function write2logfile($text, $site = 'Unknown') { if (function_exists("ownLog_writeToLog")) { ownLog_writeToLog($text); return true; } if (!file_exists("data/dontlog")) { $txt = "\n[" . date('d/m/Y H:i:s') . "] " . $site . ": " . $text; $log = fopen("data/log.txt", 'a') or die("Couldn't open log file"); fwrite($log, $txt); fclose($log); } }
<?php // This example site.php uses the package "multiSite" to display mutliple sites. // We recommend using the package "multiSite2" for this. if (!isset($permittedCall)) { echo "Please don't open this page directly!"; exit; } // Include the scriptfile (site.script.php) include scriptfile(); // Include the packages include package("ownLog"); include package("multiSite"); include package("tiles"); ownLog_clearLog(); ownLog_writeToLog("This is a test!"); write2logfile("I'm writing to the ownLog log!"); if (multiSite_Site("main")) { ?> Hello <?php echo $api->getSynchroUsername(); ?> ! You mail is: <?php echo $api->getMail(); ?> <br> This plugin is just a test. 'Real' plugins will come in the future!<br> Pluginname: <?php echo getValue(readSDB("examplePlugin.sdb"), "NAME"); ?>