function create_account() { if ($this->user['type'] != 1) { return 0; } if (strlen($_REQUEST['name']) < 2) { $this->html['shipon_account_output'] = "Name is too short."; } elseif (strlen($_REQUEST['username']) < 4) { $this->html['shipon_account_output'] = "Username must be at least 4 characters (" . strlen($_REQUEST['username']) . ")."; } elseif (strlen($_REQUEST['password']) < 6) { $this->html['shipon_account_output'] = "Password must be at least 6 characters."; } else { $users_result = query("SELECT id FROM `" . $this->user['database'] . "`.accounts WHERE username=?", array($_REQUEST['username'])); if (num_rows($users_result) < 1) { $id = query_r("INSERT INTO `" . $this->user['database'] . "`.accounts\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgroup_id, name, phone, ext, email, username, password, type\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t )\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t VALUES\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $this->user['group'] . "', ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 2\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t )\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t", array($_REQUEST['name'], $_REQUEST['phone'], $_REQUEST['ext'], $_REQUEST['email'], $_REQUEST['username'], md5($_REQUEST['password']))); query("INSERT INTO `" . $this->user['database'] . "`.sessions\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tid, session_id, timestamp\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $id . "','0','0'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t"); $this->html['shipon_account_output'] = '<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery("#shipon_account_popup").dialog("close"); change_view("manage_accounts"); </script>'; } else { $this->html['shipon_account_output'] = "User already exists."; } } }
function links($cat = 0, $direction = "asc") { global $linksmessage, $prefix; if ($direction != "asc" && $direction != "desc") { $direction = "asc"; } $out = ""; if ($cat) { $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "linkscat WHERE id=" . $cat . " ORDER BY nome"; } else { $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "linkscat ORDER BY nome"; } if (!($cresult = dbquery($query))) { die($linksmessage[4]); } $out .= "\n<div id=\"LNE_show\">\n"; while ($crow = fetch_array($cresult)) { $out .= "<h3>" . decode($crow['descr']) . "</h3>\n"; $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "links where hits=" . $crow[0] . " ORDER BY name " . $direction; if (!($result = dbquery($query))) { die($linksmessage[5]); } if (num_rows($result)) { $out .= "<ul>\n"; while ($row = fetch_array($result)) { $out .= "<li><a href=\"" . $row['link'] . "\" onclick=\",'_blank');return false;\">" . decode($row['name']) . "</a><div>" . decode($row['descr']) . "</div></li>\n"; } $out .= "</ul>\n"; } } $out .= "</div>\n"; return $out; }
/** * returns $number news items from class $type */ function get_news($type, $number) { $news = "SELECT `ID`, `timestamp`, `subject`, `body` FROM `news` WHERE `class`='{$type}' ORDER BY `ID` DESC LIMIT {$number}"; connect_sql(); $news = @query($news) or die("Error getting the news."); // see if we don't have any news if (num_rows($news) == 0) { return "No news."; } else { $to_return = ""; while ($row = result($news)) { $id = $row->ID; $timestamp = $row->timestamp; $subject = stripslashes($row->subject); $body = $row->body; // convert line breaks to <br />'s $body = str_replace("\\r\\n", "<br />", $body); // for windows and IP protocols $body = str_replace("\\n", "<br />", $body); // for nix $body = str_replace("\\r", "<br />", $body); // for mac $body = stripslashes($body); $to_return .= $id . "::::" . $timestamp . "::::" . $subject . "::::" . $body . "_____"; } return $to_return; } disconnect_sql(); }
function get_numrows($sql) { $result = query($sql); $rowlist = num_rows($result); mysql_free_result($result); return $rowlist; }
function init($data) { $history_xml = file_get_contents($this->user['folder'] . "/templates/history.xml"); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($history_xml); $req = array(); $req['entries_per_page'] = 10; $req['search_string'] = isset($_REQUEST['search_string']) && $_REQUEST['search_string'] != 'Search' ? $_REQUEST['search_string'] : ''; $req['sort_column'] = isset($_REQUEST['sort_by']) ? $_REQUEST['sort_by'] : 'id'; $req['sort_order'] = isset($_REQUEST['sort_order']) ? $_REQUEST['sort_order'] : 'DESC'; $req['start_row'] = isset($_REQUEST['data']) ? $_REQUEST['data'] * 10 + 1 : 1; $req['bill_to_code'] = $this->user['bill_to_code']; $search_string = "1"; $s = ""; $var_array = array(); $fieldString = "id,ext_id,cons_name,sent,timestamp"; if (isset($_REQUEST['search_string']) && $_REQUEST['search_string'] != "Search") { $s = $_REQUEST['search_string']; $search_string = "(id LIKE ? OR bill_id LIKE ? OR timestamp LIKE ? OR cons_name LIKE ?)"; $var_array = array("%" . $s . "%", "%" . $s . "%", "%" . $s . "%", "%" . $s . "%"); } $sort_by = 'id'; if (isset($_REQUEST['sort_by'])) { $sort_by = $xml->content->column[(int) $_REQUEST['sort_by']]['key']; } else { $_REQUEST['sort_by'] = '0'; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['sort_order'])) { $_REQUEST['sort_order'] = "DESC"; } $history_result = query("SELECT " . $fieldString . " FROM `" . $this->user['database'] . "`.shipments\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE group_id='" . $this->user['group'] . "' AND " . $search_string . " AND ext_id > 0 ORDER BY " . $sort_by . " " . $_REQUEST['sort_order'] . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t LIMIT " . $data * $xml->entries_per_page . "," . $xml->entries_per_page, $var_array); $result_count = num_rows($history_result); $num_result = query("SELECT id FROM `" . $this->user['database'] . "`.shipments WHERE group_id='" . $this->user['group'] . "' AND " . $search_string . " AND ext_id > 0", $var_array); $num = num_rows($num_result); $pageCount = ceil($num / $xml->entries_per_page); // $titlebar_inputs = "<input type='text' class='shipon_input' id='shipon_history_search' value='Search'>"; // $history = $this->get_field_header('100%', 'history', $titlebar_inputs); for ($i = 0; $i < $xml->entries_per_page; $i++) { if ($i < $result_count) { $shipment[] = fetch($history_result); } } $history .= $this->get_paged_footer("#history", $xml->entries_per_page, $pageCount, $xml->page_numbers); if (isset($_REQUEST['search_string'])) { $this->return['inputs']['shipon_history_search'] = $_REQUEST['search_string']; } if (isset($_REQUEST['sort_by'])) { $this->return['inputs']['shipon_history_sort_by'] = $_REQUEST['sort_by']; } else { $this->return['inputs']['shipon_history_sort_by'] = '0'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['sort_order'])) { $this->return['inputs']['shipon_history_sort_order'] = $_REQUEST['sort_order']; } $pagination = $this->get_paged_footer("#history", $xml->entries_per_page, $pageCount, $xml->page_numbers); $this->smarty->assign('shipment', $shipment); $this->smarty->assign('request', $req); $this->smarty->assign('pagination', $pagination); $this->html['shipon_content'] = $this->smarty->fetch('history/history.tpl'); }
/** * sees if the user has any new mail */ function check_mail() { $user_id = $_SESSION['id']; connect_sql(); $query = @query("SELECT * FROM `mail` WHERE `read`='0' AND `deleted`='0' AND `to`='{$user_id}'") or die("Error checking the database."); $number = num_rows($query); disconnect_sql(); return $number; }
function format_address_array(&$return_array, $query_result, $attribute) { if (num_rows($query_result)) { $address = fetch($query_result); $keys = array_keys($address); for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) { $new_key = $attribute . $keys[$i]; $return_array[$new_key] = $address[$keys[$i]]; } } }
function Check_Password_Reset($id, $code) { $date = date("Y-m-d"); $daterange = "'" . $date . " 00:00:00' AND '" . $date . " 23:59:59'"; $query = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id`='" . $id . "' AND `password_reset_code`='" . $code . "' AND `password_reset_date` BETWEEN " . $daterange . ";"; $users = query($query); if ($users && num_rows($users) === 1) { return true; } else { return false; } }
function send_mail_by_userid($userid, $subject, $text) { $userid = (int) $userid; $sql = "SELECT\n\t\tFROM " . PREF . "users AS u\n\t\tWHERE{$userid}\n\t\tLIMIT 1"; $result = query($sql); $rows = num_rows($result); if (!$rows) { return; } $emails = fetch_row($result); return send_mail_to_first($emails, $subject, $text); }
function libera_acesso($item, $id_conn) { if ($_SESSION['admin'] == '0') { $sql = "SELECT tb_usuarioquaisacessos.usuarioquaisacessos_id FROM tb_acesso "; $sql .= "INNER JOIN tb_usuarioquaisacessos ON (tb_usuarioquaisacessos.acesso_id = tb_acesso.acesso_id) "; $sql .= "WHERE tb_acesso.acesso_nome='%s' "; $sql .= "AND tb_usuarioquaisacessos.usuario_id = '%s' LIMIT 1"; $sql = sprintf($sql, mysql_real_escape_string($item), mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['usuario_id'])); $acessou = execute_query($sql, $id_conn); if (!$acessou) { $messagem = 'Query Inválida: ' . mysql_error() . "\n"; $messagem .= 'Pesquisa Inteira: ' . $sql; die($messagem); } if (num_rows($acessou) == 0) { header("Location: acesso_proibido.php"); exit(0); } } }
function loginbypost() { global $LU, $attempt; $post_get = new GetVarClass(); $email = $post_get->getemail("email"); $pw = $post_get->getvar("pw"); if (!$email || !$pw) { return 0; } $subquery = "'{$email}'"; $attempt = 1; $sql = "SELECT,\n\t\tFROM " . PREF . "users AS u\n\t\tWHERE {$subquery} AND (u.pwhash=MD5('{$pw}') OR '{$LU["moderid"]}'<>0) AND\n\t\tLIMIT 1"; $result = query($sql); $rows = num_rows($result); if ($rows) { list($LU["id"], $knownpw) = fetch_row($result); if (!ALLOWMULTISESSIONS) { dropallsessions($LU["id"]); } } return $rows; }
public function lookup($message) { $name = $this->extractName($message); if(empty($name)) return false; if(($data = $this->cacheFetch($name)) !== false) return $data; $result = perform_query( "SELECT * FROM lzecs" . " WHERE name = '{$name}' LIMIT 1", $this->dbLink, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ); if(! num_rows($result) > 0) return false; $data = array(); $row = fetch_array($result, "ASSOC"); array_push($data, $name); array_push($data, $row['preg_msg']); array_push($data, $row['explanation']); array_push($data, $row['action']); array_push($data, $row['si']); array_push($data, $row['psr']); array_push($data, $row['suppress']); array_push($data, $row['trig_amt']); array_push($data, $row['trig_win']); array_push($data, $row['vendor']); array_push($data, $row['type']); array_push($data, $row['class']); array_push($data, $row['lastupdate']); $this->cacheStore($name, $data); return $data; }
public function lookup($message) { $name = $this->extractName($message); if (empty($name)) { return false; } if (($data = $this->cacheFetch($name)) !== false) { return $data; } $result = perform_query("SELECT message, explanation, action, datetime FROM " . CISCO_ERROR_TABLE . " WHERE name = '{$name}' LIMIT 1", $this->dbLink); if (!num_rows($result) > 0) { return false; } $data = array(); $row = fetch_array($result, "ASSOC"); array_push($data, $name); array_push($data, $row['message']); array_push($data, $row['explanation']); array_push($data, $row['action']); array_push($data, $row['datetime']); $this->cacheStore($name, $data); return $data; }
function downloads($cat = 0) { global $downloadsmessage, $prefix; if ($cat) { $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "downloadscat WHERE id=" . $cat . " ORDER BY nome"; } else { if (!($crow = fetch_array(dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "downloadscat WHERE nome=\"Uploads\"")))) { die($downloadsmessage[2]); } $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "downloadscat WHERE id<>" . $crow['id'] . " ORDER BY nome"; } if (!($cresult = dbquery($query))) { die($downloadsmessage[2]); } $out .= "\n<div id=\"LNE_show\">\n"; while ($crow = fetch_array($cresult)) { $out .= "<h3>" . decode($crow['descr']) . "</h3>"; $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "downloads WHERE ex=" . $crow['id'] . " ORDER BY reg DESC"; if (!($result = dbquery($query))) { die($downloadsmessage[3]); } if (num_rows($result)) { $GETarray = $_GET; $out .= "<ul>"; while ($row = fetch_array($result)) { $GETarray['dlid'] = $row[0]; $out .= "<li><a href=\"addons/downloads/send.php?" . http_build_query($GETarray, '', '&') . "\" rel=\"nofollow\">" . decode($row[1]) . "</a></li>\n"; } $out .= "</ul>"; } else { $out .= "<h3>{$downloadsmessage['100']}</h3>"; } } $out .= "</div>\n"; return $out; }
$msgsave = "Suppression effectuée"; } if ($_POST["mode"] == "ajout") { //vérification des droit du compte $sql = "insert into " . __racinebd__ . "categorie_compte (libelle,compte_id) values('" . addquote($_POST["libelle"]) . "'," . $_SESSION["compte_id"] . ")"; //print $sql."<br>"; $link = query($sql); $msgsave = "ajout"; } if ($_POST["id"] != "" && $_POST["mode"] == "modif") { //vérification des droit du compte $sql = "update " . __racinebd__ . "categorie_compte set libelle ='" . addquote($_POST["libelle"]) . "' where categorie_compte_id=" . $_POST["id"] . " and compte_id=" . $_SESSION["compte_id"]; //print $sql."<br>"; $link = query($sql); $msgsave = "modif"; } $sql = "select * from " . __racinebd__ . "categorie_compte where compte_id=" . $_SESSION["compte_id"] . " and supprimer=0 order by libelle"; //$sql="select tlc.*,count(lc.device_id) as nb from ".__racinebd__."categorie_compte tlc left join ".__racinebd__."device lc on tlc.categorie_compte_id=lc.categorie_id and lc.supprimer=0 where tlc.supprimer=0 and lc.compte_id=".$_SESSION["compte_id"]." group by tlc.categorie_compte_id order by libelle"; $link = query($sql); while ($tbl = fetch($link)) { $sql = "select * from " . __racinebd__ . "categorie_compte_device ccd inner join " . __racinebd__ . "device d on d.device_id=ccd.device_id and supprimer=0 and categorie_compte_id=" . $tbl["categorie_compte_id"]; $link2 = query($sql); $tbl["nb"] = num_rows($link2); $tbl_list_categorie[] = $tbl; // $key_list_agence[$tbl["categorie_compte_id"]]=$tbl["libelle"]; } if ($_POST["id"] != "" && $_POST["mode"] == "") { $sql = "select * from " . __racinebd__ . "categorie_compte where compte_id=" . $_SESSION["compte_id"] . " and categorie_compte_id=" . $_POST["id"] . " order by libelle"; $link = query($sql); $tbl_modif_categorie = fetch($link); }
function Get_Dictionary_Words($dictionary) { $query = "SELECT `w`.`word_id`, `w`.`name`, `w`.`pronunciation`, `w`.`part_of_speech`, `w`.`simple_definition`, `w`.`long_definition` "; $query .= "FROM `words` AS `w` LEFT JOIN `dictionaries` AS `d` ON `w`.`dictionary`=`d`.`id` WHERE `w`.`dictionary`=" . $dictionary . " "; $query .= "ORDER BY IF(`d`.`sort_by_equivalent`, `w`.`simple_definition`, `w`.`name`) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;"; $words = query($query); $results = ""; $processed = 0; if ($words) { if (num_rows($words) > 0) { while ($word = fetch($words)) { $results .= '{"name":"' . $word['name'] . '",'; $results .= '"pronunciation":"' . $word['pronunciation'] . '",'; $results .= '"partOfSpeech":"' . $word['part_of_speech'] . '",'; $results .= '"simpleDefinition":"' . $word['simple_definition'] . '",'; $results .= '"longDefinition":"' . $word['long_definition'] . '",'; $results .= '"wordId":' . $word['word_id'] . '}'; // If it's the last one, then don't add a comma. if (++$processed < num_rows($words)) { $results .= ","; } } } } return $results; }
$retorno[] = array('nome' => utf8_encode($linhas[0]), 'info' => stripslashes(utf8_encode($linhas[1])), 'ativo' => $linhas[2]); } } } if (isset($_GET['familia'])) { $sql = 'SELECT '; $sql .= 'tb_genero.genero_id, tb_genero.genero_nome '; $sql .= 'FROM '; $sql .= 'tb_genero '; $sql .= 'INNER JOIN tb_familiaquaisgeneros ON (tb_familiaquaisgeneros.genero_id = tb_genero.genero_id) '; $sql .= 'WHERE '; $sql .= 'tb_familiaquaisgeneros.familia_id=' . $_GET['familia'] . ' '; $sql .= 'ORDER BY tb_genero.genero_nome'; $retorno_banco = execute_query($sql, $id_conn); if ($retorno_banco) { if (num_rows($retorno_banco) > 0) { while ($linhas = fetch_array($retorno_banco)) { $retorno[] = array('id' => $linhas[0], 'nome' => utf8_encode($linhas[1])); } } else { $retorno[] = array('id' => '-1', 'sql' => 'Não há gêneros para a família'); } } else { $retorno[] = array('id' => '0', 'sql' => $sql); } } if (isset($_GET['generos'])) { $sql = 'SELECT '; $sql .= 'genero_id, genero_nome '; $sql .= 'FROM tb_genero '; $sql .= 'WHERE NOT EXISTS ';
if (count($tab_path_info) > 2 && !__showlang__ || count($tab_path_info) >= 2 && __showlang__) { //print "ici6"; //recherche de l'arbre_id /* for($i=3;$i<count($tab_path_info);$i++){ $j=$i-2; $jointure.=" inner join ".__racinebd__."arbre a".$j." on a".$j.".arbre_id=a".($j-1).".pere inner join ".__racinebd__."contenu c".$j." on a".$j.".arbre_id=c".$j.".arbre_id and c".$j.".langue_id=".$_GET["la_langue"]." and c".$j.".nom='".$tab_path_info[count($tab_path_info)-($i-1)]."'"; }*/ for ($i = 2; $i < count($tab_path_info) - 1; $i++) { $j = $i - 1; $jointure .= " inner join " . __racinebd__ . "arbre a" . $j . " on a" . $j . ".arbre_id=a" . ($j - 1) . ".pere inner join " . __racinebd__ . "contenu c" . $j . " on a" . $j . ".arbre_id=c" . $j . ".arbre_id and c" . $j . ".langue_id=" . $_GET["la_langue"] . " and c" . $j . ".nom='" . $tab_path_info[count($tab_path_info) - $i] . "'"; } $sql = "select a0.*,c.*,nom_fichier from \r\n " . __racinebd__ . "arbre a0 \r\n {$jointure} inner join\r\n " . __racinebd__ . "contenu c on a0.arbre_id=c.arbre_id and c.langue_id=" . $_GET["la_langue"] . " inner join " . __racinebd__ . "gabarit g on g.gabarit_id=a0.gabarit_id \r\n where c.nom ='" . $tab_path_info[count($tab_path_info) - 1] . "' and a0.etat_id=" . $_GET["etat_id"] . " and a0.supprimer=0 and (a0.root=" . __defaultfather__ . " or a0.root is null) " . $wheresecure2; $link = query($sql); //print $sql; if (num_rows($link) > 0) { $tbl_result = fetch($link); //print $tbl_result["root"]; //print "ici"; if (count($tab_path_info) > 2) { //recherche de l'arbre_id root $sql2 = "select a.arbre_id,a.pere from " . __racinebd__ . "contenu c inner join " . __racinebd__ . "arbre a on c.arbre_id=a.arbre_id where nom = '" . $tab_path_info[2] . "' and pere is null and supprimer=0 and langue_id=" . $_GET["la_langue"]; $link2 = query($sql2); $tbl_result2 = fetch($link2); $_GET["root"] = $tbl_result2["arbre_id"]; $_GET["ordre_root"] = $tbl_result2["ordre"]; $_GET["arbre"] = $tbl_result["arbre_id"]; $_GET["pere"] = $tbl_result["pere"]; if (count($tab_path_info) > 3 && $_GET["root"] != "") { $sql2 = "select a.arbre_id from " . __racinebd__ . "contenu c inner join " . __racinebd__ . "arbre a on c.arbre_id=a.arbre_id where nom = '" . $tab_path_info[3] . "' and pere =" . $_GET["root"] . " and supprimer=0 and langue_id=" . $_GET["la_langue"]; $link2 = query($sql2);
function uploads() { global $uploadsmessage, $prefix, $set; if (file_exists("addons/uploads/lang/lang_" . $set['language'] . ".php")) { require_once "addons/uploads/lang/lang_" . $set['language'] . ".php"; } else { require_once "addons/uploads/lang/lang_en_US.php"; } require_once "addons/uploads/settings.php"; if (!($crow = fetch_array(dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "downloadscat WHERE nome=\"Uploads\"")))) { dbquery("INSERT INTO " . $prefix . "downloadscat (id, nome, descr) VALUES (null, \"Uploads\", \"Users upload here\")"); $crow = fetch_array(dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "downloadscat WHERE nome=\"Uploads\"")); } $message = ""; if ($_POST['submitupload'] == "Add Upload") { if ($_POST['secCode'] != $_SESSION['operation']) { $message = $uploadsmessage[8]; } else { $succeded = false; $message = $_FILES["file"]["error"]; if ($_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'] != "") { $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'] = str_replace(" ", "_", $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']); $target_path = "./uploads/" . basename($_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']); if (file_exists($target_path)) { unlink($target_path); } if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) { $succeded = true; $message = $uploadsmessage[12]; @chmod($target_path, 0644); } else { $message = $uploadsmessage[11]; } } else { $message = $uploadsmessage[9]; } if ($succeded) { $filenam = basename($_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']); $query = "INSERT INTO " . $prefix . "downloads (reg,nome,file,downloads,ex) VALUES (null,\"" . encode(sanitize($_POST['nome'])) . "\",\"{$filenam}\", 0, " . sanitize($_POST['cat']) . ")"; if (!dbquery($query)) { $message = $uploadsmessage[10]; } } } } else { if ($_SESSION['adminlevel'] >= $adminlevel) { $out .= "\n<div id=\"LNE_show\">\n"; $out .= "<div align=\"center\">\n<h3>{$uploadsmessage['5']}</h3>\n"; $out .= "<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" method=\"post\" action=\"\"><fieldset style=\"border: 0;\"><table>\n"; $out .= "<tr><td align=\"right\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"MAX_FILE_SIZE\" value=\"{$max_upload_file_size}\" /><b>{$uploadsmessage['13']}: </b></td>"; $out .= "<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"nome\" style=\"width: 100%;\" /></td></tr>\n"; $out .= "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>{$uploadsmessage['5']}: </b></td><td><input style=\" text-align: left;\" name=\"uploadedfile\" type=\"file\" name=\"uploadfile\" />\n</td></tr>\n"; $out .= "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>{$uploadsmessage['6']}: </b></td>\n"; if ($set['catchpa'] == "0") { //text catchpa srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); $a = rand(0, 9); $b = rand(0, 9); $c = $a + $b; $out .= "<td>{$a} + {$b} = "; $_SESSION['operation'] = $c; $out .= "<input type=\"text\" name=\"secCode\" maxlength=\"2\" style=\"width:20px\" /></td></tr>\n"; } else { // image catchpa $out .= "<td>"; $out .= catchpa(); /* $out.="<img src=\"./LightNEasy/seccode.php\" width=\"71\" height=\"21\" align=\"absmiddle\" />"; */ $out .= "</td></tr>\n"; } $out .= "<tr><td></td><td><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cat\" value=\"" . $crow['id'] . "\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"submitupload\" value=\"Add Upload\" />\n"; $out .= "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"aaa\" value=\"{$uploadsmessage['7']}\" />\n"; $out .= "</td><td> </td></tr>\n</table>\n</fieldset>\n</form>\n</div>\n"; } else { $out .= "<h3>{$uploadsmessage['21']}</h3>\n"; } } if ($message != "") { $out .= "<h3 style=\"color: red;\">{$message}</h3>\n"; } if (!($result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "downloads WHERE ex=" . $crow['id'] . " ORDER BY reg DESC"))) { die($uploadsmessage[3]); } $out .= "<h3>{$uploadsmessage['14']}</h3>\n"; if (num_rows($result)) { $GETarray = $_GET; $out .= "<ul>"; while ($row = fetch_array($result)) { $GETarray['dlid'] = $row['reg']; $out .= "<li>" . decode($row['nome']) . "</li>\n"; } $out .= "</ul>"; } else { $out .= "<h3>{$uploadsmessage['4']}</h3>"; } $out .= "</div>\n"; return $out; }
function grant_access($userName, $actionName, $link) { // If ACL is not used then always return TRUE if (!defined('USE_ACL') || !USE_ACL || !defined('REQUIRE_AUTH') || !REQUIRE_AUTH) { return TRUE; } // Get user access $sql = "SELECT access FROM " . USER_ACCESS_TABLE . " WHERE username='******' \n\t\t\tAND actionname='" . $actionName . "'"; $result = perform_query($sql, $link); $row = fetch_array($result); if (num_rows($result) && $row['access'] == 'TRUE') { return TRUE; } else { $sql = "SELECT defaultaccess FROM " . ACTION_TABLE . " WHERE actionname='" . $actionName . "'"; $result = perform_query($sql, $link); $row = fetch_array($result); if ($row['defaultaccess'] == 'TRUE') { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } }
<?php if ($_POST["id"] != "" && $_POST["mode"] == "modif") { //on verifie si il existe un enregistrement dans la table etat_moteur_compte $sql = "select * from " . __racinebd__ . "etat_moteur_compte where etat_moteur_id=" . $_POST["id"] . " and compte_id=" . $_SESSION["compte_id"]; $link = query($sql); if (num_rows($link) == 0) { $sql = "insert into " . __racinebd__ . "etat_moteur_compte(etat_moteur_id,libelle,couleur,compte_id) values(" . $_POST["id"] . ",'" . addquote($_POST["libelle"]) . "','" . addquote($_POST["couleur"]) . "','" . $_SESSION["compte_id"] . "')"; } else { $sql = "update " . __racinebd__ . "etat_moteur_compte set libelle='" . addquote($_POST["libelle"]) . "',couleur='" . addquote($_POST["couleur"]) . "' where compte_id=" . $_SESSION["compte_id"] . " and etat_moteur_id=" . $_POST["id"]; } query($sql); $msgsave = "Sauvegarde effectuée"; } $sql = "select em.etat,em.etat_moteur_id,em.libelle,emc.libelle as lib2,couleur,defaultcouleur from " . __racinebd__ . "etat_moteur em left join\r\n " . __racinebd__ . "etat_moteur_compte emc on emc.etat_moteur_id=em.etat_moteur_id and compte_id=" . $_SESSION["compte_id"] . " order by libelle"; $link = query($sql); while ($tbl = fetch($link)) { //$tbl_list_etat[]=array("etat_moteur_id"=>$tbl["etat"],"libelle"=>(($tbl["lib2"]=="")?$tbl["libelle"]:$tbl["lib2"])); $tbl_list_etat[] = $tbl; } if ($_POST["id"] != "") { $sql = "select em.etat,em.etat_moteur_id,em.libelle,emc.libelle as lib2,couleur,defaultcouleur \r\n from " . __racinebd__ . "etat_moteur em left join\r\n " . __racinebd__ . "etat_moteur_compte emc on emc.etat_moteur_id=em.etat_moteur_id and compte_id=" . $_SESSION["compte_id"] . " where em.etat_moteur_id=" . $_POST["id"] . " order by libelle"; //print $sql."<br>"; $link = query($sql); $tbl_modif = fetch($link); }
function shownews($post_integra = 1, $post_cabecalho = 9, $comenta = 0, $categ = -1) { global $newsmessage, $set, $pagenum, $prefix; if ($_GET['action'] == "delete" && is_intval($_GET['id']) && is_intval($_GET['commentid']) && $_SESSION['adminlevel'] > 3) { dbquery("DELETE FROM " . $prefix . "comments WHERE id=" . $_GET['commentid']); } if (isset($_GET['id'])) { if (!is_intval($_GET['id'])) { die("news - Aha! Clever!"); } else { $noticia_numero = $_GET['id']; } } if ($noticia_numero != "") { $query = "SELECT titulo,data,noticia,autor,email,visto, reg FROM " . $prefix . "noticias WHERE reg=" . $noticia_numero; if ($categ > -1) { $query .= " AND cat=" . $categ; } } else { $query = "SELECT titulo, data, noticia, autor, email, visto, reg FROM " . $prefix . "noticias"; if ($categ > -1) { $query .= " WHERE cat=" . $categ; } $query .= " ORDER BY reg DESC LIMIT 0, {$post_integra}"; } $row = dbquery($query); $first = false; while ($row_db = fetch_array($row)) { $out .= show_one_news($row_db['titulo'], $row_db['data'], $row_db['noticia'], $row_db['autor'], $row_db['email']); //check if there are comments on this news $res = dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "comments WHERE newsid=" . $row_db['reg'] . " ORDER BY time DESC"); $num = num_rows($res); if ($_GET['showcomments'] == "1" || $comenta == 2) { //show the comments $ff = true; $i = 0; while ($row1 = fetch_array($res)) { if ($ff) { $out .= "<div class=\"LNEnews_comments\">" . $newsmessage[143] . ":</div>"; $ff = false; } $out .= "<div class=\"LNEnews_comment\">\n"; if ($_SESSION['adminlevel'] > 3) { $out .= "\n<form method=\"post\" action=\"\" class=\"delete\">\n"; $out .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"newsid\" value=\"" . $row1['newsid'] . "\" />\n"; $out .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"" . $row1['id'] . "\" />\n"; $out .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"submit\" value=\"deletecomment\" />\n"; $out .= "<input type=\"image\" name=\"aaa\" src=\"images/editdelete.png\" value=\"\" title=\"{$newsmessage['174']}\" style=\"border: none; background: transparent; width: 16px; height: 16px;\"/>\n"; $out .= "</form>\n"; } $out .= "<span class=\"time\">" . $newsmessage[112] . " " . data_formatada($row1['time']) . "</span>"; $out .= "<span class=\"text\">" . decode($row1['text']) . "</span>"; $out .= "<span class=\"poster\">" . $newsmessage[144] . ": </span>\n"; /* if($row1['postermail']!="") $out.="<span class=\"author\"><a href=\"mailto:".decode($row1['postermail'])."\">".stripslashes(decode($row1['poster']))."</a></span>"; else */ $out .= "<span class=\"author\">" . stripslashes(decode($row1['poster'])) . "</span>"; $out .= "</div>\n"; unset($_GET['showcomments']); } } else { if ($num) { $out .= "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?page=" . $pagenum . "&id=" . $row_db['reg'] . "&showcomments=1\">" . $newsmessage[143] . ": " . $num . "</a><br />\n"; } } $out .= "\n<br />"; if (!$first && ($comenta == 2 || $comenta == 1 && $_SESSION['user'] != "")) { $out .= commentform($row_db[6]); } $first = true; $novo_visto = $row_db[5] + 1; $query_add = dbquery("UPDATE " . $prefix . "noticias SET visto = {$novo_visto} WHERE reg = " . $row_db[6]); } $post_cabecalho_s = $post_cabecalho + $post_integra; if ($noticia_numero != "") { $query = "SELECT titulo, reg ,data, visto FROM " . $prefix . "noticias WHERE reg != " . $noticia_numero; if ($categ > -1) { $query .= " AND cat=" . $categ; } $query .= " ORDER BY reg DESC LIMIT 0, " . $post_cabecalho_s; } else { $query = "SELECT titulo, reg ,data, visto FROM " . $prefix . "noticias"; if ($categ > -1) { $query .= " WHERE cat=" . $categ; } $query .= " ORDER BY reg DESC LIMIT {$post_integra}, " . $post_cabecalho_s; } $query = dbquery($query); $GETarray = $_GET; $first = true; while ($row_db = fetch_array($query)) { if ($first) { $first = false; $out .= "<div align=\"center\"><span style=\"font-size: 85%; font-weight: bold;\">{$newsmessage['113']}</span></div>"; $out .= "<table border='0' align='center'><tr><td>{$newsmessage['12']}</td><td>{$newsmessage['114']}</td><td>{$newsmessage['115']}</td></tr>"; } $GETarray['id'] = $row_db[1]; $GETarray['showcomments'] = "0"; $call = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?" . http_build_query($GETarray, '', '&'); $out .= "<tr><td><a href=\"" . $call . "\">" . stripslashes(decode($row_db["0"])) . "</a></td><td>" . data_formatada($row_db["2"]) . "</td><td>" . $row_db["3"] . "</td></tr>"; } if (!$first) { $out .= "</table>"; } $out .= "<span class=\"rss\">" . showrss() . "</span>\n"; return $out; }
include_once "queryfunctions.php"; include_once "functions.php"; switch ($_POST["button"]) { case "Agent": agents(); break; case "GetRates": $conn = db_connect(HOST, USER, PASS, DB, PORT); //check room availability $roomid = $_POST["roomid"]; $sql = "Select rooms.roomid,rooms.roomno,rooms.status,booking.checkin_date,booking.checkout_date\n\t\tFrom rooms\n\t\tLeft Join booking ON rooms.roomid = booking.roomid\n\t\tWhere rooms.status = 'V' and rooms.roomid={$roomid}"; $results = mkr_query($sql, $conn); $msg[0] = ""; $msg[1] = ""; AddSuccess($results, $conn, $msg); if (num_rows($results) == 0) { //rooms.status - could tell if room is locked/booked/reserverd/vacant //get room id and find out status - to do echo "<h2><blink>Sorry room is either occupied or reserved</blink></h2>"; } else { echo "<h1>Room ready for occupancy</h1>"; } //get rate if available /*$booking_type=$_POST["booking_type"]; //direct booking / booking through agents //$agents_ac_no=$_POST["agents_ac_no"]; //agents account code $no_adults=$_POST["no_adults"]>1 ? 'D' : 'S'; //double or single $meal_plan=$_POST["meal_plan"]; //meal plan - bed only/half board/bed & breakfast/full board //$rate_type=$_POST["rate_type"]; //residence or non-residence if ($booking_type='D'){ //direct booking "Select rates.bookingtype,rates.occupancy,rates.ratesid,rates.rate_type,rates.currency,$meal_plan From rates
$valid_topic = @query("SELECT 1 FROM `topics` WHERE `ID`='{$topic_id}' LIMIT 1") or die("Error getting information from the database."); if (num_rows($valid_topic) == 0) { cust_die("Invalid topic ID."); } // okay, it's valid: delete it (and associated posts). @query("DELETE FROM `topics` WHERE `ID`='{$topic_id}' LIMIT 1") or die("Error deleting the topic."); @query("UPDATE `posts` SET `deleted`='1' WHERE `topic_ID`='{$topic_id}'") or die("Error deleting the topic's posts."); print "Done."; } elseif (isset($_GET['p'])) { // see if $_GET['p'] is a valid post if ($_GET['p'] == "" || is_numeric($_GET['p']) === FALSE) { cust_die("Invalid post ID."); } $post_id = escape_string($_GET['p']); $valid_post = @query("SELECT 1 FROM `posts` WHERE `post_ID`='{$post_id}' LIMIT 1") or die("Error getting information from the database."); if (num_rows($valid_post) == 0) { cust_die("Invalid post ID."); } // okay, it's valid: delete the post @query("UPDATE `posts` SET `deleted`='1' WHERE `post_ID`='{$post_id}' LIMIT 1") or die("Error deleting the post."); print "Done."; } } } } print "<table name=\"topics\" class=\"posttable\">"; // display the posts from the topic, if the user has chosen one if (isset($_GET['topic'])) { if ($_GET['topic'] == "" && is_numeric($_GET['topic']) === FALSE) { cust_die("Invalid class ID."); }
$link_droit = query($sql); if (num_rows($link_droit) > 0) { // Rapport conducteur journalier print "debut rapport vehicule jour<br>"; require "rapport-vehicule-jour.php"; print "fin rapport vehicule jour<br>"; } } if ($_GET["typecron"] == "semaine") { $sql = "select * from " . __racinebd__ . "rapport_usersgps rug \r\n inner join " . __racinebd__ . "rapport r on rug.rapport_id=r.rapport_id\r\n where usergps_id=" . $_SESSION["users_id"] . " and r.rapport_id=9"; $link_droit = query($sql); if (num_rows($link_droit) > 0) { // Rapport conducteur hebdomadaire print "debut rapport vehicule semaine<br>"; require "rapport-vehicule-hebdo.php"; print "fin rapport vehicule semaine<br>"; } } if ($_GET["typecron"] == "mois") { $sql = "select * from " . __racinebd__ . "rapport_usersgps rug \r\n inner join " . __racinebd__ . "rapport r on rug.rapport_id=r.rapport_id\r\n where usergps_id=" . $_SESSION["users_id"] . " and r.rapport_id=10"; $link_droit = query($sql); if (num_rows($link_droit) > 0) { // Rapport conducteur mensuel print "debut rapport vehicule mensuel<br>"; require "rapport-vehicule-mensuel.php"; print "fin rapport vehicule mensuel<br>"; } } } } }
function getAvailability($object_id, $start_date, $duration) { // used for stacking booking global $database_name, $date_format; $array_duration = explode("|", $duration); // d|h|i $duration_stamp = $array_duration[0] * 86400 + $array_duration[1] * 3600 + $array_duration[2] * 60; $sql = "SELECT book_id, book_start, book_end FROM rs_data_bookings "; $sql .= "WHERE object_id = " . $object_id . " "; $sql .= "AND book_end > '" . $start_date . "' "; $sql .= "ORDER BY book_end ASC;"; $temp = db_query($database_name, $sql, "no", "no"); $book_start = ""; $previous_book_end = $start_date; if (num_rows($temp)) { while ($temp_ = fetch_array($temp)) { $hole_start = strtotime($previous_book_end); $hole_end = strtotime($temp_["book_start"]); if ($duration_stamp <= $hole_end - $hole_start) { $book_start = $hole_start; break; // exits while loop } $previous_book_end = $temp_["book_end"]; } $hole_start = strtotime($previous_book_end); $hole_end = strtotime($temp_["book_start"]); $book_start = $hole_start; } else { $book_start = date($date_format . " H:i", strtotime($start_date)); } return date($date_format . " H:i", $book_start); }
tryfunc("gd_info", "php_gd"); tryfunc("ioncube_license_properties", "ionCube Loader"); tryfunc("json_encode", "json"); if($_SESSION['AUTHTYPE'] == "none") { $username = "******"; $sessionId = session_id(); $act = "login from local_noauth"; action($act); $_SESSION["pageId"] = (empty($_GET["pageId"])?"searchform":$_GET["pageId"]) ; $_SESSION["username"] = '******'; $destination = $_SESSION['SITE_URL']."index.php"; $dbLink = db_connect_syslog(DBADMIN, DBADMINPW); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ui_layout WHERE userid=(SELECT id FROM users WHERE username='******')"; $res = perform_query($sql, $dbLink, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); if(num_rows($res)==0){ $sql = "INSERT INTO ui_layout (userid, pagename, col, rowindex, header, content, group_access) SELECT (SELECT id FROM users WHERE username='******'),pagename,col,rowindex,header,content,group_access FROM ui_layout WHERE userid=0"; $res = perform_query($sql, $dbLink, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); } if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $destination .= '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } g_redirect($destination, "JS"); // Redirect unauthenticated member } if ($_POST) { if (auth($_POST) == $_SESSION["username"]) { $act = "logged in"; action($act);
function users() { global $langmessage, $prefix; $out = "<h2>{$langmessage['154']}</h2>\n<hr />\n"; if ($_GET['id'] != "" && !is_intval($_GET['id']) || $_GET['pag'] != "" && !is_intval($_GET['pag'])) { die($langmessage[98]); } if ($_GET['action'] == "deleteuser") { $result = dbquery('SELECT * FROM ' . $prefix . 'users WHERE id=' . $_GET['id']); if ($row = fetch_array($result)) { if ($_SESSION['adminlevel'] >= $row['adminlevel']) { $out .= userform($_GET['id'], $row, true); } } } elseif ($_GET['action'] == "edituser") { $result = dbquery('SELECT * FROM ' . $prefix . 'users WHERE id=' . $_GET['id']); if ($row = fetch_array($result)) { $out .= userform($_GET['id'], $row); } } else { $out .= userform(); } $out .= "<div style=\"margin-top: 20px;\">\n<table style=\"border: none;\">\n"; $multy = false; $result = dbquery('SELECT * FROM ' . $prefix . 'users ORDER BY handle'); $pages = num_rows($result); if ($pages > 25) { if ($_GET['pag'] == "") { $_GET['pag'] = 1; } $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "users "; if (isset($_GET['letter'])) { $query .= "WHERE UPPER(SUBSTR(handle,1,1))=\"" . sanitize($_GET['letter']) . "\" "; } $query .= "ORDER BY handle limit " . ($_GET['pag'] - 1) * 25 . ", 25"; $result = dbquery($query); $pagebar = "<tr><td colspan=\"6\" align=\"left\"><a href=\"LightNEasy.php?page=index&do=users"; if (isset($_GET['letter'])) { $pagebar .= "&letter=" . sanitize($_GET['letter']); } $pagebar .= "&pag="; if ($_GET['pag'] > 1) { $pagebar .= $_GET['pag'] - 1; } else { $pagebar .= $_GET['pag']; } $pagebar .= "\"><</a> "; $result1 = dbquery("SELECT DISTINCT UPPER(SUBSTR(handle,1,1)) as letter FROM " . $prefix . "users ORDER BY handle ASC"); while ($row = fetch_array($result1)) { $pagebar .= "<a href=\"LightNEasy.php?page=index&do=users&letter=" . $row['letter'] . "&pag=1\">" . $row['letter'] . "</a> "; } $pagebar .= " <a href=\"LightNEasy.php?page=index&do=users"; if (isset($_GET['letter'])) { $pagebar .= "&letter=" . sanitize($_GET['letter']); } $pagebar .= "&pag="; if ($pages > $_GET['pag'] * 25) { $pagebar .= $_GET['pag'] + 1; } else { $pagebar .= $_GET['pag']; } $pagebar .= "\"> ></a></td></tr>\n"; $out .= $pagebar; $multy = true; } while ($row = fetch_array($result)) { $out .= "<tr><td><a href=\"" . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?do=users&action=edituser&id=" . $row['id'] . "\"><img style=\"padding: none; border: none;\" src=\"images/edit.png\" alt=\"edit\" /></a></td>"; $out .= "<td><a href=\"" . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?do=users&action=deleteuser&id=" . $row['id'] . "\"><img style=\"padding: none; border: none;\" src=\"images/editdelete.png\" alt=\"delete\" /></a></td>"; $out .= "<td><b>" . decode($row['handle']) . "</b></td><td>" . $row['adminlevel'] . "</td><td>" . $row['ip'] . "</td><td>" . strftime("%m/%d/%y", $row['datejoined']) . "</td></tr>\n"; } if ($multy) { $out .= $pagebar; } $out .= "</table>\n</div>\n"; return $out; }
<?php session_start(); error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); include_once ""; include_once "queryfunctions.php"; include_once "functions.php"; access("reservation"); //check if user is allowed to access this page $conn = db_connect(HOST, USER, PASS, DB, PORT); if (isset($_GET["search"]) && !empty($_GET["search"])) { find($_GET["search"]); } if (isset($_POST['Navigate'])) { //echo $_SESSION["strOffSet"]; $nRecords = num_rows(mkr_query("select * from guests", $conn), $conn); paginate($nRecords); free_result($results); find($_SESSION["strOffSet"]); } $guestid = $_POST['guestid']; if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) { $action = $_POST['Submit']; switch ($action) { case 'Guest Reservation': //if guest has not been selected exit // instantiate form validator object $fv = new formValidator(); //from functions.php if (empty($_POST["guestid"])) { //if no guest has been selected no point in displaying other errors
//alarme de vitesse //on regarde si la personne doit recevoir ces alertes $sql = "select * from " . __racinebd__ . "rapport_usersgps where rapport_id=11 and usergps_id=" . $tbl_user["usergps_id"]; //print $sql; $linkalerte = query($sql); if ($linkalerte) { //recherche des vehicules du compte géré par cet utilisateur qui ont des alarmes de vitesse $sql = getsqllistvehicule() . " and vitessemax!='0.00'"; //print $sql."<br>"; $link_vehicule = query($sql); while ($tbl_list_vehicule = fetch($link_vehicule)) { //on liste des enregistrement de la table position pendant l'interval d'alerte $sql = "select * from positions where device_id=" . $tbl_list_vehicule["traccar_device_id"] . " and time>='" . $dernierdatedebut . "' and time<'" . $nouveldatedebut . "' and speed>'" . inversevitessekmh($tbl_list_vehicule["vitessemax"]) . "'"; //print $sql."<br>"; $linkvitesse = query($sql); if (num_rows($linkvitesse) > 0) { $html = "Bonjour,<br> le véhicule " . $tbl_list_vehicule["nomvehicule"] . " \r\n (" . $tbl_list_vehicule["immatriculation"] . ") à été controlé à une vitesse de :"; while ($tbl_vitesse = fetch($linkvitesse)) { $adresse = str_replace(", France", "", getAddess($tbl_vitesse["latitude"], $tbl_vitesse["longitude"])); $datelieu = "<br>" . affichedatetime($tbl_vitesse["time"]) . "<br>" . $adresse; $html .= "<br>" . vitessekmh($tbl_vitesse["speed"]) . " km/h à " . $datelieu . "<br>"; } $html .= "Sa vitesse maximale autorisée est de " . $tbl_list_vehicule["vitessemax"] . " km/h"; //print $html; sendmailmister('', '', 'Alarme vitesse véhicule ' . $tbl_list_vehicule["nomvehicule"], $html, $_SESSION["email"]); } } } //a decommenter $sql = "update " . __racinebd__ . "preference_compte set lastenvoi=now() where compte_id=" . $_SESSION["compte_id"]; query($sql);