function do_search($name, $search_aliases = false) { global $currentconfig; global $currentconfignumber; global $coddb; global $t; global $text; $count = 0; $link = baselink(); $query = "SELECT {$t['b3_clients']}.name, {$t['players']}.id, {$t['players']}.fixed_name,\n {$t['players']}.hide \n FROM {$t['b3_clients']}, {$t['players']}\n WHERE ({$t['b3_clients']}.id = {$t['players']}.client_id)\n AND ( \n ({$t['b3_clients']}.name LIKE \"%{$name}%\")\n OR\n ({$t['players']}.fixed_name LIKE \"%{$name}%\")\n )\n AND {$t['players']}.hide = 0"; $result = $coddb->sql_query($query); opentablerow('100'); echo "<td>" . $text["currentplnames"] . "<td></tr><tr>"; while ($row = $coddb->sql_fetchrow($result)) { opentablecell('100'); if ($row['fixed_name'] == "") { echo "<a href=\"{$link}?func=player&playerid={$row['id']}&config={$currentconfignumber}\">" . htmlspecialchars(utf2iso($row['name'])) . "</a><br/>"; $count++; } else { if (stristr($row['fixed_name'], $name)) { echo "<a href=\"{$link}?func=player&playerid={$row['id']}&config={$currentconfignumber}\">" . htmlspecialchars(utf2iso($row['fixed_name'])) . "</a><br/>"; $count++; } } closetablecell(); echo "</tr><tr>"; } closetablerow(); if ($search_aliases == "true") { $query = "SELECT {$t['b3_aliases']}.alias, {$t['b3_clients']}.name, {$t['players']}.id\n FROM {$t['b3_aliases']}, {$t['b3_clients']}, {$t['players']}\n WHERE ({$t['b3_aliases']}.alias LIKE \"%{$name}%\")\n AND {$t['b3_aliases']}.client_id = {$t['b3_clients']}.id\n AND {$t['b3_clients']}.id = {$t['players']}.client_id\n AND {$t['players']}.hide = 0\n AND {$t['players']}.fixed_name = '' "; $result = $coddb->sql_query($query); if ($coddb->sql_numrows($result) > 0) { echo "Alias results:<br/>"; } opentablerow('100'); echo "<td>Search results (aliase -> current playername)<td></tr><tr>"; while ($row = $coddb->sql_fetchrow($result)) { opentablecell('100'); echo "{$row['alias']} -> <a href=\"{$link}?func=player&playerid={$row['id']}&config={$currentconfignumber}\">{$row['name']}</a><br/>"; $count++; closetablecell(); echo "</tr><tr>"; } closetablerow(); } return $count; }
function player_compare_item($player1, $player2, $citem = "skill", $cbar = true, $switchwinner = false, $columns = 1) { global $separatorline; global $ccounter1; global $ccounter2; global $main_width; $cwidth = $main_width / $columns - 200; if (!is_numeric($player1[$citem]) || !is_numeric($player2[$citem])) { $cbar = false; $cclass1 = "innertable"; $cclass2 = "innertable"; } else { if ($player1[$citem] >= $player2[$citem]) { if (is_numeric($player1[$citem])) { $player1perc = 1; $player2perc = $player2[$citem] / $player1[$citem]; } $cclass1 = "innertable"; $cbarcolor1 = "green"; $cclass2 = "attention"; $cbarcolor2 = "red"; $ccounter2++; } else { if (is_numeric($player1[$citem])) { $player1perc = $player1[$citem] / $player2[$citem]; $player2perc = 1; } $cclass1 = "attention"; $cbarcolor1 = "red"; $cclass2 = "innertable"; $cbarcolor2 = "green"; $ccounter1++; } if ($switchwinner) { if ($cclass1 == "attention") { $cclass1 = "innertable"; $cbarcolor1 = "green"; $cclass2 = "attention"; $cbarcolor2 = "red"; $ccounter2++; $ccounter1--; } else { $cclass1 = "attention"; $cbarcolor1 = "red"; $cclass2 = "innertable"; $cbarcolor2 = "green"; $ccounter1++; $ccounter2--; } } } opentablerow(100); echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\" class=\"innertable\">"; if ($cbar) { $temp1 = sprintf("%.2f", $player1perc) * 100; $temp2 = sprintf("%.2f", $player2perc) * 100; echo "<tr height=\"10\" class=\"outertable\"><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">" . ucfirst($citem) . "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr height=\"10\"><td class={$cclass1} width=\"140\" align=\"left\">" . htmlspecialchars(utf2iso($player1['name'])) . "</td><td class={$cclass1} width=\"60\" align=\"left\">" . $player1[$citem] . "</td><td width=\"{$cwidth}\" class={$cclass1} align=\"left\"><img src=\"images/bars/bar-small/" . $cbarcolor1 . "_middle_9.gif\" height=\"9\" width=\"" . $player1perc * $cwidth . "\" title=\"" . $temp1 . "%\"></td></tr>"; if ($separatorline == 1) { echo "<tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"outertable\"><img src=\"images/spacer.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\" alt=\"\"></td></tr>"; } // This draws a one pixel line between rows echo "<tr height=\"10\"><td class={$cclass2} width=\"140\" align=\"left\">" . htmlspecialchars(utf2iso($player2['name'])) . "</td><td class={$cclass2} width=\"60\" align=\"left\">" . $player2[$citem] . "</td><td width=\"{$cwidth}\" class={$cclass2} align=\"left\"><img src=\"images/bars/bar-small/" . $cbarcolor2 . "_middle_9.gif\" height=\"9\" width=\"" . $player2perc * $cwidth . "\" title=\"" . $temp2 . "%\"></td></tr>"; } elseif ($citem == "country") { echo "<tr height=\"10\" class=\"outertable\"><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">" . ucfirst($citem) . "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr height=\"10\"><td class={$cclass1} width=\"140\" align=\"left\">" . htmlspecialchars(utf2iso($player1['name'])) . "</td><td class={$cclass1} width=\"60\" align=\"center\">" . $player1['flag'] . "</td></tr>"; if ($separatorline == 1) { echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"outertable\"><img src=\"images/spacer.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\" alt=\"\"></td></tr>"; } // This draws a one pixel line between rows echo "<tr height=\"10\"><td class={$cclass2} width=\"140\" align=\"left\">" . htmlspecialchars(utf2iso($player2['name'])) . "</td><td class={$cclass2} width=\"60\" align=\"center\">" . $player2['flag'] . "</td></tr>"; } else { echo "<tr height=\"10\" class=\"outertable\"><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">" . ucfirst($citem) . "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr height=\"10\"><td class={$cclass1} width=\"140\" align=\"left\">" . htmlspecialchars(utf2iso($player1['name'])) . "</td><td class={$cclass1} width=\"60\" align=\"left\">" . $player1[$citem] . "</td></tr>"; if ($separatorline == 1) { echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"outertable\"><img src=\"images/spacer.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\" alt=\"\"></td></tr>"; } // This draws a one pixel line between rows echo "<tr height=\"10\"><td class={$cclass2} width=\"140\" align=\"left\">" . htmlspecialchars(utf2iso($player2['name'])) . "</td><td class={$cclass2} width=\"60\" align=\"left\">" . $player2[$citem] . "</td></tr>"; } closetablerow(); }
if (isset($_SESSION['currentconfignumber'])) { $currentconfignumber = $_SESSION['currentconfignumber']; $currentconfig = "../config/statsconfig" . $currentconfignumber . ".php"; } // double check config number found point to an existing config file or fallback to config 1 if (!file_exists($currentconfig)) { $currentconfig = "config/statsconfig1.php"; $currentconfignumber = 1; } } require_once $currentconfig; // pop should hold the subdir depth of this file in relation to the xlrstats root. $pop = 1; include "../languages/languages.php"; displaysimpleheader(1); opentablerow('100'); opentablecell('100'); echo "<h1 align=\"center\">XLRstats - Signature Builder </h1>"; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if (strlen($_POST['id']) == 0) { die("Please enter a player ID"); } $ptemp = explode("/", GetFileDir($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])); array_pop($ptemp); array_pop($ptemp); $link = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . implode("/", $ptemp); extract($_POST, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "in"); $in_id = stripslashes($in_id); $player_id = $in_id; if ($currentconfignumber != 0) { $url = $link . "/sig/?config=" . $currentconfignumber . "&id=" . urlencode($player_id);