function processImage($uploadDir, $filename) { $uploadedFile = combine($uploadDir, $filename); //save exif data $message = "File uploaded."; $exif = getImageMetadata($uploadedFile); $dateTaken = getExifDateTaken($uploadedFile, $exif); if (!$dateTaken) { $dateTaken = getDateFromFilename($filename); } if (!$dateTaken) { $dateTaken = getFileDate($uploadedFile); } $exif["dateTaken"] = $dateTaken; $description = arrayGetCoalesce($exif, "ImageDescription", "IPTC.Caption"); $description = trim($description); writeCsvFile("{$uploadedFile}.txt", $exif); writeTextFile("{$uploadedFile}.js", jsValue($exif)); //resize images and keep hd version $sizes = getConfig("thumbnails.sizes"); $resized = resizeMultiple($uploadDir, $filename, $sizes); $keep = getConfig("thumbnails.keep"); if ($keep) { moveFile("{$uploadDir}/.{$keep}", $filename, $uploadDir); deleteDir("{$uploadDir}/.{$keep}"); unset($resized[$keep]); } if ($dateTaken) { setFileDate($uploadedFile, $dateTaken); } $vars = get_defined_vars(); $result = array(); $exif["meal"] = selectMeal($dateTaken); $result["_exif"] = $exif; $result["success"] = true; return addVarsToArray($result, "filename filesize mimeType dateTaken description", $vars); }
function updataKml($kmls, $starttime, $file = '', $source = 1, $topic) { //访问API $kmlUpdateApi = getConfig('kmlUpdateApi'); $unique = unique_arr($kmls); //去重 //print_r($unique);exit; $soadata = formatApiData($unique); //去重 $returnData = curlPost($kmlUpdateApi, array('data' => $soadata)); logs($returnData, 1, 'consumer', $topic); print_r($returnData); exit; //logs(' Access :'.$kmlUpdateApi, 1, 'consumer',$topic); //logs(' Params is:'.json_encode($data), 1, 'consumer',$topic); //logs(' Return is:'.$returnData, 1, 'consumer',$topic); $cachePath = getconfig('kmlCachePath'); $cacheBack = getconfig('kmlCacheBak'); //验证还回结果 $objs = json_decode($returnData); if (empty($returnData) || $objs->status != 0 || empty($objs->data)) { if ($source == 2) { $dir = $cacheBack . '/' . date('Y-m-d') . '/' . $topic; mkFolder($dir); $toPath = $dir . '/' . basename($file); moveFile($file, $toPath); logs(date('H:i:s') . ' API error:' . $objs->msg . '; file:' . $file . ' has move to ' . $toPath, 1, 'consumer', $topic); } else { if ($objs->status < 3) { $cacheTopicPath = $cachePath . '/' . $topic; mkFolder($cacheTopicPath); $filename = basename($file); $source = $cacheTopicPath . '/' . $filename; file_put_contents($source, $data); logs(date('H:i:s') . ' API error:' . $objs->msg . '; file:' . $file . ' has backup to ' . $source, 1, 'consumer', $topic); } else { $backFile = $cacheBack . '/' . basename($file); moveFile($file, $backFile); logs(date('H:i:s') . ' API error:' . $objs->msg . '; file ' . basename($file) . 'has move to ' . $backFile, 1, 'consumer', $topic); } } } if ($source == 2) { if (file_exists($file)) { unlink($file); } } $arr = object2Array($objs); $returnKml = $arr['data']; $insertNum = 0; if ($source == 1) { $insertNum = addKml($returnKml, $kmls, $topic); } logs('kafka num:' . count($kmls) . ',send data num:' . count($unique) . ', API return:' . count($returnKml) . ',insertNum:' . $insertNum . ',Time: ' . getTime($starttime), 1, 'consumer', $topic); $kmls = ''; }
public function update() { $upload_list = $this->uploadImages(); if ($upload_list) { foreach ($upload_list as $upload_item) { if ($upload_item['key'] == "SITE_LOGO") { $site_logo = $upload_item['recpath'] . $upload_item['savename']; $site_logo = moveFile($site_logo, './logo.gif'); } if ($upload_item['key'] == "WATER_IMAGE") { $water_image = $upload_item['recpath'] . $upload_item['savename']; } if ($upload_item['key'] == "FOOT_LOGO") { $foot_logo = $upload_item['recpath'] . $upload_item['savename']; $foot_logo = moveFile($foot_logo, './foot_logo.gif'); } if ($upload_item['key'] == "LINK_LOGO") { $link_logo = $upload_item['recpath'] . $upload_item['savename']; $link_logo = moveFile($link_logo, './link_logo.gif'); } } } $list = D('SysConf')->where("status=1")->findAll(); foreach ($list as $k => $v) { $v['val'] = isset($_REQUEST[$v['name']]) ? $_REQUEST[$v['name']] : $v['val']; if ($v['name'] == "SITE_LOGO" && !empty($site_logo)) { if ($site_logo != $v['val']) { @unlink(FANWE_ROOT . $v['val']); $v['val'] = $site_logo; } } if ($v['name'] == "WATER_IMAGE" && !empty($water_image)) { if ($water_image != $v['val']) { @unlink(FANWE_ROOT . $v['val']); $v['val'] = $water_image; } } if ($v['name'] == "FOOT_LOGO" && !empty($foot_logo)) { if ($foot_logo != $v['val']) { @unlink(FANWE_ROOT . $v['val']); $v['val'] = $foot_logo; } } if ($v['name'] == "LINK_LOGO" && !empty($link_logo)) { if ($link_logo != $v['val']) { @unlink(FANWE_ROOT . $v['val']); $v['val'] = $link_logo; } } D('SysConf')->save($v); } $this->saveLog(1); $this->success(L('EDIT_SUCCESS')); }
$path_source = "files/" . $fileDetail->fil_project[0] . "/" . $fileDetail->fil_name[0]; $path_destination = "files/" . $fileDetail->fil_project[0] . "/{$changename}"; } if ($allowPhp == "false") { $send = ""; if ($_FILES['upload']['name'] != "" && ($extension == "php" || $extension == "php3" || $extension == "phtml")) { $error4 .= $strings["no_php"] . "<br/>"; $send = "false"; } } if ($_FILES['upload']['name'] != "" && $_FILES['upload']['size'] < $maxFileSize && $_FILES['upload']['size'] != 0 && $send != "false") { $docopy = "true"; } if ($docopy == "true") { //Copy old file with a new file name moveFile($path_source, $path_destination); //Set variables from original files details. $copy_project = $fileDetail->fil_project[0]; $copy_task = $fileDetail->fil_task[0]; $copy_date = $fileDetail->fil_date[0]; $copy_size = $fileDetail->fil_size[0]; $copy_extension = $fileDetail->fil_extension[0]; $copy_comments = $fileDetail->fil_comments[0]; $copy_upload = $fileDetail->fil_upload[0]; $copy_pusblished = $fileDetail->fil_published[0]; $copy_vc_parent = $fileDetail->fil_vc_parent[0]; $copy_id = $fileDetail->fil_id[0]; $copy_vc_version = $fileDetail->fil_vc_version[0]; //Insert a new row for the copied file $comments = convertData($comments); $tmpquery = "INSERT INTO " . $tableCollab["files"] . "(owner,project,task,name,date,size,extension,comments,upload,published,status,vc_status,vc_version,vc_parent,phase) VALUES('{$idSession}','{$copy_project}','{$copy_task}','{$changename}','{$copy_date}','{$copy_size}','{$copy_extension}','{$copy_comments}','{$copy_upload}','0','2','3','{$copy_vc_version}','{$copy_id}','0')";
function backFile($f) { $fileArr = explode('/', $f); $filename = $fileArr[count($fileArr) - 1]; //$path = getconfig('kmlBakPath').'/'.date('Y-m-d')); //mkFolder($path); $path = getconfig('kmlBakPath'); if (file_exists($f)) { // moveFile($f, $path.'/'.$filename); $kmlBakPath = '/home/webdata/htdocs/data/feiniu/snd/NEW_KML_BACKUP/' . date('Y-m-d'); mkFolder($kmlBakPath); moveFile($f, $kmlBakPath . '/' . $filename); logs("success move to " . $kmlBakPath); } logs("success move to bakkup"); }
function signUp($user) { $user = validateFixProfile($user); if (is_string($user)) { # error msg: invalid info return $user; } if (userExists($user["email"])) { return ACCOUNT_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERR; } $user["password"] = trim($user["password"]); $checkPassword = checkPassword($user["password"], $user["confirm_password"]); if (is_string($checkPassword)) { return $checkPassword; } $account_type = $user["account_type"]; if ($account_type !== "Tutor" && $account_type !== "Student") { return INVALID_ACCOUNT_TYPE_ERR; } $gender = $user["gender"]; if ($gender !== "Male" && $gender !== "Female") { return INVALID_GENDER_ERR; } if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES["profile_pic"]["tmp_name"]) && isValidImg("profile_pic") !== true) { return INVALID_IMG_ERR; } $user_id = insertUser($user); if (isNum($user_id)) { insertInto($account_type, $user_id); if (file_exists($_FILES["profile_pic"]["tmp_name"])) { $path = getProfilePicPath($user_id); moveFile("profile_pic", getTempPath($user_id), $path); changeProfilePic($user_id, $path); } # else { # changeProfilePic($user_id, DEFAULT_PROFILE_PIC); # } $u = getFullUserById($user_id); if (sendActivationMail($u["email"], $user_id, $u["activation_code"])) { return true; } else { return " Account successfully created but could not send you a verification email. Please request another one. "; } } else { return UNKNOWN_ERR . RETRY_MSG; } }
createNewFile(); break; case "createDir": createDir(); break; case "renameFile": renameFile(); break; case "removeFile": removeFile(); break; case "duplicateFile": duplicateFile(); break; case "moveFile": moveFile(); break; case 'uploadFile': uploadFile(); break; case 'checkForExistentFile': checkForExistentFile(); break; case 'downloadFile': downloadFile(); break; } } if (isset($_GET['action'])) { if (!isUserLogged()) { exit;
function copyHtmlToWeb() { $webDir = ''; $toWebDir = ''; $toFilePath = ''; $filePath = ''; $fileName = ''; $fileList = ''; $splStr = ''; $content = ''; $s = ''; $s1 = ''; $c = ''; $webImages = ''; $webCss = ''; $webJs = ''; $splJs = ''; $webFolderName = ''; $jsFileList = ''; $setFileCode = ''; $nErrLevel = ''; $jsFilePath = ''; $url = ''; $setFileCode = @$_REQUEST['setcode']; //设置文件保存编码 handlePower('复制生成HTML页面'); //管理权限处理 writeSystemLog('', '复制生成HTML页面'); //系统日志 $webFolderName = $GLOBALS['cfg_webTemplate']; if (left($webFolderName, 1) == '/') { $webFolderName = mid($webFolderName, 2, -1); } if (right($webFolderName, 1) == '/') { $webFolderName = mid($webFolderName, 1, len($webFolderName) - 1); } if (inStr($webFolderName, '/') > 0) { $webFolderName = mid($webFolderName, inStr($webFolderName, '/') + 1, -1); } $webDir = '/htmladmin/' . $webFolderName . '/'; $toWebDir = '/htmlw' . 'eb/viewweb/'; CreateDirFolder($toWebDir); $toWebDir = $toWebDir . pinYin2($webFolderName) . '/'; deleteFolder($toWebDir); //删除 CreateFolder('/htmlweb/web'); //创建文件夹 防止web文件夹不存在20160504 deleteFolder($webDir); CreateDirFolder($webDir); $webImages = $webDir . 'Images/'; $webCss = $webDir . 'Css/'; $webJs = $webDir . 'Js/'; copyFolder($GLOBALS['cfg_webImages'], $webImages); copyFolder($GLOBALS['cfg_webCss'], $webCss); CreateFolder($webJs); //创建Js文件夹 //处理Js文件夹 $splJs = aspSplit(getDirJsList($webJs), vbCrlf()); foreach ($splJs as $key => $filePath) { if ($filePath != '') { $toFilePath = $webJs . getFileName($filePath); aspEcho('js', $filePath); moveFile($filePath, $toFilePath); } } //处理Css文件夹 $splStr = aspSplit(getDirCssList($webCss), vbCrlf()); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { if ($filePath != '') { $content = getFText($filePath); $content = replace($content, $GLOBALS['cfg_webImages'], '../images/'); $content = deleteCssNote($content); $content = PHPTrim($content); //设置为utf-8编码 20160527 if (lCase($setFileCode) == 'utf-8') { $content = replace($content, 'gb2312', 'utf-8'); } WriteToFile($filePath, $content, $setFileCode); aspEcho('css', $GLOBALS['cfg_webImages']); } } //复制栏目HTML $GLOBALS['isMakeHtml'] = true; $rssObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'webcolumn where isonhtml=true'); while ($rss = $GLOBALS['conn']->fetch_array($rssObj)) { $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = replace(getColumnUrl($rss['columnname'], 'name'), $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'] . '/', ''); if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '/' || right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '') { $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . 'index.html'; } if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 5) == '.html') { if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 11) == '/index.html') { $fileList = $fileList . $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . vbCrlf(); } else { $fileList = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . vbCrlf() . $fileList; } $fileName = replace($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], '/', '_'); $toFilePath = $webDir . $fileName; copyFile($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], $toFilePath); aspEcho('导航', $GLOBALS['glb_filePath']); } } //复制文章HTML $rssObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'articledetail where isonhtml=true'); while ($rss = $GLOBALS['conn']->fetch_array($rssObj)) { $GLOBALS['glb_url'] = getHandleRsUrl($rss['filename'], $rss['customaurl'], '/detail/detail' . $rss['id']); $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = replace($GLOBALS['glb_url'], $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'] . '/', ''); if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '/' || right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '') { $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . 'index.html'; } if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 5) == '.html') { if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 11) == '/index.html') { $fileList = $fileList . $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . vbCrlf(); } else { $fileList = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . vbCrlf() . $fileList; } $fileName = replace($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], '/', '_'); $toFilePath = $webDir . $fileName; copyFile($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], $toFilePath); aspEcho('文章' . $rss['title'], $GLOBALS['glb_filePath']); } } //复制单面HTML $rssObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'onepage where isonhtml=true'); while ($rss = $GLOBALS['conn']->fetch_array($rssObj)) { $GLOBALS['glb_url'] = getHandleRsUrl($rss['filename'], $rss['customaurl'], '/page/page' . $rss['id']); $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = replace($GLOBALS['glb_url'], $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'] . '/', ''); if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '/' || right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '') { $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . 'index.html'; } if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 5) == '.html') { if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 11) == '/index.html') { $fileList = $fileList . $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . vbCrlf(); } else { $fileList = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . vbCrlf() . $fileList; } $fileName = replace($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], '/', '_'); $toFilePath = $webDir . $fileName; copyFile($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], $toFilePath); aspEcho('单页' . $rss['title'], $GLOBALS['glb_filePath']); } } //批量处理html文件列表 //call echo(cfg_webSiteUrl,cfg_webTemplate) //call rwend(fileList) $sourceUrl = ''; $replaceUrl = ''; $splStr = aspSplit($fileList, vbCrlf()); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { if ($filePath != '') { $filePath = $webDir . replace($filePath, '/', '_'); aspEcho('filePath', $filePath); $content = getFText($filePath); foreach ($splStr as $key => $s) { $s1 = $s; if (right($s1, 11) == '/index.html') { $s1 = left($s1, len($s1) - 11) . '/'; } $sourceUrl = $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'] . $s1; $replaceUrl = $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'] . replace($s, '/', '_'); //Call echo(sourceUrl, replaceUrl) '屏蔽 否则大量显示20160613 $content = replace($content, $sourceUrl, $replaceUrl); } $content = replace($content, $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'], ''); //删除网址 $content = replace($content, $GLOBALS['cfg_webTemplate'] . '/', ''); //删除模板路径 记 //content=nullLinkAddDefaultName(content) foreach ($splJs as $key => $s) { if ($s != '') { $fileName = getFileName($s); $content = replace($content, 'Images/' . $fileName, 'js/' . $fileName); } } if (inStr($content, '/Jquery/Jquery.Min.js') > 0) { $content = replace($content, '/Jquery/Jquery.Min.js', 'js/Jquery.Min.js'); copyFile('/Jquery/Jquery.Min.js', $webJs . '/Jquery.Min.js'); } $content = replace($content, '<a href="" ', '<a href="index.html" '); //让首页加index.html createFileGBK($filePath, $content); } } //把复制网站夹下的images/文件夹下的js移到js/文件夹下 20160315 $htmlFileList = ''; $splHtmlFile = ''; $splJsFile = ''; $htmlFilePath = ''; $jsFileName = ''; $jsFileList = getDirJsNameList($webImages); $htmlFileList = getDirHtmlList($webDir); $splHtmlFile = aspSplit($htmlFileList, vbCrlf()); $splJsFile = aspSplit($jsFileList, vbCrlf()); foreach ($splHtmlFile as $key => $htmlFilePath) { $content = getFText($htmlFilePath); foreach ($splJsFile as $key => $jsFileName) { $content = regExp_Replace($content, 'Images/' . $jsFileName, 'js/' . $jsFileName); } $nErrLevel = 0; $content = handleHtmlFormatting($content, false, $nErrLevel, '|删除空行|'); //|删除空行| $content = handleCloseHtml($content, true, ''); //闭合标签 $nErrLevel = checkHtmlFormatting($content); if (checkHtmlFormatting($content) == false) { echoRed($htmlFilePath . '(格式化错误)', $nErrLevel); //注意 } //设置为utf-8编码 if (lCase($setFileCode) == 'utf-8') { $content = replace($content, '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" />', '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />'); } $content = PHPTrim($content); WriteToFile($htmlFilePath, $content, $setFileCode); } //images下js移动到js下 foreach ($splJsFile as $key => $jsFileName) { $jsFilePath = $webImages . $jsFileName; $content = getFText($jsFilePath); $content = PHPTrim($content); WriteToFile($webJs . $jsFileName, $content, $setFileCode); DeleteFile($jsFilePath); } copyFolder($webDir, $toWebDir); //使htmlWeb文件夹用php压缩 if (@$_REQUEST['isMakeZip'] == '1') { makeHtmlWebToZip($webDir); } //使网站用xml打包20160612 if (@$_REQUEST['isMakeXml'] == '1') { makeHtmlWebToXmlZip('/htmladmin/', $webFolderName); } //浏览地址 $url = '' . $toWebDir; aspEcho('浏览', '<a href=\'' . $url . '\' target=\'_blank\'>' . $url . '</a>'); }
return _filemanager_filenotuploaded; } move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadFile']['tmp_name'], $newFile); chmod($newFile, 0666); $clear_upload = true; return false; } if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { if ('delete' == $_REQUEST['action']) { $err = deleteFile(); } if ('rename' == $_REQUEST['action']) { $err = renameFile(); } if ('move' == $_REQUEST['action']) { $err = moveFile(); } if ('createFolder' == $_REQUEST['action']) { $err = createFolder(); } } if (isset($_FILES['uploadFile']) && is_array($_FILES['uploadFile'])) { $err = uploadFile(); } function parse_size($size) { if ($size < 1024) { return $size . ' bytes'; } else { if ($size >= 1024 && $size < 1024 * 1024) { return sprintf('%01.2f', $size / 1024.0) . ' KB';
function processAttachments() { if (!isset($_POST['MAX_FILE_SIZE'])) { $_POST['MAX_FILE_SIZE'] = getConfig("MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE"); } if (!isset($_POST['IF_FILE_EXISTS'])) { $_POST['IF_FILE_EXISTS'] = "replace"; } if (!isset($_POST['FILE_ACTION'])) { $_POST['FILE_ACTION'] = "create"; } if (!isset($_POST['TEXT_EXTRACTION'])) { $_POST['TEXT_EXTRACTION'] = "true"; } if (!isset($_POST['forTable']) || !isset($_POST['forIDVal'])) { echo "<script>parent.uploadComplete('Error In File Attachments!');</script>"; return false; } $forTable = $_POST['forTable']; $forIDVal = $_POST['forIDVal']; if (isset($_POST['forIDCol'])) { $forIDCol = $_POST['forIDCol']; } else { $forIDCol = "id"; } $errors = array(); $values = array(); foreach ($_FILES as $a => $b) { $values[$a] = array(); $src = ""; if (is_array($_POST[$a]) && count($_POST[$a]) > 0) { $src = $_POST[$a][0]; } else { $src = $_POST[$a]; } if (is_array($b['name'])) { foreach ($b['name'] as $c => $d) { $file = array("name" => $b['name'][$c], "type" => $b['type'][$c], "tmp_name" => $b['tmp_name'][$c], "error" => $b['error'][$c], "size" => $b['size'][$c], "src" => $src); if (strlen($file['name']) == 0 && $file['size'] == 0 && strlen($file['tmp_name'])) { $values[$a] = null; continue; } $lnk = moveFile($file); if (is_array($lnk)) { if (isset($lnk['Error'])) { $errors[$a . "." . $c] = $lnk; } } else { array_push($values[$a], $lnk); } } } else { $file = $b; if (strlen($file['name']) == 0 && $file['size'] == 0 && strlen($file['tmp_name'])) { $values[$a] = null; continue; } $file["src"] = $src; $lnk = moveFile($file); if (is_array($lnk)) { if (isset($lnk['Error'])) { $errors[$a . "." . $b['name']] = $lnk; } } else { array_push($values[$a], $lnk); } } } foreach ($values as $a => $b) { if ($b != null) { $values[$a] = implode(",", $b); $values[$a] = "{$a}='{$values[$a]}'"; } else { unset($values[$a]); } } $values = implode(", ", $values); if (strpos("#" . $forTable, $GLOBALS["DBCONFIG"]["DB_SYSTEM"]) == 1) { $sysDb = true; } else { $sysDb = false; } $sqlUpdate = "UPDATE {$forTable} SET {$values} WHERE {$forIDCol}='{$forIDVal}'"; //echo $sqlUpdate; _dbQuery($sqlUpdate, $sysDb); //$cnt=_db($sysDb)->affected_rows(); $cnt = count($errors); //if(count($errors)>0) {printArray($errors);} if ($cnt > 0) { $tms = "Failed To Attach {$cnt} Documents."; } else { $tms = ""; } echo "<script>parent.uploadComplete('{$tms}');</script>"; }
function unzipConversionResults($sourceZipPath, $previewDirectory) { chmod($previewDirectory, 0700); $destinationZipPath = $previewDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($sourceZipPath); $this->destinationZip = $destinationZipPath; if (!moveFile($sourceZipPath, $destinationZipPath)) { webServiceError('&error-webpage-unable-to-move;', 500, array('source' => $sourceZipPath, 'destination' => $destinationZipPath)); } chmod($destinationZipPath, 0666); include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/pclzip-2-6/pclzip.lib.php'; $archive = new PclZip($destinationZipPath); if (($archivedFiles = $archive->listContent()) == 0) { webServiceError('&error-webpage-unzipping-files;', 500, array('errorMessage' => $archive->errorInfo(true))); } foreach ($archivedFiles as $archivedFile) { $extractedFileMetaData = $archive->extractByIndex($archivedFile['index'], PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $previewDirectory); $extractedFileMetaData = $extractedFileMetaData[0]; $extractedDestinationPath = substr($extractedFileMetaData['filename'], 2); if (file_exists($extractedDestinationPath) && !chmod($extractedDestinationPath, 0700)) { webServiceError('&error-webpage-unzipping-files;', 500, array('errorMessage' => $extractedDestinationPath)); } } return $this->destinationZip; }
function processConversion($files, $converter, $pipeline, $autoPipeline, $afterConversion, $setupOpenOfficeOrg, $outputZip, $justShowPreviewDirectory = null) { $forcedPipeline = getGlobalConfigItem('forcePipeline'); if ($forcedPipeline != null) { $pipeline = 'fake:' . $forcedPipeline; } ensureClientType(); if (thereWasAFileGiven($files, $pipeline) || $justShowPreviewDirectory) { $returnZipPath = null; $previewDirectory = null; if (!$justShowPreviewDirectory) { $previewDirectory = getTemporaryDirectoryInsideDirectory(getWritableDirectory(), 'preview'); $temporaryDirectory = getTemporaryDirectory(); $pipelineToRunOnDocuments = substringAfter($pipeline, ':'); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file['size'] != 0) { $documentPath = moveUploadToConversionDirectory($file, $temporaryDirectory); $oasisOpenDocumentPath = ''; if (!isAnOasisOpenDocument($file)) { $oasisOpenDocumentPath = makeOasisOpenDocument($documentPath, $converter); silentlyUnlink($documentPath); } else { $oasisOpenDocumentPath = $documentPath; } if ($pipelineToRunOnDocuments != "none") { extractUsefulOasisOpenDocumentFiles($oasisOpenDocumentPath); silentlyUnlink($oasisOpenDocumentPath); $oasisOpenDocumentContentPath = dirname($oasisOpenDocumentPath) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'docvert-content.xml'; applyPipeline($oasisOpenDocumentContentPath, $pipelineToRunOnDocuments, $autoPipeline, $previewDirectory); silentlyUnlink($oasisOpenDocumentContentPath); } } } $returnZipPath = zipAndDeleteTemporaryFiles($temporaryDirectory); if ($afterConversion == 'preview') { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/webpage.php'; $themes = new Themes(); //$returnZipPath = $themes->unzipConversionResults($returnZipPath, $previewDirectory); //WTF } } else { $previewDirectory = getWritableDirectory() . $justShowPreviewDirectory; $zipsInPreviewDirectory = glob($previewDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*.zip'); if (count($zipsInPreviewDirectory) != 1) { $errorData = array('zipsInPreviewDirectory' => count($zipsInPreviewDirectory), 'previewDirectory' => $previewDirectory); webServiceError('&docvert-internal-error-no-zip-file;', 500, $errorData); } $returnZipPath = $zipsInPreviewDirectory[0]; } if ($afterConversion == 'preview') { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/webpage.php'; $themes = new Themes(); $themes->previewConversionResults($returnZipPath, $previewDirectory); } elseif ($afterConversion == 'saveZip') { if (DOCVERT_CLIENT_TYPE == 'command line') { moveFile($returnZipPath, $outputZip); print 'Ok! File saved to ' . $outputZip . "\n"; deleteDirectoryRecursively($temporaryDirectory); die; } else { webServiceError('&error-after-conversion-flag;'); } } elseif ($afterConversion == 'downloadZip') { //TODO: different versions of IE want different "content disposition" header syntaxes //perhaps we could detect versions of IE and serve up what they need? Will need quite a bit of research. header('Content-Type: application/x-zip-compressed'); header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename=' . basename($returnZipPath)); $zipContents = file_get_contents($returnZipPath); print $zipContents; flush(); silentlyUnlink($returnZipPath); deleteDirectoryRecursively($temporaryDirectory); die; } else { webServiceError('&error-unsupported-after-conversion;', 500, array('after-conversion' => revealXml($afterConversion))); } } elseif ($setupOpenOfficeOrg) { setupOpenOfficeOrg(); } else { /* TODO: so there's been no upload and what do we do? * I suppose an http status code would be appropriate. * * The 4xx series are for user error, which seems appropriate. * ...but none of them seem quite appropriate for a casual * "you didn't give me files" response. * They talk about malformed requests. * * So I'm doing a "400 Bad Request" in the meantime. */ webServiceError('&error-no-files-uploaded;', '400 Bad Request'); } }
} else { return false; } } //begin by converting any non utf8 character to uft8 chracter and removing any bad characters $lstrFile = makeValidFileName($_FILES['upload']['name']); //determine whether the file extension is valid if (validExtension($lstrFile)) { //get the user's assets folder path $lobjPath = getUserPath(); //if no errors (first element is boolean determining whether there is a error if ($lobjPath[0]) { //second element is user assets folder path $lstrPath = $lobjPath[1]; //move uploaded file to user assets folder path and store url of uploaded to temp string if ($lstrTemp = moveFile($lstrPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lstrFile)) { //if no error, store as url $lstrUrl = getUserURL() . "/" . $lstrFile; } else { //create error message $lstrMessage = _('Could not upload file to user\\\'s assets folder.'); } } else { //create error message $lstrMessage = _($lobjPath[1]); } //move from temp to permanent if not error return url using $BasePath from config and smile } else { //create error message $lstrMessage = _('The extension is not supported.'); }
listTevents($_GET['id'], $_GET['fid'], $_GET['tab']); break; case 'getCustomTermin': getCustomTermin($_GET['id'], $_GET['tab'], $_GET['day'], $_GET['month'], $_GET['year']); break; case 'showDir': showDir($_GET['id'], $_GET['dir']); break; case 'showFile': showFile($_GET['pfad'], $_GET['file']); break; case 'lockFile': lockFile($_GET['file'], $_GET['pfad'], $_GET['id']); break; case 'moveFile': moveFile($_GET['file'], $_GET['pfadleft']); break; case 'saveAttribut': saveAttribut($_GET['name'], $_GET['oldname'], $_GET['pfad'], $_GET['komment'], $_GET['id']); break; case 'newDir': newDir($_GET['pfad'], $_GET['newdir']); break; case 'delFile': delFile($_GET['id'], $_GET['pfad'], $_GET['file']); break; case 'usermail': getUsermail($_GET['uid']); break; default: echo "nicht erlaubt";
} output("Backup location:" . $backup_path . "\n"); // Applications list $root_applications = scandir("/Applications"); array_unshift($root_applications, "Root apps:"); $home_applications = scandir(getAbsolutePath("~/Applications")); array_unshift($home_applications, "Home apps:"); file_put_contents($backup_path . "/Applications.txt", implode("\n", array_merge($root_applications, $home_applications))); output("Created applications list\n"); // Macports list $port_output = shell_exec("sudo port installed requested" . " 2>&1"); file_put_contents($backup_path . "/Macports.txt", $port_output); output("Created Macports list\n"); // MySQL command("php " . $_SERVER["HOME"] . "/" . dirname($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) . "/mysql_dump_all.php mysqldump", true, false); moveFile("~/mysqldump.sql", $backup_path . "/mysqldump.sql"); // config files copyFile("~/.bash_profile", $backup_path . "/bash_profile"); copyFile("~/.gitconfig", $backup_path . "/gitconfig"); copyFile("~/.gitignore_global", $backup_path . "/gitignore_global"); copyFile("~/.tm_properties", $backup_path . "/tm_properties"); copyFile("/etc/hosts", $backup_path . "/hosts"); copyFolder("~/Sites/apache/", $backup_path . "/Sites/apache/"); copyFolder("~/Desktop/", $backup_path . "/Desktop/"); copyFolder("~/Pictures/", $backup_path . "/Pictures/"); copyFolder("~/Documents/", $backup_path . "/Documents/"); copyFolder("~/Library/Keychains/", $backup_path . "/Library/Keychains/"); copyFolder("~/Library/Preferences/", $backup_path . "/Library/Preferences/"); copyFolder("~/Library/Fonts/", $backup_path . "/Library/Fonts/"); copyFolder("~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/", $backup_path . "/Library/Application Support/Firefox"); copyFolder("~/Library/Application Support/Sequel Pro/", $backup_path . "/Library/Application Support/Sequel Pro/");