function nggallery_wpmu_setup() { //to be sure if (!is_super_admin()) { die('You are not allowed to call this page.'); } $messagetext = ''; // get the options $ngg_options = get_site_option('ngg_options'); if (isset($_POST['updateoption'])) { check_admin_referer('ngg_wpmu_settings'); // get the hidden option fields, taken from WP core if ($_POST['page_options']) { $options = explode(',', stripslashes($_POST['page_options'])); } if ($options) { foreach ($options as $option) { $option = trim($option); $value = isset($_POST[$option]) ? trim($_POST[$option]) : false; // $value = sanitize_option($option, $value); // This does strip slashes on those that need it $ngg_options[$option] = $value; } } // the path should always end with a slash $ngg_options['gallerypath'] = trailingslashit($ngg_options['gallerypath']); update_site_option('ngg_options', $ngg_options); $messagetext = __('Update successfully', 'nggallery'); } // Show donation message only one time. if (isset($_GET['hideSupportInfo'])) { $ngg_options['hideSupportInfo'] = true; update_site_option('ngg_options', $ngg_options); } // message windows if (!empty($messagetext)) { echo '<!-- Last Action --><div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . $messagetext . '</p></div>'; } ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2><?php _e('Network Options', 'nggallery'); ?> </h2> <form name="generaloptions" method="post"> <?php wp_nonce_field('ngg_wpmu_settings'); ?> <input type="hidden" name="page_options" value="gallerypath,wpmuQuotaCheck,wpmuZipUpload,wpmuImportFolder,wpmuStyle,wpmuRoles,wpmuCSSfile" /> <table class="form-table"> <tr valign="top"> <th align="left"><?php _e('Gallery path', 'nggallery'); ?> </th> <td><input type="text" size="50" name="gallerypath" value="<?php echo $ngg_options['gallerypath']; ?> " /><br /> <?php _e('This is the default path for all blogs. With the placeholder %BLOG_ID% you can organize the folder structure better.', 'nggallery'); ?> <?php echo str_replace('%s', '<code>wp-content/blogs.dir/%BLOG_ID%/files/</code>', __('The default setting should be %s', 'nggallery')); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top"><?php _e('Enable upload quota check', 'nggallery'); ?> :</th> <td><input name="wpmuQuotaCheck" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $ngg_options['wpmuQuotaCheck']); ?> /> <?php _e('Should work if the gallery is bellow the blog.dir', 'nggallery'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top"><?php _e('Enable zip upload option', 'nggallery'); ?> :</th> <td><input name="wpmuZipUpload" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $ngg_options['wpmuZipUpload']); ?> /> <?php _e('Allow users to upload zip folders.', 'nggallery'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top"><?php _e('Enable import function', 'nggallery'); ?> :</th> <td><input name="wpmuImportFolder" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $ngg_options['wpmuImportFolder']); ?> /> <?php _e('Allow users to import images folders from the server.', 'nggallery'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top"><?php _e('Enable style selection', 'nggallery'); ?> :</th> <td><input name="wpmuStyle" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $ngg_options['wpmuStyle']); ?> /> <?php _e('Allow users to choose a style for the gallery.', 'nggallery'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top"><?php _e('Enable roles/capabilities', 'nggallery'); ?> :</th> <td><input name="wpmuRoles" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $ngg_options['wpmuRoles']); ?> /> <?php _e('Allow users to change the roles for other blog authors.', 'nggallery'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top"><?php _e('Default style', 'nggallery'); ?> :</th> <td> <select name="wpmuCSSfile"> <?php $csslist = ngg_get_cssfiles(); foreach ($csslist as $key => $a_cssfile) { $css_name = $a_cssfile['Name']; if ($key == $ngg_options['wpmuCSSfile']) { $file_show = $key; $selected = " selected='selected'"; } else { $selected = ''; } $css_name = esc_attr($css_name); echo "\n\t<option value=\"{$key}\" {$selected}>{$css_name}</option>"; } ?> </select><br /> <?php _e('Choose the default style for the galleries.', 'nggallery'); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <div class="submit"><input type="submit" name="updateoption" value="<?php _e('Update'); ?> "/></div> </form> </div> <?php }
function nggallery_wpmu_setup() { //to be sure if (!is_super_admin()) { die('You are not allowed to call this page.'); } $messagetext = ''; // get the options $ngg_options = get_site_option('ngg_options'); if (isset($_POST['updateoption'])) { check_admin_referer('ngg_wpmu_settings'); // get the hidden option fields, taken from WP core if ($_POST['page_options']) { $options = explode(',', stripslashes($_POST['page_options'])); } if ($options) { foreach ($options as $option) { $option = trim($option); $value = isset($_POST[$option]) ? trim($_POST[$option]) : false; // $value = sanitize_option($option, $value); // This does strip slashes on those that need it $ngg_options[$option] = $value; } } // the path should always end with a slash $ngg_options['gallerypath'] = trailingslashit($ngg_options['gallerypath']); update_site_option('ngg_options', $ngg_options); $messagetext = __('Update successfully', 'nggallery'); } // Show donation message only one time. if (isset($_GET['hideSupportInfo'])) { $ngg_options['hideSupportInfo'] = true; update_site_option('ngg_options', $ngg_options); } if (!isset($ngg_options['hideSupportInfo']) || $ngg_options['hideSupportInfo'] !== true) { ?> <div id="donator_message"> <p><?php echo str_replace('%s', '', __('Thanks for using this plugin, NextGEN Gallery is initially developed for self hosted blogs. A multisite setup is possible, but cannot currently fully supported, as it can have several special condition ( i.e. Domain mapping).<br /> If you would like to support the further development, please consider a <strong><a href="%s">donation</a></strong>! If you still need some help, please post your questions <a href="">here</a> .', 'nggallery')); ?> <span> <a href="<?php echo add_query_arg(array('hideSupportInfo' => 'true')); ?> " > <small><?php _e('OK, hide this message now !', 'nggallery'); ?> </small> </a> <span> </p> </div> <?php } // message windows if (!empty($messagetext)) { echo '<!-- Last Action --><div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . $messagetext . '</p></div>'; } ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2><?php _e('Network Options', 'nggallery'); ?> </h2> <form name="generaloptions" method="post"> <?php wp_nonce_field('ngg_wpmu_settings'); ?> <input type="hidden" name="page_options" value="gallerypath,wpmuQuotaCheck,wpmuZipUpload,wpmuImportFolder,wpmuStyle,wpmuRoles,wpmuCSSfile" /> <table class="form-table"> <tr valign="top"> <th align="left"><?php _e('Gallery path', 'nggallery'); ?> </th> <td><input type="text" size="50" name="gallerypath" value="<?php echo $ngg_options['gallerypath']; ?> " /><br /> <?php _e('This is the default path for all blogs. With the placeholder %BLOG_ID% you can organize the folder structure better.', 'nggallery'); ?> <?php echo str_replace('%s', '<code>wp-content/blogs.dir/%BLOG_ID%/files/</code>', __('The default setting should be %s', 'nggallery')); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top"><?php _e('Enable upload quota check', 'nggallery'); ?> :</th> <td><input name="wpmuQuotaCheck" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $ngg_options['wpmuQuotaCheck']); ?> /> <?php _e('Should work if the gallery is bellow the blog.dir', 'nggallery'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top"><?php _e('Enable zip upload option', 'nggallery'); ?> :</th> <td><input name="wpmuZipUpload" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $ngg_options['wpmuZipUpload']); ?> /> <?php _e('Allow users to upload zip folders.', 'nggallery'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top"><?php _e('Enable import function', 'nggallery'); ?> :</th> <td><input name="wpmuImportFolder" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $ngg_options['wpmuImportFolder']); ?> /> <?php _e('Allow users to import images folders from the server.', 'nggallery'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top"><?php _e('Enable style selection', 'nggallery'); ?> :</th> <td><input name="wpmuStyle" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $ngg_options['wpmuStyle']); ?> /> <?php _e('Allow users to choose a style for the gallery.', 'nggallery'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top"><?php _e('Enable roles/capabilities', 'nggallery'); ?> :</th> <td><input name="wpmuRoles" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $ngg_options['wpmuRoles']); ?> /> <?php _e('Allow users to change the roles for other blog authors.', 'nggallery'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top"><?php _e('Default style', 'nggallery'); ?> :</th> <td> <select name="wpmuCSSfile"> <?php $csslist = ngg_get_cssfiles(); foreach ($csslist as $key => $a_cssfile) { $css_name = $a_cssfile['Name']; if ($key == $ngg_options['wpmuCSSfile']) { $file_show = $key; $selected = " selected='selected'"; } else { $selected = ''; } $css_name = esc_attr($css_name); echo "\n\t<option value=\"{$key}\" {$selected}>{$css_name}</option>"; } ?> </select><br /> <?php _e('Choose the default style for the galleries.', 'nggallery'); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <div class="submit"><input type="submit" name="updateoption" value="<?php _e('Update'); ?> "/></div> </form> </div> <?php }
function nggallery_wpmu_setup() { global $wpdb; //to be sure if (!is_site_admin()) { die('You are not allowed to call this page.'); } // get the options $ngg_options = get_site_option('ngg_options'); // same as $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], but should work under IIS 6.0 $filepath = site_url('wp-admin/wpmu-admin.php?page=' . $_GET['page'], 'admin'); if (isset($_POST['updateoption'])) { check_admin_referer('ngg_wpmu_settings'); // get the hidden option fields, taken from WP core if ($_POST['page_options']) { $options = explode(',', stripslashes($_POST['page_options'])); } if ($options) { foreach ($options as $option) { $option = trim($option); $value = trim($_POST[$option]); // $value = sanitize_option($option, $value); // This does strip slashes on those that need it $ngg_options[$option] = $value; } } update_site_option('ngg_options', $ngg_options); $messagetext = __('Update successfully', 'nggallery'); } // message windows if (!empty($messagetext)) { echo '<!-- Last Action --><div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . $messagetext . '</p></div>'; } ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2><?php _e('General WordPress MU Settings', 'nggallery'); ?> </h2> <form name="generaloptions" method="post"> <?php wp_nonce_field('ngg_wpmu_settings'); ?> <input type="hidden" name="page_options" value="gallerypath,wpmuQuotaCheck,wpmuZipUpload,wpmuStyle,wpmuRoles,wpmuCSSfile" /> <table class="form-table"> <tr valign="top"> <th align="left"><?php _e('Gallery path', 'nggallery'); ?> </th> <td><input type="text" size="50" name="gallerypath" value="<?php echo $ngg_options[gallerypath]; ?> " title="TEST" /><br /> <?php _e('This is the default path for all blogs. With the placeholder %BLOG_ID% you can organize the folder structure better. The path must end with a /.', 'nggallery'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top"><?php _e('Enable upload quota check', 'nggallery'); ?> :</th> <td><input name="wpmuQuotaCheck" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $ngg_options[wpmuQuotaCheck]); ?> /> <?php _e('Should work if the gallery is bellow the blog.dir', 'nggallery'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top"><?php _e('Enable zip upload option', 'nggallery'); ?> :</th> <td><input name="wpmuZipUpload" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $ngg_options[wpmuZipUpload]); ?> /> <?php _e('Allow users to upload zip folders.', 'nggallery'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top"><?php _e('Enable style selection', 'nggallery'); ?> :</th> <td><input name="wpmuStyle" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $ngg_options[wpmuStyle]); ?> /> <?php _e('Allow users to choose a style for the gallery.', 'nggallery'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top"><?php _e('Enable roles/capabilities', 'nggallery'); ?> :</th> <td><input name="wpmuRoles" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked('1', $ngg_options[wpmuRoles]); ?> /> <?php _e('Allow users to change the roles for other blog authors.', 'nggallery'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top"><?php _e('Default style', 'nggallery'); ?> :</th> <td> <select name="wpmuCSSfile"> <?php $csslist = ngg_get_cssfiles(); foreach ($csslist as $key => $a_cssfile) { $css_name = $a_cssfile['Name']; if ($key == $ngg_options[wpmuCSSfile]) { $file_show = $key; $selected = " selected='selected'"; } else { $selected = ''; } $css_name = esc_attr($css_name); echo "\n\t<option value=\"{$key}\" {$selected}>{$css_name}</option>"; } ?> </select><br /> <?php _e('Choose the default style for the galleries.', 'nggallery'); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <div class="submit"><input type="submit" name="updateoption" value="<?php _e('Update'); ?> »"/></div> </form> </div> <?php }
function nggallery_admin_style() { global $ngg; if ($theme_css_exists = file_exists(TEMPLATEPATH . "/nggallery.css")) { $real_file = TEMPLATEPATH . "/nggallery.css"; $file_show = 'nggallery.css ' . __('(From the theme folder)', 'nggallery'); } else { if (isset($_POST['css'])) { check_admin_referer('ngg_style'); $act_cssfile = $_POST['css']; if (isset($_POST['activate'])) { // save option now $ngg->options['activateCSS'] = $_POST['activateCSS']; $ngg->options['CSSfile'] = $act_cssfile; update_option('ngg_options', $ngg->options); nggGallery::show_message(__('Update Successfully', 'nggallery')); } } else { // get the options if (isset($_POST['file'])) { $act_cssfile = $_POST['file']; } else { $act_cssfile = $ngg->options['CSSfile']; } } // set the path $real_file = NGGALLERY_ABSPATH . "css/" . $act_cssfile; } if (isset($_POST['updatecss'])) { check_admin_referer('ngg_style'); if (!current_user_can('edit_themes')) { wp_die('<p>' . __('You do not have sufficient permissions to edit templates for this blog.') . '</p>'); } $newcontent = stripslashes($_POST['newcontent']); if (is_writeable($real_file)) { $f = fopen($real_file, 'w+'); fwrite($f, $newcontent); fclose($f); nggGallery::show_message(__('CSS file successfully updated', 'nggallery')); } } // get the content of the file //TODO: BUG : Read failed after write a file, maybe a Cache problem $error = !is_file($real_file); if (!$error && filesize($real_file) > 0) { $f = fopen($real_file, 'r'); $content = fread($f, filesize($real_file)); $content = htmlspecialchars($content); } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('#colorSelector').ColorPicker({ color: '#0000ff', onShow: function (colpkr) { jQuery(colpkr).fadeIn(500); return false; }, onHide: function (colpkr) { jQuery(colpkr).fadeOut(500); return false; }, onChange: function (hsb, hex, rgb) { jQuery('#colorSelector div').css('backgroundColor', '#' + hex); } }); }); </script> <div class="wrap"> <div class="bordertitle"> <?php screen_icon('nextgen-gallery'); ?> <h2><?php _e('Style Editor', 'nggallery'); ?> </h2> <?php if (!$theme_css_exists) { ?> <form id="themeselector" name="cssfiles" method="post"> <?php wp_nonce_field('ngg_style'); ?> <strong><?php _e('Activate and use style sheet:', 'nggallery'); ?> </strong> <input type="checkbox" name="activateCSS" value="1" <?php checked('1', $ngg->options['activateCSS']); ?> /> <select name="css" id="theme" style="margin: 0pt; padding: 0pt;" onchange="this.form.submit();"> <?php $csslist = ngg_get_cssfiles(); foreach ($csslist as $key => $a_cssfile) { $css_name = $a_cssfile['Name']; if ($key == $act_cssfile) { $file_show = $key; $selected = " selected='selected'"; $act_css_description = $a_cssfile['Description']; $act_css_author = $a_cssfile['Author']; $act_css_version = $a_cssfile['Version']; } else { $selected = ''; } $css_name = esc_attr($css_name); echo "\n\t<option value=\"{$key}\" {$selected}>{$css_name}</option>"; } ?> </select> <input class="button" type="submit" name="activate" value="<?php _e('Activate', 'nggallery'); ?> »" class="button" /> </form> <?php } ?> </div> <br style="clear: both;"/> <?php if (!is_multisite() || wpmu_site_admin()) { ?> <div class="tablenav"> <?php if (is_writeable($real_file)) { echo '<big>' . sprintf(__('Editing <strong>%s</strong>', 'nggallery'), $file_show) . '</big>'; } else { echo '<big>' . sprintf(__('Browsing <strong>%s</strong>', 'nggallery'), $file_show) . '</big>'; } ?> </div> <br style="clear: both;"/> <div id="templateside"> <?php if (!$theme_css_exists) { ?> <ul> <li><strong><?php _e('Author', 'nggallery'); ?> :</strong> <?php echo $act_css_author; ?> </li> <li><strong><?php _e('Version', 'nggallery'); ?> :</strong> <?php echo $act_css_version; ?> </li> <li><strong><?php _e('Description', 'nggallery'); ?> :<br /></strong> <?php echo $act_css_description; ?> </li> </ul> <p><?php _e('Tip : Copy your stylesheet (nggallery.css) to your theme folder, so it will be not lost during a upgrade', 'nggallery'); ?> </p> <?php } else { ?> <p><?php _e('Your theme contain a NextGEN Gallery stylesheet (nggallery.css), this file will be used', 'nggallery'); ?> </p> <?php } ?> <p><?php _e('Tip No. 2: Use the color picker below to help you find the right color scheme for your gallery!', 'nggallery'); ?> </p> <div id="colorSelector"> <div></div> </div> </div> <?php if (!$error) { ?> <form name="template" id="template" method="post"> <?php wp_nonce_field('ngg_style'); ?> <div><textarea cols="70" rows="25" name="newcontent" id="newcontent" tabindex="1" class="codepress css"><?php echo $content; ?> </textarea> <input type="hidden" name="updatecss" value="updatecss" /> <input type="hidden" name="file" value="<?php echo $file_show; ?> " /> </div> <?php if (is_writeable($real_file)) { ?> <p class="submit"> <input class="button-primary action" type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php _e('Update File', 'nggallery'); ?> " tabindex="2" /> </p> <?php } else { ?> <p><em><?php _e('If this file were writable you could edit it.', 'nggallery'); ?> </em></p> <?php } ?> </form> <?php } else { echo '<div class="error"><p>' . __('Oops, no such file exists! Double check the name and try again, merci.', 'nggallery') . '</p></div>'; } ?> <div class="clear"> </div> </div> <!-- wrap--> <?php } }