<?php include 'lib_oauth.php'; include 'config.php'; $keys = array('oauth_key' => OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY, 'oauth_secret' => OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET, 'request_key' => $_COOKIE[my_req_key], 'request_secret' => $_COOKIE[my_req_secret]); ########################################################################################## # # STEP 2 - exchange the authorized access token for a request token # $params = array(); # OAuth 1.0a servers will return an extra oauth_verifier argument if (isset($_GET[oauth_verifier])) { $params[oauth_verifier] = $_GET[oauth_verifier]; } $ok = oauth_get_access_token($keys, OAUTH_ACCESS_URL, $params); if (!$ok) { echo "Something didn't work!<hr />"; dump_last_request(); exit; } setcookie('my_acc_key', $keys[user_key]); setcookie('my_acc_secret', $keys[user_secret]); header('location: geo.html');
echo "access url is $url\n"; exit; }else{ die("something went wrong"); } # (this step adds two keys to the $keys hash) ########################################################################################## # # STEP 2 - exchange the authorized access token for a request token # $ok = oauth_get_access_token($keys, 'http://example.com/access-token-url'); if ($ok){ echo "it worked!"; exit; }else{ die("it didn't work!"); } # (this step adds two more keys to the $keys hash) ########################################################################################## # # STEP 3 - access the protected resource