文件: Link.php 项目: jubinpatel/horde
  * @param mixed $in
 public function __construct($in = null)
     $fields = array('to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'message', 'body', 'subject');
     if (is_string($in)) {
         if (($pos = strpos($in, '?')) !== false) {
             parse_str(substr($in, $pos + 1), $this->args);
             $this->args['to'] = substr($in, 0, $pos);
         } else {
             $this->args['to'] = $in;
     } elseif ($in instanceof Horde_Variables) {
         foreach ($fields as $val) {
             if (isset($in->{$val})) {
                 $this->args[$val] = $in->{$val};
     } elseif (is_array($in)) {
         $this->args = $in;
     if (isset($this->args['to']) && strpos($this->args['to'], 'mailto:') === 0) {
         $mailto = @parse_url($this->args['to']);
         if (is_array($mailto)) {
             $this->args['to'] = isset($mailto['path']) ? $mailto['path'] : '';
             if (!empty($mailto['query'])) {
                 parse_str($mailto['query'], $vals);
                 foreach ($fields as $val) {
                     if (isset($vals[$val])) {
                         $this->args[$val] = $vals[$val];
 protected function _configureViaDSN($dsn)
     $dsnVars = array();
     if (strpos($dsn, '=') === false) {
         throw new Zend_Tool_Project_Provider_Exception('At least one name value pair is expected, typcially ' . 'in the format of "adapter=Mysqli&username=uname&password=mypass&dbname=mydb"');
     parse_str($dsn, $dsnVars);
     // parse_str suffers when magic_quotes is enabled
     if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
         array_walk_recursive($dsnVars, array($this, '_cleanMagicQuotesInValues'));
     $dbConfigValues = array('resources' => array('db' => null));
     if (isset($dsnVars['adapter'])) {
         $dbConfigValues['resources']['db']['adapter'] = $dsnVars['adapter'];
     $dbConfigValues['resources']['db']['params'] = $dsnVars;
     $isPretend = $this->_registry->getRequest()->isPretend();
     // get the config resource
     $applicationConfig = $this->_loadedProfile->search('ApplicationConfigFile');
     $applicationConfig->addItem($dbConfigValues, $this->_sectionName, null);
     $response = $this->_registry->getResponse();
     if ($isPretend) {
         $response->appendContent('A db configuration for the ' . $this->_sectionName . ' section would be written to the application config file with the following contents: ');
     } else {
         $response->appendContent('A db configuration for the ' . $this->_sectionName . ' section has been written to the application config file.');
 public function testRevokeAccess()
     $accessToken = "ACCESS_TOKEN";
     $refreshToken = "REFRESH_TOKEN";
     $accessToken2 = "ACCESS_TOKEN_2";
     $token = "";
     $client = $this->getClient();
     $response = $this->getMock("Google_Http_Request", array(), array(''));
     $io = $this->getMock("Google_IO_Stream", array(), array($client));
     $io->expects($this->any())->method('makeRequest')->will($this->returnCallback(function ($request) use(&$token, $response) {
         $elements = array();
         parse_str($request->getPostBody(), $elements);
         $token = isset($elements['token']) ? $elements['token'] : null;
         return $response;
     // Test with access token.
     $oauth = new Google_Auth_OAuth2($client);
     $oauth->setAccessToken(json_encode(array('access_token' => $accessToken, 'created' => time(), 'expires_in' => '3600')));
     $this->assertEquals($accessToken, $token);
     // Test with refresh token.
     $oauth = new Google_Auth_OAuth2($client);
     $oauth->setAccessToken(json_encode(array('access_token' => $accessToken, 'refresh_token' => $refreshToken, 'created' => time(), 'expires_in' => '3600')));
     $this->assertEquals($refreshToken, $token);
     // Test with passed in token.
     $this->assertEquals($accessToken2, $token);
  * @inheritdoc
  * @param array $arguments
 public function process_call($arguments)
     $am = $this->get_am();
     $am->ajax_begin(array('nonce' => $am->get_action_js_name(Types_Ajax::CALLBACK_SETTINGS_ACTION)));
     $setting = sanitize_text_field(wpcf_getpost('setting'));
     $setting_value = wpcf_getpost('setting_value');
     if (!is_array($setting_value)) {
         parse_str($setting_value, $setting_value);
         $setting_value = array_pop($setting_value);
     $sanitized_value = array();
     foreach ($setting_value as $key => $value) {
         $sanitized_key = sanitize_title($key);
         $sanitized_value[$sanitized_key] = sanitize_text_field($value);
     // use toolset settings if available
     if (class_exists('Toolset_Settings') && method_exists('Toolset_Settings', 'get_instance')) {
         $toolset_settings = Toolset_Settings::get_instance();
         if (method_exists($toolset_settings, 'save')) {
             $toolset_settings[$setting] = $sanitized_value;
             $am->ajax_finish('success', true);
     } else {
         update_option($setting, $sanitized_value);
         $am->ajax_finish('success', true);
     // default toolset setting error will be used
     // todo throw specific error
     $am->ajax_finish(array('error'), false);
文件: Input.php 项目: floxim/floxim
 public function prepareExtract()
     $request_uri = isset($_GET['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_GET['REQUEST_URI'] : (isset($_POST['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_POST['REQUEST_URI'] : (isset($_ENV['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_ENV['REQUEST_URI'] : getenv("REQUEST_URI")));
     if (substr($request_uri, 0, 1) != "/") {
         $request_uri = "/" . $request_uri;
     $request_uri = trim($request_uri);
     $url = "http" . (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? "s" : "") . "://" . getenv("HTTP_HOST") . $request_uri;
     // parse entire url
     $parsed_url = @parse_url($url);
     // validate query parameter
     if (is_array($parsed_url) && array_key_exists('query', $parsed_url) && $parsed_url['query']) {
         $parsed_query_arr = null;
         parse_str($parsed_url['query'], $parsed_query_arr);
         $_GET = $parsed_query_arr ? $parsed_query_arr : array();
     // superglobal arrays
     $superglobals = array("_COOKIE" => $_COOKIE, "_GET" => $_GET, "_POST" => $_POST, "_FILES" => $_FILES, "_ENV" => $_ENV, "_SERVER" => $_SERVER);
     // set default
     // merge superglobals arrays
     foreach ($superglobals as $key => $super_array) {
         // set internal data from superglobal arrays
         $this->{$key} = self::prepareSuperglobal($super_array);
     return false;
文件: REST.php 项目: how/openpasl
  * Parse the incoming request in a RESTful way
  * @param \PASL\Web\Service\Request The request object
 public function parseRequest($oRequest)
     $oRequestData = array();
     switch ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) {
         case 'GET':
             $oRequestHash = $_REQUEST;
         case 'POST':
             $oRequestHash = $_REQUEST;
         case 'PUT':
             parse_str(file_get_contents("php://input"), $oRequestHash);
     foreach ($oRequestHash as $val) {
         if (trim($val) != "" && !is_null($val)) {
             array_push($oRequest->oRequestHash, $val);
     $oRequest->requestPayload = $oRequestData;
     $oRequest->method = $oRequest->oRequestHash[2];
     // Grab the method arguments
     $methodArgs = $oRequest->oRequestHash;
     $oRequest->methodArgs = $methodArgs;
     return $oRequest;
文件: request.php 项目: Romua1d/core
  * @param array $vars An associative array with the following optional values:
  * @param array 'urlParams' the parameters which were matched from the URL
  * @param array 'get' the $_GET array
  * @param array|string 'post' the $_POST array or JSON string
  * @param array 'files' the $_FILES array
  * @param array 'server' the $_SERVER array
  * @param array 'env' the $_ENV array
  * @param array 'cookies' the $_COOKIE array
  * @param string 'method' the request method (GET, POST etc)
  * @param string|false 'requesttoken' the requesttoken or false when not available
  * @see http://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.php
 public function __construct(array $vars = array(), $stream = 'php://input')
     $this->inputStream = $stream;
     $this->items['params'] = array();
     if (!array_key_exists('method', $vars)) {
         $vars['method'] = 'GET';
     foreach ($this->allowedKeys as $name) {
         $this->items[$name] = isset($vars[$name]) ? $vars[$name] : array();
     // 'application/json' must be decoded manually.
     if (strpos($this->getHeader('Content-Type'), 'application/json') !== false) {
         $params = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->inputStream), true);
         if (count($params) > 0) {
             $this->items['params'] = $params;
             if ($vars['method'] === 'POST') {
                 $this->items['post'] = $params;
         // Handle application/x-www-form-urlencoded for methods other than GET
         // or post correctly
     } elseif ($vars['method'] !== 'GET' && $vars['method'] !== 'POST' && strpos($this->getHeader('Content-Type'), 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') !== false) {
         parse_str(file_get_contents($this->inputStream), $params);
         if (is_array($params)) {
             $this->items['params'] = $params;
     $this->items['parameters'] = array_merge($this->items['get'], $this->items['post'], $this->items['urlParams'], $this->items['params']);
 public function finalStep(&$state)
     SimpleSAML_Logger::debug("oauth wrap:  Using this verification code [" . $state['authwindowslive:wrap_verification_code'] . "]");
     // Retrieve Access Token
     // Documentation at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff749686.aspx
     $postData = 'wrap_client_id=' . urlencode($this->key) . '&wrap_client_secret=' . urlencode($this->secret) . '&wrap_callback=' . urlencode(SimpleSAML_Module::getModuleUrl('authwindowslive') . '/linkback.php') . '&wrap_verification_code=' . urlencode($state['authwindowslive:wrap_verification_code']);
     $context = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'content' => $postData));
     $result = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::fetch('https://consent.live.com/AccessToken.aspx', $context);
     parse_str($result, $response);
     // error checking of $response to make sure we can proceed
     if (!array_key_exists('wrap_access_token', $response)) {
         throw new Exception('[' . $response['error_code'] . '] ' . $response['wrap_error_reason'] . "\r\nNo wrap_access_token returned - cannot proceed\r\n" . $response['internal_info']);
     SimpleSAML_Logger::debug("Got an access token from the OAuth WRAP service provider [" . $response['wrap_access_token'] . "] for user [" . $response['uid'] . "]");
     // Documentation at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff751708.aspx
     $opts = array('http' => array('header' => "Accept: application/json\r\nAuthorization: WRAP access_token=" . $response['wrap_access_token'] . "\r\n"));
     $data = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::fetch('https://apis.live.net/V4.1/cid-' . $response['uid'] . '/Profiles', $opts);
     $userdata = json_decode($data, TRUE);
     $attributes = array();
     $attributes['windowslive_uid'] = array($response['uid']);
     $attributes['windowslive_targetedID'] = array('http://windowslive.com!' . $response['uid']);
     $attributes['windowslive_user'] = array($response['uid'] . '@windowslive.com');
     if (array_key_exists('Entries', $userdata)) {
         foreach ($userdata['Entries'][0] as $key => $value) {
             if (is_string($value)) {
                 $attributes['windowslive.' . $key] = array((string) $value);
         if (array_key_exists('Emails', $userdata['Entries'][0])) {
             $attributes['windowslive_mail'] = array($userdata['Entries'][0]['Emails'][0]['Address']);
     SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('LiveID Returned Attributes: ' . implode(", ", array_keys($attributes)));
     $state['Attributes'] = $attributes;
  * Resolve content meta data.
  * @param array $content 	Original user provided content data
  * @return array $content	Content data with additionaly retrieved meta data
  * @author Niklas Lindblad
 public function resolve($content)
      * Video ID is given by the 'v' URL parameter.
      * @author Niklas Lindblad
     parse_str(parse_url($content['url'], PHP_URL_QUERY), $output);
     $query = sprintf('http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q=%s&max-results=1&v=2&alt=jsonc', $output['v']);
     $data = @json_decode(@file_get_contents($query), true);
     if (!$data) {
         throw new Exception('Could not retrieve meta data.');
      * Since we search for a unique ID, the first
      * result is always the one we want.
      * @author Niklas Lindblad
     $data = $data['data']['items'][0];
     $content['service'] = 'youtube';
     $content['type'] = 'video';
     $content['title'] = $data['title'];
     $content['length'] = $data['duration'];
     $content['video_id'] = $data['id'];
     $content['description'] = $data['description'];
     $content['thumbnail'] = $data['thumbnail']['hqDefault'];
     return $content;
  * Filter the arguments for HTTP requests. If the request is to a URL that's part of
  * something we're handling then filter the arguments accordingly.
  * @author John Blackbourn
  * @param  array  $args HTTP request arguments.
  * @param  string $url  HTTP request URL.
  * @return array        Updated array of arguments.
 public function filter_http_request_args(array $args, $url)
     if (preg_match('#://api\\.wordpress\\.org/(?P<type>plugins|themes)/update-check/(?P<version>[0-9\\.]+)/#', $url, $matches)) {
         switch ($matches['type']) {
             case 'plugins':
                 return $this->plugin_request($args, floatval($matches['version']));
             case 'themes':
                 return $this->theme_request($args, floatval($matches['version']));
     $query = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
     if (empty($query)) {
         return $args;
     parse_str($query, $query);
     if (!isset($query['_euapi_type']) or !isset($query['_euapi_file'])) {
         return $args;
     if (!($handler = $this->get_handler($query['_euapi_type'], $query['_euapi_file']))) {
         return $args;
     $args = array_merge($args, $handler->config['http']);
     return $args;
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     $this->settings = get_option('woocommerce_amazon_payments_advanced_settings');
     if (empty($this->settings['cart_button_display_mode'])) {
         $this->settings['cart_button_display_mode'] = 'button';
     if (empty($this->settings['seller_id'])) {
         $this->settings['seller_id'] = '';
     if (empty($this->settings['sandbox'])) {
         $this->settings['sandbox'] = 'yes';
     if (empty($this->settings['enabled'])) {
         $this->settings['enabled'] = 'no';
     if (empty($this->settings['hide_standard_checkout_button'])) {
         $this->settings['hide_standard_checkout_button'] = 'no';
     $this->reference_id = !empty($_REQUEST['amazon_reference_id']) ? $_REQUEST['amazon_reference_id'] : '';
     if (isset($_POST['post_data'])) {
         parse_str($_POST['post_data'], $post_data);
         if (isset($post_data['amazon_reference_id'])) {
             $this->reference_id = $post_data['amazon_reference_id'];
     add_filter('plugin_action_links_' . plugin_basename(__FILE__), array($this, 'plugin_links'));
     add_action('init', array($this, 'init_gateway'));
     add_action('wp_loaded', array($this, 'init_handlers'), 11);
     add_action('wp_footer', array($this, 'maybe_hide_standard_checkout_button'));
  * Loads the entire menu table into memory.
  * @return  boolean  True on success, false on failure
  * @since   1.5
 public function load()
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $query = $db->getQuery(true)->select('m.id, m.menutype, m.title, m.alias, m.note, m.path AS route, m.link, m.type, m.level, m.language')->select($db->quoteName('m.browserNav') . ', m.access, m.params, m.home, m.img, m.template_style_id, m.component_id, m.parent_id')->select('e.element as component')->from('#__menu AS m')->join('LEFT', '#__extensions AS e ON m.component_id = e.extension_id')->where('m.published = 1')->where('m.parent_id > 0')->where('m.client_id = 0')->order('m.lft');
     // Set the query
     try {
         $this->_items = $db->loadObjectList('id');
     } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
         JError::raiseWarning(500, JText::sprintf('JERROR_LOADING_MENUS', $e->getMessage()));
         return false;
     foreach ($this->_items as &$item) {
         // Get parent information.
         $parent_tree = array();
         if (isset($this->_items[$item->parent_id])) {
             $parent_tree = $this->_items[$item->parent_id]->tree;
         // Create tree.
         $parent_tree[] = $item->id;
         $item->tree = $parent_tree;
         // Create the query array.
         $url = str_replace('index.php?', '', $item->link);
         $url = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $url);
         parse_str($url, $item->query);
     return true;
文件: Judge.php 项目: qious/Hnust
 public function submit($params, $radio)
     try {
         $http = new Http(array(CURLOPT_URL => $this->baseUrl . 'jxpjgl.do?' . $params, CURLOPT_COOKIE => $this->cookies, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 3));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new \Exception('网络异常,评教参数获取失败', Config::RETURN_ERROR);
     $pattern = '/radioXh="0"  value="(.*?)">(?:.*?)radioXh="1"  value="(.*?)">(?:.*?)radioXh="2"  value="(.*?)">(?:.*?)radioXh="3"  value="(.*?)">/s';
     preg_match_all($pattern, $http->content, $temp);
     if (count($temp[0]) != 10) {
         throw new \Exception('评教失败,请教参数有误', Config::RETURN_ERROR);
     $mark = array($temp[1], $temp[2], $temp[3], $temp[4]);
     $get = 'method=savePj&tjfs=2&val=';
     for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
         $get .= urlencode($mark[$radio[$i]][$i]) . ($i == 9 ? '' : '*');
     parse_str($params, $temp);
     try {
         $http = new Http(array(CURLOPT_URL => $this->baseUrl . 'jxpjgl.do?' . $get, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "type=2&pj09id=&pjdw=3&xsflid=&typejsxs=xs&pjfl=&pj01id={$temp['pj01id']}&pj05id={$temp['pj05id']}&jg0101id={$temp['jg0101id']}&jx0404id={$temp['jx0404id']}&pj0502id={$temp['pj0502id']}&jx02id={$temp['jx02id']}", CURLOPT_COOKIE => $this->cookies, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 3));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new \Exception('网络异常,评教提交失败', Config::RETURN_ERROR);
     if (false === stripos($http->content, '提交成功!')) {
         throw new \Exception('未知错误,评教提交失败', Config::RETURN_ERROR);
     return true;
 public function getDateRange()
     $filter = $this->getParam($this->getVarNameFilter(), null);
     if (is_null($filter)) {
         $filter = $this->_defaultFilter;
     $data = array();
     if (is_string($filter)) {
         $filter = base64_decode($filter);
         parse_str(urldecode($filter), $data);
         $filter = $data;
     if ($filter) {
         if (isset($filter['report_from'])) {
             $data['report_from'] = Mage::app()->getLocale()->date($filter['report_from'], Mage::app()->getLocale()->getDateFormat('short'), null, false);
         if (isset($filter['report_to'])) {
             $data['report_to'] = Mage::app()->getLocale()->date($filter['report_to'], Mage::app()->getLocale()->getDateFormat('short'), null, false);
     } else {
         $data = $this->_defaultFilters;
     if (!isset($data['report_from'])) {
         // getting all reports from 2001 year
         $data['report_from'] = new Zend_Date(mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2001));
     if (!isset($data['report_to'])) {
         $data['report_to'] = new Zend_Date();
         // tomorrow at 0am; otherwise today's donations will not be displayed
     //var_dump("{$data['report_from']} {$data['report_to']}");
     return $data;
  * Parses an URI string returning an array of connection parameters.
  * When using the "redis" and "rediss" schemes the URI is parsed according
  * to the rules defined by the provisional registration documents approved
  * by IANA. If the URI has a password in its "user-information" part or a
  * database number in the "path" part these values override the values of
  * "password" and "database" if they are present in the "query" part.
  * @link http://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/prov/redis
  * @link http://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/prov/redis
  * @param string $uri URI string.
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return array
 public static function parse($uri)
     if (stripos($uri, 'unix') === 0) {
         // Hack to support URIs for UNIX sockets with minimal effort.
         $uri = str_ireplace('unix:///', 'unix://localhost/', $uri);
     if (!($parsed = parse_url($uri))) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid parameters URI: {$uri}");
     if (isset($parsed['host']) && false !== strpos($parsed['host'], '[') && false !== strpos($parsed['host'], ']')) {
         $parsed['host'] = substr($parsed['host'], 1, -1);
     if (isset($parsed['query'])) {
         parse_str($parsed['query'], $queryarray);
         $parsed = array_merge($parsed, $queryarray);
     if (stripos($uri, 'redis') === 0) {
         if (isset($parsed['pass'])) {
             $parsed['password'] = $parsed['pass'];
         if (isset($parsed['path']) && preg_match('/^\\/(\\d+)(\\/.*)?/', $parsed['path'], $path)) {
             $parsed['database'] = $path[1];
             if (isset($path[2])) {
                 $parsed['path'] = $path[2];
             } else {
     return $parsed;
 * Verifying required params posted or not
function verifyRequiredParams($required_fields)
    $error = false;
    $error_fields = "";
    $request_params = array();
    $request_params = $_REQUEST;
    // Handling PUT request params
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'PUT') {
        $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
        parse_str($app->request()->getBody(), $request_params);
    foreach ($required_fields as $field) {
        if (!isset($request_params[$field]) || strlen(trim($request_params[$field])) <= 0) {
            $error = true;
            $error_fields .= $field . ', ';
    if ($error) {
        // Required field(s) are missing or empty
        // echo error json and stop the app
        $response = array();
        $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
        $response["error"] = true;
        $response["message"] = 'Required field(s) ' . substr($error_fields, 0, -2) . ' is missing or empty';
        echoResponse(400, $response);
 public function httpPutUpdate(Com_Icodeecono_Api_ApiResponder &$responder, array $passedParams = null)
     $put_vars = array();
     parse_str(file_get_contents('php://input'), $put_vars);
 public function qq_callback()
     $state = $this->recorder->read("state");
     if ($_GET['state'] != $state) {
     $keysArr = array("grant_type" => "authorization_code", "client_id" => $this->recorder->readInc("appid"), "redirect_uri" => urlencode($this->recorder->readInc("callback")), "client_secret" => $this->recorder->readInc("appkey"), "code" => $_GET['code']);
     $token_url = $this->urlUtils->combineURL(self::GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL, $keysArr);
     $response = $this->urlUtils->get_contents($token_url);
     if (strpos($response, "callback") !== false) {
         $lpos = strpos($response, "(");
         $rpos = strrpos($response, ")");
         $response = substr($response, $lpos + 1, $rpos - $lpos - 1);
         $msg = json_decode($response);
         if (isset($msg->error)) {
             $this->error->showError($msg->error, $msg->error_description);
     $params = array();
     parse_str($response, $params);
     $this->recorder->write("access_token", $params["access_token"]);
     return $params["access_token"];
 function run_transaction($vars)
     foreach ($vars as $kk => $vv) {
         $v = urlencode($vv);
         $k = urlencode($kk);
         $vars1[] = "{$k}={$v}";
     $vars1 = join('&', $vars1);
     $ret = cc_core_get_url("https://4tknox.au.com/cgi-bin/themerchant.au.com/ecom/external2.pl", $vars1);
     $delim = "\n";
     $arr = preg_split("({$delim})", $ret);
     $res["RESULT_CODE"] = strtolower($arr[0]);
     if (@strpos($ret, "{$delim}.{$delim}") === false) {
         $res["RESPONSE_TEXT"] = $arr[1];
     } else {
         $ret = substr($ret, @strpos($ret, "{$delim}.{$delim}"));
         $ret = str_replace($delim, "&", $ret);
         parse_str($ret, $ret);
         $res["RESPONSE_TEXT"] = $ret["response_text"];
         $res["TXN_REF"] = $ret["txn_ref"];
         $res["RESPONSE_CODE"] = $ret["response_code"];
         $res["RESULT"] = $ret["result"];
     return $res;
 public function __construct()
     parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $_REQUEST);
     $this->load->library('facebook', array("appId" => '361675743907292', "secret" => '65346749b5c11d2842b322bcc99f247e'));
     $this->user = $this->facebook->getUser();
文件: base.php 项目: andrew-ayers/php
 private function clean_content()
     $parameters = array();
     $content = file_get_contents("php://input");
     $format = "html";
     switch ($this->ctype) {
         case "application/json":
             $params = json_decode($content);
             if ($params) {
                 foreach ($params as $param_name => $param_value) {
                     $parameters[$param_name] = $param_value;
             $format = "json";
         case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded":
             parse_str($content, $postvars);
             foreach ($postvars as $field => $value) {
                 $parameters[$field] = $value;
             $format = "html";
     $this->contents = (object) array('content' => $content, 'parameters' => $parameters, 'format' => $format);
 public function run($group_id = false)
     if (!$this->request->isAjax()) {
     $grid = $this->loadDataGrid('users');
     $users_model = cmsCore::getModel('users');
     $filter = array();
     $filter_str = $this->request->get('filter');
     $filter_str = cmsUser::getUPSActual('admin.grid_filter.users', $filter_str);
     if ($filter_str) {
         $content_model = cmsCore::getModel('content')->setTablePrefix('');
         parse_str($filter_str, $filter);
         $users_model->applyGridFilter($grid, $filter);
         if (!empty($filter['advanced_filter'])) {
             parse_str($filter['advanced_filter'], $dataset_filters);
     if ($group_id) {
     $total = $users_model->getUsersCount();
     $perpage = isset($filter['perpage']) ? $filter['perpage'] : admin::perpage;
     $pages = ceil($total / $perpage);
     $users = $users_model->getUsers();
     cmsTemplate::getInstance()->renderGridRowsJSON($grid, $users, $total, $pages);
function payza_refund($params)
    if ($params['testmode'] == "on") {
        $url = "https://sandbox.Payza.com/api/api.svc/RefundTransaction";
    } else {
        $url = "https://api.payza.com/svc/api.svc/RefundTransaction";
    $username = $params['email'];
    $password = $params['apipassword'];
    $testmode = $params['testmode'] ? "1" : "0";
    $results = "";
    $postdata = "USER="******"&PASSWORD="******"&TRANSACTIONREFERENCE=" . urlencode($params['transid']) . "&AMOUNT=" . urlencode($params['amount']) . "&TESTMODE=" . $testmode;
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 100);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postdata);
    $data = curl_exec($ch);
    parse_str($data, $results);
    if ($results['RETURNCODE'] == "100") {
        return array("status" => "success", "transid" => $results['REFERENCENUMBER'], "rawdata" => $results);
    return array("status" => "failed", "rawdata" => $results);
  * Process the current request
  * $request - The current request parameters. Leave as NULL to default to use $_REQUEST.
 public static function process($request = NULL)
     // Setup request variable
     Hybrid_Endpoint::$request = $request;
     if (is_null(Hybrid_Endpoint::$request)) {
         // Fix a strange behavior when some provider call back ha endpoint
         // with /index.php?hauth.done={provider}?{args}...
         // >here we need to recreate the $_REQUEST
         if (strrpos($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"], '?')) {
             $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] = str_replace("?", "&", $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);
             parse_str($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"], $_REQUEST);
         Hybrid_Endpoint::$request = $_REQUEST;
     // If windows_live_channel requested, we return our windows_live WRAP_CHANNEL_URL
     if (isset(Hybrid_Endpoint::$request["get"]) && Hybrid_Endpoint::$request["get"] == "windows_live_channel") {
     // If openid_policy requested, we return our policy document
     if (isset(Hybrid_Endpoint::$request["get"]) && Hybrid_Endpoint::$request["get"] == "openid_policy") {
     // If openid_xrds requested, we return our XRDS document
     if (isset(Hybrid_Endpoint::$request["get"]) && Hybrid_Endpoint::$request["get"] == "openid_xrds") {
     // If we get a hauth.start
     if (isset(Hybrid_Endpoint::$request["hauth_start"]) && Hybrid_Endpoint::$request["hauth_start"]) {
     } elseif (isset(Hybrid_Endpoint::$request["hauth_done"]) && Hybrid_Endpoint::$request["hauth_done"]) {
     } else {
  * Cookie 设置、获取、删除
  * @param string $name  cookie名称
  * @param mixed  $value cookie值
  * @param mixed  $option 可选参数 可能会是 null|integer|string
  * @return mixed
  * @internal param mixed $options cookie参数
 public static function set($name, $value = '', $option = null)
     !isset(self::$init) && self::init();
     // 参数设置(会覆盖黙认设置)
     if (!is_null($option)) {
         if (is_numeric($option)) {
             $option = ['expire' => $option];
         } elseif (is_string($option)) {
             parse_str($option, $option);
         $config = array_merge(self::$config, array_change_key_case($option));
     } else {
         $config = self::$config;
     $name = $config['prefix'] . $name;
     // 设置cookie
     if (is_array($value)) {
         array_walk_recursive($value, 'self::jsonFormatProtect', 'encode');
         $value = 'think:' . json_encode($value);
     $expire = !empty($config['expire']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] + intval($config['expire']) : 0;
     if ($config['setcookie']) {
         setcookie($name, $value, $expire, $config['path'], $config['domain'], $config['secure'], $config['httponly']);
     $_COOKIE[$name] = $value;
 public static function parse_settings($editor_id, $settings)
     $set = wp_parse_args($settings, array('wpautop' => true, 'media_buttons' => true, 'textarea_name' => $editor_id, 'textarea_rows' => 20, 'tabindex' => '', 'tabfocus_elements' => ':prev,:next', 'editor_css' => '', 'editor_class' => '', 'teeny' => false, 'dfw' => false, 'tinymce' => true, 'quicktags' => true));
     self::$this_tinymce = $set['tinymce'] && user_can_richedit();
     self::$this_quicktags = (bool) $set['quicktags'];
     if (self::$this_tinymce) {
         self::$has_tinymce = true;
     if (self::$this_quicktags) {
         self::$has_quicktags = true;
     if (empty($set['editor_height'])) {
         return $set;
     if ('content' === $editor_id) {
         // A cookie (set when a user resizes the editor) overrides the height.
         $cookie = (int) get_user_setting('ed_size');
         // Upgrade an old TinyMCE cookie if it is still around, and the new one isn't.
         if (!$cookie && isset($_COOKIE['TinyMCE_content_size'])) {
             parse_str($_COOKIE['TinyMCE_content_size'], $cookie);
             $cookie = $cookie['ch'];
         if ($cookie) {
             $set['editor_height'] = $cookie;
     if ($set['editor_height'] < 50) {
         $set['editor_height'] = 50;
     } elseif ($set['editor_height'] > 5000) {
         $set['editor_height'] = 5000;
     return $set;
     @param $a the token passed back from the oAuth Provider, typically $_GET['oauth_token']
 public function getAccessToken($tok)
     $uri = self::ACCESS_TOKEN_URI;
     $arg = array('oauth_token' => $tok['oauth_token'], 'oauth_consumer_key' => $this->_oauth_client_id, 'oauth_signature_method' => 'PLAINTEXT', 'oauth_signature' => '&' . $tok['oauth_token_secret']);
     // radix::dump($uri);
     // radix::dump($arg);
     $res = radix_http::post($uri, $arg);
     // radix::dump($res);
     parse_str($res['body'], $x);
     return $x;
     // radix::dump($x);
     // exit;
     // $arg = array(
     //     'client_id' => $this->_oauth_client_id,
     //     'client_secret' => $this->_oauth_client_secret,
     //     'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
     //     'redirect_uri' => $a['redirect_uri'],
     //     'code' => $a['code'],
     // );
     // $res = radix_http::get($uri . '?' . http_build_query($arg));
     // radix::dump($res);
     // $ret = json_decode($res['body'],true);
     try {
         $res = $this->_oauth->getAccessToken($uri);
         $this->_oauth->setToken($res['oauth_token'], $res['oauth_token_secret']);
         // radix::dump($res);
         // exit;
         return $res;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
     return $ret;
  * Method to get the field options.
  * @return  array  The field option objects.
  * @since   11.1
 protected function getOptions()
     $options = array();
     $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', 'id', JText::_('COM_VISFORMS_ID'), 'value', 'text', false);
     $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', 'created', JText::_('COM_VISFORMS_SUBMISSIONDATE'), 'value', 'text', false);
     $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', 'ismfd', JText::_('COM_VISFORMS_MODIFIED'), 'value', 'text', false);
     $id = 0;
     //extract form id
     $form = $this->form;
     $link = $form->getValue('link');
     if (isset($link) && $link != "") {
         $parts = array();
         parse_str($link, $parts);
         if (isset($parts['id']) && is_numeric($parts['id'])) {
             $id = $parts['id'];
     // Create options according to visfield settings
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $query = ' SELECT c.id , c.label from #__visfields as c where c.fid=' . $id . ' AND c.published = 1 AND (c.frontdisplay is null or c.frontdisplay = 1 or c.frontdisplay = 2) ' . "and !(c.typefield = 'reset') and !(c.typefield = 'submit') and !(c.typefield = 'image') and !(c.typefield = 'fieldsep') and !(c.typefield = 'hidden')";
     $fields = $db->loadObjectList();
     if ($fields) {
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             $tmp = JHtml::_('select.option', $field->id, $field->label, 'value', 'text', false);
             // Add the option object to the result set.
             $options[] = $tmp;
     // Merge any additional options in the XML definition.
     $options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $options);
     return $options;
 public function actionToken($state)
     // only poeple on the list should be generating new tokens
     if (!$this->context->token->checkAccess($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
         echo "Oh sorry man, this is a private party!";
         mail($this->context->token->getEmail(), 'Notice', 'The token is maybe invalid!');
     // facebook example code...
     $stoken = $this->session->getSection('token');
     if (!isset($_GET['code'])) {
         $stoken->state = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE));
         //CSRF protection
         $dialog_url = "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=" . $this->context->token->getAppId() . "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode($this->link('//Crawler:token')) . "&scope=" . $this->context->token->getAppPermissions() . "&state=" . $stoken->state;
         echo "<script> top.location.href='" . $dialog_url . "'</script>";
     if (isset($stoken->state) && $stoken->state === $_GET['state']) {
         $token_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?" . "client_id=" . $this->context->token->getAppId() . "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode($this->link('//Crawler:token')) . "&client_secret=" . $this->context->token->getAppSecret() . "&code=" . $_GET['code'];
         $response = file_get_contents($token_url);
         $params = null;
         parse_str($response, $params);
         $date = new DateTime();
         $date->add(new DateInterval('PT' . $params["expires"] . 'S'));
         $this->context->token->saveToken($params['access_token'], $date);
         echo "Thanks for your token :)";
     } else {
         echo "The state does not match. You may be a victim of CSRF.";
  * Make API request
  * @param string $method string API method to request
  * @param array $params Additional request parameters
  * @return array / boolean Response array / boolean false on failure
 public function request($method, $params = array())
     $this->_errors = array();
     if (empty($method)) {
         //Check if API method is not empty
         $this->_errors = array('API method is missing');
         return false;
     //Our request parameters
     $requestParams = array('METHOD' => $method, 'VERSION' => $this->_version) + $this->_credentials;
     //Building our NVP string
     $request = http_build_query($requestParams + $params);
     //cURL settings
     $curlOptions = array(CURLOPT_URL => $this->_endPoint, CURLOPT_VERBOSE => 1, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => true, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 2, CURLOPT_CAINFO => dirname(__FILE__) . '/cacert.pem', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1, CURLOPT_POST => 1, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $request);
     $ch = curl_init();
     curl_setopt_array($ch, $curlOptions);
     //Sending our request - $response will hold the API response
     $response = curl_exec($ch);
     //Checking for cURL errors
     if (curl_errno($ch)) {
         $this->_errors = curl_error($ch);
         return false;
         //Handle errors
     } else {
         $responseArray = array();
         parse_str($response, $responseArray);
         // Break the NVP string to an array
         return $responseArray;