
    <td bgcolor="<?php 
    echo $table_colors[0][0];
" >Final Time Point (Date)</td> <td bgcolor="<?php 
    echo $table_colors[0][1];
" ><input type="checkbox" name="set_end_time_date" value="1"></td>
		  <td bgcolor="<?php 
    echo $table_colors[0][1];
    ns_expand_unix_timestamp($region_end_times[$jobs[0]->region_id], $i, $h, $d, $m, $y);
    output_editable_field("end_hour", $h, TRUE, 2);
    echo ":";
    output_editable_field("end_minute", $i, TRUE, 2);
    echo "<br>";
    output_editable_field("end_month", $m, TRUE, 2);
    echo "/";
    output_editable_field("end_day", $d, TRUE, 2);
    echo "/";
    output_editable_field("end_year", $y, TRUE, 4);
<br><font size="-2">(Leave blank to include all images in analysis)</font>
    <td bgcolor="<?php 
    echo $table_colors[1][0];
$sample_id = $query_string['sample_id'];
$experiment_id = $query_string['experiment_id'];
$show_errors = $query_string['show_errors'];
$start_time = $query_string['start_time'];
$limit = $query_string['limit'];
if ($_POST['jump_to_time'] != '') {
    $query = "SELECT  UNIX_TIMESTAMP('" . $_POST['jump_year'] . "-" . $_POST['jump_month'] . "-" . $_POST['jump_day'] . " 23:59:59Ab')";
    $sql->get_row($query, $res);
    $start_time = $res[0][0];
    header("Location: view_hosts_log.php?host_id={$host_id}&start_time=" . $start_time . "&limit=" . $limit . "\n\n");
if ($start_time == 0) {
    $start_time = ns_current_time();
ns_expand_unix_timestamp($start_time, $cur_min, $cur_hour, $cur_day, $cur_month, $cur_year);
if ($query_string['delete_before'] != '' && $query_string['delete_before'] != 0) {
    $query = "DELETE FROM host_event_log WHERE host_id='{$host_id}' AND time <= " . $query_string['delete_before'];
$samples = array();
if ($experiment_id != '') {
    $query = "SELECT id FROM capture_samples WHERE experiment_id = {$experiment_id}";
    $sql->get_row($query, $res);
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($res); $i++) {
        array_push($samples, $res[$i][0]);
if ($sample_id != '' && $sample_id != "all") {
    array_push($samples, $sample_id);
">Number of images used to detect stationary plate features <br>(0 for automatic)</td><td bgcolor="<?php 
echo $table_colors[1][1];
output_editable_field("number_of_stationary_images", $number_of_stationary_images, true, 5);
		<tr><td bgcolor="<?php 
echo $table_colors[0][0];
">Date and time of images to use <br> when generating plate region mask</td><td bgcolor="<?php 
echo $table_colors[0][1];
ns_expand_unix_timestamp($mask_date, $i, $h, $d, $m, $y);
output_editable_field("end_hour", $h, TRUE, 2);
echo ":";
output_editable_field("end_minute", $i, TRUE, 2);
echo "<br>";
output_editable_field("end_month", $m, TRUE, 2);
echo "/";
output_editable_field("end_day", $d, TRUE, 2);
echo "/";
output_editable_field("end_year", $y, TRUE, 4);

<tr><td bgcolor="<?php