function performCalcs($cols, $calcs, $blanks, $grouping, $frid, $fid)
    // determine which fields have which calculations and exculsion options
    // calculations that are simple, with the same exclusion options, can be done in the same query
    // percentage distribution is not simple, nor is percentile calculation (part of averages), nor is mode (part of averages), but all others are simple and can be done in one query
    global $xoopsDB;
    $masterResults = array();
    $masterResultsRaw = array();
    $blankSettings = array();
    $groupingSettings = array();
    $groupingValues = array();
    $baseQuery = $GLOBALS['formulize_queryForCalcs'];
    $oneSideBaseQuery = $GLOBALS['formulize_queryForOneSideCalcs'];
    if ($frid) {
        $framework_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler('frameworks', 'formulize');
        $frameworkObject = $framework_handler->get($frid);
    $form_handler = xoops_getmodulehandler('forms', 'formulize');
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($cols); $i++) {
        // convert to element handle from element id
        list($handle, $fidAlias, $handleFid) = getCalcHandleAndFidAlias($cols[$i], $fid);
        // returns ELEMENT handles for use in query
        $handleFormObject = $form_handler->get($handleFid);
        // get the exclude and grouping values for this column
        $excludes = explode(",", $blanks[$i]);
        $groupings = explode(",", $grouping[$i]);
        // need to properly handle "other" values
        // build the select statement
        foreach (explode(",", $calcs[$i]) as $cid => $calc) {
            // set the base query to use:
            // if this calculation is being done on a field that is on the one side of a one to many relationship, then we need to use a special version of the baseQuery
            if ($frid) {
                if ($frameworkObject->whatSideIsHandleOn($cols[$i]) == "one") {
                    $thisBaseQuery = $oneSideBaseQuery;
                } else {
                    $thisBaseQuery = $baseQuery;
            } else {
                $thisBaseQuery = $baseQuery;
            // figure out if the field is encrypted, and setup the calcElement accordingly
            $calcElementMetaData = formulize_getElementMetaData($handle, true);
            if ($calcElementMetaData['ele_encrypt']) {
                $calcElement = "AES_DECRYPT({$fidAlias}.`{$handle}`, '" . getAESPassword() . "')";
            } else {
                $calcElement = "{$fidAlias}.`{$handle}`";
            // figure out the group by clause (grouping is expressed as element ids right now)
            //$groupings[$cid] .= "!@^%*17461!@^%*9402";
            $theseGroupings = explode("!@^%*", $groupings[$cid]);
            $groupByClause = "";
            $outerGroupingSelect = "";
            $innerGroupingSelect = "";
            $outerGroupingSelectAvgCount = "";
            $innerGroupingSelectAvgCount = "";
            $start = true;
            $allGroupings = array();
            foreach ($theseGroupings as $thisGrouping) {
                if ($thisGrouping == "none" or $thisGrouping == "") {
                list($ghandle, $galias) = getCalcHandleAndFidAlias($thisGrouping, $fid);
                // need to add awareness of encryption in here
                if ($start) {
                    $start = false;
                } else {
                    $groupByClause .= ", ";
                $allGroupings[] = "{$galias}{$ghandle}";
                $groupByClause .= "{$galias}{$ghandle}";
                if ($ghandle == "creation_uid" or $ghandle == "mod_uid") {
                    $innerGroupingSelect .= ", (SELECT CASE WHEN '' THEN usertable.uname ELSE END FROM " . DBPRE . "users as usertable WHERE usertable.uid = " . $galias . "." . $ghandle . ") as inner{$galias}{$ghandle}";
                    $innerGroupingSelectAvgCount .= ", (SELECT CASE WHEN '' THEN usertable.uname ELSE END FROM " . DBPRE . "users as usertable WHERE usertable.uid = " . $galias . "." . $ghandle . ") as inner{$galias}{$ghandle}";
                } else {
                    $innerGroupingSelect .= ", {$galias}.`{$ghandle}` as inner{$galias}{$ghandle}";
                    $innerGroupingSelectAvgCount .= ", {$galias}.`{$ghandle}` as inner{$galias}{$ghandle}";
                $outerGroupingSelect .= ", inner{$galias}{$ghandle} as {$galias}{$ghandle}";
                $outerGroupingSelectAvgCount .= ", inner{$galias}{$ghandle} as {$galias}{$ghandle}";
            // figure out what to ask for for this calculation
            switch ($calc) {
                case "sum":
                    $select = "SELECT sum(tempElement) as {$fidAlias}{$handle} {$outerGroupingSelect} FROM (SELECT distinct({$fidAlias}.`entry_id`), {$calcElement} as tempElement {$innerGroupingSelect}";
                case "min":
                    $select = "SELECT min(tempElement) as {$fidAlias}{$handle} {$outerGroupingSelect} FROM (SELECT distinct({$fidAlias}.`entry_id`), {$calcElement} as tempElement {$innerGroupingSelect}";
                case "max":
                    $select = "SELECT max(tempElement) as {$fidAlias}{$handle} {$outerGroupingSelect} FROM (SELECT distinct({$fidAlias}.`entry_id`), {$calcElement} as tempElement {$innerGroupingSelect}";
                case "count":
                    $select = "SELECT count(tempElement) as count{$fidAlias}{$handle}, count(distinct(tempElement)) as distinct{$fidAlias}{$handle} {$outerGroupingSelect} FROM (SELECT distinct({$fidAlias}.`entry_id`), {$calcElement} as tempElement {$innerGroupingSelect}";
                case "avg":
                    $select = "SELECT avg(tempElement) as avg{$fidAlias}{$handle}, std(tempElement) as std{$fidAlias}{$handle} {$outerGroupingSelect} FROM (SELECT distinct({$fidAlias}.`entry_id`), {$calcElement} as tempElement {$innerGroupingSelect}";
                    $selectAvgCount = "SELECT tempElement as {$fidAlias}{$handle}, count(tempElement) as avgcount{$fidAlias}{$handle} {$outerGroupingSelectAvgCount} FROM (SELECT distinct({$fidAlias}.`entry_id`), {$calcElement} as tempElement {$innerGroupingSelectAvgCount}";
                case "per":
                    $select = "SELECT tempElement as {$fidAlias}{$handle}, count(tempElement) as percount{$fidAlias}{$handle} {$outerGroupingSelect} FROM (SELECT distinct({$fidAlias}.`entry_id`), {$calcElement} as tempElement {$innerGroupingSelect}";
                    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/include/extract.php";
                    // need a function here later on
            // figure out the special where clause conditions that need to be added for this calculation
            list($allowedValues, $excludedValues) = calcParseBlanksSetting($excludes[$cid]);
            $allowedWhere = "";
            if (count($allowedValues) > 0) {
                $start = true;
                foreach ($allowedValues as $value) {
                    if ($start) {
                        $allowedWhere = " AND (";
                        $start = false;
                    } else {
                        $allowedWhere .= " OR ";
                    if ($value === "{BLANK}") {
                        $allowedWhere .= "({$calcElement}='' OR {$calcElement} IS NULL)";
                    } else {
                        $value = parseUserAndToday($value);
                        // translate {USER} and {TODAY} into literals
                        $allowedWhere .= "{$calcElement}=";
                        $allowedWhere .= (is_numeric($value) and $value != 0) ? $value : "'{$value}'";
                if ($allowedWhere) {
                    $allowedWhere .= ")";
                    // replace any LEFT JOIN on this form in the query with an INNER JOIN, since there are now search criteria for this form
                    if ($handleFid == "xoopsusertable") {
                        $replacementTable = DBPRE . "users";
                    } else {
                        $replacementTable = DBPRE . "formulize_" . $handleFormObject->getVar('form_handle');
                    $thisBaseQuery = str_replace("LEFT JOIN " . $replacementTable . " AS", "INNER JOIN " . $replacementTable . " AS", $thisBaseQuery);
            $excludedWhere = "";
            if (count($excludedValues) > 0) {
                $start = true;
                foreach ($excludedValues as $value) {
                    if ($start) {
                        $excludedWhere = " AND (";
                        $start = false;
                    } else {
                        $excludedWhere .= " AND ";
                    if ($value === "{BLANK}") {
                        $excludedWhere .= "({$calcElement}!='' AND {$calcElement} IS NOT NULL)";
                    } else {
                        $value = parseUserAndToday($value);
                        // translate {USER} and {TODAY} into literals
                        $excludedWhere .= "{$calcElement}!=";
                        $excludedWhere .= (is_numeric($value) and $value != 0) ? $value : "'{$value}'";
                if ($excludedWhere) {
                    $excludedWhere .= ")";
                    if ($handleFid == "xoopsusertable") {
                        $replacementTable = DBPRE . "users";
                    } else {
                        $replacementTable = DBPRE . "formulize_" . $handleFormObject->getVar('form_handle');
                    // replace any LEFT JOIN on this form in the query with an INNER JOIN, since there are now search criteria for this form
                    $thisBaseQuery = str_replace("LEFT JOIN " . $replacementTable . " AS", "INNER JOIN " . $replacementTable . " AS", $thisBaseQuery);
            // setup group by clause and order by clause
            $orderByClause = "";
            $groupByClauseMode = "";
            if ($groupByClause) {
                if ($calc == "avg") {
                    $groupByClauseMode = " GROUP BY {$fidAlias}{$handle}, " . $groupByClause;
                    $groupByClause = " GROUP BY " . $groupByClause;
                } elseif ($calc == "per") {
                    $orderByClause = " ORDER BY {$groupByClause}, percount{$fidAlias}{$handle} DESC";
                    $groupByClause = " GROUP BY {$fidAlias}{$handle}, " . $groupByClause;
                } else {
                    $groupByClause = " GROUP BY " . $groupByClause;
            } elseif ($calc == "avg") {
                $groupByClauseMode = " GROUP BY {$fidAlias}{$handle}";
            } elseif ($calc == "per") {
                $groupByClause = " GROUP BY {$fidAlias}{$handle}";
                $orderByClause = " ORDER BY percount{$fidAlias}{$handle} DESC";
            // do the query
            $calcResult = array();
            $calcResultSQL = "{$select} {$thisBaseQuery} {$allowedWhere} {$excludedWhere}) as tempQuery {$groupByClause} {$orderByClause} ";
            global $xoopsUser;
            //if($xoopsUser->getVar('uid') == 1) {
            //  print "$calcResultSQL<br><br>";
            $calcResultRes = $xoopsDB->query($calcResultSQL);
            while ($calcResultArray = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($calcResultRes)) {
                $calcResult[] = $calcResultArray;
            // package up the result into the results array that gets passed to the output function that dumps data to screen (suitable for templating at a later date)
            $blankSettings[$cols[$i]][$calc] = $excludes[$cid];
            $groupingSettings[$cols[$i]][$calc] = $groupings[$cid];
            $groupingValues[$cols[$i]][$calc] = array();
            // this is an array to store
            if ($calc == "per") {
                $groupCounts = array();
                $indivCounts = array();
                $perindexer = -1;
            foreach ($calcResult as $calcId => $thisResult) {
                // this needs to be moved inside or lower down in order to support two level grouping?
                switch ($calc) {
                    case "sum":
                        foreach ($theseGroupings as $gid => $thisGrouping) {
                            if ($thisGrouping != "none" and $thisGrouping != "") {
                                list($ghandle, $galias) = getCalcHandleAndFidAlias($thisGrouping, $fid);
                                $groupingValues[$cols[$i]][$calc][$calcId][] = convertRawValuesToRealValues($thisResult["{$galias}{$ghandle}"], $ghandle, true);
                        $masterResultsRaw[$cols[$i]][$calc][$calcId]['sum'] = $thisResult["{$fidAlias}{$handle}"];
                        $masterResults[$cols[$i]][$calc][$calcId] = _formulize_DE_CALC_SUM . ": " . formulize_numberFormat($thisResult["{$fidAlias}{$handle}"], $handle);
                    case "min":
                        foreach ($theseGroupings as $gid => $thisGrouping) {
                            if ($thisGrouping != "none" and $thisGrouping != "") {
                                list($ghandle, $galias) = getCalcHandleAndFidAlias($thisGrouping, $fid);
                                $groupingValues[$cols[$i]][$calc][$calcId][] = convertRawValuesToRealValues($thisResult["{$galias}{$ghandle}"], $handle, true);
                        $masterResults[$cols[$i]][$calc][$calcId] = _formulize_DE_CALC_MIN . ": " . formulize_numberFormat($thisResult["{$fidAlias}{$handle}"], $handle);
                    case "max":
                        foreach ($theseGroupings as $gid => $thisGrouping) {
                            if ($thisGrouping != "none" and $thisGrouping != "") {
                                list($ghandle, $galias) = getCalcHandleAndFidAlias($thisGrouping, $fid);
                                $groupingValues[$cols[$i]][$calc][$calcId][] = convertRawValuesToRealValues($thisResult["{$galias}{$ghandle}"], $handle, true);
                        $masterResults[$cols[$i]][$calc][$calcId] = _formulize_DE_CALC_MAX . ": " . formulize_numberFormat($thisResult["{$fidAlias}{$handle}"], $handle);
                    case "count":
                        foreach ($theseGroupings as $gid => $thisGrouping) {
                            if ($thisGrouping != "none" and $thisGrouping != "") {
                                list($ghandle, $galias) = getCalcHandleAndFidAlias($thisGrouping, $fid);
                                $groupingValues[$cols[$i]][$calc][$calcId][] = convertRawValuesToRealValues($thisResult["{$galias}{$ghandle}"], $ghandle, true);
                        $masterResultsRaw[$cols[$i]][$calc][$calcId]['count'] = $thisResult["count{$fidAlias}{$handle}"];
                        $masterResultsRaw[$cols[$i]][$calc][$calcId]['countunique'] = $thisResult["distinct{$fidAlias}{$handle}"];
                        $masterResults[$cols[$i]][$calc][$calcId] = _formulize_DE_CALC_NUMENTRIES . ": " . $thisResult["count{$fidAlias}{$handle}"] . "<br>" . _formulize_DE_CALC_NUMUNIQUE . ": " . $thisResult["distinct{$fidAlias}{$handle}"];
                    case "avg":
                        foreach ($theseGroupings as $gid => $thisGrouping) {
                            if ($thisGrouping != "none" and $thisGrouping != "") {
                                list($ghandle, $galias) = getCalcHandleAndFidAlias($thisGrouping, $fid);
                                $groupingValues[$cols[$i]][$calc][$calcId][] = convertRawValuesToRealValues($thisResult["{$galias}{$ghandle}"], $ghandle, true);
                        $masterResults[$cols[$i]][$calc][$calcId] = _formulize_DE_CALC_MEAN . ": " . formulize_numberFormat($thisResult["avg{$fidAlias}{$handle}"], $handle) . "<br>" . _formulize_DE_CALC_STD . ": " . formulize_numberFormat($thisResult["std{$fidAlias}{$handle}"], $handle) . "<br><br>";
                    case "per":
                        $groupingWhere = array();
                        $groupingValuesFound = array();
                        foreach ($theseGroupings as $gid => $thisGrouping) {
                            if ($thisGrouping != "none" and $thisGrouping != "") {
                                list($ghandle, $galias) = getCalcHandleAndFidAlias($thisGrouping, $fid);
                                //print $thisResult["$galias$ghandle"] . "<br>";
                                if ($thisResult["{$galias}{$ghandle}"] == "") {
                                    $groupingWhere[] = "({$galias}.`{$ghandle}` = '" . $thisResult["{$galias}{$ghandle}"] . "' OR {$galias}.`{$ghandle}` IS NULL)";
                                    $groupingValuesFound[] = _formulize_BLANK_KEYWORD;
                                } else {
                                    $groupingWhere[] = "{$galias}.`{$ghandle}` = '" . $thisResult["{$galias}{$ghandle}"] . "'";
                                    $groupingValuesFound[] = $thisResult["{$galias}{$ghandle}"];
                        if (count($groupingWhere) > 0) {
                            $groupingWhere = "AND (" . implode(" AND ", $groupingWhere) . ")";
                        } else {
                            $groupingWhere = "";
                        if (!isset($groupCounts[$groupingWhere])) {
                            // need to figure out the total count for this grouping setting
                            $groupingValues[$cols[$i]][$calc][$perindexer] = convertRawValuesToRealValues($groupingValuesFound, $ghandle, true);
                            $countSQL = "SELECT count({$fidAlias}.`{$handle}`) as count{$fidAlias}{$handle} {$thisBaseQuery} {$allowedWhere} {$excludedWhere} {$groupingWhere}";
                            //print "$countSQL<br>";
                            $countRes = $xoopsDB->query($countSQL);
                            $countArray = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($countRes);
                            $countValue = $countArray["count{$fidAlias}{$handle}"];
                            $indexerToUse = $perindexer;
                            $groupCounts[$groupingWhere]['countValue'] = $countValue;
                            $groupCounts[$groupingWhere]['indexerToUse'] = $indexerToUse;
                            $start = true;
                        } else {
                            $indexerToUse = $groupCounts[$groupingWhere]['indexerToUse'];
                            $countValue = $groupCounts[$groupingWhere]['countValue'];
                        // need to figure out the individual counts of the constituent parts of this result
                        if (strstr($thisResult["{$fidAlias}{$handle}"], "*=+*:")) {
                            $rawIndivValues = explode("*=+*:", $thisResult["{$fidAlias}{$handle}"]);
                            // current convention is to have the separator at the beginning of the string, so the exploded array will have a blank value at the beginning
                        } elseif ($linkedMetaData = formulize_isLinkedSelectBox($cols[$i])) {
                            // convert the pointers for the linked selectbox values, to their source values
                            $sourceMeta = explode("#*=:*", $linkedMetaData[2]);
                            $data_handler = new formulizeDataHandler($sourceMeta[0]);
                            $rawIndivValues = $data_handler->findAllValuesForEntries($sourceMeta[1], explode(",", trim($thisResult["{$fidAlias}{$handle}"], ",")));
                            // trip opening and closing commas and split by comma into an array
                        } else {
                            $rawIndivValues = array(0 => $thisResult["{$fidAlias}{$handle}"]);
                        foreach ($rawIndivValues as $thisIndivValue) {
                            $indivCounts[$cols[$i]][$calc][$indexerToUse][trans(calcValuePlusText($thisIndivValue, $handle, $cols[$i], $calc, $indexerToUse))] += $thisResult["percount{$fidAlias}{$handle}"];
                            // add this count to the total count for this particular item
                            $groupCounts[$groupingWhere]['responseCountValue'] += $thisResult["percount{$fidAlias}{$handle}"];
                            // add this count to the total count for all items
            if ($calc == "avg") {
                // then do some extra stuff for the more complicated calculations
                // work out the mode...
                $modeCounts = array();
                $modeQuery = "{$selectAvgCount} {$thisBaseQuery} {$allowedWhere} {$excludedWhere} ) as tempQuery {$groupByClauseMode} ORDER BY ";
                if (count($allGroupings) > 0) {
                    $modeQuery .= implode(", ", $allGroupings) . ", ";
                $modeQuery .= "avgcount{$fidAlias}{$handle} DESC";
                //print "$modeQuery<br>";
                $modeRes = $xoopsDB->query($modeQuery);
                $foundModeValue = array();
                $modeIndexer = 0;
                while ($modeData = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($modeRes)) {
                    $foundValues = "";
                    $modeCountsTemp = array();
                    foreach ($theseGroupings as $gid => $thisGrouping) {
                        if ($thisGrouping != "none" and $thisGrouping != "") {
                            list($ghandle, $galias) = getCalcHandleAndFidAlias($thisGrouping, $fid);
                            $foundValues .= $modeData["{$galias}{$ghandle}"] . "xyz";
                            $modeCountsTemp[$modeData["{$galias}{$ghandle}"]] = "{$galias}.`{$ghandle}`";
                    if (!isset($foundModeValue[$foundValues])) {
                        // this is a new combination
                        $foundModeValue[$foundValues] = true;
                        if ($foundValues) {
                            $modeCounts[$modeIndexer] = $modeCountsTemp;
                        } else {
                            $modeCounts[$modeIndexer]['none'] = 'none';
                        $masterResults[$cols[$i]][$calc][$modeIndexer] .= "REPLACE WITH MEDIAN" . _formulize_DE_CALC_MODE . ": " . formulize_numberFormat($modeData["{$fidAlias}{$handle}"], $handle);
                // work out the percentiles including median
                // calculating percentiles logic based on formula described here:
                // modeGrouping is the value that we are grouping by, modeHandle is the field to look for that value in
                foreach ($modeCounts as $thisGid => $thisModeGrouping) {
                    $groupingWhere = "";
                    foreach ($thisModeGrouping as $modeGrouping => $modeHandle) {
                        // first we need to get the full count for this group of results
                        // need to convert grouping values into the where clause for the percentile calculations
                        $groupingWhere .= $modeHandle === 'none' ? "" : " AND ({$modeHandle} = '{$modeGrouping}')";
                    $countSQL = "SELECT count({$fidAlias}.`{$handle}`) as count{$fidAlias}{$handle} {$thisBaseQuery} {$allowedWhere} {$excludedWhere} {$groupingWhere}";
                    //print "<br>$countSQL<br>";
                    $countRes = $xoopsDB->query($countSQL);
                    $countArray = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($countRes);
                    $countValue = $countArray["count{$fidAlias}{$handle}"];
                    $per25Limit = floor(($countValue + 1) / 4);
                    $per25Fraction = ($countValue + 1) / 4 - $per25Limit;
                    $per25Limit = $per25Limit - 1;
                    // since Limit statements interpret rank orders as starting from 0, must subtract 1
                    $per25Size = ($countValue + 1) % 4 == 0 ? 1 : 2;
                    $per75Limit = floor(($countValue + 1) * 3 / 4);
                    $per75Fraction = ($countValue + 1) * 3 / 4 - $per75Limit;
                    $per75Limit = $per75Limit - 1;
                    // since Limit statements interpret rank orders as starting from 0, must subtract 1
                    $per75Size = $per25Size;
                    $per50Limit = floor(($countValue + 1) / 2);
                    $per50Fraction = ($countValue + 1) / 2 - $per50Limit;
                    $per50Limit = $per50Limit - 1;
                    // since Limit statements interpret rank orders as starting from 0, must subtract 1
                    $per50Size = ($countValue + 1) % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 2;
                    $per25SQL = "SELECT {$fidAlias}.`{$handle}` as {$fidAlias}{$handle} {$thisBaseQuery} {$allowedWhere} {$excludedWhere} {$groupingWhere} ORDER BY {$fidAlias}{$handle} LIMIT {$per25Limit},{$per25Size}";
                    //print "$per25SQL<Br><Br>";
                    $per75SQL = "SELECT {$fidAlias}.`{$handle}` as {$fidAlias}{$handle} {$thisBaseQuery} {$allowedWhere} {$excludedWhere} {$groupingWhere} ORDER BY {$fidAlias}{$handle} LIMIT {$per75Limit},{$per75Size}";
                    //print "$per75SQL<Br><Br>";
                    $per50SQL = "SELECT {$fidAlias}.`{$handle}` as {$fidAlias}{$handle} {$thisBaseQuery} {$allowedWhere} {$excludedWhere} {$groupingWhere} ORDER BY {$fidAlias}{$handle} LIMIT {$per50Limit},{$per50Size}";
                    //print "$per50SQL<Br><Br>";
                    $per25Res = $xoopsDB->query($per25SQL);
                    $per75Res = $xoopsDB->query($per75SQL);
                    $per50Res = $xoopsDB->query($per50SQL);
                    $allPerResults = _formulize_DE_CALC_MEDIAN25 . ": ";
                    $per25Results = "";
                    $per75Results = "";
                    $per50Results = "";
                    $start = true;
                    $perPair = array();
                    while ($per25Array = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($per25Res)) {
                        $perPair[] = $per25Array["{$fidAlias}{$handle}"];
                        if (!$start) {
                            $per25Results .= ", ";
                        $start = false;
                        $per25Results .= formulize_numberFormat($per25Array["{$fidAlias}{$handle}"], $handle);
                    if (count($perPair) < 2) {
                        $allPerResults .= $per25Results;
                    } elseif ($perPair[0] != $perPair[1]) {
                        // we have multiple values at the median/percentile point, so figure out the weighted average
                        $allPerResults .= formulize_numberFormat($per25Fraction * ($perPair[1] - $perPair[0]) + $perPair[0], $handle, "", 2) . " ({$per25Results})";
                    } else {
                        // multiple, equal values at median/percentile point
                        $allPerResults .= formulize_numberFormat($perPair[0], $handle);
                    $allPerResults .= "<br>";
                    $allPerResults .= _formulize_DE_CALC_MEDIAN . ": ";
                    $start = true;
                    $perPair = array();
                    while ($per50Array = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($per50Res)) {
                        $perPair[] = $per50Array["{$fidAlias}{$handle}"];
                        if (!$start) {
                            $per50Results .= ", ";
                        $start = false;
                        $per50Results .= formulize_numberFormat($per50Array["{$fidAlias}{$handle}"], $handle);
                    if (count($perPair) < 2) {
                        $allPerResults .= $per50Results;
                    } elseif ($perPair[0] != $perPair[1]) {
                        // we have multiple values at the median/percentile point, so figure out the average
                        $allPerResults .= formulize_numberFormat($per50Fraction * ($perPair[1] - $perPair[0]) + $perPair[0], $handle, "", 2) . " ({$per50Results})";
                    } else {
                        // multiple, equal values at median/percentile point
                        $allPerResults .= formulize_numberFormat($perPair[0], $handle);
                    $allPerResults .= "<br>";
                    $allPerResults .= _formulize_DE_CALC_MEDIAN75 . ": ";
                    $start = true;
                    $perPair = array();
                    while ($per75Array = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($per75Res)) {
                        $perPair[] = $per75Array["{$fidAlias}{$handle}"];
                        if (!$start) {
                            $per75Results .= ", ";
                        $start = false;
                        $per75Results .= formulize_numberFormat($per75Array["{$fidAlias}{$handle}"], $handle);
                    if (count($perPair) < 2) {
                        $allPerResults .= $per75Results;
                    } elseif ($perPair[0] != $perPair[1]) {
                        // we have multiple values at the median/percential point, so figure out the average
                        $allPerResults .= formulize_numberFormat($per75Fraction * ($perPair[1] - $perPair[0]) + $perPair[0], $handle, "", 2) . " ({$per75Results})";
                    } else {
                        // multiple, equal values at median/percentile point
                        $allPerResults .= formulize_numberFormat($perPair[0], $handle);
                    $allPerResults .= "<br><br>";
                    //print $medianResults."<br><br>";
                    $masterResults[$cols[$i]][$calc][$thisGid] = str_replace("REPLACE WITH MEDIAN", $allPerResults, $masterResults[$cols[$i]][$calc][$thisGid]);
            } elseif ($calc == "per") {
                // output the percentage breakdowns, since we'll be done counting everything we need now
                foreach ($groupCounts as $groupCountData) {
                    $start = true;
                    if ($groupCountData['countValue'] == $groupCountData['responseCountValue'] and $start) {
                        $typeout = "<table cellpadding=3>\n<tr><td style=\"vertical-align: top; padding-right: 1em;\"><u>" . _formulize_DE_PER_ITEM . "</u></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; padding-right: 1em;\"><u>" . _formulize_DE_PER_COUNT . "</u></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; padding-right: 1em; padding-right: 1em;\"><u>" . _formulize_DE_PER_PERCENT . "</u></td></tr>\n";
                    } else {
                        $typeout = "<table cellpadding=3>\n<tr><td style=\"vertical-align: top; padding-right: 1em;\"><u>" . _formulize_DE_PER_ITEM . "</u></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; padding-right: 1em;\"><u>" . _formulize_DE_PER_COUNT . "</u></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; padding-right: 1em; padding-right: 1em;\"><u>" . _formulize_DE_PER_PERCENTRESPONSES . "</u></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; padding-right: 1em;\"><u>" . _formulize_DE_PER_PERCENTENTRIES . "</u></td></tr>\n";
                    // replace the indivText with a corresponding name, if we have any on file
                    $nameReplacementMap = array();
                    if (isset($GLOBALS['formulize_fullNameUserNameCalculationReplacementList'][$cols[$i]][$calc][$groupCountData['indexerToUse']]) and $start) {
                        global $xoopsDB;
                        $nameType = $GLOBALS['formulize_fullNameUserNameCalculationReplacementList'][$cols[$i]][$calc][$groupCountData['indexerToUse']]['nametype'];
                        $userIDs = $GLOBALS['formulize_fullNameUserNameCalculationReplacementList'][$cols[$i]][$calc][$groupCountData['indexerToUse']]['values'];
                        // get a list of all the names and uids that we're dealing with
                        $nameReplacementSQL = "SELECT {$nameType}, uid FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("users") . " WHERE uid IN (" . implode(", ", $userIDs) . ")";
                        $nameReplacementRes = $xoopsDB->query($nameReplacementSQL);
                        while ($nameReplacementArray = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($nameReplacementRes)) {
                            // map the uid and name values we found, so we can sub them in lower down when needed
                            $nameReplacementMap[$nameReplacementArray['uid']] = $nameReplacementArray[$nameType];
                    $start = false;
                    foreach ($indivCounts[$cols[$i]][$calc][$groupCountData['indexerToUse']] as $indivText => $indivTotal) {
                        if (count($nameReplacementMap) > 0) {
                            $indivText = $nameReplacementMap[$indivText];
                        // swap in a name for this user, if applicable
                        if ($groupCountData['countValue'] == $groupCountData['responseCountValue']) {
                            $typeout .= "<tr><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\">{$indivText}</td><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\">{$indivTotal}</td><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\">" . round($indivTotal / $groupCountData['countValue'] * 100, 2) . "%</td></tr>\n";
                        } else {
                            $typeout .= "<tr><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\">{$indivText}</td><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\">{$indivTotal}</td><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\">" . round($indivTotal / $groupCountData['responseCountValue'] * 100, 2) . "%</td><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\">" . round($indivTotal / $groupCountData['countValue'] * 100, 2) . "%</td></tr>\n";
                    if ($groupCountData['countValue'] == $groupCountData['responseCountValue']) {
                        $typeout .= "<tr><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\"><hr>" . _formulize_DE_PER_TOTAL . "</td><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\"><hr>" . $groupCountData['countValue'] . "</td><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\"><hr>100%</td></tr>\n</table>\n";
                    } else {
                        $typeout .= "<tr><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\"><hr>" . _formulize_DE_PER_TOTAL . "</td><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\"><hr>" . $groupCountData['responseCountValue'] . " " . _formulize_DE_PER_TOTALRESPONSES . "<br>" . $groupCountData['countValue'] . " " . _formulize_DE_PER_TOTALENTRIES . "</td><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\"><hr>100%</td><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\"><hr>" . round($groupCountData['responseCountValue'] / $groupCountData['countValue'], 2) . " " . _formulize_DE_PER_RESPONSESPERENTRY . "</td></tr>\n</table>";
                    $masterResults[$cols[$i]][$calc][$groupCountData['indexerToUse']] = $typeout;
    /*print "<br><br>";
      print "<br><br>";
    $to_return[0] = $masterResults;
    $to_return[1] = $blankSettings;
    $to_return[2] = $groupingSettings;
    $to_return[3] = $groupingValues;
    $to_return[4] = $masterResultsRaw;
    return $to_return;
function _buildConditionsFilterSQL($filterId, &$filterOps, &$filterTerms, $filterElementIds, $targetFormElementTypes, $curlyBracketEntry, $userComparisonId, $curlyBracketForm, $element_handler, $form_handler)
    global $xoopsUser, $xoopsDB;
    $conditionsFilterComparisonValue = "";
    $curlyBracketFormFrom = "";
    if ($filterOps[$filterId] == "NOT") {
        $filterOps[$filterId] = "!=";
    if (strstr(strtoupper($filterOps[$filterId]), "LIKE")) {
        $likebits = "%";
        $origlikebits = "%";
        $quotes = "'";
    } else {
        $likebits = "";
        $origlikebits = "";
        $quotes = is_numeric($filterTerms[$filterId]) ? "" : "'";
    if ($targetFormElementTypes[$filterElementIds[$filterId]] == "select") {
        // check for whether the source element is a linked selectbox, and if so, figure out the entry id of the record in the source of that linked selectbox which matches the filter term instead
        $targetElementObject = $element_handler->get($filterElementIds[$filterId]);
        if ($targetElementObject->isLinked) {
            $targetElementEleValue = $targetElementObject->getVar('ele_value');
            // get the properties of the source element
            $targetElementEleValueProperties = explode("#*=:*", $targetElementEleValue[2]);
            // split them up to get the properties of the linked selectbox that the source element is pointing at
            $targetSourceFid = $targetElementEleValueProperties[0];
            // get the Fid that the source element is point at (the source of the source)
            $targetSourceFormObject = $form_handler->get($targetSourceFid);
            // get the form object based on that fid (we'll need the form handle later)
            $targetSourceHandle = $targetElementEleValueProperties[1];
            // get the element handle in the source source form
            // now build a comparison value that contains a subquery on the source source form, instead of a literal match to the source form
            if (substr($filterTerms[$filterId], 0, 1) == "{" and substr($filterTerms[$filterId], -1) == "}") {
                if (isset($GLOBALS['formulize_asynchronousFormDataInDatabaseReadyFormat'][$curlyBracketEntry][substr($filterTerms[$filterId], 1, -1)])) {
                    $filterTermToUse = "'" . $GLOBALS['formulize_asynchronousFormDataInDatabaseReadyFormat'][$curlyBracketEntry][substr($filterTerms[$filterId], 1, -1)] . "'";
                } else {
                    $filterTermToUse = " curlybracketform.`" . formulize_db_escape(substr($filterTerms[$filterId], 1, -1)) . "` ";
                    $curlyBracketFormFrom = ", " . $xoopsDB->prefix("formulize_" . $curlyBracketForm->getVar('form_handle')) . " AS curlybracketform ";
                    // set as a single value, we're assuming all { } terms refer to the same form
                // figure out if the curlybracketform field is linked and pointing to the same source as the target element is pointing to
                // because if it is, then we don't need to do a subquery later, we just compare directly to the $filterTermToUse
                $curlyBracketElementObject = $element_handler->get(substr($filterTerms[$filterId], 1, -1));
                if ($curlyBracketElementObject->isLinked) {
                    $curlyBracketTargetElementEleValue = $curlyBracketElementObject->getVar('ele_value');
                    $curlyBracketTargetElementEleValueProperties = explode("#*=:*", $curlyBracketTargetElementEleValue[2]);
                    $curlyBracketTargetSourceHandle = $curlyBracketTargetElementEleValueProperties[1];
                    if ($curlyBracketTargetSourceHandle == $targetSourceHandle) {
                        $conditionsFilterComparisonValue = " CONCAT('{$likebits}',{$filterTermToUse},'{$likebits}') ";
                        // filterTermToUse will already have , , around it so we don't need them in the two concat'd parts before and after
                // curlybracket term found, but it's not linked to the same source as the target, so we have to work the likebits in as part of a concat, since our term is not a literal string anymore
                if ($likebits) {
                    $filterTermToUse = " CONCAT('{$likebits}',{$filterTermToUse},'{$likebits}') ";
                // then neuter these, so they don't screw up the building of the query...note the use of origlikebits so that the higher level part of the query retains that logic if the user asked for it
                $quotes = "";
                $likebits = "";
            } else {
                $filterTermToUse = formulize_db_escape($filterTerms[$filterId]);
            if (!$conditionsFilterComparisonValue) {
                if ($targetElementEleValue[1]) {
                    $conditionsFilterComparisonValue = " CONCAT('{$origlikebits},',(SELECT ss.entry_id FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("formulize_" . $targetSourceFormObject->getVar('form_handle')) . " AS ss WHERE `{$targetSourceHandle}` " . $filterOps[$filterId] . $quotes . $likebits . $filterTermToUse . $likebits . $quotes . "),',{$origlikebits}') ";
                } else {
                    $overrideReturnedOp = "";
                    if ($filterOps[$filterId] == "!=") {
                        $filterOps[$filterId] = "=";
                        $overrideReturnedOp = "!=";
                    $conditionsFilterComparisonValue = " (SELECT ss.entry_id FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("formulize_" . $targetSourceFormObject->getVar('form_handle')) . " AS ss WHERE `{$targetSourceHandle}` " . $filterOps[$filterId] . $quotes . $likebits . $filterTermToUse . $likebits . $quotes . ") ";
                    // need to change the filterOp being used, so when this is inserted into the main query, we have a different op introducing the subquery
                    if ($filterOps[$filterId] == "LIKE" or $filterOps[$filterId] == "NOT LIKE") {
                        $overrideReturnedOp = "IN";
                    $filterOps[$filterId] = $overrideReturnedOp ? $overrideReturnedOp : '=';
            if (substr($filterTerms[$filterId], 0, 1) == "{" and substr($filterTerms[$filterId], -1) == "}" and !isset($GLOBALS['formulize_asynchronousFormDataInDatabaseReadyFormat'][$curlyBracketEntry][substr($filterTerms[$filterId], 1, -1)])) {
                $conditionsFilterComparisonValue .= "  AND curlybracketform.`entry_id`={$curlyBracketEntry} ";
    } else {
        foreach ($filterTerms as $key => $value) {
            $filterTerms[$key] = parseUserAndToday($value);
    if ($filterOps[$filterId] == "=") {
        $filterTerms[$filterId] = prepareLiteralTextForDB($element_handler->get($filterElementIds[$filterId]), $filterTerms[$filterId], $curlyBracketEntry, $userComparisonId);
        // prepends checkbox characters and converts yes/nos, {USER}, etc
    if ($filterTerms[$filterId] == "{BLANK}") {
        $conditionsFilterComparisonValue = 'NULL';
        $filterTerms[$filterId] = "";
        if ($filterOps[$filterId] == '!=' or $filterOps[$filterId] == 'NOT LIKE') {
            $filterOps[$filterId] = 'IS NOT';
        } else {
            $filterOps[$filterId] = 'IS';
    if (!$conditionsFilterComparisonValue) {
        $conditionsFilterComparisonValue = $quotes . $likebits . formulize_db_escape($filterTerms[$filterId]) . $likebits . $quotes;
    // if it's a { } term, then assume it's a data handle for a field in the form where the element is being included
    if (substr($filterTerms[$filterId], 0, 1) == "{" and substr($filterTerms[$filterId], -1) == "}" and !$targetElementObject->isLinked) {
        if (isset($GLOBALS['formulize_asynchronousFormDataInDatabaseReadyFormat'][$curlyBracketEntry][substr($filterTerms[$filterId], 1, -1)])) {
            $conditionsFilterComparisonValue = "'" . formulize_db_escape($GLOBALS['formulize_asynchronousFormDataInDatabaseReadyFormat'][$curlyBracketEntry][substr($filterTerms[$filterId], 1, -1)]) . "'";
        } elseif ($curlyBracketEntry == "new") {
            // for textboxes, let's try to get their default value
            // for other elements, generate the default is too tricky to get it to work at present, not enough time available
            $elementObject = $element_handler->get(substr($filterTerms[$filterId], 1, -1));
            if (is_object($elementObject)) {
                $ele_type = $elementObject->getVar('ele_type');
                if ($ele_type == "text" or $ele_type == "textarea") {
                    $ele_value = $elementObject->getVar('ele_value');
                    $defaultKey = $ele_type == "text" ? 2 : 0;
                    // default key is in different places for different types of elements
                    $default = getTextboxDefault($ele_value[$defaultKey], $elementObject->getVar('id_form'), $curlyBracketEntry);
                    $conditionsFilterComparisonValue = is_numeric($default) ? $default : "'" . $default . "'";
                } else {
                    $conditionsFilterComparisonValue = "";
            } else {
                $conditionsFilterComparisonValue = "";
        } else {
            // set as a single value, we're assuming all { } terms refer to the same form
            $curlyBracketFormFrom = ", " . $xoopsDB->prefix("formulize_" . $curlyBracketForm->getVar('form_handle')) . " AS curlybracketform ";
            if ($likebits == "%") {
                $conditionsFilterComparisonValue = " CONCAT('%',curlybracketform.`" . substr($filterTerms[$filterId], 1, -1) . "`,'%') AND curlybracketform.`entry_id`={$curlyBracketEntry} ";
            } else {
                $conditionsFilterComparisonValue = " curlybracketform.`" . substr($filterTerms[$filterId], 1, -1) . "` AND curlybracketform.`entry_id`={$curlyBracketEntry} ";
    return array($conditionsFilterComparisonValue, $curlyBracketFormFrom);