { writeToLog("{$workPath}/logs/build/build.log", " Chosen Patched AppleHDA is not supported in this OSX version, using latest VoodooHDA instead<br>"); } } case "no": // // Remove voodooHDA related files if installed before // if (is_dir("{$slePath}/VoodooHDA.kext")) { system_call("rm -Rf {$slePath}/VoodooHDA.kext"); } if (is_dir("{$slePath}/AppleHDADisabler.kext")) { system_call("rm -Rf {$slePath}/AppleHDADisabler.kext"); } if (is_dir("/Applications/")) { system_call("rm -rf /Applications/"); } if (file_exists("/Library/LaunchAgents/com.restore.voodooHDASettings.plist")) { system_call("rm -rf /Library/LaunchAgents/com.restore.voodooHDASettings.plist"); } if (is_dir("/Library/PreferencePanes/VoodooHDA.prefPane")) { system_call("rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/VoodooHDA.prefPane"); } break; } // // Check for VoodooHDA // if ($fname != "" && $usingAppleHDA == "") { writeToLog("{$workPath}/logs/build/build.log", " Preparing to download Audio kext {$fname}...<br>"); if (!is_dir("{$svnpackPath}/Audio")) { system_call("mkdir {$svnpackPath}/Audio"); } $svnLoad->PrepareKextpackDownload("Audio", "{$fname}", "{$name}"); // Copy Prefpane and Settings loader $svnLoad->PrepareKextpackDownload("Audio", "Settings", "AudioSettings"); } } // Reset vars $name = ""; $fname = ""; // // copying ethernet kexts from kextpacks // if ($modeldb[$modelRowID]['ethernet'] != "" && $modeldb[$modelRowID]['ethernet'] != "no") { $lanid = $modeldb[$modelRowID]['ethernet']; $name = $landb[$lanid]['name']; $fname = $landb[$lanid]['foldername']; if ($fname != "") { writeToLog("{$workPath}/logs/build/build.log", " Preparing to download Ethernet kext {$name}...<br>"); if (!is_dir("{$svnpackPath}/Ethernet")) { system_call("mkdir {$svnpackPath}/Ethernet"); } // Category folder if (!is_dir("{$svnpackPath}/Ethernet/{$fname}")) { system_call("mkdir {$svnpackPath}/Ethernet/{$fname}"); } // New Realtek kext if ($lanid == "11") { // Choose 10.8+ version if (getMacOSXVersion() >= "10.8") { $svnLoad->PrepareKextpackDownload("Ethernet", "{$fname}", "RealtekRTL8111"); } else { if (getMacOSXVersion() == "10.7") { $svnLoad->PrepareKextpackDownload("Ethernet", "{$fname}", "RealtekRTL8111_Lion"); } } } else { $svnLoad->PrepareKextpackDownload("Ethernet", "{$fname}", "{$name}"); } } } // Reset vars $name = ""; $fname = ""; // // copying battery kexts from kextpacks // if ($modeldb[$modelRowID]['batterypack'] != "" && $modeldb[$modelRowID]['batterypack'] != "no") { $battid = $modeldb[$modelRowID]['batterypack']; $fname = $batterydb[$battid]['foldername']; $name = $batterydb[$battid]['name']; if ($fname != "") { writeToLog("{$workPath}/logs/build/build.log", " Preparing to download Battery kext {$name}...<br>"); if (!is_dir("{$svnpackPath}/Battery")) { system_call("mkdir {$svnpackPath}/Battery"); } $svnLoad->PrepareKextpackDownload("Battery", "{$fname}", "{$name}"); } } // Reset vars $name = ""; $fname = ""; } else { writeToLog("{$workPath}/logs/build/build.log", " Skipping Standard Kexts from EDP on user request<br>"); } // // Copy selected optional kexts // $data = $modeldb[$modelRowID]['optionalpacks']; $array = explode(',', $data); global $edpDBase; foreach ($array as $id) { $opdata = $edpDBase->getKextpackDataFromID("optionalpacks", $id); $categ = $opdata[category]; $fname = $opdata[foldername]; $name = $opdata[name]; if ($fname != "") { writeToLog("{$workPath}/logs/build/build.log", " Preparing to download Optional pack {$name}...<br>"); if (!is_dir("{$svnpackPath}/{$categ}")) { system_call("mkdir {$svnpackPath}/{$categ}"); } // Generic XHCI USB3.0 if ($id == "5") { // Choose new version if (getMacOSXVersion() >= "10.8.5") { $svnLoad->PrepareKextpackDownload("{$categ}", "GenericXHCIUSB3_New", "{$name}"); } else { if (getMacOSXVersion() < "10.8.5") { $svnLoad->PrepareKextpackDownload("{$categ}", "{$fname}", "{$name}"); } } } else { $svnLoad->PrepareKextpackDownload("{$categ}", "{$fname}", "{$name}"); } } } // Reset vars $name = ""; $fname = ""; writeToLog("{$workPath}/logs/build/build.log", " Preparing to download Standard kexts... <br>"); // // Standard kexts // if (!is_dir("{$workPath}/svnpacks/Standard")) { } system_call("mkdir {$workPath}/svnpacks/Standard"); $svnLoad->PrepareKextpackDownload("Standard", "common", "Standard common"); $svnLoad->PrepareKextpackDownload("Standard", "{$os}", "Standard {$os}"); writeToLog("{$workPath}/logs/build/build.log", " Preparing to download Model specific kexts... <br>"); // // From Model data (Extensions folder) // $svnLoad->PrepareKextpackDownload("Extensions", "kextscommon", "{$modelNamePath}/Extensions"); $svnLoad->PrepareKextpackDownload("Extensions", "kexts{$os}", "{$modelNamePath}/Extensions"); // From Model data (Common and $os folder used before, have to remove this when all the models updated to new Extensions folder) if (is_dir("{$modelDirPath}/common/Extensions")) { writeToLog("{$workPath}/logs/build/build.log", " Copying kexts from model common folder to {$eePath}<br>"); $tf = "{$modelDirPath}/common/Extensions"; system_call("cp -a {$tf}/. {$eePath}/"); } if (is_dir("{$modelDirPath}/{$os}/Extensions")) { writeToLog("{$workPath}/logs/build/build.log", " Copying kexts from model {$os} folder to {$eePath}<br>"); $tf = "{$modelDirPath}/{$os}/Extensions"; system_call("cp -a {$tf}/. {$eePath}/"); } // // Download custom kernel from EDP // $svnLoad->PrepareKextpackDownload("Kernel", "kernel{$os}", "{$modelNamePath}/Kernel"); // // Create a script file if we need to copy kexts from Extra/include/Extensions // if ($modeldb[$modelRowID]["useIncExtensions"] == "on") { writeToLog("{$workPath}/logs/build/dLoadScripts/", ""); } }