function create_archive_nav_menu($arr) { // start the html $html = '<div id="archmenuWP">'; $html .= '<ul class="archlev1 archmenu_list_years" id="archmenu">'; $years = array_keys($arr); foreach ($years as $y) { $html .= '<li id="archmenu_li_y_' . $y . '">'; $html .= make_link($y . ' (' . $arr[$y]['count'] . ')', make_url($y . '/')); $html .= '<span class="archmenu_ty archToggleButton" id="archmenu_ty_' . $y . '">+</span>'; // handle clicks with JS $html .= '</li>'; unset($arr[$y]['count']); $months = array_keys($arr[$y]); $html .= '<ul class="archlev2 archmenu_list_months hidden" id="archmenu_y_' . $y . '">'; foreach ($months as $m) { $html .= '<li id="archmenu_li_y_' . $y . '_m_' . $m . '">'; $html .= make_link(monthname($m) . ' (' . $arr[$y][$m]['count'] . ')', make_url($y . '/' . $m . '/')); $html .= '<span class="archmenu_tm archToggleButton" id="archmenu_ty_' . $y . '_tm_' . $m . '">+</span>'; // handle clicks with JS $html .= '</li>'; unset($arr[$y][$m]['count']); $entries = $arr[$y][$m]; $html .= '<ul class="archlev3 archmenu_list_titles hidden" id="archmenu_y_' . $y . '_m_' . $m . '">'; foreach ($entries as $id => $entry) { $html .= '<li id="archmenu_li_id_' . $id . '">'; $html .= make_link($entry['title'], make_url($id)); $html .= '</li>'; } $html .= '</ul>'; } $html .= '</ul>'; } $html .= '</ul></div>'; return $html; }
function jdate($type, $maket = "now") { //set 1 if you want translate number to farsi or if you don't like set 0 //$transnumber = 0; ///chosse your timezone $TZhours = 3; $TZminute = 30; $need = ""; $result1 = ""; $result = ""; if ($maket == "now") { $year = date("Y"); $month = date("m"); $day = date("d"); list($jyear, $jmonth, $jday) = gregorian_to_jalali($year, $month, $day); $maket = mktime(date("H") + $TZhours, date("i") + $TZminute, date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")); } else { //$maket=0; $maket += $TZhours * 3600 + $TZminute * 60; $date = date("Y-m-d", $maket); list($year, $month, $day) = preg_split('/-/', $date); list($jyear, $jmonth, $jday) = gregorian_to_jalali($year, $month, $day); } $need = $maket; $year = date("Y", $need); $month = date("m", $need); $day = date("d", $need); $i = 0; $subtype = ""; $subtypetemp = ""; list($jyear, $jmonth, $jday) = gregorian_to_jalali($year, $month, $day); while ($i < strlen($type)) { $subtype = substr($type, $i, 1); if ($subtypetemp == "\\") { $result .= $subtype; $i++; continue; } switch ($subtype) { case "A": $result1 = date("a", $need); if ($result1 == "pm") { $result .= "بعدازظهر"; } else { $result .= "قبل‏ازظهر"; } break; case "a": $result1 = date("a", $need); if ($result1 == "pm") { $result .= "ب.ظ"; } else { $result .= "ق.ظ"; } break; case "d": if ($jday < 10) { $result1 = "0" . $jday; } else { $result1 = $jday; } if ($transnumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "D": $result1 = date("D", $need); if ($result1 == "Thu") { $result1 = "پ"; } else { if ($result1 == "Sat") { $result1 = "ش"; } else { if ($result1 == "Sun") { $result1 = "ى"; } else { if ($result1 == "Mon") { $result1 = "د"; } else { if ($result1 == "Tue") { $result1 = "س"; } else { if ($result1 == "Wed") { $result1 = "چ"; } else { if ($result1 == "Thu") { $result1 = "پ"; } else { if ($result1 == "Fri") { $result1 = "ج"; } } } } } } } } $result .= $result1; break; case "F": $result .= monthname($jmonth); break; case "g": $result1 = date("g", $need); if ($transnumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "G": $result1 = date("G", $need); if ($transnumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "h": $result1 = date("h", $need); if ($transnumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "H": $result1 = date("H", $need); if ($transnumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "i": $result1 = date("i", $need); if ($transnumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "j": $result1 = $jday; if ($transnumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "l": $result1 = date("l", $need); if ($result1 == "Saturday") { $result1 = "شنبه"; } else { if ($result1 == "Sunday") { $result1 = "یکشنبه"; } else { if ($result1 == "Monday") { $result1 = "دوشنبه"; } else { if ($result1 == "Tuesday") { $result1 = "سهشنبه"; } else { if ($result1 == "Wednesday") { $result1 = "جهارشنبه"; } else { if ($result1 == "Thursday") { $result1 = "پنجشنبه"; } else { if ($result1 == "Friday") { $result1 = "جمعه"; } } } } } } } $result .= $result1; break; case "m": if ($jmonth < 10) { $result1 = "0" . $jmonth; } else { $result1 = $jmonth; } if ($transnumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "M": $result .= short_monthname($jmonth); break; case "n": $result1 = $jmonth; if ($transnumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "s": $result1 = date("s", $need); if ($transnumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "S": $result .= ""; break; case "t": $result .= lastday($month, $day, $year); break; case "w": $result1 = date("w", $need); if ($transnumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "y": $result1 = substr($jyear, 2, 4); if ($transnumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "Y": $result1 = $jyear; if ($transnumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "U": $result .= mktime(); break; case "Z": $result .= days_of_year($jmonth, $jday, $jyear); break; case "L": list($tmp_year, $tmp_month, $tmp_day) = jalali_to_gregorian(1384, 12, 1); echo $tmp_day; /*if(lastday($tmp_month,$tmp_day,$tmp_year)=="31") $result.="1"; else $result.="0"; */ break; default: $result .= $subtype; } $subtypetemp = substr($type, $i, 1); $i++; } return $result; }
$hodnota_stravenky = 70; } else { $hodnota_stravenky = 80; } ?> <div class="content"> <h1> Stravenky </h1> <h2> Výdej stravenek a odečet ze mzdy - <?php echo monthname($_GET["month"]) . " " . $_GET["year"]; ?> </h2> <table class="maxwidth"> <tr> <th>jméno</th> <th>vydat stravenek</th> <th>celková hodnota (<?php echo $hodnota_stravenky; ?> Kč/ks)</th> <th>příspěvek zaměstnance (45%)</th> <th>převzal</th> </tr> <?php
function jdate($type, $maket = "now") { $result = ""; if ($maket == "now") { $year = date("Y"); $month = date("m"); $day = date("d"); list($jyear, $jmonth, $jday) = JalaliCalendar::gregorian_to_jalali($year, $month, $day); $maket = JalaliCalendar::jmaketime(date("h") + _JDF_TZhours, date("i") + _JDF_TZminute, date("s"), $jmonth, $jday, $jyear); } else { $maket += _JDF_TZhours * 3600 + _JDF_TZminute * 60; $date = date("Y-m-d", $maket); list($year, $month, $day) = preg_split('/-/', $date); list($jyear, $jmonth, $jday) = JalaliCalendar::gregorian_to_jalali($year, $month, $day); } $need = $maket; $year = date("Y", $need); $month = date("m", $need); $day = date("d", $need); $i = 0; while ($i < strlen($type)) { $subtype = substr($type, $i, 1); switch ($subtype) { case "A": $result1 = date("a", $need); if ($result1 == "pm") { $result .= _JDF_PM_LONG; } else { $result .= _JDF_AM_LONG; } break; case "a": $result1 = date("a", $need); if ($result1 == "pm") { $result .= _JDF_PM_SHORT; } else { $result .= _JDF_AM_SHORT; } break; case "d": list($jyear, $jmonth, $jday) = JalaliCalendar::gregorian_to_jalali($year, $month, $day); if ($jday < 10) { $result1 = "0" . $jday; } else { $result1 = $jday; } if (_JDF_USE_PERSIANNUM) { $result .= JalaliCalendar::Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "D": $result1 = date("D", $need); if ($result1 == "Sat") { $result1 = _JDF_Sat_SHORT; } else { if ($result1 == "Sun") { $result1 = _JDF_Sun_SHORT; } else { if ($result1 == "Mon") { $result1 = _JDF_Mon_SHORT; } else { if ($result1 == "Tue") { $result1 = _JDF_Tue_SHORT; } else { if ($result1 == "Wed") { $result1 = _JDF_Wed_SHORT; } else { if ($result1 == "Thu") { $result1 = _JDF_Thu_SHORT; } else { if ($result1 == "Fri") { $result1 = _JDF_Fri_SHORT; } } } } } } } $result .= $result1; break; case "F": list($jyear, $jmonth, $jday) = JalaliCalendar::gregorian_to_jalali($year, $month, $day); $result .= monthname($jmonth); break; case "g": $result1 = date("g", $need); if (_JDF_USE_PERSIANNUM) { $result .= JalaliCalendar::Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "G": $result1 = date("G", $need); if (_JDF_USE_PERSIANNUM) { $result .= JalaliCalendar::Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "h": $result1 = date("h", $need); if (_JDF_USE_PERSIANNUM) { $result .= JalaliCalendar::Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "H": $result1 = date("H", $need); if (_JDF_USE_PERSIANNUM) { $result .= JalaliCalendar::Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "i": $result1 = date("i", $need); if (_JDF_USE_PERSIANNUM) { $result .= JalaliCalendar::Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "j": list($jyear, $jmonth, $jday) = JalaliCalendar::gregorian_to_jalali($year, $month, $day); $result1 = $jday; if (_JDF_USE_PERSIANNUM) { $result .= JalaliCalendar::Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "l": $result1 = date("l", $need); if ($result1 == "Saturday") { $result1 = _JDF_Sat_LONG; } else { if ($result1 == "Sunday") { $result1 = _JDF_Sun_LONG; } else { if ($result1 == "Monday") { $result1 = _JDF_Mon_LONG; } else { if ($result1 == "Tuesday") { $result1 = _JDF_Tue_LONG; } else { if ($result1 == "Wednesday") { $result1 = _JDF_Wed_LONG; } else { if ($result1 == "Thursday") { $result1 = _JDF_Thu_LONG; } else { if ($result1 == "Friday") { $result1 = _JDF_Fri_LONG; } } } } } } } $result .= $result1; break; case "m": list($jyear, $jmonth, $jday) = JalaliCalendar::gregorian_to_jalali($year, $month, $day); if ($jmonth < 10) { $result1 = "0" . $jmonth; } else { $result1 = $jmonth; } if (_JDF_USE_PERSIANNUM) { $result .= JalaliCalendar::Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "M": list($jyear, $jmonth, $jday) = JalaliCalendar::gregorian_to_jalali($year, $month, $day); $result .= monthname($jmonth); break; case "n": list($jyear, $jmonth, $jday) = JalaliCalendar::gregorian_to_jalali($year, $month, $day); $result1 = $jmonth; if (_JDF_USE_PERSIANNUM) { $result .= JalaliCalendar::Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "s": $result1 = date("s", $need); if (_JDF_USE_PERSIANNUM) { $result .= JalaliCalendar::Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "S": $result .= _JDF_Suffix; break; case "t": $result .= JalaliCalendar::lastday($month, $day, $year); break; case "w": $result1 = date("w", $need); if (_JDF_USE_PERSIANNUM) { $result .= JalaliCalendar::Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "y": list($jyear, $jmonth, $jday) = JalaliCalendar::gregorian_to_jalali($year, $month, $day); $result1 = substr($jyear, 2, 4); if (_JDF_USE_PERSIANNUM) { $result .= JalaliCalendar::Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "Y": list($jyear, $jmonth, $jday) = JalaliCalendar::gregorian_to_jalali($year, $month, $day); $result1 = $jyear; if (_JDF_USE_PERSIANNUM) { $result .= JalaliCalendar::Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; default: $result .= $subtype; } $i++; } return $result; }
function mds_date($format, $when = "now", $persianNumber = 0) { ///chosse your timezone $TZhours = 0; $TZminute = 0; $need = ""; $result1 = ""; $result = ""; if ($when == "now") { $year = date("Y"); $month = date("m"); $day = date("d"); list($Dyear, $Dmonth, $Dday) = gregorian_to_mds($year, $month, $day); $when = mktime(date("H") + $TZhours, date("i") + $TZminute, date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")); } else { //$when=0; $when += $TZhours * 3600 + $TZminute * 60; $date = date("Y-m-d", $when); list($year, $month, $day) = preg_split('/-/', $date); list($Dyear, $Dmonth, $Dday) = gregorian_to_mds($year, $month, $day); } $need = $when; $year = date("Y", $need); $month = date("m", $need); $day = date("d", $need); $i = 0; $subtype = ""; $subtypetemp = ""; list($Dyear, $Dmonth, $Dday) = gregorian_to_mds($year, $month, $day); while ($i < strlen($format)) { $subtype = substr($format, $i, 1); if ($subtypetemp == "\\") { $result .= $subtype; $i++; continue; } switch ($subtype) { case "A": $result1 = date("a", $need); if ($result1 == "pm") { $result .= "بعدازظهر"; } else { $result .= "قبل‏ازظهر"; } break; case "a": $result1 = date("a", $need); if ($result1 == "pm") { $result .= "ب.ظ"; } else { $result .= "ق.ظ"; } break; case "d": if ($Dday < 10) { $result1 = "0" . $Dday; } else { $result1 = $Dday; } if ($persianNumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "D": $result1 = date("D", $need); if ($result1 == "Thu") { $result1 = "پ"; } else { if ($result1 == "Sat") { $result1 = "ش"; } else { if ($result1 == "Sun") { $result1 = "ى"; } else { if ($result1 == "Mon") { $result1 = "د"; } else { if ($result1 == "Tue") { $result1 = "س"; } else { if ($result1 == "Wed") { $result1 = "چ"; } else { if ($result1 == "Thu") { $result1 = "پ"; } else { if ($result1 == "Fri") { $result1 = "ج"; } } } } } } } } $result .= $result1; break; case "F": $result .= monthname($Dmonth); break; case "g": $result1 = date("g", $need); if ($persianNumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "G": $result1 = date("G", $need); if ($persianNumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "h": $result1 = date("h", $need); if ($persianNumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "H": $result1 = date("H", $need); if ($persianNumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "i": $result1 = date("i", $need); if ($persianNumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "j": $result1 = $Dday; if ($persianNumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "l": $result1 = date("l", $need); if ($result1 == "Saturday") { $result1 = "شنبه"; } else { if ($result1 == "Sunday") { $result1 = "يكشنبه"; } else { if ($result1 == "Monday") { $result1 = "دوشنبه"; } else { if ($result1 == "Tuesday") { $result1 = "سه شنبه"; } else { if ($result1 == "Wednesday") { $result1 = "چهارشنبه"; } else { if ($result1 == "Thursday") { $result1 = "پنجشنبه"; } else { if ($result1 == "Friday") { $result1 = "جمعه"; } } } } } } } $result .= $result1; break; case "m": if ($Dmonth < 10) { $result1 = "0" . $Dmonth; } else { $result1 = $Dmonth; } if ($persianNumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "M": $result .= short_monthname($Dmonth); break; case "n": $result1 = $Dmonth; if ($persianNumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "s": $result1 = date("s", $need); if ($persianNumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "S": $result .= "ام"; break; case "t": $result .= lastday($month, $day, $year); break; case "w": $result1 = date("w", $need); if ($persianNumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "y": $result1 = substr($Dyear, 2, 4); if ($persianNumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "Y": $result1 = $Dyear; if ($persianNumber == 1) { $result .= Convertnumber2farsi($result1); } else { $result .= $result1; } break; case "U": $result .= mktime(); break; case "Z": $result .= days_of_year($Dmonth, $Dday, $Dyear); break; case "L": list($tmp_year, $tmp_month, $tmp_day) = mds_to_gregorian(1384, 12, 1); echo $tmp_day; /*if(lastday($tmp_month,$tmp_day,$tmp_year)=="31") $result.="1"; else $result.="0"; */ break; default: $result .= $subtype; } $subtypetemp = substr($format, $i, 1); $i++; } return $result; }
$year = date("Y"); //if we are overriding the current date lets set $day, $month, and $year here. if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['month']) && is_numeric($HTTP_GET_VARS['month'])) { $month = $HTTP_GET_VARS['month']; } else { $month = date("m"); } if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['year']) && $HTTP_GET_VARS['year']) { $year = $HTTP_GET_VARS['year']; } else { $year = date("Y"); } //now lets find out what day of the week the first of the month is , and how many days are in the month. $daysinmonth = daysinmonth($month, $year) . "\r\n"; $firstofmonth = dayofweek($month, "01", $year); $monthname = monthname($month); // lets padd the content for the week before the first. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---the code below may be converted to a function and placed in //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $i = 0; //lets calculate the month and day for next month $nextmonth = $month + 1; $nextyear = $year; $prevmonth = $month - 1; $prevyear = $year; if ($nextmonth > 12) { $nextmonth = 1; $nextyear += 1; } if ($prevmonth < 1) {
function parse_date($time) { $yr = substr($time, 0, 4); $mo = substr($time, 5, 2); $da = substr($time, 8, 2); $month = monthname($mo); return "$da $month $yr "; }
function listevents() { global $list_prefix; $EVENTS = "<select name='deletelist'>\r\n"; $count = 0; //now we will list weekly events $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $list_prefix . "calendar WHERE `weekly` < '7';"; $result = db_query($sql); if ($result) { $rows = db_num_rows($result); } else { $rows = 0; } if ($rows > 0) { $i = 0; while ($i < $rows) { $row = db_fetch_array($result); //calculate the time $time = $row['time']; $hour = $time[0] . $time[1]; $min = $time[2] . $time[3]; if ($hour < 12) { //we are in the am. if ($hour == 0) { $hour = "12"; } $time = $hour . ":" . $min . "am"; } else { //we are in the pm $hour -= 12; if ($hour == 0) { $hour = "12"; } $time = $hour . ":" . $min . "pm"; } $EVENTS .= "<option value='" . $row['id'] . "'>" . day_name($row['weekly']) . " at " . $time . "</option>\r\n"; $count++; $i++; } } //we will do the monthly events $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $list_prefix . "calendar WHERE `monthly` NOT LIKE '';"; $result = db_query($sql); if ($result) { $rows = db_num_rows($result); } else { $rows = 0; } if ($rows > 0) { $i = 0; while ($i < $rows) { $row = db_fetch_array($result); //calculate the time $time = $row['time']; $hour = $time[0] . $time[1]; $min = $time[2] . $time[3]; if ($hour < 12) { //we are in the am. if ($hour == 0) { $hour = "12"; } $time = $hour . ":" . $min . "am"; } else { //we are in the pm $hour -= 12; if ($hour == 0) { $hour = "12"; } $time = $hour . ":" . $min . "pm"; } $EVENTS .= "<option value='" . $row['id'] . "'>Monthly on the " . $row['monthly'] . " at " . $time . "</option>\r\n"; $count++; $i++; } } //we will do yearly events $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $list_prefix . "calendar WHERE `yearly` NOT LIKE '';"; $result = db_query($sql); if ($result) { $rows = db_num_rows($result); } else { $rows = 0; } if ($rows > 0) { $i = 0; while ($i < $rows) { $row = db_fetch_array($result); //calculate the time $time = $row['time']; $hour = $time[0] . $time[1]; $min = $time[2] . $time[3]; if ($hour < 12) { //we are in the am. if ($hour == 0) { $hour = "12"; } $time = $hour . ":" . $min . "am"; } else { //we are in the pm $hour -= 12; if ($hour == 0) { $hour = "12"; } $time = $hour . ":" . $min . "pm"; } $t = $row['yearly']; $t = monthname($t[0] . $t[1]) . " " . $t[2] . $t[3]; $EVENTS .= "<option value='" . $row['id'] . "'>Yearly on " . $t . " at " . $time . "</option>\r\n"; $count++; $i++; } } //now we will work scheduled events $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $list_prefix . "calendar WHERE `date` NOT LIKE '';"; $result = db_query($sql); if ($result) { $rows = db_num_rows($result); } else { $rows = 0; } if ($rows > 0) { $i = 0; while ($i < $rows) { $row = db_fetch_array($result); //calculate the time $time = $row['time']; $hour = $time[0] . $time[1]; $min = $time[2] . $time[3]; if ($hour < 12) { //we are in the am. if ($hour == 0) { $hour = "12"; } $time = $hour . ":" . $min . "am"; } else { //we are in the pm $hour -= 12; if ($hour == 0) { $hour = "12"; } $time = $hour . ":" . $min . "pm"; } $t = $row['date']; $t = monthname($t[4] . $t[5]) . " " . $t[6] . $t[7] . ", " . $t[0] . $t[1] . $t[2] . $t[3]; $EVENTS .= "<option value='" . $row['id'] . "'>" . $t . " at " . $time . "</option>\r\n"; $count++; $i++; } } if ($count == 0) { $EVENTS .= "<option value='-'>Nothing to delete</option>\r\n"; } $EVENTS .= "</select>"; return $EVENTS; }