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the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA **************************************************************************/ if (!empty($getmodules)) { return; } else { if (pageauth("users", "add")) { if ($_POST['Submit'] == "Submit") { $firstname = safesql($_POST['firstname'], "text"); $lastname = safesql($_POST['lastname'], "text"); $email = safesql($_POST['email'], "text"); $username = safesql($_POST['usernames'], "text"); $password = safesql(md5($_POST['passwords']), "text"); $status = safesql($_POST['status'], "int"); $zone = safesql($_POST['zone'], "int"); if ($config['dubemail'] == 0) { $email = safesql($_POST['email'], "text"); $datas = $data->select_query("users", "WHERE email={$email}"); $numrows = $data->num_rows($datas); if ($numrows > 0) { show_admin_message("That email address has already been used, please use another email address.", "admin.php?page=users&subpage=add_user", true); }
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$sql = $data->select_query("forummods", "WHERE fid={$fid}"); $nummods = $data->num_rows($sql); $mods = array(); while ($temp = $data->fetch_array($sql)) { if ($temp['type'] == 0) { $sql2 = $data->select_query("users", "WHERE id={$temp['mid']}", "uname"); $temp2 = $data->fetch_array($sql2); $temp['name'] = "User: "******"groups", "WHERE id={$temp['mid']}", "teamname"); $temp2 = $data->fetch_array($sql2); $temp['name'] = "Group: " . $temp2['teamname']; } $mods[] = $temp; } $tpl->assign("forum", $forum); $tpl->assign("groups", $groups); $tpl->assign("numgroups", $numgroups); $tpl->assign("users", $users); $tpl->assign("numusers", $numusers); $tpl->assign("mods", $mods); $tpl->assign("nummods", $nummods); } elseif ($action == "deletemod" && pageauth("forums", "delete") == 1) { $id = safesql($_GET['id'], "int"); $data->delete_query("forummods", "id={$id}"); show_admin_message("Moderator Deleted", "{$pagename}&action=moderator&fid={$fid}&cid={$cid}"); } $tpl->assign('editFormAction', $editFormAction); $tpl->assign('action', $action); $filetouse = "admin_forums.tpl"; }
$group_ids = group_users_id_array($usergroups[$i]); $first = true; for ($j = 0; $j < count($group_ids); $j++) { if ($first == false) { $userquery .= " OR "; } else { $first = false; } $userquery .= "id=" . $group_ids[$j]; } } $sql = $data->select_query("users", "WHERE {$userquery} ORDER BY uname ASC"); } else { $sql = $data->select_query("users", "ORDER BY uname ASC"); } $numusers = $data->num_rows($sql); while ($temp = $data->fetch_array($sql)) { $temp['team'] = user_groups_list($temp['id']); $temp['custom'] = unserialize($temp['custom']); $row[] = $temp; } $filetouse = "admin_user_list.tpl"; $tpl->assign("action", $action); $tpl->assign('numusers', $numusers); $tpl->assign('editFormAction', $editFormAction); $tpl->assign('row', $row); $tpl->assign('fields', $fields); $tpl->assign('record', $record); $tpl->assign("uname", $check['uname']); $tpl->assign("ownerallowed", pageauth("owners", "edit")); }
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA **************************************************************************/ if (!empty($getmodules)) { $module['Configuration']['Module Manager'] = "modules"; $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['name'] = "Module Manager"; $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['details'] = "Manage CMScout modules"; $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['access'] = "Allowed to access the module manager"; $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['add'] = "notused"; $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['edit'] = "notused"; $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['delete'] = "notused"; $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['publish'] = "Allowed to deactivate and reactivate modules"; $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['limit'] = "notused"; $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['id'] = "modules"; return; } else { $id = safesql($_GET['id'], "int"); if ($_GET['action'] == 'activate' && pageauth("modules", "publish")) { $sqlq = $data->update_query("functions", "active = 1", "id={$id}"); header("Location: {$pagename}"); } elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'deactivate' && pageauth("modules", "publish")) { $sqlq = $data->update_query("functions", "active = 0", "id={$id}"); header("Location: {$pagename}"); } $modules = $data->select_fetch_all_rows($nummodule, "functions", "WHERE type != 3 ORDER BY name ASC", "id, name, type, active"); $tpl->assign("modules", $modules); $tpl->assign("nummodule", $nummodule); $filetouse = "admin_modules.tpl"; }
show_admin_message("User type changed", str_replace('&', '&', $pagename) . "&gid={$gid}"); } $sql = $data->select_query("groups", "WHERE id={$gid}"); $groupinfo = $data->fetch_array($sql); $sql = $data->select_query("usergroups", "WHERE groupid={$gid}"); $groupusers = array(); $numgroupusers = $data->num_rows($sql); while ($temp = $data->fetch_array($sql)) { $sql2 = $data->select_query("users", "WHERE id={$temp['userid']}", "id, uname"); $temp2 = $data->fetch_array($sql2); $temp2['type'] = $temp['utype']; $groupusers[] = $temp2; } $sql = $data->select_query("users", "ORDER BY uname ASC"); $numusers = 0; $users = array(); while ($temp = $data->fetch_array($sql)) { if ($data->num_rows($data->select_query("usergroups", "WHERE groupid={$gid} and userid={$temp['id']}")) == 0) { $users[] = $temp; $numusers++; } } $tpl->assign("editallowed_page", pageauth("group", "edit")); $tpl->assign("numusers", $numusers); $tpl->assign("users", $users); $tpl->assign("uname", $check['uname']); $tpl->assign("numgroupusers", $numgroupusers); $tpl->assign("groupusers", $groupusers); $tpl->assign("groupinfo", $groupinfo); $filetouse = "admin_groupusers.tpl"; }
} show_admin_message("User type changed", str_replace('&', '&', $pagename) . "&uid={$uid}"); } $sql = $data->select_query("users", "WHERE id={$uid}"); $userinfo = $data->fetch_array($sql); $sql = $data->select_query("usergroups", "WHERE userid={$uid}"); $usergroups = array(); $numusergroups = $data->num_rows($sql); while ($temp = $data->fetch_array($sql)) { $sql2 = $data->select_query("groups", "WHERE id={$temp['groupid']}", "id, teamname"); $temp2 = $data->fetch_array($sql2); $temp2['type'] = $temp['utype']; $usergroups[] = $temp2; } $sql = $data->select_query("groups"); $numgroups = 0; $groups = array(); while ($temp = $data->fetch_array($sql)) { if ($data->num_rows($data->select_query("usergroups", "WHERE userid={$uid} and groupid={$temp['id']}")) == 0) { $groups[] = $temp; $numgroups++; } } $tpl->assign("editallowed_page", pageauth("users", "edit")); $tpl->assign("numgroups", $numgroups); $tpl->assign("groups", $groups); $tpl->assign("numusergroups", $numusergroups); $tpl->assign("usergroups", $usergroups); $tpl->assign("userinfo", $userinfo); $filetouse = "admin_usergroups.tpl"; }
$data->update_query("patrolmenu", "pos={$pos1}", "id='{$row2['id']}'", "", "", false); $server = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; header("Location: {$server}" . "?page=patrol&subpage=patrolmenus&pid={$patrolid}"); } elseif ($action == "movedown" && pageauth("patrol", "edit")) { $sql = $data->select_query("patrolmenu", "WHERE id={$id}"); $row = $data->fetch_array($sql); $pos1 = $row['pos']; $temppos = $pos1 + 1; $sql = $data->select_query("patrolmenu", "WHERE pos='{$temppos}' AND patrol={$safe_patrolid}"); $row2 = $data->fetch_array($sql); $pos2 = $row2['pos']; $data->update_query("patrolmenu", "pos={$pos2}", "id={$row['id']}", "", "", false); $data->update_query("patrolmenu", "pos={$pos1}", "id={$row2['id']}", "", "", false); $server = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; header("Location: {$server}" . "?page=patrol&subpage=patrolmenus&pid={$patrolid}"); } elseif ($action == "fixcat" && pageauth("patrol", "edit") == 1) { $sql = $data->select_query("patrolmenu", "WHERE patrol={$safe_patrolid} ORDER BY pos ASC"); if ($data->num_rows($sql) > 0) { $i = 1; while ($temp = $data->fetch_array($sql)) { $data->update_query("patrolmenu", "pos={$i}", "id={$temp['id']}"); $i++; } } header("Location: {$server}" . "?page=subsite&subpage=submenu&sid={$siteid}"); } $tpl->assign("patrolid", $patrolid); $tpl->assign("patrolname", $patrolname); $tpl->assign('cid', $cid); $tpl->assign('id', $id); $tpl->assign('action', $action);
$articles = $ownedSql ? $data->select_fetch_all_rows($numarticles, "patrol_articles", "WHERE {$ownedSql} ORDER BY title") : ''; $tpl->assign("articles", $articles); $tpl->assign("numarticles", $numarticles); $ownedSql = getSqlList('events', "id", $userid); $events = $ownedSql ? $data->select_fetch_all_rows($numevents, "calendar_items", "WHERE {$ownedSql} ORDER BY summary") : ''; $tpl->assign("events", $events); $tpl->assign("numevents", $numevents); $ownedSql = getSqlList('downloads', "id", $userid); $downloads = $ownedSql ? $data->select_fetch_all_rows($numdownloads, "downloads", "WHERE {$ownedSql} ORDER BY name") : ''; $tpl->assign("downloads", $downloads); $tpl->assign("numdownloads", $numdownloads); $ownedSql = getSqlList('newsitem', "id", $userid); $news = $ownedSql ? $data->select_fetch_all_rows($numnews, "newscontent", "WHERE {$ownedSql} ORDER BY title") : ''; $tpl->assign("news", $news); $tpl->assign("numnews", $numnews); $ownedSql = getSqlList('pollitems', "id", $userid); $polls = $ownedSql ? $data->select_fetch_all_rows($numpolls, "polls", "WHERE {$ownedSql} ORDER BY question") : ''; $tpl->assign("polls", $polls); $tpl->assign("numpolls", $numpolls); $permissions['album'] = pageauth("photo", "edit"); $permissions['patrolart'] = pageauth("patrolart", "edit"); $permissions['events'] = pageauth("events", "edit"); $permissions['downloads'] = pageauth("downloads", "edit"); $permissions['news'] = pageauth("news", "edit"); $permissions['polls'] = pageauth("poll", "edit"); $tpl->assign('permissions', $permissions); break; } $filetouse = "admin_owners.tpl"; $tpl->assign('action', $action); }
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} // Delete News if ($action == "delete" && pageauth("news", "delete") == 1) { $Delete = $data->update_query("newscontent", "trash=1", "id='{$id}'"); if ($Delete) { show_admin_message("News trashed", "{$pagename}"); } } elseif ($action == 'publish' && pageauth("news", "publish") == 1) { $sqlq = $data->update_query("newscontent", "allowed = 1", "id={$id}"); if ($data->num_rows($data->select_query("review", "WHERE item_id={$id} AND type='news'"))) { $item = $data->select_fetch_one_row("newscontent", "WHERE id={$id}"); email('newitem', array("news", $item)); $data->delete_query("review", "item_id={$id} AND type='news'"); } header("Location: {$pagename}"); } elseif ($action == 'unpublish' && pageauth("news", "publish") == 1) { $sqlq = $data->update_query("newscontent", "allowed = 0", "id={$id}"); header("Location: {$pagename}"); } // Show specific news if ($id != "") { // Show selected news $Show = $data->select_query("newscontent", "WHERE id='{$id}' AND trash=0"); $shownews = $data->fetch_array($Show); $tpl->assign('shownews', $shownews); $tpl->assign("editor", true); } if ($action == "new") { $tpl->assign("editor", true); } if ($action == "new" || $action == "edit") {
$module['Module Management']['Group Site Manager'] = "patrol"; $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['name'] = "Group Site Manager"; $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['details'] = "Manages group websites"; $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['access'] = "Allowed to access group site manager"; $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['add'] = "Allowed to add new pages and menu items"; $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['edit'] = "Allowed to edit existing pages and menu items"; $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['delete'] = "Allowed to delete pages and menu items"; $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['publish'] = "notused"; $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['limit'] = "Limit to groups the user is part of"; $moduledetails[$modulenumbers]['id'] = "patrol"; return; } else { $subpage = $_GET['subpage'] != '' ? $_GET['subpage'] : ''; if (!$subpage) { $action = $_GET['action']; if (pageauth("patrol", "limit")) { $patrollist = group_sql_list_normal("teamname", "OR"); $result = $data->select_query("groups", "WHERE ({$patrollist}) AND ispublic=1 ORDER BY teamname ASC"); } else { $result = $data->select_query("groups", "WHERE ispublic=1 ORDER BY teamname ASC"); } $patrol = array(); while ($patrol[] = $data->fetch_array($result)) { } $numpatrols = $data->num_rows($result); $tpl->assign('patrol', $patrol); $tpl->assign('patrolInfo', $patrolInfo); $tpl->assign('action', $action); $tpl->assign('numpatrol', $numpatrols); $filetouse = "admin_patrol.tpl"; } else {
if ($action == "edit") { $tpl->assign("cmtags_active", true); $tpl->assign("cmtag_list", "Number of articles=\\{\$groupstats.articles};Number of photo albums=\\{\$groupstats.albums};Number of users=\\{\$groupstats.users};Number of log book entries=\\{\$groupstats.logbook}"); } elseif ($action == "new") { $tpl->assign("cmtags_active", true); $tpl->assign("cmtag_list", "Number of articles=\\{\$groupstats.articles};Number of photo albums=\\{\$groupstats.albums};Number of users=\\{\$groupstats.users};Number of log book entries=\\{\$groupstats.logbook}"); } elseif ($action == "delete" && pageauth("patrol", "delete") == 1) { $delete = $data->update_query("static_content", "trash=1", "id={$safe_id}"); if ($delete) { show_admin_message("Content sent to trash, Contact the Administrator if you wish to recover it.", "admin.php?page=patrol&subpage=patrolcontent&pid={$patrolid}"); } $action = ""; } elseif ($action == "putfront" && pageauth("patrol", "edit")) { $sql = $data->update_query("static_content", "frontpage=0", "type=1 AND pid={$safe_patrolid}"); $sql = $data->update_query("static_content", "frontpage=1", "type=1 AND id={$safe_id}"); } elseif ($action == "moveitem" && pageauth("patrol", "edit") && !pageauth("patrol", "limit")) { $sql = $data->select_query("groups", "WHERE ispublic = 1 ORDER BY teamname ASC"); $patrols = array(); $numpatrols = $data->num_rows($sql); while ($patrols[] = $data->fetch_array($sql)) { } $sql = $data->select_query("subsites", "ORDER BY name ASC"); $subsites = array(); $numsubsites = $data->num_rows($sql); while ($subsites[] = $data->fetch_array($sql)) { } $tpl->assign("numpatrols", $numpatrols); $tpl->assign("patrols", $patrols); $tpl->assign("numsubsites", $numsubsites); $tpl->assign("subsites", $subsites); if ($Submit == "Move") {
} // Show specific content if ($id != "") { // Show selected content $item = $data->select_fetch_one_row("static_content", "WHERE id={$safe_id} AND type=2 AND pid={$safe_siteid}"); } if ($action == "delete" && pageauth("subsite", "delete") == 1) { $delete = $data->update_query("static_content", "trash=1", "id={$safe_id}"); if ($delete) { show_admin_message("Content sent to trash, Contact the Administrator if you wish to recover it.", "admin.php?page=subsite&subpage=subcontent&sid={$siteid}"); } $action = ""; } elseif ($action == "putfront" && pageauth("subsite", "edit")) { $sql = $data->update_query("static_content", "frontpage=0", "type=2 AND pid={$safe_siteid}"); $sql = $data->update_query("static_content", "frontpage=1", "type=2 AND id={$safe_id}"); } elseif ($action == "moveitem" && pageauth("subsite", "edit")) { $sql = $data->select_query("groups", "WHERE ispublic = 1 ORDER BY teamname ASC"); $patrols = array(); $numpatrols = $data->num_rows($sql); while ($patrols[] = $data->fetch_array($sql)) { } $sql = $data->select_query("subsites", "ORDER BY name ASC"); $subsites = array(); $numsubsites = $data->num_rows($sql); while ($subsites[] = $data->fetch_array($sql)) { } $tpl->assign("numpatrols", $numpatrols); $tpl->assign("patrols", $patrols); $tpl->assign("numsubsites", $numsubsites); $tpl->assign("subsites", $subsites); if ($Submit == "Move") {
$order = safesql($_POST['order'], "text"); $display = safesql($_POST['display'], "int"); $groupallowed = safesql(serialize($_POST['groups']), "text"); $description = safesql($_POST['description'], "text"); $perpage = safesql($_POST['perpage'], "int"); $sql = $data->insert_query("articletopics", "'', {$title}, {$description}, {$sort}, {$order}, {$groupallowed}, {$display}, {$perpage}"); if ($sql) { show_admin_message("Topic added", "{$pagename}&activetab=topics"); } } } else { $action = ""; } if ($action == "") { $row = array(); if (pageauth("patrolart", "limit")) { $patrol = group_sql_list_id("patrol", "OR", true); $result = $data->select_query("patrol_articles", "WHERE ({$patrol}) AND trash=0 ORDER BY date_post DESC"); } else { $result = $data->select_query("patrol_articles", "WHERE trash=0 ORDER BY date_post DESC"); } $numarticles = $data->num_rows($result); while ($temp = $data->fetch_array($result)) { $sql = $data->select_fetch_one_row("groups", "WHERE id={$temp['patrol']}", "teamname"); $temp['patrol'] = $sql['teamname']; $topics = unserialize($temp['topics']); $temp['topics'] = ''; $num = 1; if (is_array($topics)) { foreach ($topics as $topicid => $value) { $topicdetail = $data->select_fetch_one_row("articletopics", "WHERE id = {$topicid}", "title");
$row = $data->fetch_array($result); $advan = $row['name']; $tpl->assign("advan", $advan); $tpl->assign("id", $id); } elseif ($action == "editadd" && pageauth("advancements", "edit")) { $result = $data->select_query("advancements", "WHERE ID = '{$id}'"); $row = $data->fetch_array($result); $advan = $row['advancement']; $tpl->assign("sid", $sid); $tpl->assign("advan", $advan); $tpl->assign("id", $id); } elseif ($action == "newadd" && pageauth("advancements", "add")) { $tpl->assign("sid", $sid); } elseif ($action == "newbadge" && pageauth("advancements", "add")) { $tpl->assign("sid", $sid); } elseif ($action == "editbadge" && pageauth("advancements", "edit")) { $result = $data->select_query("badges", "WHERE id = '{$id}'"); $row = $data->fetch_array($result); $tpl->assign("sid", $sid); $tpl->assign("badge", $row); $tpl->assign("id", $id); } else { $result = $data->select_query("awardschemes"); $adv = array(); $numschemes = $data->num_rows($result); while ($row = $data->fetch_array($result)) { $sql = $data->select_query("advancements", "WHERE scheme ={$row['id']}"); $row['numitems'] = $data->num_rows($sql); $schemes[] = $row; } }