$db->Query("DELETE FROM ad_exits WHERE id='{$id_ad}' AND affid='{$affid}' LIMIT 1"); } } } } } } $db->Query("DELETE FROM ad_purchased WHERE id='{$id}' AND affid='{$affid}' LIMIT 1"); echo "affid={$affid} deleted purchased ad id={$id} type={$type}\n"; } } // delete unverified signups after 3 days $db->Query("SELECT affid, username, pass, fname, lname, email, datesignedup FROM users WHERE verified='0'"); $result = $db->result; while (list($affid, $username, $pass, $fname, $lname, $email, $datesignedup) = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) { $num_days = DateDiff(mysql_datetime_to_timestamp($datesignedup), time(), 'd'); $num_days = round($num_days); if ($num_days > 3) { $db->Query("DELETE FROM users WHERE affid='{$affid}' LIMIT 1"); } else { $hash = substr(md5(strrev(sha1($affid))), 0, 5); $val_url = "http://freeadplanet.com/?c=validatesignup&affid={$affid}&h={$hash}"; @mail($email, 'Free AD Planet - Validate Account Notice', "Hello {$fname} {$lname},\n\nVisit the URL below to Validate your Account.\n\n{$val_url}\n\nUsername: {$username}\nPassword: {$pass}\n\nRegards,\nhttp://freeadplanet.com Staff", $headers); //@mail('*****@*****.**', 'Free AD Planet - Validate Account Notice', "Hello $fname $lname,\n\nVisit the URL below to Validate your Account.\n\n$val_url\n\nUsername: $username\nPassword: $pass\n\nRegards,\nhttp://freeadplanet.com Staff", $headers); } } // calculate new Quota Week if ($dayOfWeek == 'Mon') { echo "\n** dayOfWeek={$dayOfWeek} which is new quota week\n"; $db->Query("SELECT affid, status, weekadcount, weekadmissed FROM users WHERE verified != '0' ORDER BY affid"); $result = $db->result;
@mail('*****@*****.**', 'WARNING: List payment over due: ' . $today, $late_bill_message, $headers); } ///////////////////////////////////////// // handle billing for safelist members // ///////////////////////////////////////// $db->SelectDB('mle'); // loop each list check for do billing check $db->Query("SELECT paylinkparams, listownerID, listname FROM listmanager WHERE created='1'"); $lists = $db->result; while (list($params, $id, $list) = mysqli_fetch_row($lists)) { $parts = explode('|', $params); if ($parts[10]) { $db->Query("SELECT userID, datelastbilled FROM users WHERE verified='yes' AND status != 'mem' AND memberpaid='1' AND listname='{$list}' AND listownerID='{$id}'"); $users = $db->result; while (list($uID, $datelastbilled) = mysqli_fetch_row($users)) { $months = DateDiff(mysql_datetime_to_timestamp($datelastbilled), time(), 'm'); switch ($parts[11]) { case 0: if ($months > 0) { $db->Query("UPDATE users SET memberpaid='0', datelastbilled=NOW() WHERE userID='{$uID}' LIMIT 1"); $maildata .= "list: {$list} User: {$uID} paid reset to 0 - monthly\n"; } break; case 1: if ($months > 1) { $db->Query("UPDATE users SET memberpaid='0', datelastbilled=NOW() WHERE userID='{$uID}' LIMIT 1"); $maildata .= "list: {$list} User: {$uID} paid reset to 0 - bi monthly\n"; } break; case 2: if ($months > 2) {
function send_signup_mail($list, $id, $resending, $pass1, $email, $username, $uID, $fname, $lname, $email1, $status = "", $where = "not set", $refer = "") { global $db, $email_wordwrap_length, $defaultstatus; $db->Query("SELECT fromname, adminemail, paylinkparams FROM listmanager WHERE listname='{$list}' AND listownerID='{$id}'"); list($fromname, $adminemail, $paylinkparams) = $db->FetchRow(); // extract check billing $parts = explode('|', $paylinkparams); $checkbilling = $parts[10]; $db->Query("SELECT listhash FROM listurls WHERE listname='{$list}' AND listownerID='{$id}' LIMIT 1"); list($listhash) = $db->FetchRow(); $emailenc = urlencode($email); $validator = substr(sha1($uID . $email), 0, 5); $subscribelink = "http://planetxmail.com/mle/au.php?u={$uID}&e={$emailenc}&v={$validator}"; $subject = !$resending ? "{$list} - New user Confirmation Notice" : "{$list} - Resending New user Confirmation Notice"; $db->Query("SELECT subconfirm FROM listmanager WHERE listname='{$list}' AND listownerID='{$id}' LIMIT 1"); list($message) = $db->FetchRow(); $message = wordwrap($message, $email_wordwrap_length); $validator = strrev(substr(md5($uID), 0, 5)); $usr = strrev($uID); $unsublink = "http://planetxmail.com/mle/rl.php?u={$usr}&v={$validator}"; if (!$status) { $status = $defaultstatus; } if ($status == 'pro') { $readablestatus = 'a Professional'; } else { if ($status == 'exe') { $readablestatus = 'an Executive'; } } $validator_paylinks = strrev(substr(sha1(md5($uID)), 0, 5)); // if check billing and member is pro or exec then replace subscribe link with a paylink if ($checkbilling and $status != 'mem') { $subscribelink = "Use the Link below to pay the subscribe fee since this is a {$readablestatus} account. This will also verify your email address:\nhttp://planetxmail.com/mle/signuppaylinks.php?u={$usr}&v={$validator_paylinks}"; } $message = str_replace(array('[subscribe_link]', '[unsubscribe_link]', '[list_name]', '[program_name]', '[admin_email_address]', '[user_name]', '[first_name]', '[last_name]', '[password]'), array($subscribelink, $unsublink, $list, $program_name, $adminemail, $username, $fname, $lname, $pass1), $message); $message = stripslashes($message); //mail('*****@*****.**', $subject.$email, $message); @mail($email, $subject, $message, "From: {$fromname} <*****@*****.**>"); if (!$resending) { // get when list was last cleaned and apply to new user $db->Query("SELECT lastcleaned FROM system WHERE listname='{$list}' AND listownerID='{$id}' LIMIT 1"); list($lastcleaned) = $db->FetchRow(); $lastcleaned = timestamp_to_mysql_timestamp(mysql_datetime_to_timestamp($lastcleaned)); $db->Query("SELECT freestartcredits, prostartcredits, exestartcredits, freeearnedcredits, proearnedcredits, exeearnedcredits FROM listconfig WHERE listname='{$list}' AND listownerID='{$id}' LIMIT 1"); list($freestartcredits, $prostartcredits, $exestartcredits, $freeearnedcredits, $proearnedcredits, $exeearnedcredits) = $db->FetchRow(); /* // award creds to referal if any $parts = explode("|", $refer); $ref_userID = strrev(trim($parts[0])); $ref_listhash = trim($parts[1]); exit("ref_userID=$ref_userID ref_listhash=$ref_listhash refer=$refer"); if ($db->Query("SELECT status FROM users WHERE userID='$ref_userID'")) { list($ref_status) = $db->FetchRow(); if ($ref_status == 'mem') $earned_credits = $freeearnedcredits; else if ($ref_status == 'pro') $earned_credits = $proearnedcredits; else if ($ref_status == 'exe') $earned_credits = $exeearnedcredits; if (is_numeric($earned_credits) && $earned_credits > 0) $db->Query("UPDATE users SET credits=credits+$earned_credits WHERE userID='$ref_userID'"); } */ // get starting credits if ($status == 'mem') { $startcredits = $freestartcredits; } else { if ($status == 'pro') { $startcredits = $prostartcredits; } else { if ($status == 'exe') { $startcredits = $exestartcredits; } } } if (!is_numeric($startcredits) or $startcredits < 1) { $startcredits = 0; } $db->Query("INSERT INTO users\n (userID, fname, lname, email, status, username, password, datesignedup,listname,lastloggedin,lastmailweek,listownerID,referer,datelastbilled,credits)\n VALUES ('{$uID}','{$fname}','{$lname}','{$email1}','{$status}','{$username}',MD5('{$pass1}'),NOW(), '{$list}', NOW(), {$lastcleaned},'{$id}', '{$refer}',NOW(),'{$startcredits}')"); } header("Location: emailsentmessage.php?email={$email}&list={$list}&id={$id}"); exit; }
// skip owners that have more than 1 list, for now $db->SelectDB("pxm"); if ($db->Query("SELECT listname FROM extended WHERE listownername='{$listownername}'")) { continue; } // get listownerID $db->SelectDB("mle"); if ($db->Query("SELECT listownerID FROM listowner WHERE username='******'")) { list($listownerID) = $db->FetchRow(); } else { $notValid .= "<br />\nlistownerID not found for listowner={$listownername}"; continue; } $db->Query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE verified='yes' AND listname='{$listname}' AND listownerID='{$listownerID}'"); list($totalmem) = $db->FetchRow(); $days_bill_late = intval(DateDiff(mysql_datetime_to_timestamp($datesubmitted), time(), "d")); if (1 == 1) { $ids[] = $id; $listnames[] = $listname; $listownerIDs[] = $listownerID; $listownernames[] = $listownername; $dayslate[] = $days_bill_late; $totalmembers[] = $totalmem; } } } else { exit("No lists found to be convertable."); } ?> <html>