// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation.
$vars = $this->vars;
//print "<font color=\"blue\">";
//$myChkList = new chklist($vars, "ID_COMMENTPROTO");
//print_r ($myChkList->getSelected ());
//			foreach ( $vars as $key=>$value )
//			{
//			print "<li>\$key $key => \$value $value</li>\n";
//			}
//Callback method de vérification
//print "</font>";
require_once "../inc/db_funcs.php";
$tmpDb = openDb();
$dirName = queryOneDb($tmpDb, "SELECT ATAB_REP_VCH FROM ATAB WHERE ATAB_NOMTBL_CKEY_VCH='" . $this->getVar("ATAB_NOMTBL_CKEY_VCH") . "'");
//Redirection Explications -------------------------------------
if (isset($vars['Explications'])) {
    require_once "HTML/Page.php";
    require_once "MOEUVREPROTO_def.php";
    require_once "../inc/html_settings.php";
    $page = new HTML_Page(array('lineend' => 'unix', 'doctype' => 'XHTML 1.0 Strict', 'language' => 'fr', 'cache' => 'false'));
    //	$page->addStyleSheet($css_style);
    $page->setTitle('Phpaie -(EXplications)-');
    // A modifier absolument 2 requêtes	suivantes à fusionner.
    $buffer = MOEUVREPROTO::fetchOne("MOEUVREPROTO_EXPLIC_TE", "where ATAB_NOMTBL_CKEY_VCH ='" . $this->getVar("ATAB_NOMTBL_CKEY_VCH") . "'", "");
    $ind = MOEUVREPROTO::fetchOne("ID_MOEUVREPROTO", "where ATAB_NOMTBL_CKEY_VCH ='" . $this->getVar("ATAB_NOMTBL_CKEY_VCH") . "'", "");
    $page->addBodyContent("<p align=\"center\"><font face=\"Arial\"><b><a href=\"Javascript:history.go(-1)\">retour</a></b></font></p>\n");
    $page->addBodyContent("<table border=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCFF\" width=\"100%\"><caption>Pr&eacute;sentation</caption><tbody><tr><td>[" . $this->getVar("ATAB_NOMTBL_CKEY_VCH") . "] (Package :" . $dirName . ")</td></tr></tbody></table>");
 function checkNToNDbVars($TABLE_TO)
     include_once "db_funcs.php";
     $link = openDb();
     // Caractère de liaison URL/QueryString
     $start_query = isset($GLOBALS[QUERY_STRING]) && $GLOBALS[QUERY_STRING] != "" ? "&" : "?";
     $l_result = mysql_query("SELECT ID_{$this->name} from {$this->name}{$TABLE_TO} WHERE ID_{$TABLE_TO} = " . $this->vars["ID_" . $TABLE_TO] . ";");
     $l_num_rows = mysql_num_rows($l_result);
     // récupérer les valeurs de check modifiées
     while ($l_a_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($l_result)) {
         while (list($key, $value) = each($l_a_row)) {
             $founded[$value] = "CHECKED";
     $req = "";
     foreach ($this->vars as $key => $value) {
         if ($value != "" && (strstr($key, "{$this}->name_") || !strcmp($key, "ID_{$this->name}") || !strcmp($key, "ID_VERSION"))) {
             if (ereg("_TI\$", $key) || ereg("_SI\$", $key) || ereg("_MI\$", $key) || ereg("_I\$", $key) || ereg("_BI\$", $key) || ereg("_F\$", $key) || ereg("_DO\$", $key) || ereg("_DE\$", $key) || ereg("^ID_", $key)) {
                 $req .= "{$key}={$value} AND ";
             } else {
                 // Le 'LIKE' est de parti pris
                 $req .= "{$key} LIKE '{$value}%' AND ";
         // fabriquer une chaine avec select * where S_XXXX =$this->vars[S_XXXX] (ou $value) AND ...
         // pour parvenir à la requête voulue
     if ($req != "") {
         $req = "SELECT * FROM {$this->name} where " . ereg_replace(" AND \$", "", $req);
     } else {
         // Si aucun champ n'est rempli on prend tout
         $req = "SELECT * FROM {$this->name}";
     // Gestion du tri des colonnes => effacer l'éventuel critère précédent
     if (isset($GLOBALS['ORDER']) && $GLOBALS['ORDER'] != "") {
         $req .= " ORDER BY " . $GLOBALS['ORDER'];
         $GLOBALS[REQUEST_URI] = str_replace(strstr($GLOBALS[REQUEST_URI], $start_query . "ORDER"), "", $GLOBALS[REQUEST_URI]);
     //    print "<H1>$req </H1><BR>";
     $count_id = 0;
     $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM GESTAB WHERE GESTAB_NOMTBL_CKEY_VCH = '{$this->name}'");
     // Aller chercher dans la table Gestab
     print "<table border=1 WIDTH=\"800\">\n";
     print "<tr>\n";
     while ($a_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         $colonnes[$a_row[GESTAB_NOMCOL_KEY_VCH]] = new Attributs($a_row[GESTAB_LNK_VCH] == "ON" ? 1 : 0, $a_row[GESTAB_VIS_VCH] == "ON" ? 1 : 0, $a_row[GESTAB_LARG_I]);
         // Il y a au mois 1 lien visible
         $count_id |= $a_row[GESTAB_VIS_VCH] == "ON" && $a_row[GESTAB_LNK_VCH] == "ON" ? 1 : 0;
         while (list($key, $value) = each($a_row)) {
             if ($key == "GESTAB_TITRE_VCH" && $a_row[GESTAB_VIS_VCH] == "ON") {
                 print "\t<td bgcolor=\"#808000\"><a href=\"" . $GLOBALS[REQUEST_URI] . $start_query . "ORDER=" . $a_row[GESTAB_NOMCOL_KEY_VCH] . "\" class=\"tablelink\">{$value}</a></td>\n";
     // Afficher une colonne avec bouton suppression
     $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ATAB WHERE ATAB_NOMTBL_CKEY_VCH = '{$this->name}'");
     $a_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
     $colonnes["ATAB_CHKSELECT_"] = new Attributs(1, $a_row["ATAB_CHKSELECT"] == "ON", 10);
     // Afficher une colonne avec bouton selection
     $colonnes["ATAB_SELECT_"] = new Attributs(1, $a_row["ATAB_SELECT"] == "ON", 10);
     // Il n'y a pas de lien visible
     if (!$count_id && !$colonnes["ATAB_CHKSELECT_"]->visible && !$colonnes["ATAB_SELECT_"]) {
         $colonnes["id"] = new Attributs(1, 1, 10);
         print "   <td bgcolor=\"#887799\">ID</td>\n";
     if ($colonnes["ATAB_CHKSELECT_"]->visible) {
         print "   <td bgcolor=\"#887799\">Lier</td>\n";
     if ($colonnes["ATAB_SELECT_"]->visible) {
         print "   <td bgcolor=\"#887799\">selection</td>\n";
     print "</tr>\n";
     $result = mysql_query("{$req}");
     $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
     while ($a_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         print "<tr>\n";
         while (list($key, $value) = each($a_row)) {
             if ($colonnes[$key]->visible) {
                 if ($value == "") {
                     $value = "&nbsp;";
                 if ($colonnes[$key]->id) {
                     print "\t<td><a href=\"../{$this->directory}/{$this}->name_1.php?ID=" . $a_row["ID_{$this->name}"] . "\">{$value}</a></td>\n";
                 } else {
                     print "\t<td>{$value}</td>\n";
         if ($colonnes["ATAB_CHKSELECT_"]->visible) {
             $NID = $a_row["{$name_index}"];
             print "        <td align=\"center\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"CHK_{$NID}\" value=\"{$founded[$NID]}\" {$founded[$NID]} >\n";
             print "        \t\t\t <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"WAS_{$NID}\" value=\"{$founded[$NID]}\"  size=\"20\"> </td>\n";
         if ($colonnes["ATAB_SELECT_"]->visible) {
             print "\t<td><a href=\"../->directory/.php?ID=" . $a_row["{$name_index}"] . "\">Select.</a></td>\n";
         print "</tr>\n";
     print "</table>\n";
     print "<p>Cette séléction comprend {$num_rows} enregistrement(s)</p>";
     return 0;
         # foreach
         # zet de page title
         $pagetitle .= "spot: " . $xmlar['title'];
         #- display stuff -#
         template('spotinfo', array('spot' => $xmlar, 'comments' => $comments));
     } catch (Exception $x) {
     # else
     # getspot
 # getspot
 case 'getnzb':
     $db = openDb();
     $spot = $db->getSpot($req->getDef('messageid', ''));
     $spot = $spot[0];
     try {
         $hdr_spotnntp = new SpotNntp($settings['nntp_hdr']['host'], $settings['nntp_hdr']['enc'], $settings['nntp_hdr']['port'], $settings['nntp_hdr']['user'], $settings['nntp_hdr']['pass']);
         if ($settings['nntp_hdr']['host'] == $settings['nntp_nzb']['host']) {
             $nzb_spotnntp = $hdr_spotnntp;
         } else {
             $nzb_spotnntp = new SpotNntp($settings['nntp_nzb']['host'], $settings['nntp_nzb']['enc'], $settings['nntp_nzb']['port'], $settings['nntp_nzb']['user'], $settings['nntp_nzb']['pass']);
         # else
         $header = $hdr_spotnntp->getHeader('<' . $spot['messageid'] . '>');
         $xml = '';
function selectAccountById($id)
    $connection = openDb();
    //Using prepared statements:
    $id = (int) $id;
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE ID = ?";
    $stmt = $connection->stmt_init();
    if (!$stmt->prepare($sql)) {
        return false;
    $stmt->bind_param("i", $id);
    return executeQueryPrepared($stmt, $connection, true);