/** * Restore Backup copy of a dataFile to where it belongs * * @since 3.4 * * @param string $file filepath of data file to restore from backup, locked to GSDATAPATH * @param bool $delete delete the backup * @return bool success */ function restore_datafile($filepath, $delete = true) { if (!filepath_is_safe($filepath, GSDATAPATH)) { return false; } $bakfilepath = getBackupFilePath($filepath); // backup original before restoring if (file_exists($filepath)) { rename_file($bakfilepath, $bakfilepath . '.tmp'); move_file($filepath, $bakfilepath); $bakfilepath .= '.tmp'; } if (!$delete) { return copy_file($bakfilepath, $filepath); } return move_file($bakfilepath, $filepath); }
/** * publish a draft * @since 3.4 * @param str $id id of page draft to publish * @return bool status */ function publishDraft($id) { if (!pageHasDraft($id)) { return false; } backup_page($id); // backup live page backup_datafile(GSDATADRAFTSPATH . $id . '.xml'); // backup draft before moving $status = move_file(GSDATADRAFTSPATH, GSDATAPAGESPATH, $id . '.xml'); // restore_datafile(GSDATADRAFTSPATH . $id .".xml"); // debugging replays if ($status) { updatePageField($id, 'pubDate', date('r')); } // update pub date return $status; }
function MOH_Files_ListGroup() { global $mysqli; $session =& $_SESSION['MOH_Files_ListGroup']; $smarty = smarty_init(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates'); $errors = array(); // Init message (Message) $Message = isset($_REQUEST['msg']) ? $_REQUEST['msg'] : ""; if ($_REQUEST['PK_Group']) { $selectedGroup = $_REQUEST['PK_Group']; } else { header("Location: /admin/MOH_Files_List.php"); exit; } if ($_REQUEST['submit']) { $selectedPKFiles = $_REQUEST['Files']; if (is_array($selectedPKFiles)) { $move_PK_Group = $_REQUEST['move_group']; $copy_PK_Group = $_REQUEST['copy_group']; $submit = $_REQUEST['submit']; switch ($submit) { case 'delete': foreach ($selectedPKFiles as $PK_File) { $errors = delete_file($PK_File); } break; case 'move': foreach ($selectedPKFiles as $PK_File) { $errors = move_file($PK_File, $move_PK_Group); } break; case 'copy': foreach ($selectedPKFiles as $PK_File) { $errors = copy_file($PK_File, $copy_PK_Group); } break; } if (count($errors) == 0) { $Message = strtoupper($submit) . "_SUCCESSFULLY"; } } else { $errors['EmptySelection'] = true; } } // Init sort order (Order) $Order = 'asc'; $session['Order'] = $Order; // Init sort field (Sort) $Sort = 'Order'; $session['Sort'] = $Sort; // Init files list (Files) $Files = array(); $query = "\n\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\tPK_File AS `_PK_`, \n\t\t\tFilename AS `Filename`, \n\t\t\tFileext AS `Fileext`, \n\t\t\t`Order` AS `Order`, \t\t\t\n\t\t\tMoh_Files.DateCreated AS `DateCreated`,\n\t\t\tMoh_Groups.Name AS `Group`,\n\t\t\tMoh_Groups.PK_Group AS `_PK_Group_`\n\t\tFROM\n\t\t\tMoh_Files \n\t\t\tINNER JOIN Moh_Groups ON FK_Group = PK_Group\n\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\tFK_Group={$selectedGroup}\n\t\tORDER BY \n\t\t\t`{$Sort}` {$Order}\n\t"; $result = $mysqli->query($query) or die($mysqli->error . $query); while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $Files[] = $row; } // Init available groups (Groups) $query = "SELECT * FROM Moh_Groups ORDER BY Name"; $result = $mysqli->query($query) or die($mysqli->error . $query); while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $Groups[] = $row; } $smarty->assign('selectedGroup', $selectedGroup); $smarty->assign('Errors', $errors); $smarty->assign('Link', '/admin/MOH_Files_ListGroup.php?PK_Group=' . $_REQUEST['PK_Group']); $smarty->assign('Files', $Files); $smarty->assign('Groups', $Groups); $smarty->assign('Sort', $Sort); $smarty->assign('Order', $Order); $smarty->assign('Message', $Message); $smarty->assign('Hilight', isset($_REQUEST['hilight']) ? $_REQUEST['hilight'] : ""); return $smarty->fetch('MOH_Files_ListGroup.tpl'); }
`url_spanish`=".$db->sql($_POST['link_spanish']).", `description_english`=".$db->sql($_POST['description_english']).", `description_spanish`=".$db->sql($_POST['description_spanish']).", `icon`=".$db->sql($_POST['icon']).", `weight`=".$db->sql($_POST['weight']).", `time`=".time()." WHERE `id`=".$db->sql($_POST['id'])); if ($db->num_rows()) { if (file_exists($_FILES['file_english']['tmp_name'])) { if (!move_file($_FILES['file_english']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['file_english']['name'], $config['dir_article'], 'article', 'url_english', $_POST['id'])) { $possible_error = true; } } if (file_exists($_FILES['file_spanish']['tmp_name'])) { if (!move_file($_FILES['file_spanish']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['file_spanish']['name'], $config['dir_article'], 'article', 'url_spanish', $_POST['id'])) { $possible_error = true; } } if ($possible_error) { message($phrase['success_mixed']); } else { message($phrase['success_edit'], MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } } else { message($phrase['error_edit'], MESSAGE_ERROR); } }
/** * Move directory * * @param $path * ... * * @param $newLocation * ... * * @return * ... */ function move_dir($path, $newLocation) { $path = suffix($path, '/'); // Make sure we can work with the directory if (is_dir($path) and is_writable($path)) { $newLocation = suffix($newLocation, '/'); // Create the new directory if it doesn't exist yet if (!is_dir($newLocation)) { if (!mkdir($newLocation, 0777, true)) { return false; } } // Move files individually foreach (rglob_files($path) as $filepath) { move_file($filepath, pathinfo($newLocation . unprefix($filepath, $path), PATHINFO_DIRNAME)); } // Remove previous, now empty directories remove_dir($path); return true; } return false; }
/** * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * * copy to new folder page, the sites moves some items from one folder to another * * @author Patrick Lockley * @version 1.0 * @package */ require_once '../../../config.php'; include '../folder_library.php'; if (isset($_POST['folder_id'])) { move_folder($_POST['folder_id'], $_POST['destination']); } else { move_file($_POST['template_id'], $_POST['destination']); }
<?php require __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'setting.php'; $clean = filter_input_array(INPUT_GET, array('CKEditorFuncNum' => FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)); $clean['upload'] = check_file($_FILES['upload']); move_file($clean['upload'], 'ckeditor', $_SESSION['USER_ID']); if (class_exists("Imagick")) { /*** the image file ***/ $image = UPLOAD_DIRECTORY . '/ckeditor/' . $_SESSION['USER_ID'] . '/' . $clean['upload']['name']; /*** a new imagick object ***/ $im = new Imagick(); /*** ping the image ***/ $im->pingImage($image); /*** read the image into the object ***/ $im->readImage($image); /*** thumbnail the image ***/ $im->resizeImage(760, 0, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1); /*** Write the thumbnail to disk ***/ $im->writeImage(); /*** Free resources associated with the Imagick object ***/ $im->destroy(); echo UPLOAD_DIRECTORY . '/ckeditor/' . $_SESSION['USER_ID'] . '/' . $clean['upload']['name']; } else { echo '2'; } // require WEBROOT_DIRECTORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'phpThumb' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'phpThumb.config.php'; $url = '/uploads/ckeditor/' . $_SESSION['USER_ID'] . '/' . $clean['upload']['name']; echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(' . $clean['CKEditorFuncNum'] . ',"' . $url . '","업로드 완료")</script>';
} } } $output = ''; foreach ($config->sorter->sources->directory as $thisSource) { writelog($thisSource . ' überprüfen…', INFO); if ($handle = opendir($thisSource)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { $fullfile = $thisSource . '/' . $file; if (!is_dir($fullfile) && $file != '.' && $file != '..' && substr($file, 0, 1) != '.') { // Wenn Datei vor weniger als 20 Minuten modifiziert wurde, dann ueberspringen if (fileatime($fullfile) >= mktime() - $config->sorter->gracetime->attributes()->minutes * 60) { if (NOW) { $ETA = fileatime($fullfile) - (mktime() - $config->sorter->gracetime->attributes()->minutes * 60); $ETA /= 60; $ETA = round($ETA); writelog("DELAYED ({$ETA} mins): {$fullfile}", INFO); } else { continue; } } $output .= move_file($file, $thisSource); } } closedir($handle); } } //echo $output; if ($output) { `growlnotify -t "Filme aufgeräumt" -m "{$output}" -I ~/Movies/`; }
<?php /** * * copy to new folder page, the sites moves some items from one folder to another * * @author Patrick Lockley * @version 1.0 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008,2009 University of Nottingham * @package */ require_once '../../../config.php'; include '../folder_library.php'; move_file(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['files']), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['destination']));
fclose($t); fclose($s); /* * 郵便番号辞書(事業所)を出力する。 */ $s = fopen(PATH_CSV . "/" . FIRM_OUT, "rb"); $t = fopen(PATH_TMP_IME_FIRM, "ab"); while ($cols = fgetcsv($s, 1024, ",")) { if (!isset($x0402[$cols[1]])) { continue; } fwrite($t, mb_convert_encoding(mb_convert_kana(substr($cols[0], 0, 3) . "-" . substr($cols[0], 3, 7) . "\t" . $x0401[substr($cols[1], 0, 2)] . $x0402[$cols[1]] . $cols[2] . $cols[3] . $cols[4] . "\t地名その他\r\n", "A", "UTF-8"), "Windows-31J", "UTF-8")); } fclose($t); fclose($s); move_data(PATH_TMP_IME_AREA, PATH_IME . "/" . date("YmdHis", filemtime(PATH_TMP_IME_AREA)) . PATH_IME_AREA); move_data(PATH_TMP_IME_FIRM, PATH_IME . "/" . date("YmdHis", filemtime(PATH_TMP_IME_FIRM)) . PATH_IME_FIRM); // 目次ページを更新する。 $tmp = PATH_TMP_IME . "/index.html"; $trg = PATH_IME . "/index.html"; $t = fopen($tmp, "wb"); eval(preg_replace(HTML_BEGIN, 'fwrite(\\$t, <<<EOP', preg_replace(HTML_END, "\nEOP\n);", IME_INDEX))); fclose($t); move_file($tmp, $trg); log_info("Updated : {$trg}"); rmdirs(array(PATH_TMP_IME)); /* * 処理完了 */ log_info("End."); exit(0);
/** * ワークデータを所定のディレクトリに移動する。 */ function move_data($src, $trg) { if (is_dir($trg)) { move_file($trg, "{$trg}_bak"); } move_file($src, $trg); rmdirs(array("{$trg}_bak")); return true; }
`title_spanish`=".$db->sql($_POST['title_spanish']).", `uri_english`=".$db->sql($_POST['uri_english']).", `uri_spanish`=".$db->sql($_POST['uri_spanish']).", `content_english`=".$db->sql($_POST['content_english']).", `content_spanish`=".$db->sql($_POST['content_spanish']).", `file`=".$db->sql($_POST['file']).", `meta_english`=".($_POST['default_english'] != 1 ? $db->sql($_POST['meta_english']) : 'NULL').", `meta_spanish`=".($_POST['default_spanish'] != 1 ? $db->sql($_POST['meta_spanish']) : 'NULL').", `weight`=".($_POST['weight'] != "" ? $db->sql($_POST['weight']) : 'NULL').", `banner`=".($_POST['banner_select'] != "" ? $db->sql($_POST['banner_select']) : 'NULL').", `time`=".time()." WHERE `id`=".$db->sql($_POST['id'])); if ($db->num_rows()) { if ($_POST['banner_select'] == "" && file_exists($_FILES['banner']['tmp_name'])) { $logger->log("going to attempt to move the file"); if (move_file($_FILES['banner']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['banner']['name'], $config['dir_banner'], 'page', 'banner', $_POST['id'])) { message($phrase['success_edit'], MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } else { message($phrase['success_mixed']); } } else { message($phrase['success_edit'], MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } } else { message($phrase['error_edit'], MESSAGE_ERROR); } } }
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { if ($config['media_type'][$i] == $ext) { $type = $i; } } if ($type < 0) { echo "error: ".$ext; exit; } $db->query("INSERT INTO `media` (`name`,`type`,`time`,`x`,`y`) VALUES (".$db->sql($name).",".$db->sql($type).",".time().",".$db->sql($_POST['width']).",".$db->sql($_POST['height']).")"); if (($id = $db->insert_id()) > 0) { if (move_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['Filedata']['name'], $config['dir_media'], 'media', 'url', $id)) { if ($config['image_type'][$type]) { $media = $db->query_first("SELECT * FROM `media` WHERE `id`=".$id); $image = new Image($config['dir_media'].$media['url']); $image->resize($config['size_thumb']); $image->save($config['dir_media_thumb'].$media['url']); $db->query("UPDATE `media` SET `x`=".$db->sql($image->getX()).", `y`=".$db->sql($image->getY()).", `thumb`=".$db->sql($media['url'])." WHERE `id`=".$db->sql($media['id'])); if ($db->num_rows() == 0) { echo "error3"; } }
/** * 履歴データの目次ページを更新する。 */ function update_arc_index() { $tmp = PATH_TMP . "/index.html"; $trg = PATH_ARC . "/index.html"; $t = fopen($tmp, "wb"); eval(preg_replace(HTML_BEGIN, 'fwrite(\\$t, <<<EOP', preg_replace(HTML_END, "\nEOP\n);", ARC_INDEX))); fclose($t); move_file($tmp, $trg); log_info("Updated : {$trg}"); return true; }