function search() { $query = $_REQUEST['query']; $data = query_content($query); #Check and see if there are any results if ($data->count > 0) { $return_data['status'] = "ok"; $return_data['count'] = $data->count; $return_data['content'] = parse_results($data); } else { $return_data['status'] = "no_results"; } return $return_data; }
function searchSubCategories($value) { $query = sprintf("SELECT p.* \n\t\t\tFROM products p, subcategories s\n\t\t\tWHERE s.subcategory_name = '%s'\n\t\t\tAND p.subcategory_id = s.subcategory_id", mysqli_real_escape_string(db_connect(), $value)); $results = do_query($query); if ($results) { $rows = parse_results($results); return array("status" => 1, "title" => "Success", "msg" => "Succesfully search subcategories.", "results" => $rows); } else { return array("status" => 0, "title" => "Failure", "msg" => "Failed to connect to server."); } }
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../libs/parse_results.php'; require __DIR__ . '/../libs/build_table.php'; require __DIR__ . '/../libs/recalc_relative.php'; $list = ['cake-3.0', 'symfony-2.6', 'zf-2.4']; system('git checkout master'); $results_master = parse_results(__DIR__ . '/../output/results.hello_world.log'); system('git checkout optimize'); $results_optimize = parse_results(__DIR__ . '/../output/results.hello_world.log'); //var_dump($results_master, $results_optimize); $is_fisrt = true; foreach ($list as $fw) { $results = []; $results[$fw] = $results_master[$fw]; $results[$fw . ' (*)'] = $results_optimize[$fw]; $results = recalc_relative($results); echo build_table($results, $is_fisrt); $is_fisrt = false; }
/*HEADER INFORMATION*/ function parse_results($res) { /*Variables*/ $lines = explode("\n", $res); /*Print All*/ echo '<pre>' . print_r($lines, TRUE) . '</pre>'; /*Location*/ $url = $lines[8]; } /*Variables*/ $API_KEY = ''; $API_SECRET = ''; $archiveId = ''; $stitchUrl = "{$archiveId}/stitch"; /*CURL*/ /*Start CURL*/ $ch = curl_init(); /*CURL Variables*/ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $stitchUrl); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', "X-TB-PARTNER-AUTH: {$API_KEY}:{$API_SECRET}", 'Content-length:0')); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); /*CURL Result*/ $res = curl_exec($ch); /*Process Response*/ parse_results($res); /*Close CURL*/ curl_close($ch);
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../libs/parse_results.php'; require __DIR__ . '/../libs/build_table.php'; $module = $_SERVER['argv'][1]; if (in_array($module, array_keys($modules))) { $results = parse_results(__DIR__ . '/../output/' . $module . '/results.hello_world.log'); //var_dump($results); echo $modules[$module]; echo "\n"; echo build_table($results); echo "\n"; }
<?php Parse_Results: require __DIR__ . '/libs/parse_results.php'; $results = parse_results(__DIR__ . '/output/results.hello_world.log'); Load_Theme: $theme = isset($_GET['theme']) ? $_GET['theme'] : 'default'; if (!ctype_alnum($theme)) { exit('Invalid theme'); } if ($theme === 'default') { require __DIR__ . '/libs/make_graph.php'; } else { $file = __DIR__ . '/libs/' . $theme . '/make_graph.php'; if (is_readable($file)) { require $file; } else { require __DIR__ . '/libs/make_graph.php'; } } // RPS Benchmark list($chart_rpm, $div_rpm) = make_graph('rps', 'Throughput', 'requests per second'); // Memory Benchmark list($chart_mem, $div_mem) = make_graph('memory', 'Memory', 'peak memory (MB)'); // Exec Time Benchmark list($chart_time, $div_time) = make_graph('time', 'Exec Time', 'ms'); // Included Files list($chart_file, $div_file) = make_graph('file', 'Included Files', 'count'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en">
// If the name has no _ left, continue with the next file, display an // error. if (strpos($name, '_') === FALSE) { print "ERROR: Failed to move simpletest to the correct project: " . $simpletest_file_info->getFilename() . "\n"; } } while ($name = substr($name, 0, strrpos($name, '_'))); } } rmdir('www/simpletest'); } $projects = parse_results('www'); $total_counter = count($projects); $failed_counter = 0; $changed_counter = 0; if (is_dir('www-old')) { $projects_old = parse_results('www-old'); } foreach ($projects as $name => &$project) { $has_changed = FALSE; if (!isset($projects_old[$name])) { $project['new'] = TRUE; continue; } $project['url'] = get_project_url($name, $config['projects']); foreach (['phpunit', 'simpletest'] as $framework) { if (!isset($project[$framework])) { continue; } foreach ($project[$framework] as $type => $count) { if (isset($projects_old[$name][$framework][$type])) { $project[$framework][$type . '_diff'] = $count - $projects_old[$name][$framework][$type];