  * AJAX utility function for adding a new layout.
 public function add_layout()
     echo ot_layout_view($_REQUEST['count']);
 function ot_type_modify_layouts()
     echo '<form method="post" id="option-tree-settings-form">';
     /* form nonce */
     wp_nonce_field('option_tree_modify_layouts_form', 'option_tree_modify_layouts_nonce');
     /* format setting outer wrapper */
     echo '<div class="format-setting type-textarea has-desc">';
     /* description */
     echo '<div class="description">';
     echo '<p>' . __('To add a new layout enter a unique lower case alphanumeric string (dashes allowed) in the text field and click "Save Layouts".', 'option-tree') . '</p>';
     echo '<p>' . __('As well, you can activate, remove, and drag & drop the order; all situations require you to click "Save Layouts" for the changes to be applied.', 'option-tree') . '</p>';
     echo '<p>' . __('When you create a new layout it will become active and any changes made to the Theme Options will be applied to it. If you switch back to a different layout immediately after creating a new layout that new layout will have a snapshot of the current Theme Options data attached to it.', 'option-tree') . '</p>';
     if (OT_SHOW_DOCS) {
         echo '<p>' . __('Visit <code>OptionTree->Documentation->Layouts Overview</code> to see a more in-depth description of what layouts are and how to use them.', 'option-tree') . '</p>';
     echo '</div>';
     echo '<div class="format-setting-inner">';
     /* get the saved layouts */
     $layouts = get_option(ot_layouts_id());
     /* set active layout */
     $active_layout = isset($layouts['active_layout']) ? $layouts['active_layout'] : '';
     echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . ot_layouts_id() . '[active_layout]" value="' . esc_attr($active_layout) . '" class="active-layout-input" />';
     /* add new layout */
     echo '<input type="text" name="' . ot_layouts_id() . '[_add_new_layout_]" value="" class="widefat option-tree-ui-input" autocomplete="off" />';
     /* loop through each layout */
     echo '<ul class="option-tree-setting-wrap option-tree-sortable" id="option_tree_layouts">';
     if (is_array($layouts) && !empty($layouts)) {
         foreach ($layouts as $key => $data) {
             /* skip active layout array */
             if ($key == 'active_layout') {
             /* content */
             echo '<li class="ui-state-default list-layouts">' . ot_layout_view($key, $data, $active_layout) . '</li>';
     echo '</ul>';
     echo '<button class="option-tree-ui-button button button-primary right hug-right">' . __('Save Layouts', 'option-tree') . '</button>';
     echo '</div>';
     echo '</div>';
     echo '</form>';