 * Return the javascript needed to animate an element including the mouseover event
 * @access   public
 * @since    1.0.0
 * @param    $mouse_over_string String The name of the class whose element we will animate
 * @param    $animation_repeater Array The array, saved using mp_core_metabox class, retrieved using get_post_meta
 * @param    $bring_to_forefront Bool If true, this item's z-index will bump super high upon mouse over and back to nothing on mouse out
 * @return   $js_output String The javascript code which, when run, would cause the element to be animated
function mp_core_js_mouse_over_animate($mouse_over_string, $animation_repeater, $bring_to_forefront = true)
    if (empty($animation_repeater)) {
    //Set the first frame CSS (we wrap this in a script tag so that if the user has no javascript, it doesn't auto hide animated objects);
    $js_output = '<style scoped type="text/css" id="mp-core-temp-css-' . sanitize_title($mouse_over_string) . '">';
    $js_output .= $mouse_over_string . '{';
    //Temporarily set it to be non-visible
    $js_output .= 'visibility: hidden;';
    $js_output .= '}
    //If there is no javascript enabled in this user's browser, make the item visible again
    $js_output .= '
		<style scoped type="text/css">
			' . $mouse_over_string . ' ' . '{visibility:visible;}
    $js_output .= '<script type="text/javascript">
			$( document ).on( \'mp_core_animation_set_first_keyframe_trigger\', function(event){
				' . mp_core_js_animate_set_first_keyframe("\$(this).find('" . $mouse_over_string . "')", $animation_repeater) . '
			$( document ).trigger(\'mp_core_animation_set_first_keyframe_trigger\');';
    //If we are on an iphone, ipad, android, or other touch enabled screens, run the animations on the first touch, then go to the link on the second
    if (mp_core_is_iphone() || mp_core_is_ipad() || mp_core_is_android()) {
        $js_output .= '
				//On mobile, the first click runs the animation and the second goes to the link.
				$( document ).on( \'touchend\', \'' . $mouse_over_string . '\', function(event){
					if ( typeof $(this).attr(\'mp_core_animation_run\') == \'undefined\' ){
						var this_element = $(this);
						' . mp_core_js_animate_element("this_element", $animation_repeater) . '
							this_element.attr(\'mp_core_animation_run\', \'true\');
						}, 30);
    } else {
        $js_output .= '
					$( document ).on( \'mouseenter\', \'' . $mouse_over_string . '\', function(event){
						' . ($bring_to_forefront ? '$(this).css("z-index", "9999999999");' : NULL) . '
						' . mp_core_js_animate_element("\$(this)", $animation_repeater) . '}); 
					$( document ).on( \'mouseleave\', \'' . $mouse_over_string . '\', function(event){
						' . ($bring_to_forefront ? '$(this).css("z-index", "");' : NULL) . '
						' . mp_core_js_reverse_animate_element("\$(this)", $animation_repeater) . '});';
    $js_output .= '
			//Remove the visibility:hidden for this element once the javascript has loaded the first keyframe
			$(document).find("#mp-core-temp-css-' . sanitize_title($mouse_over_string) . '").remove(); 
    return $js_output;
 * Set the CSS for the image overlay to be the last animation frame if on mobile
 * @access   public
 * @since    1.0.0
 * @param    $post_id String - The id of the brick where the meta is saved
 * @param    $repeater_name String - The name of the repeater holding the meta data for the overlay
 * @return   $css_output String - A string containing the CSS for the overlay on mobile
function mp_stacks_grid_overlay_mobile_css($post_id, $repeater_name)
    //If we are on an iphone, ipad, android, or other touch enabled screens, don't do this because mouse over's aren't available
    if (mp_core_is_iphone() || mp_core_is_ipad() || mp_core_is_android()) {
        //Get the repeater holding these values
        $animation_repeater = mp_core_get_post_meta($post_id, $repeater_name);
        $animation_repeater = array_reverse($animation_repeater);
        $css_output = '#mp-brick-' . $post_id . ' .mp-stacks-grid-item-image-overlay{';
        //Loop through each value in this keyframe
        foreach ($animation_repeater[0] as $id => $value) {
            //If this is the background color
            if ($id == 'backgroundColor') {
                $css_output .= 'background-color: ' . $value . ';';
            } else {
                if ($id == 'opacity') {
                    $css_output .= 'opacity: ' . $value / 100 . ';';
                } else {
                    $css_output .= $id . ': ' . $value . ';';
        $css_output .= '}';
        return $css_output;
    } else {
        return NULL;