function fixMySQLCollations() { global $modifyoutput; $oDB = Yii::app()->db; $sql = 'SHOW TABLE STATUS'; $dbprefix = Yii::app()->getDb()->tablePrefix; $result = Yii::app()->getDb()->createCommand($sql)->queryAll(); foreach ($result as $tables) { // Loop through all tables in this database $table = $tables['Name']; $tablecollation = $tables['Collation']; if (strpos($table, 'old_') === false && ($dbprefix == '' || $dbprefix != '' && strpos($table, $dbprefix) !== false)) { if ($tablecollation != 'utf8_unicode_ci') { modifyDatabase("", "ALTER TABLE {$table} COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci"); echo $modifyoutput; flush(); @ob_flush(); } # Now loop through all the fields within this table $result2 = Yii::app()->getDb()->createCommand("SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM " . $table)->queryAll(); foreach ($result2 as $column) { if ($column['Collation'] != 'utf8_unicode_ci') { $field_name = $column['Field']; $field_type = $column['Type']; $field_default = $column['Default']; if ($field_default != 'NULL') { $field_default = "'" . $field_default . "'"; } # Change text based fields $skipped_field_types = array('char', 'text', 'enum', 'set'); foreach ($skipped_field_types as $type) { if (strpos($field_type, $type) !== false) { $modstatement = "ALTER TABLE {$table} CHANGE `{$field_name}` `{$field_name}` {$field_type} CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci"; if ($type != 'text') { $modstatement .= " DEFAULT {$field_default}"; } modifyDatabase("", $modstatement); echo $modifyoutput; flush(); @ob_flush(); } } } } } } }
function mssql_drop_constraint($fieldname, $tablename) { global $modifyoutput; Yii::app()->loadHelper("database"); // find out the name of the default constraint // Did I already mention that this is the most suckiest thing I have ever seen in MSSQL database? $dfquery = "SELECT AS constraint_name\n FROM sys.sysobjects AS c_obj INNER JOIN\n sys.sysobjects AS t_obj ON c_obj.parent_obj = INNER JOIN\n sys.sysconstraints AS con ON = con.constid INNER JOIN\n sys.syscolumns AS col ON = AND con.colid = col.colid\n WHERE (c_obj.xtype = 'D') AND ( = '{$fieldname}') AND ('{{{$tablename}}}')"; $result = dbExecuteAssoc($dfquery)->read(); $defaultname = $result['CONTRAINT_NAME']; if ($defaultname != false) { modifyDatabase("", "ALTER TABLE {{{$tablename}}} DROP CONSTRAINT {$defaultname[0]}"); echo $modifyoutput; flush(); } }
function upgradeQuestionAttributes142() { global $modifyoutput; $attributequery = "Select qid from {{question_attributes}} where attribute='exclude_all_other' group by qid having count(qid)>1 "; $questionids = Yii::app()->getDb()->createCommand($attributequery)->queryRow(); if (!is_array($questionids)) { return "Database Error"; } else { foreach ($questionids as $questionid) { //Select all affected question attributes $attributevalues = Yii::app()->getDb()->createCommand("SELECT value from {{question_attributes}} where attribute='exclude_all_other' and qid=" . $questionid)->queryColumn(); modifyDatabase("", "delete from {{question_attributes}} where attribute='exclude_all_other' and qid=" . $questionid); echo $modifyoutput; flush(); @ob_flush(); $record['value'] = implode(';', $attributevalues); $record['attribute'] = 'exclude_all_other'; $record['qid'] = $questionid; Yii::app()->getDb()->createCommand()->insert('{{question_attributes}}', $record)->execute(); } } }