function last_contact($date, $show_only_date, $user_ID) { //global $show_only_date; if ($show_only_date) { $data = mysql2localedate($date); } else { $data = mysql2localedatetime($date); } $login = user_login($user_ID, false); if ($login != '') { $threads_url = get_dispctrl_url('threads', 'colselect_submit=Filter+list&u=' . $login); $data = '<a href="' . $threads_url . '">' . $data . '</a>'; } return $data; }
/** * Return the given date in the correct date format * * @param string Date * @param boolean TRUE to show only date * @return string Date */ function col_thread_date($date, $show_only_date) { if ($show_only_date) { return mysql2localedate($date); } return mysql2localedatetime($date); }
$Form->hidden('expiry_delay', $edited_Item->get_setting('comment_expiry_delay')); $Form->hidden('goal_ID', $edited_Item->get_setting('goal_ID')); $Form->hidden('item_order', $edited_Item->order); $creator_User = $edited_Item->get_creator_User(); $Form->hidden('item_owner_login', $creator_User->login); $Form->hidden('item_owner_login_displayed', 1); } elseif (!isset($edited_Item->status)) { $highest_publish_status = get_highest_publish_status('post', $Blog->ID, false); $edited_Item->set('status', $highest_publish_status); } if ($current_User->check_perm('admin', 'restricted')) { // These fields can be edited only by users which have an access to back-office if ($current_User->check_perm('blog_edit_ts', 'edit', false, $Blog->ID)) { // Time stamp field values $Form->hidden('item_dateset', $edited_Item->get('dateset')); $Form->hidden('item_issue_date', mysql2localedate($edited_Item->get('issue_date'))); $Form->hidden('item_issue_time', substr($edited_Item->get('issue_date'), 11)); } // Tags $Form->hidden('item_tags', $item_tags); $Form->hidden('suggest_item_tags', $UserSettings->get('suggest_item_tags')); } $disp_edit_categories = true; if (!$params['disp_edit_categories']) { // When categories are hidden, we store a cat_ID in the hidden input if ($edited_Item->ID > 0) { // Get cat_ID from existing Item $main_Chapter = $edited_Item->get_main_Chapter(); $cat = $main_Chapter->ID; } else { // Forums skin get cat_ID from $_GET
if (empty($comment_Item)) { $comment_Item =& $edited_Comment->get_Item(); } $form_action = url_add_param($admin_url, 'ctrl=comments'); $display_params = array_merge($display_params, array('textarea_lines' => 16, 'form_comment_text' => T_('Comment content'))); $Form = new Form($form_action, 'comment_edit', 'post'); $Form->begin_form('evo_comment'); $Form->add_crumb('comment'); $Form->hidden('blog', $Blog->ID); $Form->hidden('mname', 'collections'); $Form->hidden('action_type', 'comment'); $Form->hidden('comment_ID', $edited_Comment->ID); $Form->hidden('redirect_to', $edited_Comment->get_permanent_url()); if ($current_User->check_perm('admin', 'restricted') && $current_User->check_perm('blog_edit_ts', 'edit', false, $Blog->ID)) { // ------------------------------------ TIME STAMP ------------------------------------- $Form->hidden('comment_issue_date', mysql2localedate($edited_Comment->get('date'))); $Form->hidden('comment_issue_time', substr($edited_Comment->get('date'), 11)); } $Form->begin_fieldset(get_request_title(array_merge(array('edit_links_template' => array('before' => '<span class="pull-right">', 'after' => '</span>', 'advanced_link_class' => 'btn btn-info btn-sm', 'close_link_class' => 'btn btn-default btn-sm')), $params))); $Form->info(T_('In response to'), $comment_Item->get_title()); if ($Blog->get_setting('threaded_comments')) { // Display a reply comment ID only when this feature is enabled in blog settings $Form->text_input('in_reply_to_cmt_ID', $edited_Comment->in_reply_to_cmt_ID, 10, T_('In reply to comment ID'), T_('(leave blank for normal comments)')); } if ($edited_Comment->get_author_User()) { $Form->info(T_('Author'), $edited_Comment->get_author()); } else { $Form->text_input('newcomment_author', $edited_Comment->author, 20, T_('Author'), '', array('maxlength' => 100, 'style' => 'width: 100%;')); $Form->text_input('newcomment_author_email', $edited_Comment->author_email, 20, T_('Email'), '', array('maxlength' => 255, 'style' => 'width: 100%;')); $Form->text_input('newcomment_author_url', $edited_Comment->author_url, 20, T_('Website URL'), '', array('maxlength' => 255, 'style' => 'width: 100%;')); }
/** * Deadline */ function deadline($date) { $timestamp = mysql2timestamp($date); if ($timestamp <= 0) { return ' '; // IE needs that crap in order to display cell border :/ } return mysql2localedate($date); }
/** * Create icon with dataobject history */ function history_info_icon() { $history = array(); $UserCache =& get_Cache('UserCache'); // HANDLE CREATOR STUFF if (!empty($this->creator_field) && !empty($this->{$this->creator_field})) { // We have a creator: $creator_User =& $UserCache->get_by_ID($this->{$this->creator_field}); if (!empty($this->datecreated_field) && !empty($this->{$this->datecreated_field})) { // We also have a create date: $history[0] = sprintf(T_('Created on %s by %s'), mysql2localedate($this->{$this->datecreated_field}), $creator_User->dget('preferredname')); } else { // We only have a cretaor: $history[0] = sprintf(T_('Created by %s'), $creator_User->dget('preferredname')); } } elseif (!empty($this->datecreated_field) && !empty($this->{$this->datecreated_field})) { // We only have a create date: $history[0] = sprintf(T_('Created on %s'), mysql2localedate($this->{$this->datecreated_field})); } // HANDLE LAST UPDATE STUFF if (!empty($this->lasteditor_field) && !empty($this->{$this->lasteditor_field})) { // We have a creator: $creator_User =& $UserCache->get_by_ID($this->{$this->lasteditor_field}); if (!empty($this->datemodified_field) && !empty($this->{$this->datemodified_field})) { // We also have a create date: $history[1] = sprintf(T_('Last mod on %s by %s'), mysql2localedate($this->{$this->datemodified_field}), $creator_User->dget('preferredname')); } else { // We only have a cretaor: $history[1] = sprintf(T_('Last mod by %s'), $creator_User->dget('preferredname')); } } elseif (!empty($this->datemodified_field) && !empty($this->{$this->datemodified_field})) { // We only have a create date: $history[1] = sprintf(T_('Last mod on %s'), mysql2localedate($this->{$this->datemodified_field})); } return get_icon('history', $what = 'imgtag', array('title' => implode(' - ', $history)), true); }