
require_once 'funcs/functions.php';
$city = "Jodhpur";
//$con = connectDB();
$ids = '';
$row = '';
$find = $_POST['searchtext'];
$find = mres_ss($find);
//echo $find;
$c = str_word_count($find);
//echo "<br>";
//echo $c;
$p = str_word_count($find, 2);
$j = 0;
//echo "<br>";
//echo $p;
/*for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($find); $i++)
			if ($p[$i] != '')
				$j = $j + 1;
				$ar[$j] = $p[$i];
/*for ($num = 1; $num <= $c; $num++)
						$arr1=$ar[$num]." ".$ar[($num % $c) + 1];
						$arr2=$ar[($num % $c) + 1]." ".$ar[$num];

if (isset($_SESSION['gs_userid'])) {
    $uid = $_SESSION['gs_userid'];
    require_once 'funcs/functions.php';
    //$con = connectDB();
    $aid = mres_ss($_GET['aid']);
    $res = mysql_query("delete from customeraddress where CID='{$uid}' and AddressID='{$aid}'");
    if ($res) {
        header("location: manageAddress.php");
    } else {
        $regs = "An Error occurred while deleting your address";
} else {
    header("location: index.php");

require_once 'funcs/functions.php';
//$con = connectDB();
$subitems = mres_ss($_POST['subitems']);
$expc = explode("-", $subitems);
$echoString = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($expc); $i++) {
    $subid = $expc[$i];
    $res = mysql_query("select ItemID,SubItemName,Type,Price,Quantity from subitems where SubItemID='{$subid}'");
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    $itemId = $row['ItemID'];
    $res1 = mysql_query("select count(*) as ItemCount from subitems where ItemID = {$itemId}");
    $row1 = mysql_fetch_array($res1);
    $itemCount = $row1['ItemCount'];
    $subItemName = $row['SubItemName'];
    $type = $row['Type'];
    $price = $row['Price'];
    $quantity = $row['Quantity'];
    $res = mysql_query("select ItemName from items where ItemID='{$itemId}'");
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    $itemName = $row['ItemName'];
    if ($type == "P") {
        $cartString = "i->" . $subid . "->1->" . $subItemName . "->" . $type . "->" . $quantity . "->" . $price . "->" . $itemName;
    } else {
        $cartString = "i->" . $subid . "->0->" . $subItemName . "->" . $type . "->" . $quantity . "->" . $price . "->" . $itemName;
    if (isset($_SESSION['gs_cart'])) {
        $_SESSION['gs_cart'] = $_SESSION['gs_cart'] . ";" . $cartString;
    } else {

require_once 'funcs/functions.php';
require_once 'funcs/mailsend.php';
$email = mres_ss($_POST['emailid']);
if (validEmail($email)) {
    //$con = connectDB();
    $pass = mres_ss($_POST['password']);
    $repass = mres_ss($_POST['repassword']);
    $username = mres_ss($_POST['custName']);
    $mobno = mres_ss($_POST['mobileNo']);
    $salt = substr(str_replace('+', '.', base64_encode(sha1(microtime(true), true))), 0, 22);
    $hash = crypt($pass, '$2a$12$' . $salt);
    $length = 13;
    $rangeMin = pow(36, $length - 1);
    $rangeMax = pow(36, $length) - 1;
    $base10Rand = mt_rand($rangeMin, $rangeMax);
    $newRand = base_convert($base10Rand, 10, 36);
    $uname = explode("@", $str);
    $randomString = "http://localhost/shopping_portal/test/regConfirm.php?verifyString=" . $email . "_jitendrachaudhary_" . $newRand;
    $sql = "insert into customerdetails (Username,Email,Password,Phone,ActStatus,RandomString) values ('{$username}','{$email}','{$hash}','{$mobno}',0,'{$newRand}')";
    $res = mysql_query($sql);
    if ($res) {
        $subject = "Activation Request from Online Shop";
        $message = "\nWelcome {$username},<br/>\nPlease click the following Activation Link to confirm your Subscription,<br/>\n{$randomString}<br/>\n<br/>\nThank You\n";
        $send = SendMail($email, $subject, $message);
        if ($send) {
            $regs = "You have been Registered!!!<br/>An Activation Link has been sent to: {$email}<br/>Please confirm your Registration. <br/> Thank You";
        } else {
            $regs = "An error occurred while sending Email.";

require_once 'funcs/functions.php';
//$con = connectDB();
$userid = mres_ss($_POST['emailid']);
$pass = mres_ss($_POST['password']);
if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
    $page = mres_ss($_GET['page']);
} else {
    $page = null;
if (isset($userid) && isset($pass)) {
    if (validEmail($userid)) {
        $res = mysql_query("select * from customerdetails where Email='{$userid}'");
        if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 1) {
            $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
            $string = crypt($pass, $row['Password']);
            $subs = substr($string, 0, strlen($row['Password']));
            if ($subs == $row['Password']) {
                if ($row['ActStatus'] == 1) {
                    $_SESSION['gs_userid'] = $row['CID'];
                    header("location: index.php");
                } else {
                    $regs = "Your Registration is Incomplete!!!<br/>Please complete your registration by clicking on the activation link sent to your Email ID.<br/><b>Also check your SPAM Mail.</b>";
            } else {
                $regs = "Invalid Username/Password";
        } else {
            $regs = "Invalid Username/Password";

if (isset($_SESSION['gs_userid'])) {
    $uid = $_SESSION['gs_userid'];
    require_once "funcs/functions.php";
    //$con = connectDB();
    $res = mysql_query("select * from customerdetails where CID='{$uid}'");
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    $currpass = mres_ss($_POST['currpass']);
    $string = crypt($currpass, $row['Password']);
    $subs = substr($string, 0, strlen($row['Password']));
    if ($subs == $row['Password']) {
        $newpass = mres_ss($_POST['newpass']);
        $salt = substr(str_replace('+', '.', base64_encode(sha1(microtime(true), true))), 0, 22);
        $hash = crypt($newpass, '$2a$12$' . $salt);
        $res = mysql_query("update customerdetails set Password = '******' where CID = '{$uid}'");
        if ($res) {
            $regs = '<label style="color: green;">Password changed successfully!<label>';
        } else {
            $regs = '<label style="color: red;">An unexpected error occurred while changing the password</label>';
    } else {
        $regs = '<label style="color: red;">Invalid current Password!</label>';
    $_SESSION['pass_stat'] = $regs;
    header("location: customerSettings.php");
} else {
    header("location: index.php");
 } else {
     $cart = null;
 require_once 'funcs/functions.php';
 if ($cart) {
     // $con = connectDB();
     $currDate = date("d-m-Y");
     $currTime = date("H:i:s");
     $addressID = mres_ss($_POST['addressid']);
     $custName = mres_ss($_POST['custname']);
     if ($addressID == 0 || $addressID == "") {
         $newaddress = mres_ss($_POST['address']);
         $newcity = mres_ss($_POST['city']);
         $newstate = mres_ss($_POST['state']);
         $newpincode = mres_ss($_POST['pincode']);
         $newphone = mres_ss($_POST['mobileno']);
         $query = "insert into customeraddress (CID,Address,City,State,Pincode,Phone) values ('{$uid}','{$newaddress}','{$newcity}','{$newstate}','{$newpincode}','{$newphone}')";
         $addressID = mysql_insert_id($link);
     $query = "insert into orders (OrderName,CID,Date,Time,Status,AddressID) values ('{$custName}','{$uid}','{$currDate}','{$currTime}','1','{$addressID}')";
     $insertID = mysql_insert_id($link);
     if ($insertID > 0) {
         $cartItem = explode(";", $cart);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($cartItem); $i++) {
             $temp = explode("->", $cartItem[$i]);
             $subItemID = $temp[1];
             $res1 = mysql_query("select ItemID from items where SubItemID = {$subItemID}");
             $row1 = mysql_fetch_array($res1);
             $itemID = $row1['ItemID'];

if (isset($_SESSION['gs_userid'])) {
    $uid = $_SESSION['gs_userid'];
    require_once 'funcs/functions.php';
    //$con = connectDB();
    $address = @mres_ss($_POST['address']);
    $city = @mres_ss($_POST['city']);
    $state = @mres_ss($_POST['state']);
    $pincode = @mres_ss($_POST['pincode']);
    $phone = @mres_ss($_POST['phone']);
    $res = mysql_query("insert into customeraddress (CID,Address,City,State,Pincode,Phone) values ({$uid},'{$address}','{$city}','{$state}',{$pincode},'{$phone}')");
    if ($res) {
        header("location: manageAddress.php");
    } else {
        $regs = "An Error occurred while adding your address details";
} else {
    header("location: index.php");