function user_atom()
    global $ical_shifts, $user, $DISPLAY_NEWS;
    if (isset($_REQUEST['key']) && preg_match("/^[0-9a-f]{32}\$/", $_REQUEST['key'])) {
        $key = $_REQUEST['key'];
    } else {
        die("Missing key.");
    $user = User_by_api_key($key);
    if ($user === false) {
        die("Unable to find user.");
    if ($user == null) {
        die("Key invalid.");
    if (!in_array('atom', privileges_for_user($user['UID']))) {
        die("No privilege for atom.");
    $news = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `News` " . (empty($_REQUEST['meetings']) ? '' : 'WHERE `Treffen` = 1 ') . "ORDER BY `ID` DESC LIMIT " . sql_escape($DISPLAY_NEWS));
    header('Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8');
    $html = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
  <id>' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('#[&?]key=[a-f0-9]{32}#', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) . '</id>
  <updated>' . date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sP', $news[0]['Datum']) . "</updated>\n";
    foreach ($news as $news_entry) {
        $html .= "  <entry>\n    <title>" . htmlspecialchars($news_entry['Betreff']) . "</title>\n    <link href=\"" . page_link_to_absolute("news_comments&amp;nid=") . "{$news_entry['ID']}\"/>\n    <id>" . preg_replace('#^https?://#', '', page_link_to_absolute("news")) . "-{$news_entry['ID']}</id>\n    <updated>" . date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sP', $news_entry['Datum']) . "</updated>\n    <summary type=\"html\">" . htmlspecialchars($news_entry['Text']) . "</summary>\n    </entry>\n";
    $html .= "</feed>";
    header("Content-Length: " . strlen($html));
    echo $html;
function make_user_shifts_export_link($page, $key)
    $link = "&start_day=" . $_SESSION['user_shifts']['start_day'];
    $link = "&start_time=" . $_SESSION['user_shifts']['start_time'];
    $link = "&end_day=" . $_SESSION['user_shifts']['end_day'];
    $link = "&end_time=" . $_SESSION['user_shifts']['end_time'];
    foreach ($_SESSION['user_shifts']['rooms'] as $room) {
        $link .= '&rooms[]=' . $room;
    foreach ($_SESSION['user_shifts']['types'] as $type) {
        $link .= '&types[]=' . $type;
    foreach ($_SESSION['user_shifts']['filled'] as $filled) {
        $link .= '&filled[]=' . $filled;
    return page_link_to_absolute($page) . $link . '&export=user_shifts&key=' . $key;
function user_send_verification_email($mail, $confirmationToken)
    $confirmationTokenUrl = page_link_to_absolute('user_activate_account') . '&token=' . $confirmationToken;
    engelsystem_email($mail, _('Please confirm your eMail-address'), sprintf(_('Hello %1$s! Thanks for signing up at Engelsystem. Please confirm your eMail-address by clicking the following link: %2$s'), $mail, $confirmationTokenUrl));
function guest_register()
    global $default_theme, $genders;
    $msg = "";
    $nick = "";
    $lastname = "";
    $prename = "";
    $age = "";
    $tel = "";
    $mobile = "";
    $mail = "";
    $email_shiftinfo = false;
    $hometown = "";
    $comment = "";
    $password_hash = "";
    $selected_angel_types = array();
    $gender = "none";
    $angel_types_source = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `AngelTypes` ORDER BY `name`");
    $angel_types = array();
    foreach ($angel_types_source as $angel_type) {
        $angel_types[$angel_type['id']] = $angel_type['name'] . ($angel_type['restricted'] ? " (restricted)" : "");
        if (!$angel_type['restricted']) {
            $selected_angel_types[] = $angel_type['id'];
    if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
        $ok = true;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['nick']) && strlen(User_validate_Nick($_REQUEST['nick'])) > 1) {
            $nick = User_validate_Nick($_REQUEST['nick']);
            if (sql_num_query("SELECT * FROM `User` WHERE `Nick`='" . sql_escape($nick) . "' LIMIT 1") > 0) {
                $ok = false;
                $msg .= error(sprintf(_("Your nick &quot;%s&quot; already exists."), $nick), true);
        } else {
            $ok = false;
            $msg .= error(sprintf(_("Your nick &quot;%s&quot; is too short (min. 2 characters)."), User_validate_Nick($_REQUEST['nick'])), true);
        if (isset($_REQUEST['mail']) && strlen(strip_request_item('mail')) > 0) {
            $mail = strip_request_item('mail');
            if (!check_email($mail)) {
                $ok = false;
                $msg .= error(_("E-mail address is not correct."), true);
        } else {
            $ok = false;
            $msg .= error(_("Please enter your e-mail."), true);
        if (isset($_REQUEST['email_shiftinfo'])) {
            $email_shiftinfo = true;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['password']) && strlen($_REQUEST['password']) >= MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH) {
            if ($_REQUEST['password'] != $_REQUEST['password2']) {
                $ok = false;
                $msg .= error(_("Your passwords don't match."), true);
        } else {
            $ok = false;
            $msg .= error(sprintf(_("Your password is too short (please use at least %s characters)."), MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH), true);
        $selected_angel_types = array();
        foreach ($angel_types as $angel_type_id => $angel_type_name) {
            if (isset($_REQUEST['angel_types_' . $angel_type_id])) {
                $selected_angel_types[] = $angel_type_id;
        // Trivia
        if (isset($_REQUEST['lastname'])) {
            $lastname = strip_request_item('lastname');
        if (isset($_REQUEST['prename'])) {
            $prename = strip_request_item('prename');
        if (isset($_REQUEST['age']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]{0,4}\$/", $_REQUEST['age'])) {
            $age = strip_request_item('age');
        if (isset($_REQUEST['tel'])) {
            $tel = strip_request_item('tel');
        if (isset($_REQUEST['mobile'])) {
            $mobile = strip_request_item('mobile');
        if (isset($_REQUEST['hometown'])) {
            $hometown = strip_request_item('hometown');
        if (isset($_REQUEST['comment'])) {
            $comment = strip_request_item_nl('comment');
        if (isset($_REQUEST['gender']) && array_key_exists($_REQUEST['gender'], $genders)) {
            $gender = $_REQUEST['gender'];
        if ($ok) {
            $confirmationToken = bin2hex(mcrypt_create_iv(16, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM));
            $confirmationTokenUrl = page_link_to_absolute('user_activate_account') . '&token=' . $confirmationToken;
            sql_query("\n          INSERT INTO `User` SET \n          `color`='" . sql_escape($default_theme) . "', \n          `Nick`='" . sql_escape($nick) . "', \n          `Vorname`='" . sql_escape($prename) . "', \n          `Name`='" . sql_escape($lastname) . "', \n          `Alter`='" . sql_escape($age) . "', \n          `gender`='" . sql_escape($gender) . "',\n          `Telefon`='" . sql_escape($tel) . "', \n          `Handy`='" . sql_escape($mobile) . "', \n          `email`='" . sql_escape($mail) . "', \n          `email_shiftinfo`=" . sql_bool($email_shiftinfo) . ", \n          `Passwort`='" . sql_escape($password_hash) . "', \n          `kommentar`='" . sql_escape($comment) . "', \n          `Hometown`='" . sql_escape($hometown) . "', \n          `CreateDate`=NOW(), \n          `Sprache`='" . sql_escape($_SESSION["locale"]) . "',\n          `arrival_date`=NULL,\n          `planned_arrival_date`= 0,\n          `mailaddress_verification_token` = '" . sql_escape($confirmationToken) . "',\n          `user_account_approved` = 0");
            // Assign user-group and set password
            $user_id = sql_id();
            sql_query("INSERT INTO `UserGroups` SET `uid`='" . sql_escape($user_id) . "', `group_id`=-2");
            set_password($user_id, $_REQUEST['password']);
            // Assign angel-types
            $user_angel_types_info = array();
            foreach ($selected_angel_types as $selected_angel_type_id) {
                sql_query("INSERT INTO `UserAngelTypes` SET `user_id`='" . sql_escape($user_id) . "', `angeltype_id`='" . sql_escape($selected_angel_type_id) . "'");
                $user_angel_types_info[] = $angel_types[$selected_angel_type_id];
            engelsystem_log("User " . $nick . " signed up as: " . join(", ", $user_angel_types_info));
            engelsystem_email($mail, _('Please confirm your eMail-address'), sprintf(_('Hello %1$s! Thanks for signing up at Engelsystem. Please confirm your eMail-address by clicking the following link: %2$s'), $mail, $confirmationTokenUrl));
            success(_("Angel registration successful! Please click the confirmation link in the eMail we sent you to activate your account."));
    return page_with_title(register_title(), array(_("By completing this form you're registering as an helper. Please enter a username/nick of your choice, your e-mail adress and your full name. Only your nick will be shown to other users."), $msg, msg(), form(array(div('row', array(div('col-md-6', array(div('row', array(div('col-sm-4', array(form_text('nick', _("Nick") . ' ' . entry_required(), $nick))), div('col-sm-8', array(form_email('mail', _("E-Mail") . ' ' . entry_required(), $mail), form_checkbox('email_shiftinfo', _("Please keep me informed by e-mail, e.g. if my shifts change"), $email_shiftinfo))), div('col-sm-4', array(form_text('prename', _("First name") . ' ' . entry_required(), $prename))), div('col-sm-4', array(form_text('lastname', _("Last name") . ' ' . entry_required(), $lastname))))), div('row', array(div('col-sm-6', array()), div('col-sm-6', array()))), div('row', array(div('col-sm-6', array(form_password('password', _("Password") . ' ' . entry_required()))), div('col-sm-6', array(form_password('password2', _("Confirm password") . ' ' . entry_required()))))))), div('col-md-6', array(div('row', array(div('col-sm-4', array(form_text('mobile', _("Mobile"), $mobile))), div('col-sm-4', array(form_text('tel', _("Phone"), $tel))))), div('row', array(div('col-sm-3', array(form_text('age', _("Age"), $age))), div('col-sm-6', array(form_text('comment', _("Additional Information(Language / Profession)"), $comment))))), form_info(entry_required() . ' = ' . _("Entry required!")))))), form_submit('submit', _("Register"))))));
 * User password recovery.
 * (By email)
function user_password_recovery_controller()
    if (isset($_REQUEST['token'])) {
        $user_source = User_by_password_recovery_token($_REQUEST['token']);
        if ($user_source === false) {
            engelsystem_error("Unable to load user.");
        if ($user_source == null) {
            error(_("Token is not correct."));
        if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
            $ok = true;
            if (isset($_REQUEST['password']) && strlen($_REQUEST['password']) >= MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH) {
                if ($_REQUEST['password'] != $_REQUEST['password2']) {
                    $ok = false;
                    error(_("Your passwords don't match."));
            } else {
                $ok = false;
                error(_("Your password is to short (please use at least 6 characters)."));
            if ($ok) {
                $result = set_password($user_source['UID'], $_REQUEST['password']);
                if ($result === false) {
                    engelsystem_error(_("Password could not be updated."));
                success(_("Password saved."));
        return User_password_set_view();
    } else {
        if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
            $ok = true;
            if (isset($_REQUEST['email']) && strlen(strip_request_item('email')) > 0) {
                $email = strip_request_item('email');
                if (check_email($email)) {
                    $user_source = User_by_email($email);
                    if ($user_source === false) {
                        engelsystem_error("Unable to load user.");
                    if ($user_source == null) {
                        $ok = false;
                        error(_("E-mail address is not correct."));
                } else {
                    $ok = false;
                    error(_("E-mail address is not correct."));
            } else {
                $ok = false;
                error(_("Please enter your e-mail."));
            if ($ok) {
                $token = User_generate_password_recovery_token($user_source);
                if ($token === false) {
                    engelsystem_error("Unable to generate password recovery token.");
                $result = engelsystem_email_to_user($user_source, _("Password recovery"), sprintf(_("Please visit %s to recover your password."), page_link_to_absolute('user_password_recovery') . '&token=' . $token));
                if ($result === false) {
                    engelsystem_error("Unable to send password recovery email.");
                success(_("We sent an email containing your password recovery link."));
        return User_password_recovery_view();
function guest_login()
    global $user, $privileges;
    $nick = "";
    // unset($_SESSION['uid']);
    if (isset($user) && isset($_SESSION['uid'])) {
        //assume that a safe loggedin
    if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
        $ok = true;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['nick']) && strlen(User_validate_Nick($_REQUEST['nick'])) > 0) {
            $nick = User_validate_Nick($_REQUEST['nick']);
            $login_user = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `User` WHERE `Nick`='" . sql_escape($nick) . "'");
            if (count($login_user) > 0) {
                $login_user = $login_user[0];
                if (isset($_REQUEST['password'])) {
                    if (!verify_password($_REQUEST['password'], $login_user['Passwort'], $login_user['UID'])) {
                        $ok = false;
                        error(_("Your password is incorrect.  Please try it again."));
                    } else {
                        //password is okay, check confirmaiton
                        if ($login_user['user_account_approved'] !== '1') {
                            $ok = false;
                            error(_("Your account is not confirmed yet. Please click the link in the mail we sent you. To resend your verification E-Mail click ") . "<a href=\"" . page_link_to_absolute('user_resend_verification_token') . '&uid=' . $login_user['UID'] . "\">" . _("here") . "</a>." . _("If you didn't get an eMail, ask a dispatcher."));
                } else {
                    $ok = false;
                    error(_("Please enter a password."));
            } else {
                $ok = false;
                error(_("No user was found with that Nickname. Please try again. If you are still having problems, ask an Dispatcher."));
        } else {
            $ok = false;
            error(_("Please enter a nickname."));
        if ($ok) {
            $_SESSION['uid'] = $login_user['UID'];
            $_SESSION['locale'] = $login_user['Sprache'];
    if (in_array('register', $privileges)) {
        $register_hint = join('', array('<p>' . _("Please sign up, if you want to help us!") . '</p>', buttons(array(button(page_link_to('register'), register_title() . ' &raquo;')))));
    } else {
        $register_hint = join('', array(error(_('Registration is disabled.'), true)));
    return page_with_title(login_title(), array(msg(), '<div class="row"><div class="col-md-6">', form(array(form_text('nick', _("Nick"), $nick), form_password('password', _("Password")), form_submit('submit', _("Login")), buttons(array(button(page_link_to('user_password_recovery'), _("I forgot my password")), button(page_link_to('user_resend_verification_token'), _("Request E-Mail verification token")))), info(_("Please note: You have to activate cookies!"), true))), '</div></div>'));
function user_send_verification_email($mail, $confirmationToken)
    global $customization;
    $confirmationTokenUrl = page_link_to_absolute('user_activate_account') . '&token=' . $confirmationToken;
    $signature = $customization['instance_name'];
    $mailText = _('Hello %1$s! Thanks for signing up at Engelsystem. Please confirm your eMail-address by clicking the following link: %2$s %3$s');
    engelsystem_email($mail, _('Please confirm your eMail-address'), sprintf($mailText, $mail, $confirmationTokenUrl, $signature));