function new_catbody($title, $page, $body)
    global $script, $vars, $arg, $defaultpage, $whatsnew, $help_page, $hr;
    global $attach_link, $related_link, $cantedit, $function_freeze;
    global $search_word_color, $_msg_word, $foot_explain, $note_hr, $head_tags;
    global $trackback, $trackback_javascript, $referer, $javascript;
    global $nofollow;
    global $_LANG, $_LINK, $_IMAGE;
    global $pkwk_dtd;
    // XHTML 1.1, XHTML1.0, HTML 4.01 Transitional...
    global $page_title;
    // Title of this site
    global $do_backup;
    // Do backup or not
    global $modifier;
    // Site administrator's  web page
    global $modifierlink;
    // Site administrator's name
    if (!file_exists(SKIN_FILE) || !is_readable(SKIN_FILE)) {
        die_message('SKIN_FILE is not found');
    $_LINK = $_IMAGE = array();
    // Add JavaScript header when ...
    if ($trackback && $trackback_javascript) {
        $javascript = 1;
    // Set something If you want
    $_page = isset($vars['page']) ? $vars['page'] : '';
    $r_page = rawurlencode($_page);
    // Set $_LINK for skin
    $_LINK['add'] = "{$script}?cmd=add&page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['backup'] = "{$script}?cmd=backup&page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['copy'] = "{$script}?plugin=template&refer={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['diff'] = "{$script}?cmd=diff&page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['edit'] = "{$script}?cmd=edit&page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['filelist'] = "{$script}?cmd=filelist";
    $_LINK['freeze'] = "{$script}?cmd=freeze&page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['help'] = "{$script}?" . rawurlencode($help_page);
    $_LINK['list'] = "{$script}?cmd=list";
    $_LINK['new'] = "{$script}?plugin=newpage&refer={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['rdf'] = "{$script}?cmd=rss&ver=1.0";
    $_LINK['recent'] = "{$script}?" . rawurlencode($whatsnew);
    $_LINK['refer'] = "{$script}?plugin=referer&page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['reload'] = "{$script}?{$r_page}";
    $_LINK['rename'] = "{$script}?plugin=rename&refer={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['rss'] = "{$script}?cmd=rss";
    $_LINK['rss10'] = "{$script}?cmd=rss&ver=1.0";
    // Same as 'rdf'
    $_LINK['rss20'] = "{$script}?cmd=rss&ver=2.0";
    $_LINK['search'] = "{$script}?cmd=search";
    $_LINK['top'] = "{$script}?" . rawurlencode($defaultpage);
    if ($trackback) {
        $tb_id = tb_get_id($_page);
        $_LINK['trackback'] = "{$script}?plugin=tb&__mode=view&tb_id={$tb_id}";
    $_LINK['unfreeze'] = "{$script}?cmd=unfreeze&page={$r_page}";
    $_LINK['upload'] = "{$script}?plugin=attach&pcmd=upload&page={$r_page}";
    // Compat: Skins for 1.4.4 and before
    $link_add =& $_LINK['add'];
    $link_new =& $_LINK['new'];
    // New!
    $link_edit =& $_LINK['edit'];
    $link_diff =& $_LINK['diff'];
    $link_top =& $_LINK['top'];
    $link_list =& $_LINK['list'];
    $link_filelist =& $_LINK['filelist'];
    $link_search =& $_LINK['search'];
    $link_whatsnew =& $_LINK['recent'];
    $link_backup =& $_LINK['backup'];
    $link_help =& $_LINK['help'];
    $link_trackback =& $_LINK['trackback'];
    // New!
    $link_rdf =& $_LINK['rdf'];
    // New!
    $link_rss =& $_LINK['rss'];
    $link_rss10 =& $_LINK['rss10'];
    // New!
    $link_rss20 =& $_LINK['rss20'];
    // New!
    $link_freeze =& $_LINK['freeze'];
    $link_unfreeze =& $_LINK['unfreeze'];
    $link_upload =& $_LINK['upload'];
    $link_template =& $_LINK['copy'];
    $link_refer =& $_LINK['refer'];
    // New!
    $link_rename =& $_LINK['rename'];
    // Init flags
    $is_page = is_pagename($_page) && !arg_check('backup') && $_page != $whatsnew;
    $is_read = arg_check('read') && is_page($_page);
    $is_freeze = is_freeze($_page);
    // Last modification date (string) of the page
    $lastmodified = $is_read ? format_date(get_filetime($_page)) . ' ' . get_pg_passage($_page, FALSE) : '';
    // List of attached files to the page
    $attaches = $attach_link && $is_read && exist_plugin_action('attach') ? attach_filelist() : '';
    // List of related pages
    $related = $related_link && $is_read ? make_related($_page) : '';
    // List of footnotes
    ksort($foot_explain, SORT_NUMERIC);
    $notes = !empty($foot_explain) ? $note_hr . join("\n", $foot_explain) : '';
    // Tags will be inserted into <head></head>
    $head_tag = !empty($head_tags) ? join("\n", $head_tags) . "\n" : '';
    // 1.3.x compat
    // Last modification date (UNIX timestamp) of the page
    $fmt = $is_read ? get_filetime($_page) + LOCALZONE : 0;
    // Search words
    if ($search_word_color && isset($vars['word'])) {
        $body = '<div class="small">' . $_msg_word . htmlsc($vars['word']) . '</div>' . $hr . "\n" . $body;
        // BugTrack2/106: Only variables can be passed by reference from PHP 5.0.5
        // with array_splice(), array_flip()
        $words = preg_split('/\\s+/', $vars['word'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
        $words = array_splice($words, 0, 10);
        // Max: 10 words
        $words = array_flip($words);
        $keys = array();
        foreach ($words as $word => $id) {
            $keys[$word] = strlen($word);
        arsort($keys, SORT_NUMERIC);
        $keys = get_search_words(array_keys($keys), TRUE);
        $id = 0;
        foreach ($keys as $key => $pattern) {
            $s_key = htmlsc($key);
            $pattern = '/' . '<textarea[^>]*>.*?<\\/textarea>' . '|' . '<[^>]*>' . '|' . '&[^;]+;' . '|' . '(' . $pattern . ')' . '/sS';
            $decorate_Nth_word = create_function('$matches', 'return (isset($matches[1])) ? ' . '\'<strong class="word' . $id . '">\' . $matches[1] . \'</strong>\' : ' . '$matches[0];');
            $body = preg_replace_callback($pattern, $decorate_Nth_word, $body);
            $notes = preg_replace_callback($pattern, $decorate_Nth_word, $notes);
    // var_dump($body);
    if ($vars['cmd'] == 'edit') {
        $frontBody = strstr($body, '<div', true);
        $rearBody = strstr(strstr($body, '<div'), '</div>');
        $attachBody = strstr(strstr($body, '<div'), '</div>', true);
        $newBody = new_body($attachBody);
        $body = $frontBody . $newBody . $rearBody;
    } else {
        $body = new_body($body);
    $longtaketime = getmicrotime() - MUTIME;
    $taketime = sprintf('%01.03f', $longtaketime);
    require SKIN_FILE;
文件: wix.php 项目: Tom39/joomla
  * Execute and display a template script.
  * @param   string  $tpl  The name of the template file to parse; automatically searches through the template paths.
  * @return  mixed  A string if successful, otherwise a Error object.
 public function display($tpl = null)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $dispatcher = JEventDispatcher::getInstance();
     $this->item = $this->get('Item');
     $this->print = $app->input->getBool('print');
     $this->state = $this->get('State');
     $this->user = $user;
     // Check for errors.
     if (count($errors = $this->get('Errors'))) {
         JError::raiseWarning(500, implode("\n", $errors));
         return false;
     // Create a shortcut for $item.
     $item = $this->item;
     $item->tagLayout = new JLayoutFile('joomla.content.tags');
     // Add router helpers.
     $item->slug = $item->alias ? $item->id . ':' . $item->alias : $item->id;
     $item->catslug = $item->category_alias ? $item->catid . ':' . $item->category_alias : $item->catid;
     $item->parent_slug = $item->parent_alias ? $item->parent_id . ':' . $item->parent_alias : $item->parent_id;
     // No link for ROOT category
     if ($item->parent_alias == 'root') {
         $item->parent_slug = null;
     // TODO: Change based on shownoauth
     $item->readmore_link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($item->slug, $item->catid, $item->language));
     // Merge article params. If this is single-article view, menu params override article params
     // Otherwise, article params override menu item params
     $this->params = $this->state->get('params');
     $active = $app->getMenu()->getActive();
     $temp = clone $this->params;
     // Check to see which parameters should take priority
     if ($active) {
         $currentLink = $active->link;
         // If the current view is the active item and an article view for this article, then the menu item params take priority
         if (strpos($currentLink, 'view=article') && strpos($currentLink, '&id=' . (string) $item->id)) {
             // Load layout from active query (in case it is an alternative menu item)
             if (isset($active->query['layout'])) {
             } elseif ($layout = $item->params->get('article_layout')) {
             // $item->params are the article params, $temp are the menu item params
             // Merge so that the menu item params take priority
         } else {
             // Current view is not a single article, so the article params take priority here
             // Merge the menu item params with the article params so that the article params take priority
             $item->params = $temp;
             // Check for alternative layouts (since we are not in a single-article menu item)
             // Single-article menu item layout takes priority over alt layout for an article
             if ($layout = $item->params->get('article_layout')) {
     } else {
         // Merge so that article params take priority
         $item->params = $temp;
         // Check for alternative layouts (since we are not in a single-article menu item)
         // Single-article menu item layout takes priority over alt layout for an article
         if ($layout = $item->params->get('article_layout')) {
     $offset = $this->state->get('list.offset');
     // Check the view access to the article (the model has already computed the values).
     if ($item->params->get('access-view') == false && $item->params->get('show_noauth', '0') == '0') {
         JError::raiseWarning(403, JText::_('JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR'));
     if ($item->params->get('show_intro', '1') == '1') {
         $item->text = $item->introtext . ' ' . $item->fulltext;
     } elseif ($item->fulltext) {
         $item->text = $item->fulltext;
     } else {
         $item->text = $item->introtext;
     global $WixID, $RequestPath, $matchingHostName;
     $WixID = '0';
     $RequestPath = '';
     $matchingHostName = '';
     $item->text = new_body($item->text);
     $item->tags = new JHelperTags();
     $item->tags->getItemTags('com_content.article', $this->item->id);
     // Process the content plugins.
     $dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array('com_content.article', &$item, &$item->params, $offset));
     $item->event = new stdClass();
     $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentAfterTitle', array('com_content.article', &$item, &$item->params, $offset));
     $item->event->afterDisplayTitle = trim(implode("\n", $results));
     $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentBeforeDisplay', array('com_content.article', &$item, &$item->params, $offset));
     $item->event->beforeDisplayContent = trim(implode("\n", $results));
     $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentAfterDisplay', array('com_content.article', &$item, &$item->params, $offset));
     $item->event->afterDisplayContent = trim(implode("\n", $results));
     // Increment the hit counter of the article.
     if (!$this->params->get('intro_only') && $offset == 0) {
         $model = $this->getModel();
     // Escape strings for HTML output
     $this->pageclass_sfx = htmlspecialchars($this->item->params->get('pageclass_sfx'));