<td align="left" width="100%" style="21; background-color: #FFFFFF;"> <table class="style26"> <tr> <td class="style27"> <a href="index.html">Home</a> > <a href="screenings.php">Screenings</a><br /> <hr style="height: -12px; margin-top: 0px" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="style28"> Screenings:<br /> <?php include "includes/functions.php"; my_mysql_connect(); $query_results = my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT EVENT.Event_ID, Event_Name, Start_Date, Start_Time, End_Date, End_Time, Location_Name, Address, City, State, Zip FROM EVENT JOIN LOCATION ON (EVENT.EVENT_ID = LOCATION.EVENT_ID) WHERE E_Type = 's'"); echo "<table border='1'>"; echo "<tr>"; //Print out the table headers foreach ($query_results[0] as $key => $value) { echo "<th>{$key}</th>"; } echo "</tr>"; //Print out each row foreach ($query_results as $row) { echo "<tr>"; foreach ($row as $key => $value) { if ($key == "Event_ID") { echo "<td><a href='http://group13.x10hosting.com/screening_part_manip.php'>{$value}</a></td>"; } else { echo "<td>{$value}</td>";
<?php include 'sessionHandler.php'; ?> <?php include "includes/functions.php"; // If there is no user, the questionnaire filling out is useless if (isset($_SESSION["AcctNumber"])) { // connect to the database my_mysql_connect(); $result = array(); // Prepare the query $sql = "UPDATE GameSubGenreQuestionnaire SET " . "fighting=" . $_POST["Fighting"] . ", " . "driving=" . $_POST["Driving"] . ", " . "wrpg=" . $_POST["WRPG"] . ", " . "jrpg=" . $_POST["JRPG"] . ", " . "baseball=" . $_POST["Baseball"] . ", " . "basketball=" . $_POST["Basketball"] . ", " . "golf=" . $_POST["Golf"] . ", " . "boxing=" . $_POST["Boxing"] . ", " . "mma=" . $_POST["MMA"] . ", " . "wrestling=" . $_POST["Wrestling"] . ", " . "football=" . $_POST["Football"] . ", " . "hockey=" . $_POST["Hockey"] . ", " . "miscellaneous=" . $_POST["Miscellaneous"] . ", " . "realTime=" . $_POST["RealTime"] . ", " . "turnBased=" . $_POST["TurnBased"] . ", " . "dancing=" . $_POST["Dancing"] . ", " . "singing=" . $_POST["Singing"] . ", " . "instruments=" . $_POST["Instruments"] . ", " . "fps=" . $_POST["FirstPerson"] . ", " . "tps=" . $_POST["ThirdPerson"] . ", " . "shmup=" . $_POST["ShootEmUp"] . ", " . "railShooter=" . $_POST["RailShooter"] . ", " . "trivia=" . $_POST["Trivia"] . " WHERE AccountNumber='{$_SESSION['AcctNumber']}'"; $result = my_trusted_mysql_query($sql); $_SESSION["QuestionnaireFilled"] = 1; my_mysql_close(); header('Location: http://minersoft.org/gamewarp/questionnaire.php'); } else { header('Location: http://minersoft.org/gamewarp/newaccount.php'); }
<?php include 'sessionHandler.php'; ?> <?php include "includes/functions.php"; // If there is no user, the questionnaire filling out is useless if (isset($_SESSION["AcctNumber"])) { // connect to the database my_mysql_connect(); // Prepare the query $sql = "UPDATE TheatricalSubGenreQuestionnaire SET " . "wwii=" . $_POST["WorldWarTwo"] . ", " . "postApocalyptic=" . $_POST["PostApocalyptic"] . " WHERE AccountNumber='{$_SESSION['AcctNumber']}'"; echo "{$sql}"; my_trusted_mysql_query($sql); $_SESSION["QuestionnaireFilled"] = 1; my_mysql_close(); header('Location: http://minersoft.org/gamewarp/questionnaire.php'); } else { header('Location: http://minersoft.org/gamewarp/newaccount.php'); }
//See if the page was called with POST data, meaning this page has been called before if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { //Copy $_POST data, sanitizing it to prevent SQL injection attacks. $q = safe_inputs($_POST); my_mysql_connect(); //Check various conditions to make sure input is valid. if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.[a-zA-Z.]{2,5}$/', $_POST['Email'])) { echo "Invalid E-mail entered. E-mail must be in the format \"name@server.com\"<br />"; } //Company is not in the database. if (count(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT Email FROM COMPANY WHERE Email = '{$q['Email']}'")) == 0) { echo "The company with the e-mail " . $q['Email'] . " does not exist in the database. " . "To add this company's information, please select insert instead of update.<br /><br />"; $_POST['Fill'] = 'true'; } else { echo "All events hosted by the company with e-mail " . $q['Email'] . ": <br />"; display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM EVENT WHERE Event_ID IN (SELECT Event_ID FROM HOSTS WHERE Email='{$q['Email']}')")); my_mysql_close(); $_POST['Fill'] = 'false'; } } ?> </div> <div class="style35"> <ul> <strong>View all classes or screenings hosted by a specific company:</strong><br /> <li>The company must already be in the database.</li> </ul> </div> <!-- The HTML for receiving user input from text boxes and such --> <!-- For proper HTML rendering, the php scripts must be left completely left-aligned! -->
my_mysql_close(); $_POST['Fill'] = 'false'; } } else { if ($_POST['query_type'] == 'delete') { //Person is not in the database. if (count(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT Email FROM SCREEN_PARTICIPANT WHERE Email = '{$q['Email']}'")) == 0) { echo "The person with the e-mail " . $q['Email'] . " is not currently in the database as a screening participant. " . "To add this person's information, please select insert.<br /><br />"; $_POST['Fill'] = 'true'; } else { //Show the record that's about to be deleted. echo "Records deleted:"; display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM SCREEN_PARTICIPANT WHERE Email = '{$q['Email']}'")); display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM S_ATTEND WHERE Email = '{$q['Email']}'")); $query = "DELETE FROM SCREEN_PARTICIPANT WHERE Email='{$q['Email']}'"; my_trusted_mysql_query($query); my_mysql_close(); $_POST['Fill'] = 'false'; } } else { echo "An unexpected selection has been made. <br />"; my_mysql_close(); die; } } } } } } ?> </div>
<html> <title> Company Test </title> <body> <!-- The php script for generating the table and handling database queries --> <?php include "includes/functions.php"; my_mysql_connect(); echo "<h1><CENTER>Class</CENTER></h1>"; //Displays the total people at each class display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT Event_ID, count(Email) FROM C_ATTEND GROUP BY Event_ID")); echo "<h1><CENTER>Session</CENTER></h1>"; //Displays the total people at each Session display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT Event_ID, count(Email) FROM S_ATTEND GROUP BY Event_ID")); my_mysql_close(); ?> </body> </html>
echo "<br />Company's association by hosting this event:<br />"; display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM COMPANY WHERE Email IN (SELECT Email FROM HOSTS WHERE Event_ID={$Event_ID_num})")); //display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query( "SELECT Event_ID, Email FROM HOSTS WHERE Event_ID = $Event_ID_num" )); //display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query( "SELECT Event_ID, Email FROM S_ATTEND WHERE Event_ID = $Event_ID_num" )); //display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query( "SELECT Event_ID, Email FROM C_ATTEND WHERE Event_ID = $Event_ID_num" )); echo "<br />People attending this event:<br />"; display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM SCREEN_PARTICIPANT WHERE Email IN (SELECT Email FROM S_ATTEND WHERE Event_ID={$Event_ID_num})")); display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM CLASS_PARTICIPANT WHERE Email IN (SELECT Email FROM C_ATTEND WHERE Event_ID={$Event_ID_num})")); my_trusted_mysql_query("DELETE FROM EVENT WHERE Event_ID={$Event_ID_num}"); my_trusted_mysql_query("DELETE FROM LOCATION WHERE Event_ID={$Event_ID_num}"); my_trusted_mysql_query("DELETE FROM CLASS_DATES WHERE Event_ID={$Event_ID_num}"); my_trusted_mysql_query("DELETE FROM HOSTS WHERE Event_ID={$Event_ID_num}"); my_trusted_mysql_query("DELETE FROM CLASS_PARTICIPANT WHERE Email IN (SELECT Email FROM C_ATTEND WHERE Event_ID={$Event_ID_num})"); my_trusted_mysql_query("DELETE FROM SCREEN_PARTICIPANT WHERE Email IN (SELECT Email FROM S_ATTEND WHERE Event_ID={$Event_ID_num})"); my_trusted_mysql_query("DELETE FROM C_ATTEND WHERE Event_ID = {$Event_ID_num}"); my_trusted_mysql_query("DELETE FROM S_ATTEND WHERE Event_ID = {$Event_ID_num}"); my_mysql_close(); $_POST['Fill'] = 'false'; } } } else { echo "An unexpected selection has been made. <br />"; my_mysql_close(); die; } } } } ?> </div>
$Event_ID_num = (int) $q['Event_ID']; my_mysql_connect(); //event ID can't be blank if ($Event_ID_num == 0) { echo "Invalid Event ID entered. Event ID cannot be blank and must be a number. <br />"; } else { if (count(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT Event_ID FROM EVENT WHERE Event_ID = {$Event_ID_num}")) == 0) { echo "The event with the ID " . $q['Event_ID'] . " does not exist in the database. " . "<br />To add this event's information, please go <a href='http://group13.x10hosting.com/event_manip.php'>[here]</a> and select insert.<br /><br />"; $_POST['Fill'] = 'true'; } else { echo "People administering or teaching the event: <br />"; display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM STAFF WHERE Email IN (SELECT Email FROM ADMINISTER WHERE Event_ID={$Event_ID_num})")); display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM STAFF WHERE Email IN (SELECT Email FROM TEACH WHERE Event_ID={$Event_ID_num})")); echo "<br />People attending the event: <br />"; display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM CLASS_PARTICIPANT WHERE Email IN (SELECT Email FROM C_ATTEND WHERE Event_ID={$Event_ID_num})")); display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM SCREEN_PARTICIPANT WHERE Email IN (SELECT Email FROM S_ATTEND WHERE Event_ID={$Event_ID_num})")); my_mysql_close(); $_POST['Fill'] = 'false'; } } } ?> </div> <div class="style35"> <ul> <strong> View all participants who are attending a specific class or screening:</strong><br /> <li>The event ID must already be in the database.</li> </ul> </div>
<html> <title> Company Test </title> <body> <!-- The php script for generating the table and handling database queries --> <?php include "includes/functions.php"; my_mysql_connect(); echo "<h1><CENTER>Class</CENTER></h1>"; //Displays the class with the most amount of people display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT Event_ID, min(people) FROM ( SELECT Event_ID, count(Email) people FROM C_ATTEND GROUP BY Event_ID) AS cnt_table")); echo "<h1><CENTER>Session</CENTER></h1>"; //Displays the session with the most amount of people display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT Event_ID, min(people) FROM ( SELECT Event_ID, count(Email) people FROM S_ATTEND GROUP BY Event_ID) AS cnt_table")); my_mysql_close(); ?> </body> </html>
my_mysql_connect(); echo "<br />Staff list: "; $results_staff = my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM STAFF"); display_results($results_staff); echo "<br />Number of Staff: "; $total_staff = count(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM STAFF")); echo "{$total_staff}<br />"; echo "<br />Screening participant list: "; display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM SCREEN_PARTICIPANT")); echo "<br />Number of screening participants: "; $total_screening = count(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM SCREEN_PARTICIPANT")); echo "{$total_screening}<br />"; echo "<br />Class participant list: "; display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM CLASS_PARTICIPANT")); echo "<br />Number of class participants: "; $total_class = count(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM CLASS_PARTICIPANT")); echo "{$total_class}"; my_mysql_close(); ?> <br /><br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><table align="left" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="38" background="/images/index_r17_c9.jpg" class="style21"> <div align="center">Patents and Copyrights owned by Maelstrom, Not for use by others</span><strong>.</strong><br> </div></td> </tr> </table>
</tr> </table></td> <td align="left" width="100%" style="background-color: #FFFFFF" class="style26"> <center>Current companies in the database:<br /><br /></center> <?php include "includes/functions.php"; //Connect to the database my_mysql_connect(); display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM COMPANY")); $total_company = count(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM COMPANY")); echo "<br />Total Companies: "; echo "{$total_company}"; my_mysql_close(); ?> <br /><br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><table align="left" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
//Connect to the database my_mysql_connect(); //Delete all previous records in company table. my_trusted_mysql_query("DELETE FROM COMPANY"); my_trusted_mysql_query("DELETE FROM EVENT"); my_trusted_mysql_query("DELETE FROM CLASS_PARTICIPANT"); my_trusted_mysql_query("DELETE FROM SCREEN_PARTICIPANT"); my_trusted_mysql_query("DELETE FROM STAFF"); my_trusted_mysql_query("DELETE FROM C_ATTEND"); my_trusted_mysql_query("DELETE FROM S_ATTEND"); //The array that stores each INSERT query as an element. //Can run through them in a loop later, easy-peasy $population = array("INSERT INTO COMPANY (Email, Name, Address, City, State, Zip)\r\nVALUES ('*****@*****.**', 'Maelstrom', '321 Money Ln', 'Rolla', 'MO', 64014)", "INSERT INTO COMPANY (Email, Name, Address, City, State, Zip)\r\nVALUES ('*****@*****.**', 'Mage_Killer', '456 Rock Face Rd', 'Middle-earth', 'TX', 22215)", "INSERT INTO COMPANY (Email, Name, Address, City, State, Zip)\r\nVALUES ('*****@*****.**', 'br?', 'Dirt Road', 'Brazil', 'BR', 11111)", "INSERT INTO COMPANY (Email, Name, Address, City, State, Zip)\r\nVALUES ('*****@*****.**', 'Efsie', 'Rich Pl', 'Gojira', 'JP', 01235)", "INSERT INTO STAFF (Fname, Lname, Email, Address, City, State, Zip, Comments, Password)\r\nVALUES ( 'James', 'Bond', '*****@*****.**', '1803 awesome Rd', 'Rolla', 'MO', 65401, NULL, 12345)", "INSERT INTO STAFF (Fname, Lname, Email, Address, City, State, Zip, Comments, Password)\r\nVALUES ( 'Frank', 'Sims', '*****@*****.**', 'Ice cap', 'North Pole', 'NP', 71374, NULL, 123123)", "INSERT INTO SCREEN_PARTICIPANT (Email, Fname, Lname, Address, City, State, Zip, Comments, Time)\r\nVALUES ('*****@*****.**', 'Pope', 'Joe', '123 Holy Rd', 'Vatican', 'Vatican', 77777, NULL, 7 )", "INSERT INTO CLASS_PARTICIPANT (Email, Fname, Lname, Address, City, State, Zip, Comments, BCBSNum, BCBSSuffix, Birth_Date)\r\nVALUES ('*****@*****.**', 'Peter', 'Parker', '20 Ingram Street', 'Queens', 'NY', 11428, 'AKA spiderman', 7, 8, '4/3/1962' )", "INSERT INTO EVENT (EVENT_ID, Event_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Start_Time, End_Time, Comments, E_Type, S_Type, Session_Length)\r\nVALUES (101,'Health Fair', 6, 9, 7, 8, NULL, 's', 'Fair', 15 )", "INSERT INTO EVENT (EVENT_ID, Event_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Start_Time, End_Time, Comments, E_Type, S_Type, Session_Length)\r\nVALUES (102,'Quit Smoking', 6, 9, 7, 8, NULL, 'c', NULL, NULL )", "INSERT INTO C_ATTEND (Email, Event_ID)\r\nVALUES ('*****@*****.**', 102)", "INSERT INTO S_ATTEND (Email, Event_ID)\r\nVALUES ('*****@*****.**', 101)"); //Perform the queries, huzzah foreach ($population as $query) { echo "> " . $query . "<br />"; my_trusted_mysql_query($query); } //Confirm the insertions display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM COMPANY")); display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM EVENT")); display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM CLASS_PARTICIPANT")); display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM SCREEN_PARTICIPANT")); display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM STAFF")); display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM C_ATTEND")); display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM S_ATTEND")); //Close connection to database my_mysql_close(); ?>
</td> </tr> </table></td> <td align="left" width="100%" style="background-color: #FFFFFF" class="style26"> <center>Current screenings in the database:<br /><br /></center> <?php include "includes/functions.php"; my_mysql_connect(); display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT Event_ID, Event_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Start_Time, End_Time, Comments, S_Type, Session_Length FROM EVENT WHERE E_Type = 's'")); $total_screening = count(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM EVENT WHERE E_Type = 's'")); echo "<br />Total screenings: "; echo "{$total_screening}"; echo "<br />Average number of people per screening: "; //Displays the avrage number of people attending all screening display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT AVG(Screening_Participants) FROM ( SELECT Event_ID, count(Email) Screening_Participants FROM S_ATTEND GROUP BY Event_ID) AS cnt_table")); my_mysql_close(); ?> <br /><br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><table align="left" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="38" background="/images/index_r17_c9.jpg" class="style21"> <div align="center">Patents and Copyrights owned by Maelstrom, Not for use by others</span><strong>.</strong><br> </div></td> </tr> </table> </td>
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { //Copy $_POST data, sanitizing it to prevent SQL injection attacks. $q = safe_inputs($_POST); //Force event ID into a number $Event_ID_num = (int) $q['Event_ID']; my_mysql_connect(); //event ID can't be blank if ($Event_ID_num == 0) { echo "Invalid Event ID entered. Event ID cannot be blank and must be a number. <br />"; } else { if (count(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT Event_ID FROM EVENT WHERE Event_ID = {$Event_ID_num}")) == 0) { echo "The event with the ID " . $q['Event_ID'] . " does not exist in the database. " . "<br />To add this event's information, please go <a href='http://group13.x10hosting.com/event_manip.php'>[here]</a> and select insert.<br /><br />"; $_POST['Fill'] = 'true'; } else { echo "Dates and times for event {$Event_ID_num}: <br />"; display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT Event_ID, Event_Name, Start_Date, Start_Time, End_Date, End_Time FROM EVENT WHERE Event_ID={$Event_ID_num}")); my_mysql_close(); $_POST['Fill'] = 'false'; } } } ?> </div> <div class="style35"> <ul> <strong>View all times and dates associated with a specific class or screening:</strong><br /> <li>The event ID must already be in the database.</li> </ul> </div> <!-- The HTML for receiving user input from text boxes and such -->
<?php include "includes/functions.php"; session_start(); // clean input values and copy them into a new array $q = safe_inputs($_POST); // connect to the database my_mysql_connect(); $result = array(); $result = my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT AccountNumber FROM Account WHERE UserName = '******'userName']}' AND Password = '******'password']}'"); $_SESSION["LoginErr"] = 1; if (count($result) == 1) { //echo $result[0]; $_SESSION["username"] = $_POST["userName"]; $_SESSION["AcctNumber"] = $result[0]["AccountNumber"]; // For the questionnaire results, '1' means a message will be displayed to // inform the user the storage went properly. $_SESSION["QuestionnaireFilled"] = 0; $result = my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT Admin FROM Account WHERE UserName = '******'userName']}' AND Password = '******'password']}'"); $_SESSION["adminLvl"] = $result[0]["Admin"]; } my_mysql_close(); if (isset($_SESSION["AcctNumber"])) { $_SESSION["LoginErr"] = 0; header('Location: http://minersoft.org/gamewarp/'); } else { header('Location: http://minersoft.org/gamewarp/newaccount.php'); }
</tr> </table></td> <td align="left" width="100%" style="background-color: #FFFFFF" class="style26"> <center>Current classes in the database:<br /><br /></center> <?php include "includes/functions.php"; //Connect to the database my_mysql_connect(); display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT Event_ID, Event_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Start_Time, End_Time, Comments FROM EVENT WHERE E_Type = 'c'")); $total_class = count(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM EVENT WHERE E_Type = 'c'")); echo "<br />Total classes: "; echo "{$total_class}"; echo "<br />Average number of people per class: "; //Displays the avrage number of people attending all classes display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT AVG(Class_Attendees) FROM ( SELECT Event_ID, count(Email) Class_Attendees FROM C_ATTEND GROUP BY Event_ID) AS cnt_table")); my_mysql_close(); ?> <br /><br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><table align="left" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="38" background="/images/index_r17_c9.jpg" class="style21"> <div align="center">Patents and Copyrights owned by Maelstrom, Not for use by others</span><strong>.</strong><br> </div></td> </tr> </table> </td>
} } else { if ($_POST['query_type'] == 'delete') { //Company is not in the database. if (count(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT Email FROM COMPANY WHERE Email = '{$q['Email']}'")) == 0) { echo "The company with the e-mail " . $q['Email'] . " does not exist in the database. " . "To add this company's information, please select insert.<br /><br />"; $_POST['Fill'] = 'true'; } else { //Show the record that's about to be deleted. echo "Record deleted:"; display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM COMPANY WHERE Email = '{$q['Email']}'")); display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT Email, Number FROM COMPANY_PHONE WHERE Email = '{$q['Email']}'")); $company_query = "DELETE FROM COMPANY WHERE Email='{$q['Email']}'"; my_trusted_mysql_query($company_query); $company_phone_query = "DELETE FROM COMPANY_PHONE WHERE Email='{$q['Email']}'"; my_trusted_mysql_query($company_phone_query); my_mysql_close(); $_POST['Fill'] = 'false'; } } else { echo "An unexpected selection has been made. <br />"; my_mysql_close(); die; } } } } } } } ?>
</tr> </table></td> <td align="left" width="100%" style="background-color: #FFFFFF" class="style26"> <center>Events currently in the database:<br /><br /></center> <?php include "includes/functions.php"; //Connect to the database my_mysql_connect(); display_results(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM EVENT")); $total_event = count(my_trusted_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM EVENT")); echo "<br />Total Events: "; echo "{$total_event}"; my_mysql_close(); ?> <br /><br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><table align="left" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">