public static function hookEventCreate($event) { sfContext::getInstance()->getConfiguration()->loadHelpers(array('Asset', 'opUtil')); $uri = sfContext::getInstance()->getConfiguration()->generateAppUrl('pc_frontend', array('sf_route' => 'communityEvent_show', 'id' => $event->id), true); $title = op_truncate($event->name, 140 - 23 - 4 - 2); self::api()->post('statuses/update', array('status' => sprintf('[イベント] %s %s', $title, $uri))); }
function op_api_diary($diary) { if ($diary) { $body = preg_replace(array('/<op:.*?>/', '/<\\/op:.*?>/'), '', $diary->getBody()); $body = preg_replace('/http.:\\/\\/maps\\.google\\.co[[:graph:]]*/', '', $body); $bodyShort = op_truncate($body, 60); $body = op_auto_link_text($body); return array('id' => $diary->getId(), 'member' => op_api_member($diary->getMember()), 'title' => $diary->getTitle(), 'body' => nl2br(op_api_diary_convert_emoji($body)), 'body_short' => nl2br(op_api_diary_convert_emoji($bodyShort)), 'public_flag' => $diary->getPublicFlag(), 'ago' => op_format_activity_time(strtotime($diary->getCreatedAt())), 'created_at' => $diary->getCreatedAt()); } }
protected function countTestData($namespace, $name, $isEscaped, $truncateOption = array()) { if ($isEscaped) { $string = $this->getEscapedTestData($namespace, $name); } else { $string = $this->getRawTestData($namespace, $name); } if ($truncateOption) { if (!is_array($truncateOption)) { $truncateOption = array(); } $width = isset($truncateOption['width']) ? $truncateOption['width'] : 80; $etc = isset($truncateOption['etc']) ? $truncateOption['etc'] : ''; $rows = isset($truncateOption['rows']) ? $truncateOption['rows'] : 1; $string = op_truncate($string, $width, $etc, $rows); } return substr_count($this->response->getContent(), $string); }
function output($section_name, $config, $op, $return = false) { global $post; $defaults = array('before' => '', 'after' => '', 'ulclass' => '', 'post_id' => 0); $config = wp_parse_args($config, $defaults); extract($config); $ulclass = $ulclass == '' ? '' : ' class="' . $ulclass . '"'; $post_id = $post_id > 0 ? $post_id : $post->ID; if ($post_tags = get_the_tags($post_id)) { $tmp_post = $post; $tags = array(); foreach ($post_tags as $tag) { $tags[] = $tag->term_id; } $related_posts = get_posts(array('tag__in' => $tags, 'numberposts' => 4, 'exclude' => $post_id)); $html = ''; foreach ($related_posts as $related) { if ($related->ID == $post_id) { continue; } $url = get_permalink($related->ID); $cn = get_comments_number($related->ID); $title = get_the_title($related->ID); $comments = sprintf(_n('1 Comment', '%1$s Comments', $cn, OP_SN), number_format_i18n($cn)); $atag = ' href="' . $url . '" rel="bookmark" title="' . sprintf(esc_attr__('Permalink to %s', OP_SN), esc_attr($title)) . '"'; $img = ''; $class = ''; if (has_post_thumbnail($related->ID)) { $img = '<a' . $atag . ' class="thumbnail">' . get_the_post_thumbnail($related->ID, 'small-image') . '</a>'; } else { $class = ' class="no-thumbnail"'; } $html .= '<li' . $class . '>' . $img . '<h4><a' . $atag . '>' . op_truncate($title) . '</a></h4><a href="' . get_comments_link($related->ID) . '">' . $comments . '</a></li>'; } if (!empty($html)) { $html = $before . '<ul' . $ulclass . '>' . $html . '</ul>' . $after; } $post = $tmp_post; if ($return) { return $html; } echo $html; } }
function op_api_message($messageList, $member, $useIsReadFlag = false) { $message = $messageList->getSendMessageData(); $body = preg_replace(array('/<op:.*?>/', '/<\\/op:.*?>/'), '', $message->getBody()); $body = preg_replace('/http.:\\/\\/maps\\.google\\.co[[:graph:]]*/', '', $body); $body = op_auto_link_text($body); $imagePath = null; $imageTag = null; $image = $message->getMessageFile(); if (0 < count($image)) { $imageTag = image_tag_sf_image($image[0]->getFile(), array('size' => '76x76')); $imagePath = sf_image_path($image[0]->getFile()); } $data = array('id' => $message->getId(), 'member' => op_api_member($member), 'subject' => $message->getSubject(), 'body' => nl2br($body), 'summary' => op_truncate(op_decoration($body, true), 25, '...'), 'image_path' => $imagePath, 'image_tag' => $imageTag, 'created_at' => $message->getCreatedAt(), 'formatted_date' => get_formatted_date($message->getCreatedAt())); if ($useIsReadFlag) { $data['is_read'] = $messageList->isSelf() ? (bool) $messageList->getIsRead() : null; } return $data; }
function op_api_diary($diary, $option = null) { if ($diary) { //モデルクラス内でsns_termの値が取れずgetPublicFlagLabelでコケるため,緊急処置(see #3502, #3503) Doctrine::getTable('SnsTerm')->configure('ja_JP', 'pc_frontend'); $data = array('id' => $diary->id, 'member' => op_api_member($diary->getMember()), 'title' => $diary->title, 'public_flag' => $diary->getPublicFlagLabel(), 'created_at' => $diary->created_at); if ('short' == $option) { $bodyShort = op_truncate(op_decoration($diary->body, true), 60); if (mb_strlen($diary->body) >= 60) { $bodyShort .= '…'; } $data['body_short'] = op_api_diary_convert_emoji($bodyShort); } else { $body = op_auto_link_text(op_decoration($diary->body)); $data['body'] = nl2br(op_api_diary_convert_emoji($body)); $images = $diary->getDiaryImages(); foreach ($images as $image) { $data['images'][] = op_api_diary_image($image); } } return $data; } }
</td> </tr><tr> <th><?php echo __('Title'); ?> </th><td><?php echo op_diary_get_title_and_count($diary); echo op_diary_image_icon($diary); ?> </td> </tr><tr> <th><?php echo __('Body'); ?> </th><td><?php echo op_truncate(op_decoration($diary->body, true), 36, '', 3); ?> </td> </tr><tr class="operation"> <th><?php echo __('Created at'); ?> </th><td><span class="text"><?php echo op_format_date($diary->created_at, 'XDateTimeJa'); ?> </span> <span class="moreInfo"><?php echo link_to(__('View this diary'), 'diary_show', $diary); ?> </span></td> </tr></tbody></table></div></div> <?php
op_mobile_page_title(__('Recently Posted %Community% Events')); ?> <?php if ($pager->getNbResults()) { use_helper('Date'); ?> <center> <?php echo pager_total($pager); ?> </center> <?php $list = array(); foreach ($pager->getResults() as $event) { $list[] = sprintf("%s<br>%s (%s)", op_format_date($event->getUpdatedAt(), 'XDateTime'), link_to(sprintf("%s(%d)", op_truncate($event->getName(), 28), $event->getCommunityEventComment()->count()), '@communityEvent_show?id=' . $event->getId()), op_truncate($event->getCommunity()->getName(), 28)); } $options = array('border' => true); op_include_list('communityList', $list, $options); ?> <?php if ($pager->haveToPaginate()) { op_include_pager_navigation($pager, '@communityEvent_recently_event_list?page=%d', array('is_total' => false)); } ?> <?php }
<?php use_helper('opMessage'); echo op_format_date($message->getCreatedAt(), 'XDateTime'); ?> <br> <?php echo sprintf('%s (%s)', link_to(op_truncate($message->getSubject(), 28), '@readDustMessage?id=' . $message->getViewMessageId()), op_message_link_to_member($message->getSendFromOrTo()));
<?php use_helper('opMessage'); echo op_format_date($message->getCreatedAt(), 'XDateTime'); ?> <br> <?php echo sprintf('%s (%s)', link_to(op_truncate($message->getSubject(), 28), '@readSendMessage?id=' . $message->getId()), op_message_link_to_member($message->getSendTo()));
<?php $acl = opCommunityTopicAclBuilder::buildCollection($community, array($sf_user->getMember())); ?> <?php if ($acl->isAllowed($sf_user->getMemberId(), null, 'view')) { use_helper('Date'); $list = array(); foreach ($communityEvents as $communityEvent) { $list[] = sprintf("[%s] %s", op_format_date($communityEvent->getUpdatedAt(), 'XShortDate'), link_to(sprintf("%s(%d)", op_truncate($communityEvent->getName(), 28), $communityEvent->getCommunityEventComment()->count()), '@communityEvent_show?id=' . $communityEvent->getId())); } $moreInfo = array(); if (count($communityEvents)) { $moreInfo[] = link_to(__('More'), '@communityEvent_list_community?id=' . $community->getId()); } if ($acl->isAllowed($sf_user->getMemberId(), null, 'add')) { $moreInfo[] = link_to(__('Create a new event'), '@communityEvent_new?id=' . $community->getId()); } $option = array('title' => __('Recently Posted This %Community% Events'), 'border' => true, 'moreInfo' => $moreInfo); op_include_list('communityEvent', $list, $option); }
function op_bbs_get_title_and_count($bbs, $space = true, $width = 36) { return sprintf('%s%s(%d)', op_truncate($bbs->getTitle(), $width), $space ? ' ' : '', $bbs->countBbsComments()); }
if ($pager->getNbResults()) { ?> <center> <?php echo pager_total($pager); ?> </center> <?php $list = array(); foreach ($pager->getResults() as $topic) { $list_str = op_format_date($topic->getUpdatedAt(), 'XDateTime'); if ($topic->isEditable($sf_user->getMemberId())) { $list_str .= sprintf(' [%s]', link_to(__('Edit'), '@communityTopic_edit?id=' . $topic->getId())); } $list_str .= '<br>' . link_to(sprintf("%s(%d)", op_truncate($topic->getName(), 28), $topic->getCommunityTopicComment()->count()), '@communityTopic_show?id=' . $topic->getId()); $list[] = $list_str; } $options = array('border' => true); op_include_list('communityTopicList', $list, $options); ?> <?php if ($pager->haveToPaginate()) { op_include_pager_navigation($pager, 'communityTopic/listCommunity?id=' . $community->getId() . '&page=%d', array('is_total' => false)); } ?> <?php } else { ?>
<?php use_helper('opMessage'); echo op_format_date($message->getCreatedAt(), 'XDateTime'); ?> <br> <?php echo sprintf('%s (%s)', $message->getSendTo()->getId() ? link_to(op_truncate($message->getSubject(), 28), 'message/edit?id=' . $message->getId()) : op_truncate($message->getSubject(), 28), op_message_link_to_member($message->getSendTo()));
</th> <td> <?php if ($count = count($communityEvents)) { ?> <ul class="articleList"> <?php foreach ($communityEvents as $key => $communityEvent) { ?> <li> <span class="date"><?php echo op_format_date($communityEvent->getUpdatedAt(), 'XShortDateJa'); ?> </span> <?php echo link_to(sprintf('%s(%d)', op_truncate($communityEvent->getName(), 36), $communityEvent->getCommunityEventComment()->count()), '@communityEvent_show?id=' . $communityEvent->getId()); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> <div class="moreInfo"> <ul class="moreInfo"> <?php if ($count) { ?> <li><?php
/** * This file is part of the OpenPNE package. * (c) OpenPNE Project ( * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file and the NOTICE file that were distributed with this source code. */ function op_album_get_title_and_count($album, $space = true, $width = 36) { return sprintf('%s%s', op_truncate($album->getTitle(), $width), $space ? ' ' : ''); }
op_mobile_page_title(__('Recently Posted %Community% Topics')); ?> <?php if ($pager->getNbResults()) { use_helper('Date'); ?> <center> <?php echo pager_total($pager); ?> </center> <?php $list = array(); foreach ($pager->getResults() as $topic) { $list[] = sprintf("%s<br>%s (%s)", op_format_date($topic->getUpdatedAt(), 'XDateTime'), link_to(sprintf("%s(%d)", op_truncate($topic->getName(), 28), $topic->getCommunityTopicComment()->count()), 'communityTopic_show', $topic), op_truncate($topic->getCommunity()->getName(), 28)); } $options = array('border' => true); op_include_list('communityList', $list, $options); ?> <?php if ($pager->haveToPaginate()) { op_include_pager_navigation($pager, '@communityTopic_recently_topic_list?page=%d', array('is_total' => false)); } ?> <?php }
for ($i = 0; $i < $memberList['number']; $i++) { $member = $memberList['model'][$i]; $list[$i][__('No%0%', array('%0%' => $memberList['rank'][$i]))] = __('%0% :%1% access', array('%0%' => link_to($member->getName(), 'member/profile?id='.$member->getId()), '%1%' => $memberList['count'][$i])); if (sfConfig::get('app_ranking_display_self_introduction', false)) { $selfintoroCaption = __('Self Introduction'); $selfintoro = $member->getProfile('op_preset_self_introduction'); if ($selfintoro) { $acl = $selfintoro->getTable()->getAcl($selfintoro->getRawValue()); if ($acl->isAllowed('everyone', $selfintoro->getRawValue(), 'view')) { $list[$i][$selfintoroCaption] = op_truncate($selfintoro, 36, '', 3); } } } } $options = array( 'id' => 'rankingResultList', 'title' => __('The No1 of the number of access member is %0%', array('%0%' => $memberList['model'][0]->getName())), 'link_to_detail' => 'member/profile?id=%d', 'model' => $memberList['model'], 'list' => $list, 'rank' => $memberList['rank'], ); include_partial('global/partsRankingResultList', array('options' => $options));
<?php if ($ranking['number']) { $list = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $ranking['number']; $i++) { $community = $ranking['model'][$i]; $list[$i][__('No%0%', array('%0%' => $ranking['rank'][$i]))] = link_to($community->getName(), 'community/home?id=' . $community->getId()) . ' ' . __(':%0% member', array('%0%' => $ranking['count'][$i])); $list[$i][__('Category')] = $community->getCommunityCategory(); $list[$i][__('Manager')] = link_to($ranking['admin'][$i]->getName(), '@obj_member_profile?id=' . $ranking['admin'][$i]->getId()); $list[$i][__('Description')] = op_truncate($community->getConfig('description'), 36, '', 3); } $options = array('id' => 'rankingResultList', 'title' => __("The No1 of the number of %community% member is '%0%'", array('%community%' => $op_term['community'], '%0%' => $ranking['model'][0]->getName())), 'link_to_detail' => 'community/home?id=%d', 'model' => $ranking['model'], 'list' => $list, 'rank' => $ranking['rank']); include_partial('global/partsRankingResultList', array('options' => $options)); } else { op_include_box('community_list', __('No %community%'), array('title' => __('Participation number No1 %community%'))); }
<?php use_helper('Date'); $list = array(); $getCommunityComment = 'event' === $type ? 'getCommunityEventComment' : 'getCommunityTopicComment'; foreach ($pager->getResults() as $communityTopic) { $list[] = sprintf("%s<br>%s(%s)", op_format_date($communityTopic->getUpdatedAt(), 'XDateTime'), link_to(sprintf("%s(%d)", op_truncate($communityTopic->getName(), 28), $communityTopic->{$getCommunityComment}()->count()), sprintf($link_to_detail, $communityTopic->getId()), $communityTopic), op_truncate($communityTopic->getCommunity()->getName(), 17)); } op_include_list('communityTopic', $list, array('border' => true));
echo $holiday; ?> </p> <?php } foreach ($item['events'] as $event) { if ($event['is_join']) { $eventIcon = 'icon_event_R.gif'; $eventAlt = '[参]'; } else { $eventIcon = 'icon_event_B.gif'; $eventAlt = '[イ]'; } ?> <p class="event"><?php echo link_to(sprintf('<span class="icon">%s </span>%s', image_tag('/opCalendarPlugin/images/' . $eventIcon, array('alt' => $eventAlt)), op_truncate($event['name'], 20, '...', 1)), '@communityEvent_show?id=' . $event['id']); ?> </p> <?php } foreach ($item['schedules'] as $schedule) { if ($schedule->isShowable($sf_user->getMemberId())) { ?> <p class="schedule"><?php echo op_link_to_schedule($schedule, 20); ?> </p> <?php } }
<?php if ($memberList['number']) { $list = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $memberList['number']; $i++) { $member = $memberList['model'][$i]; $list[$i][__('No%0%', array('%0%' => $memberList['rank'][$i]))] = __('%0% :%1% member', array('%0%' => link_to($member->getName(), '@obj_member_profile?id=' . $member->getId()), '%1%' => $memberList['count'][$i])); $selfintoroCaption = __('Self Introduction'); if ($member->getProfile('op_preset_self_introduction')) { $list[$i][$selfintoroCaption] = op_truncate($member->getProfile('op_preset_self_introduction'), 36, '', 3); } } $options = array('id' => 'rankingResultList', 'title' => __('The No1 of the number of %friend% member is %0%', array('%friend%' => $op_term['friend']->pluralize(), '%0%' => $memberList['model'][0]->getName())), 'link_to_detail' => '@obj_member_profile?id=%d', 'model' => $memberList['model'], 'list' => $list, 'rank' => $memberList['rank']); include_partial('global/partsRankingResultList', array('options' => $options)); } else { op_include_box('friend_list', __('There is no member who has a %friend%'), array('title' => __('Member of number No1 of %friend%', array('%friend%' => $op_term['friend']->pluralize())))); }
} else { $eventIcon = 'icon_event_B.gif'; $eventAlt = '[イ]'; } ?> <p class="event"><?php echo link_to(sprintf('<span class="icon">%s </span>%s', image_tag('/opCalendarPlugin/images/' . $eventIcon, array('alt' => $eventAlt)), op_truncate($event['name'], 40, '...', 1)), '@communityEvent_show?id=' . $event['id']); ?> </p> <?php } foreach ($item['schedules'] as $schedule) { if ($schedule->isShowable($sf_user->getMemberId())) { ?> <p class="schedule"><?php echo link_to(sprintf('<span class="icon">%s </span>%s', image_tag('/opCalendarPlugin/images/icon_pen.gif', array('alt' => '[予]')), op_truncate($schedule->title, 40, '...', 1)), '@schedule_show?id=' . $schedule->id); ?> </p> <?php } } ?> </td> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php } ?>
function op_link_to_schedule($schedule, $width = 40) { $space = ' '; $icon = sprintf('<span class="icon">%s%s</span>', image_tag('/opCalendarPlugin/images/icon_pen.gif', array('alt' => '[予]')) . $space, $schedule->getApiIdUnique() ? image_tag('//', array('raw_name' => true, 'alt' => 'Google Calendar')) . $space : ''); return link_to($icon . op_truncate($schedule->title, $width, '...', 1), '@schedule_show?id=' . $schedule->id); }
?> <hr class="toumei" /> <div class="row"> <div class="gadget_header span12">コミュニティイベント一覧</div> </div> <hr class="toumei" /> <div id="eventList" style="margin-left: 0px;"> <?php foreach ($communityEvents as $key => $communityEvent) { ?> <div class="row"> <div class="span3"> <?php echo op_format_date($communityEvent->getUpdatedAt(), 'XShortDateJa'); ?> </div> <div class="span9"> <?php echo link_to(sprintf('%s', op_truncate($communityEvent->getName(), 36)), '@communityEvent_show?id=' . $communityEvent->getId()); ?> (<?php echo $communityEvent->getCommunity()->getName(); ?> ) </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div>
<?php if (count($communityTopic)) { $list = array(); foreach ($communityTopic as $topic) { $list[] = sprintf("[%s] %s<br>%s", op_format_date($topic->getUpdatedAt(), 'XShortDate'), $topic->getCommunity()->getName(), link_to(sprintf("%s(%d)", op_truncate($topic->getName(), 28), $topic->getCommunityTopicComment()->count()), '@communityTopic_show?id=' . $topic->getId())); } $options = array('title' => __('Recently Posted %Community% Topics'), 'border' => true, 'moreInfo' => array(link_to(__('More'), 'communityTopic_recently_topic_list'))); op_include_list('communityList', $list, $options); ?> <?php }
function _op_mtviewer_entry_str($entry, $width = 36) { $title = op_truncate($entry->title, $width); $title = sprintf('%s (%d)', $title, $entry->getCommentsCount()); return $title; }
<ul class="articleList"> <?php foreach ($options['blogRssCacheList'] as $blogRssCache) { ?> <li> <span class="date"><?php echo op_format_date($blogRssCache->getDate(), 'XShortDateJa'); ?> </span> <?php echo image_tag('articleList_maker.gif', array('alt' => '')); ?> <?php echo link_to(op_truncate($blogRssCache->getTitle(), 30), $blogRssCache->getLink()); if ($options['showName']) { ?> (<?php echo $blogRssCache->getMember()->getName(); ?> ) <?php } ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul>
echo key($list); ?> </th><td> <?php echo array_shift($list); ?> </td> </tr> <?php foreach ($list as $caption => $item) { ?> <tr> <th><?php echo $caption; ?> </th><td><?php echo op_truncate($item, 36, '', 3); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody></table></div></div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php include_slot('pager');
?> </td> </tr><tr> <th><?php echo __('Title'); ?> </th><td><?php echo op_album_get_title_and_count($album); ?> </td> </tr><tr> <th><?php echo __('Description'); ?> </th><td><?php echo op_truncate($album->getBody(), 36, '', 3); ?> </td> </tr><tr class="operation"> <th><?php echo __('Created at'); ?> </th><td><span class="text"><?php echo op_format_date($album->getCreatedAt(), 'XDateTimeJa'); ?> </span> <span class="moreInfo"><?php echo link_to(__('View this album'), 'album_show', $album); ?> </span></td> </tr></tbody></table></div></div> <?php