function mtheme_generate_metaboxes($meta_data, $post)
    // Use nonce for verification
    //echo basename(__FILE__);
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="mtheme_meta_box_nonce" value="', wp_create_nonce(basename(__FILE__)), '" />';
    echo '<div class="metabox-wrapper">';
    foreach ($meta_data['fields'] as $field) {
        // get current post meta data
        $meta = get_post_meta($post->ID, $field['id'], true);
        $class = "";
        $trigger_element = "";
        $trigger = "";
        $titleclass = "is_title";
        if (isset($field['heading'])) {
            if ($field['heading'] == "subhead") {
                $titleclass = "is_subtitle";
        if (isset($field['class'])) {
            $class = $field['class'];
        if (isset($field['triggerStatus'])) {
            if ($field['triggerStatus'] == "on") {
                $trigger_element = "trigger_element";
            $trigger = "<span data-toggleClass='" . $field['toggleClass'] . "' ";
            $trigger .= "data-toggleAction='" . $field['toggleAction'] . "' ";
            $trigger .= "data-toggleTrigger='" . $field['toggleTrigger'] . "' ";
            $trigger .= "></span>";
        echo '<div class="metabox-fields metaboxtype_', $field['type'], ' ' . $class . " " . $titleclass . " " . $trigger_element . '">', $trigger, '<div class="metabox_label"><label for="', $field['id'], '"></label></div>';
        if (isset($field['type'])) {
            if ($field['type'] != "break") {
                if ($field['name'] != "") {
                    echo '<div id="' . $field['id'] . '" class="sectiontitle clearfix">' . $field['name'] . '</div>';
            if ($field['type'] == "break") {
                echo '<div id="' . $field['id'] . '" class="maintitle clearfix">' . $field['sectiontitle'] . '</div>';
            switch ($field['type']) {
                case 'image_gallery':
/* <![CDATA[ */
jQuery(function($) {
	var frame,
	    images = '<?php 
                    echo get_post_meta($post->ID, '_mtheme_image_ids', true);
	    selection = loadImages(images);

	$('#mtheme_images_upload').on('click', function(e) {

		// Set options for 1st frame render
		var options = {
			title: '<?php 
                    _e("Create Featured Gallery", "mthemelocal");
			state: 'gallery-edit',
			frame: 'post',
			selection: selection

		// Check if frame or gallery already exist
		if( frame || selection ) {
			options['title'] = '<?php 
                    _e("Edit Featured Gallery", "mthemelocal");

		frame = wp.media(options).open();
		// Tweak views
		frame.menu.get('view').get('gallery-edit').el.innerHTML = '<?php 
                    _e("Edit Featured Gallery", "mthemelocal");
		frame.content.get('view').sidebar.unset('gallery'); // Hide Gallery Settings in sidebar

		// When we are editing a gallery
		frame.on( 'toolbar:render:gallery-edit', function() {
		frame.on( 'content:render:browse', function( browser ) {
		    if ( !browser ) return;
		    // Hide Gallery Settings in sidebar
		    browser.sidebar.on('ready', function(){
		    // Hide filter/search as they don't work
		    browser.toolbar.on('ready', function(){
			    if(browser.toolbar.controller._state == 'gallery-library'){
		// All images removed
		frame.state().get('library').on( 'remove', function() {
		    var models = frame.state().get('library');
			if(models.length == 0){
			    selection = false;
				$.post(ajaxurl, { ids: '', action: 'mtheme_save_images', post_id: mtheme_ajax.post_id, nonce: mtheme_ajax.nonce });
		// Override insert button
		function overrideGalleryInsert() {
				insert: {
					style: 'primary',
					text: '<?php 
                    _e("Save Featured Gallery", "mthemelocal");

					click: function() {
						var models = frame.state().get('library'),
						    ids = '';

						models.each( function( attachment ) {
						    ids += attachment.id + ','

						this.el.innerHTML = '<?php 
                    _e("Saving...", "mthemelocal");
							type: 'POST',
							url: ajaxurl,
							data: { 
								ids: ids, 
								action: 'mtheme_save_images', 
								post_id: mtheme_ajax.post_id, 
								nonce: mtheme_ajax.nonce 
							success: function(){
								selection = loadImages(ids);
								$('#_mtheme_image_ids').val( ids );
							dataType: 'html'
						}).done( function( data ) {
							$('.mtheme-gallery-thumbs').html( data );
	// Load images
	function loadImages(images) {
		if( images ){
		    var shortcode = new wp.shortcode({
				tag:    'gallery',
				attrs:   { ids: images },
				type:   'single'

		    var attachments = wp.media.gallery.attachments( shortcode );

			var selection = new wp.media.model.Selection( attachments.models, {
				props:    attachments.props.toJSON(),
				multiple: true

			selection.gallery = attachments.gallery;
			// Fetch the query's attachments, and then break ties from the
			// query to allow for sorting.
			selection.more().done( function() {
				// Break ties with the query.
				selection.props.set({ query: false });
			return selection;
		return false;
/* ]]> */
                    // SPECIAL CASE:
                    // std controls button text; unique meta key for image uploads
                    $meta = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_mtheme_image_ids', true);
                    $thumbs_output = '';
                    $button_text = $meta ? __('Edit Gallery', 'mthemelocal') : $field['std'];
                    if ($meta) {
                        $field['std'] = __('Edit Gallery', 'mthemelocal');
                        $thumbs = explode(',', $meta);
                        $thumbs_output = '';
                        foreach ($thumbs as $thumb) {
                            $thumbs_output .= '<li>' . wp_get_attachment_image($thumb, 'thumbnail') . '</li>';
                    echo '<td>
			    		<input type="button" class="button" name="' . $field['id'] . '" id="mtheme_images_upload" value="' . $button_text . '" />
			    		<input type="hidden" name="mtheme_meta[_mtheme_image_ids]" id="_mtheme_image_ids" value="' . ($meta ? $meta : 'false') . '" />

			    		<ul class="mtheme-gallery-thumbs">' . $thumbs_output . '</ul>
                case 'display_image_attachments':
                    $images = get_children(array('post_parent' => $post->ID, 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'order' => 'ASC', 'numberposts' => -1, 'orderby' => 'menu_order'));
                    if ($images) {
                        foreach ($images as $id => $image) {
                            $attatchmentID = $image->ID;
                            $imagearray = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attatchmentID, 'thumbnail', false);
                            $imageURI = $imagearray[0];
                            $imageID = get_post($attatchmentID);
                            $imageTitle = $image->post_title;
                            echo '<img src="' . $imageURI . '" alt="image" />';
                    } else {
                        echo 'No images found.';
                case 'upload':
                    if ($meta != "") {
                        echo '<img height="100px" src="' . $meta . '" />';
                    echo '<div>';
                    echo '<input type="text" name="', $field['id'], '" id="', $field['id'], '" value="', $meta ? $meta : $field['std'], '" size="30" style="width:400px" />';
                    echo '<button class="button-shortcodegen-uploader" data-id="' . $field['id'] . '" value="Upload">Upload</button>';
                    echo '</div>';
                case 'text':
                    echo '<input type="text" name="', $field['id'], '" id="', $field['id'], '" value="', $meta ? $meta : $field['std'], '" size="30" />';
                case 'textarea':
                    echo '<textarea name="', $field['id'], '" id="', $field['id'], '" cols="60" rows="4" >', $meta ? $meta : $field['std'], '</textarea>';
                case 'select':
                    $class = '';
                    if (isset($field['target'])) {
                        $field['options'] = mtheme_get_select_target_options($field['target']);
                    if (isset($field['target'])) {
                        echo '<div class="selectbox"><select name="', $field['id'], '" id="', $field['id'], '">';
                        foreach ($field['options'] as $key => $option) {
                            if ($key == '0') {
                                $key = 'All the items';
                            echo '<option value="' . $key . '"', $meta == $key ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $option, '</option>';
                        echo '</select></div>';
                    } else {
                        echo '<div class="selectbox ' . $class . '"><select name="', $field['id'], '" id="', $field['id'], '">';
                        foreach ($field['options'] as $option) {
                            echo '<option', $meta == $option ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $option, '</option>';
                        echo '</select></div>';
                    // Basic text input
                // Basic text input
                case 'range':
                    $output = "";
                    if (isset($field['unit'])) {
                        $output .= '<div class="ranger-min-max-wrap"><span class="ranger-min-value">' . $field['min'] . '</span>';
                        $output .= '<span class="ranger-max-value">' . $field['max'] . '</span></div>';
                        $output .= '<div id="' . esc_attr($field['id']) . '_slider"></div>';
                        $output .= '<div class="ranger-bar">';
                    if (!isset($meta) || $meta == "") {
                        if ($meta == 0) {
                            $meta = "0";
                        } else {
                            $meta = $field['std'];
                    $meta = floatval($meta);
                    $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($field['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($field['id']) . '" type="text" value="' . $meta . '"';
                    if (isset($field['unit'])) {
                        if (isset($field['min'])) {
                            $output .= ' min="' . $field['min'];
                        if (isset($field['max'])) {
                            $output .= '" max="' . $field['max'];
                        if (isset($field['step'])) {
                            $output .= '" step="' . $field['step'];
                        $output .= '" />';
                        if (isset($field['unit'])) {
                            $output .= '<span>' . $field['unit'] . '</span>';
                        $output .= '</div>';
                    } else {
                        $output .= ' />';
                    echo $output;
                case 'radio':
                    foreach ($field['options'] as $option) {
                        echo '<input type="radio" name="', $field['id'], '" value="', $option, '"', $meta == $option ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' />', $option;
                case 'image':
                    $output = "";
                    foreach ($field['options'] as $key => $option) {
                        $selected = '';
                        $checked = '';
                        //echo "---".$meta . "-----".$key;
                        if ($meta == '') {
                            if (isset($field['std'])) {
                                $meta = $field['std'];
                        if ($meta != '') {
                            if ($meta == $key) {
                                $selected = ' of-radio-img-selected';
                                $checked = ' checked="checked"';
                        $output .= '<input type="radio" id="' . esc_attr($field['id'] . '_' . $key) . '" class="of-radio-img-radio" value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" name="' . esc_attr($field['id']) . '" ' . $checked . ' />';
                        $output .= '<div class="of-radio-img-label">' . esc_html($key) . '</div>';
                        $output .= '<img data-value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" src="' . esc_url($option) . '" alt="' . $option . '" class="of-radio-img-img' . $selected . '" onclick="document.getElementById(\'' . esc_attr($field['id'] . '_' . $key) . '\').checked=true;" />';
                    echo $output;
                case 'checkbox':
                    echo '<input type="checkbox" name="', $field['id'], '" id="', $field['id'], '"', $meta ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' />';
        if (isset($field['desc'])) {
            echo '<div class="metabox-description">', $field['desc'], '</div>';
        echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
        } else {
            $slideshow_type = "";
        if ($slideshow_type != "Fullscreen-Video") {
            $options_bgslideshow[$list->ID] = $list->post_title;
} else {
    $options_bgslideshow[0] = "Featured pages not found.";
$mtheme_imagepath = get_template_directory_uri() . '/framework/options/images/';
$mtheme_common_page_box = array('id' => 'common-pagemeta-box', 'title' => 'General Page Metabox', 'page' => 'page', 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('name' => __('Attach Images', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_image_attachments', 'std' => __('Upload Images', 'mthemelocal'), 'type' => 'image_gallery', 'desc' => __('<div class="metabox-note">Attach images to this page/post.</div>', 'mthemelocal')), array('name' => __('Background Slideshow / Image from', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_meta_background_choice', 'type' => 'select', 'target' => 'backgroundslideshow_choices', 'desc' => __('<div class="metabox-note">
			<strong>Static Image from Theme options</strong> <em>Satic image set from theme options as background</em></br>
			<strong>Slideshow from Theme options:</strong> <em>Slideshow chosen from theme options as background</em></br>
			<strong>Slideshow from post/page image attachments:</strong> <em>Slideshow from images attached to this post/page</em></br>
			<strong>Static image using post/page featured image:</strong> <em>Static image from featured image of this post/page</em></br>
			<strong>Slideshow from a fullscreen post:</strong> <em>Slideshow from a fullscreen post - choose from next selector.</em></br>
			<strong>Static image using custom background image:</strong> <em>Static image from custom background image url listed below</em></br>
			', 'mthemelocal'), 'options' => mtheme_get_select_target_options('backgroundslideshow_choices')), array('name' => __('Background Slideshow from a fullscreen post', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_slideshow_bgfullscreenpost', 'type' => 'select', 'target' => 'fullscreen_slideshow_posts', 'desc' => __('<div class="metabox-note"><strong>Note :</strong>If selected, your choice of fullscreen slideshow post is used to create the  page background slideshow</div>', 'mthemelocal'), 'options' => mtheme_get_select_target_options('fullscreen_slideshow_posts')), array('name' => __('Custom background image URL', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_meta_background_url', 'type' => 'upload', 'target' => 'image', 'std' => '', 'desc' => __('<div class="metabox-note">Upload or provide full url of background. eg. <code>http://www.domain.com/path/image.jpg</code></div>', 'mthemelocal')), array('name' => __('Page Style', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_pagestyle', 'type' => 'image', 'std' => 'rightsidebar', 'desc' => __('<strong>With Sidebar :</strong> Displays post with sidebar - two columns</br><strong>Fullwidth without sidebar :</strong> Displays post as without sidebar', 'mthemelocal'), 'options' => array('rightsidebar' => $mtheme_imagepath . 'right_sidebar.png', 'leftsidebar' => $mtheme_imagepath . 'left_sidebar.png', 'nosidebar' => $mtheme_imagepath . 'no_sidebar.png')), array('name' => __('Choice of Sidebar', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_sidebar_choice', 'type' => 'select', 'desc' => __('For Sidebar Active Pages and Posts', 'mthemelocal'), 'options' => $mtheme_sidebar_options)));
// Add meta box
function mtheme_add_box()
    global $mtheme_meta_box, $mtheme_common_page_box;
    add_meta_box($mtheme_common_page_box['id'], $mtheme_common_page_box['title'], 'mtheme_common_show_pagebox', $mtheme_common_page_box['page'], $mtheme_common_page_box['context'], $mtheme_common_page_box['priority']);
function mtheme_common_show_pagebox()
    global $mtheme_common_page_box, $post;
    mtheme_generate_metaboxes($mtheme_common_page_box, $post);
        if ($slideshow_type != "Fullscreen-Video") {
            $options_bgslideshow[$list->ID] = $list->post_title;
} else {
    $options_bgslideshow[0] = "Featured pages not found.";
$mtheme_imagepath = get_template_directory_uri() . '/framework/options/images/';
$mtheme_portfolio_box = array('id' => 'portfoliometa-box', 'title' => 'Portfolio Metabox', 'page' => 'page', 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('name' => __('Attach Images', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_image_attachments', 'std' => __('Upload Images', 'mthemelocal'), 'type' => 'image_gallery', 'desc' => __('<div class="metabox-note">Attach images to this page/post.</div>', 'mthemelocal')), array('name' => __('Background Slideshow / Image from', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_meta_background_choice', 'type' => 'select', 'target' => 'backgroundslideshow_choices', 'desc' => __('<div class="metabox-note">
			<strong>Static Image from Theme options</strong> <em>Satic image set from theme options as background</em></br>
			<strong>Slideshow from Theme options:</strong> <em>Slideshow chosen from theme options as background</em></br>
			<strong>Slideshow from post/page image attachments:</strong> <em>Slideshow from images attached to this post/page</em></br>
			<strong>Static image using post/page featured image:</strong> <em>Static image from featured image of this post/page</em></br>
			<strong>Slideshow from a fullscreen post:</strong> <em>Slideshow from a fullscreen post - choose from next selector.</em></br>
			<strong>Static image using custom background image:</strong> <em>Static image from custom background image url listed below</em></br>
			', 'mthemelocal'), 'options' => mtheme_get_select_target_options('backgroundslideshow_choices')), array('name' => __('Background Slideshow from a fullscreen post', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_slideshow_bgfullscreenpost', 'type' => 'select', 'target' => 'fullscreen_slideshow_posts', 'desc' => __('<div class="metabox-note"><strong>Note :</strong>If selected, your choice of fullscreen slideshow post is used to create the  page background slideshow</div>', 'mthemelocal'), 'options' => mtheme_get_select_target_options('fullscreen_slideshow_posts')), array('name' => __('Custom background image URL', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_meta_background_url', 'type' => 'upload', 'target' => 'image', 'std' => '', 'desc' => __('<div class="metabox-note">Upload or provide full url of background. eg. <code>http://www.domain.com/path/image.jpg</code></div>', 'mthemelocal')), array('name' => __('Header image', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_header_image', 'type' => 'upload', 'target' => 'image', 'std' => '', 'desc' => __('<div class="metabox-note">Upload or provide full url of header image. eg. <code>http://www.domain.com/path/image.jpg</code></div>', 'mthemelocal')), array('name' => __('Page Style', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_pagestyle', 'type' => 'image', 'std' => 'rightsidebar', 'triggerStatus' => 'on', 'toggleClass' => '.sidebar_choice', 'toggleAction' => 'hide', 'toggleTrigger' => 'nosidebar', 'class' => 'page_style', 'desc' => __('<strong>Column:</strong> Displays column based portfolio.</br><strong>Fullwidth:</strong> Displays fullwidth portfolio.', 'mthemelocal'), 'options' => array('column' => $mtheme_imagepath . 'portfolio_column.png', 'fullwidth' => $mtheme_imagepath . 'portfolio_fullwidth.png', 'rightsidebar' => $mtheme_imagepath . 'right_sidebar.png', 'leftsidebar' => $mtheme_imagepath . 'left_sidebar.png')), array('name' => __('Choice of Sidebar', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_sidebar_choice', 'class' => 'sidebar_choice', 'type' => 'select', 'desc' => __('For Sidebar Active Pages and Posts', 'mthemelocal'), 'options' => $mtheme_sidebar_options), array('name' => __('Portfolio Post Header', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_portfoliotype', 'std' => 'Image', 'type' => 'image', 'triggerStatus' => 'on', 'toggleClass' => '.videoembed', 'toggleAction' => 'show', 'toggleTrigger' => 'Video', 'class' => 'portfolio_header', 'desc' => __('Select type of Portfolio header.', 'mthemelocal'), 'options' => array('Image' => $mtheme_imagepath . 'portfolio_image.png', 'Vertical' => $mtheme_imagepath . 'portfolio_vertical.png', 'Slideshow' => $mtheme_imagepath . 'portfolio_slideshow.png', 'Video' => $mtheme_imagepath . 'portfolio_video.png', 'None' => $mtheme_imagepath . 'portfolio_none.png')), array('name' => __('Video Embed Code for Header', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_video_embed', 'heading' => 'subhead', 'class' => 'videoembed', 'type' => 'textarea', 'desc' => __('Video Embed code for Portfolio Header.', 'mthemelocal'), 'std' => ''), array('name' => __('Gallery thumbnails link to', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_thumbnail_linktype', 'type' => 'image', 'std' => 'Lightbox', 'triggerStatus' => 'on', 'toggleClass' => '.portfoliolinktype', 'toggleAction' => 'hide', 'toggleTrigger' => 'meta_thumbnail_direct', 'class' => 'thumbnail_linktype', 'desc' => __('Link type of portfolio image in portfolio galleries.', 'mthemelocal'), 'options' => array('Lightbox' => $mtheme_imagepath . 'thumb_lightbox.png', 'Customlink' => $mtheme_imagepath . 'thumb_customlink.png', 'DirectURL' => $mtheme_imagepath . 'thumb_directlink.png')), array('name' => __('Fill for Lightbox Video', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_lightbox_video', 'heading' => 'subhead', 'class' => 'portfoliolinktype', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => __('To display a Lightbox Video.<br/>Eg.<br/>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D78TYCEG4<br/>http://vimeo.com/172881<br/>http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/include/marquee/design.swf?width=792&height=294', 'mthemelocal'), 'std' => ''), array('name' => __('Fill for Custom Link', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_customlink', 'heading' => 'subhead', 'class' => 'portfoliolinktype', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => __('For any link. URL followed with <code>http://</code>', 'mthemelocal'), 'std' => ''), array('name' => __('Description below Thumbnail ( Portfolio Gallery )', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_thumbnail_desc', 'type' => 'textarea', 'desc' => __('This description is displayed below each thumbnail.', 'mthemelocal'), 'std' => ''), array('name' => __('Description for AJAX Preview', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_ajax_description', 'type' => 'textarea', 'desc' => __('Ajax item description. Leave empty to use gallery item description instead.', 'mthemelocal'), 'std' => ''), array('name' => __('Skills Required', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_skills_required', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => __('Comma seperated skills sets. eg. PHP,HTML,CSS,Illustrator,Photoshop', 'mthemelocal'), 'std' => ''), array('name' => __('Client Name (optional)', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_clientname', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => __('Name of Client', 'mthemelocal'), 'std' => ''), array('name' => __('Client Link (optional)', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_clientname_link', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => __('URL of Client', 'mthemelocal'), 'std' => ''), array('name' => __('Project Link (optional)', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_projectlink', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => __('Project link. URL followed with <code>http://</code>', 'mthemelocal'), 'std' => ''), array('name' => __('Custom Thumbnail. (optional)', 'mthemelocal'), 'id' => MTHEME . '_customthumbnail', 'type' => 'upload', 'target' => 'image', 'desc' => __('Thumbnail URL. URL followed with <code>http://</code>', 'mthemelocal'), 'std' => '')));
add_action("admin_init", "mtheme_portfolioitemmetabox_init");
function mtheme_portfolioitemmetabox_init()
    add_meta_box("mtheme_portfolioInfo-meta", "Portfolio Options", "mtheme_portfolioitem_metaoptions", "mtheme_portfolio", "normal", "low");
* Meta options for Portfolio post type
function mtheme_portfolioitem_metaoptions()
    global $mtheme_portfolio_box, $post;
    mtheme_generate_metaboxes($mtheme_portfolio_box, $post);
 * Defines an array of options that will be used to generate the settings page and be saved in the database.
 * When creating the "id" fields, make sure to use all lowercase and no spaces.
function optionsframework_options()
    // Pull all Google Fonts using API into an array
    require MTHEME_PARENTDIR . '/framework/options/google-fonts.php';
    //$fontArray = unserialize($fontsSeraliazed);
    $google_font_array = json_decode($google_api_output, true);
    //print_r( json_decode ($google_api_output) );
    $items = $google_font_array['items'];
    $options_fonts = array();
    array_push($options_fonts, "Default Font");
    $fontID = 0;
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        $variants = '';
        $variantCount = 0;
        foreach ($item['variants'] as $variant) {
            if ($variantCount > 1) {
                $variants .= '|';
            $variants .= $variant;
        $variantText = ' (' . $variantCount . ' Varaints' . ')';
        if ($variantCount <= 1) {
            $variantText = '';
        $options_fonts[$item['family'] . ':' . $variants] = $item['family'] . $variantText;
    // Pull all the categories into an array
    $options_categories = array();
    array_push($options_categories, "All Categories");
    $options_categories_obj = get_categories();
    foreach ($options_categories_obj as $category) {
        $options_categories[$category->cat_ID] = $category->cat_name;
    // Pull all the pages into an array
    $options_pages = array();
    $options_pages_obj = get_pages('sort_column=post_parent,menu_order');
    if ($options_pages_obj) {
        foreach ($options_pages_obj as $page) {
            $options_pages[$page->ID] = $page->post_title;
    // Pull all the Featured into an array
    $featured_pages = get_posts('post_type=mtheme_featured&orderby=title&numberposts=-1&order=ASC');
    if ($featured_pages) {
        foreach ($featured_pages as $key => $list) {
            $custom = get_post_custom($list->ID);
            if (isset($custom["fullscreen_type"][0])) {
                $slideshow_type = ' (' . $custom["fullscreen_type"][0] . ')';
            } else {
                $slideshow_type = "";
            $options_featured[$list->ID] = $list->post_title . $slideshow_type;
    } else {
        $options_featured[0] = "Featured pages not found.";
    // Pull all the Featured into an array
    $bg_slideshow_pages = mtheme_get_select_target_options('fullscreen_slideshow_posts');
    // Pull all the Portfolio into an array
    $portfolio_pages = get_posts('post_type=mtheme_portfolio&orderby=title&numberposts=-1&order=ASC');
    if ($portfolio_pages) {
        foreach ($portfolio_pages as $key => $list) {
            $custom = get_post_custom($list->ID);
            $portfolio_list[$list->ID] = $list->post_title;
    // If using image radio buttons, define a directory path
    $imagepath = get_template_directory_uri() . '/framework/options/images/';
    $theme_imagepath = get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/';
    $options = array();
    $options[] = array("name" => __("General", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => __('Fav icon file', 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Customize with your fav icon. The fav icon is displayed in the browser window", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "general_fav_icon", "type" => "upload");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Theme Style", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Styles found in root theme : style_dark.css / style.css", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "general_theme_style", "std" => "light", "type" => "images", "options" => array('light' => $imagepath . 'light.png', 'dark' => $imagepath . 'dark.png'));
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Disable Right Click", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Disable right clicking", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "rightclick_disable", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Right Click Message", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("This text appears in the popup when right click is disabled", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "rightclick_disabletext", "std" => "You can enable/disable right clicking from Theme Options and customize this message too.", "type" => "textarea");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Custom CSS", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Custom CSS", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("You can include custom CSS to this field. There's also a custom.css file included with the theme which you can make additions to. <br/> eg. <code>.entry-title h1 { font-family: 'Lobster', cursive; }</code>", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "custom_css", "std" => '', "class" => "big", "type" => "textarea");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Logo", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Site Logo", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Upload logo for website.", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "main_logo", "type" => "upload");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Logo Width", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Logo width in pixels", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "logo_width", "min" => "0", "max" => "2000", "step" => "0", "unit" => 'pixels', "std" => "219", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Top Space", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Top spacing for logo ( 0 sets default )", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "logo_topmargin", "min" => "0", "max" => "200", "step" => "0", "unit" => 'pixels', "std" => "0", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Bottom Space", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Bottom spacing for logo ( 0 sets default )", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "logo_bottommargin", "min" => "0", "max" => "200", "step" => "0", "unit" => 'pixels', "std" => "0", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Left Space", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Left spacing for logo ( 0 sets default )", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "logo_leftmargin", "min" => "0", "max" => "200", "step" => "0", "unit" => 'pixels', "std" => "0", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Responsive/Mobile Logo", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Upload logo for responsive layout.", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "responsive_logo", "type" => "upload");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Responsive Logo Width", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Responsive Logo width in pixels", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "responsive_logo_width", "min" => "0", "max" => "2000", "step" => "0", "unit" => 'pixels', "std" => "0", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Responsive Logo Top Space", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Top spacing for logo ( 0 sets default )", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "responsive_logo_topmargin", "min" => "0", "max" => "200", "step" => "0", "unit" => 'pixels', "std" => "0", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Custom WordPress Login Page Logo", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Upload logo for WordPress Login Page", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "wplogin_logo", "type" => "upload");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Background", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Background color", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("No color selected by default.", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "general_background_color", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("General Background Fullscreen Slideshow Page", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("General Background Fullscreen Slideshow Page.", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "general_bgslideshow", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "class" => "small", "options" => $bg_slideshow_pages);
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Background image ( required for archive pages )", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Upload background image", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "general_background_image", "type" => "upload");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Photowall Background image", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Upload background image", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "photowall_background_image", "type" => "upload");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Background overlay pattern", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Background overlay patterns.", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "general_background_overlay", "std" => "0", "type" => "images", "options" => array('0' => $theme_imagepath . 'overlays/options/sample-none.png', '01' => $theme_imagepath . 'overlays/options/sample-01.png', '02' => $theme_imagepath . 'overlays/options/sample-02.png', '03' => $theme_imagepath . 'overlays/options/sample-03.png', '04' => $theme_imagepath . 'overlays/options/sample-04.png', '05' => $theme_imagepath . 'overlays/options/sample-05.png', '06' => $theme_imagepath . 'overlays/options/sample-06.png', '07' => $theme_imagepath . 'overlays/options/sample-07.png', '08' => $theme_imagepath . 'overlays/options/sample-08.png', '09' => $theme_imagepath . 'overlays/options/sample-09.png', '10' => $theme_imagepath . 'overlays/options/sample-10.png', '11' => $theme_imagepath . 'overlays/options/sample-11.png', '12' => $theme_imagepath . 'overlays/options/sample-12.png', '13' => $theme_imagepath . 'overlays/options/sample-13.png', '14' => $theme_imagepath . 'overlays/options/sample-14.png', '15' => $theme_imagepath . 'overlays/options/sample-15.png'));
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Background pattern opacity ( default 85 )", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Background pattern opacity", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "background_opacity", "min" => "0", "max" => "100", "step" => "0", "unit" => '%', "std" => "85", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Fullscreen Homepage", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Set Fullscreen Hompage", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Requires a Page created with Fullscreen Home template.", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "fullcscreen_hselected", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "class" => "small", "options" => mtheme_get_select_target_options('fullscreen_posts'));
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Fullscreen Media", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Audio Settings", "type" => "info");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Loop Audio Clip", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Loop the audio clip for fullscreen slideshows", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "audio_loop", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("On-start volume", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Volume to start with", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "audio_volume", "min" => "1", "max" => "100", "step" => "0", "unit" => '%', "std" => "75", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Slideshow Settings", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "info");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Disable Slideshow Progress Bar", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Disable slideshow progress bar", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "hprogressbar_disable", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Disable Slideshow Play button", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Disable slideshow play button", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "hplaybutton_disable", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Disable Slideshow Navigation Arrows", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Disable navigation arrows", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "hnavigation_disable", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    // 0-None, 1-Fade, 2-Slide Top, 3-Slide Right, 4-Slide Bottom, 5-Slide Left, 6-Carousel Right, 7-Carousel Left
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Transition", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Transition type", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "slideshow_transition", "std" => "1", "type" => "select", "class" => "mini", "options" => array('1' => "Fade", '2' => "Slide Top", '3' => "Slide Right", '4' => "Slide Bottom", '5' => "Slide Left", '6' => "Carousel Right", '7' => "Carousel Left", '0' => "None"));
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Auto Play Slideshow", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Auto start slideshow on load", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "slideshow_autoplay", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Pause on last slide", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Pause on end of slideshow", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "slideshow_pause_on_last", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Pause on hover", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Pause slideshow on hover", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "slideshow_pause_hover", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Vertical center", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Vertical center images", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "slideshow_vertical_center", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Horizontal center", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Horizontal center images", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "slideshow_horizontal_center", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Fit portrait", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Portrait images will not exceed browser height", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "slideshow_portrait", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Fit Landscape", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Landscape images will not exceed browser width", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "slideshow_landscape", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Fit Always", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Image will never exceed browser width or height.", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "slideshow_fit_always", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Slide Interval", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Length between transitions", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "slideshow_interval", "min" => "500", "max" => "20000", "step" => "0", "unit" => 'px', "std" => "8000", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Transition speed", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Speed of transition", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "slideshow_transition_speed", "std" => "1000", "min" => "500", "max" => "20000", "step" => "0", "unit" => 'px', "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Color", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Accent Color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Accent Color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "accent_color", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Toggle Color", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading", "subheading" => 'header_section_order');
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Fullscreen Toggle color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Fullscreen Toggle color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "fullscreen_toggle_color", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Fullscreen Toggle background color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Fullscreen Toggle background color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "fullscreen_toggle_bg", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Fullscreen Toggle Hover color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Fullscreen Toggle Hover color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "fullscreen_toggle_hovercolor", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Fullscreen Toggle Hover background color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Fullscreen Toggle Hover background color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "fullscreen_toggle_hoverbg", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Menu Color", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading", "subheading" => 'header_section_order');
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Menu Background fill", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Menu Background fill", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "menu_bg_fill", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Menu opacity ( default 65% )", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Menu opacity", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "menu_opacity_percent", "min" => "0", "max" => "100", "step" => "0", "unit" => '%', "std" => "65", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Menu Background Hover fill", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Menu Background Hover fill", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "menu_bg_hoverfill", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Menu Hover opacity ( default 60% )", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Menu hover opacity", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "menu_hoveropacity_percent", "min" => "0", "max" => "100", "step" => "0", "unit" => '%', "std" => "60", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Menu title link color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Menu title link color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "menu_title_color", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Menu title link hover color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Menu title link hover color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "menu_titlelinkhover_color", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Menu subcategory link color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Menu subcategory link color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "menusubcat_linkcolor", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Menu subcategory link hover color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Menu subcategory link hover color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "menusubcat_linkhovercolor", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Slideshow Color", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading", "subheading" => 'header_section_order');
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Fullscreen Slideshow title", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Fullscreen Slideshow title", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "slideshow_title", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Fullscreen Slideshow caption text", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Fullscreen Slideshow caption text", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "slideshow_captiontxt", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Fullscreen Slideshow caption background", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Fullscreen Slideshow caption background", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "slideshow_captionbg", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Fullscreen Button text", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Fullscreen Button text", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "slideshow_buttontxt", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Fullscreen Button border", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Fullscreen Button border", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "slideshow_buttonborder", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Fullscreen Button Hover text", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Fullscreen Button Hover text", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "slideshow_buttonhover_text", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Fullscreen Button Hover background", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Fullscreen Button Hover background", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "slideshow_buttonhover_bg", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Fullscreen Slideshow transition progress bar", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Slideshow transition progress bar", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "slideshow_transbar", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Photowall Color", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading", "subheading" => 'header_section_order');
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Photowall title color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Photowall title color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "photowall_title_color", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Photowall description color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Photowall description color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "photowall_description_color", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Photowall hover title color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Photowall hover title color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "photowall_hover_titlecolor", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Photowall hover description color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Photowall hover description color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "photowall_hover_descriptioncolor", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Apply custom Photowall opacity colors", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Apply custom Photowall opacity colors", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "photowall_customize", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Photowall default overlay color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Photowall default overlay color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "photowall_default_overlaycolor", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Photowall default overlay opacity ( default 80 )", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Photowall default overlay opacity", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "photowall_default_opacity", "min" => "0", "max" => "100", "step" => "0", "unit" => '%', "std" => "80", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Photowall hover overlay color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Photowall hover overlay color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "photowall_hover_overlaycolor", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Photowall hover overlay opacity ( default 50 )", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Photowall hover overlay opacity", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "photowall_hover_opacity", "min" => "0", "max" => "100", "step" => "0", "unit" => '%', "std" => "50", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Page Color", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading", "subheading" => 'header_section_order');
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Page background", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Page background", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "page_background", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Page opacity ( default 100 )", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Page opacity", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "page_opacity", "min" => "0", "max" => "100", "step" => "0", "unit" => '%', "std" => "100", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Page title color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Page title color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "page_headingcolor", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Page contents color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Page contents color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "page_contentscolor", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Page contents heading color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Page contents heading color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "page_contentsheading", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Sidebar background color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Sidebar background color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "sidebar_bgcolor", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Sidebar heading color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Sidebar heading color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "sidebar_headingcolor", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Sidebar link color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Sidebar link color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "sidebar_linkcolor", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Sidebar text color", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Sidebar text color", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "sidebar_textcolor", "std" => "", "type" => "color");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Fonts", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Enable Google Web Fonts", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Enable Google Web fonts", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "default_googlewebfonts", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Menu Font", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Select menu font", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "menu_font", "std" => '', "type" => "select", "class" => "small", "options" => $options_fonts);
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Slideshow Title font", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Select font for slideshow title", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "super_title", "std" => 'Default Font', "type" => "select", "class" => "small", "options" => $options_fonts);
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Heading Font (applies to all headings)", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Select heading font", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "heading_font", "std" => '', "type" => "select", "class" => "small", "options" => $options_fonts);
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Contents post/page heading (overide)", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Select font for headings inside posts and pages", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "page_headings", "std" => '', "type" => "select", "class" => "small", "options" => $options_fonts);
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Custom Font", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading", "subheading" => 'default_googlewebfonts');
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Font Embed Code", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("eg. <code>&lt;link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lobster' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'&gt;</code>", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "custom_font_embed", "std" => '', "type" => "textarea");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("CSS Codes for Custom Font", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("eg. <code>.entry-title h1 { font-family: 'Lobster', cursive; }</code>", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "custom_font_css", "std" => '', "type" => "textarea");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Portfolio Page", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Enable comments", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Enable comments for portfolio items. Switching off will disable comments and comment information on portfolio thumbnails.", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "portfolio_comments", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Number of thumbnail columns for Portfolio archives listing", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Affects portfolio archives. eg. Browsing portfolio category and tag links.", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "portfolio_achivelisting", "min" => "1", "max" => "4", "step" => "0", "unit" => 'columns', "std" => "4", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Portfolio permalink slug (Important Note below)", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Slug name used in portfolio permalink. <br/> IMPORTANT NOTE: After changing this please make sure to flush the old cache by visiting wp-admin > Settings > Permalinks", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "portfolio_permalink_slug", "std" => "project", "class" => "tiny", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Portfolio refered as ( Singular )", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Text name to refer portfolio as a singular ( one item )", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "portfolio_singular_refer", "std" => "Project", "class" => "tiny", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Portfolio refered as ( Plural )", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Text name to refer portfolio as plural ( many items )", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "portfolio_plural_refer", "std" => "Projects", "class" => "tiny", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Refer to Client as", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Refer to Client as. Seen in Portfolio details pages", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "portfolio_client_refer", "std" => "Client", "class" => "tiny", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Refer to Skills as", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Refer to Skills as. Seen in Portfolio details pages", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "portfolio_skill_refer", "std" => "Skills", "class" => "tiny", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Filter tag for all Items", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Displays as a filterable tag in place of all items", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "portfolio_allitems", "std" => "All Projects", "class" => "tiny", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Blog", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Display Fullpost Archives", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Display fullpost archives", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "postformat_fullcontent", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Hide allowed HTML tags info", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Hide allowed HTML tags info after comments box", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "blog_allowedtags", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Time format for blog posts", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Switch from traditional or modern time", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "mtheme_datetime", "std" => "timeago", "type" => "select", "class" => "mini", "options" => array('modern' => "Modern time", 'traditional' => "Traditional"));
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Read more text", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Enter text for Read more", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "read_more", "std" => "Continue reading", "class" => "small", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Contact Template", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Section title", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Title for this section", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "ctemplate_title", "std" => "We'd love to hear from you", "class" => "tiny", "type" => "textarea");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Email address", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Email address to recieve mail", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "ctemplate_email", "std" => "*****@*****.**", "class" => "tiny", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Label- Name Field", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Label for name field", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "ctemplate_lname", "std" => "Name", "class" => "tiny", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Label- Email Field", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Label for email field", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "ctemplate_lemail", "std" => "E-mail", "class" => "tiny", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Label- Subject Field", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Label for subject field", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "ctemplate_lsubject", "std" => "Subject", "class" => "tiny", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Label- Message Field", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Label for message field", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "ctemplate_lmessage", "std" => "Message", "class" => "tiny", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Error Notice - For no name input", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Error Notice - For no name input", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "ctemplate_errorname", "std" => "Please enter name", "class" => "small", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Error Notice - For no email input", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Error Notice - For no email input", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "ctemplate_erroremail", "std" => "Please enter email", "class" => "small", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Error Notice - For invalid email input", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Error Notice - For invalid email input", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "ctemplate_invalidemail", "std" => "Please provide a valid email", "class" => "small", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Error Notice - For no message input", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Error Notice - For no message input", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "ctemplate_errormsg", "std" => "Please enter message", "class" => "small", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Thank you message", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Thank you message", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "ctemplate_thankyou", "std" => "<h2>Thank you!</h2>Your message was sent! This message along with the contact form labels are editable from theme options.", "class" => "tiny", "type" => "textarea");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Button text", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Button text for form", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "ctemplate_button", "std" => "Send", "class" => "tiny", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Sidebars", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading");
    for ($sidebar_count = 1; $sidebar_count <= MTHEME_MAX_SIDEBARS; $sidebar_count++) {
        $options[] = array("name" => __("Sidebar ", "mthemelocal") . $sidebar_count, "type" => "info");
        $options[] = array("name" => __("Sidebar Name", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Activate sidebars by naming them.", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "theme_sidebar" . $sidebar_count, "std" => "", "class" => "small", "type" => "text");
        $options[] = array("name" => __("Sidebar Description", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("A small description to display inside the widget to easily identify it. Widget description is only shown in admin mode inside the widget.", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "theme_sidebardesc" . $sidebar_count, "std" => "", "class" => "small", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("WPML", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Disable Built-in WPML language selector", 'mthemelocal'), "desc" => __("Disable Built-in WPML language selector", 'mthemelocal'), "id" => "wpml_lang_selector_disable", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("WooCommerce", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("WooCommerce Shop default title", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Shop title for WooCommerce shop. ( default 'Shop' ).", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "mtheme_woocommerce_shoptitle", "std" => "Shop", "class" => "small", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Footer", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Copyright text", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Enter your copyright and other texts to display in footer", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "footer_copyright", "std" => "Copyright 2014", "type" => "textarea");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Footer Scripts", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Enter footer scripts. eg. Google Analytics. ", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "footer_scripts", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Export", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Export Options ( Copy this ) Read-Only.", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("Select All, copy and store your theme options backup. You can use these value to import theme options settings.", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "exportpack", "std" => '', "class" => "big", "type" => "textarea");
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Import Options", "mthemelocal"), "type" => "heading", "subheading" => 'exportpack');
    $options[] = array("name" => __("Import Options ( Paste and Save )", "mthemelocal"), "desc" => __("CAUTION: Copy and Paste the Export Options settings into the window and Save to apply theme options settings.", "mthemelocal"), "id" => "importpack", "std" => '', "class" => "big", "type" => "textarea");
    return $options;