 * Initialize the object (if necessary), execute the method or function, and 
 * return the response
 * @param  string  $includefile    The file that contains the object definition
 * @param  string  $methodname     The name of the method to execute
 * @param  string  $method         The full path to the method
 * @param  string  $payload        The XML-RPC request payload
 * @param  string  $class          The name of the class to instantiate (or false)
 * @return string                  The XML-RPC response
function mnet_server_invoke_method($includefile, $methodname, $method, $payload, $class = false)
    $permission = mnet_permit_rpc_call($includefile, $methodname, $class);
    if (RPC_NOSUCHFILE == $permission) {
        // Generate error response - unable to locate function
        exit(mnet_server_fault(705, 'nosuchfile', $includefile));
    if (RPC_NOSUCHFUNCTION == $permission) {
        // Generate error response - unable to locate function
        exit(mnet_server_fault(706, 'nosuchfunction'));
    if (RPC_FORBIDDENFUNCTION == $permission) {
        // Generate error response - unable to locate function
        exit(mnet_server_fault(707, 'forbidden-function'));
    if (RPC_NOSUCHCLASS == $permission) {
        // Generate error response - unable to locate function
        exit(mnet_server_fault(7013, 'nosuchfunction'));
    if (RPC_NOSUCHMETHOD == $permission) {
        // Generate error response - unable to locate function
        exit(mnet_server_fault(7014, 'nosuchmethod'));
    if (RPC_NOSUCHFUNCTION == $permission) {
        // Generate error response - unable to locate function
        exit(mnet_server_fault(7014, 'nosuchmethod'));
    if (RPC_FORBIDDENMETHOD == $permission) {
        // Generate error response - unable to locate function
        exit(mnet_server_fault(7015, 'nosuchfunction'));
    if (0 < $permission) {
        // Generate error response - unable to locate function
        exit(mnet_server_fault(7019, 'unknownerror'));
    if (RPC_OK == $permission) {
        $xmlrpcserver = xmlrpc_server_create();
        $bool = xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpcserver, $method, 'mnet_server_dummy_method');
        $response = xmlrpc_server_call_method($xmlrpcserver, $payload, $methodname, array("encoding" => "utf-8"));
        $bool = xmlrpc_server_destroy($xmlrpcserver);
        return $response;
 * Dummy function for the XML-RPC dispatcher - use to call a method on an object
 * or to call a function
 * Translate XML-RPC's strange function call syntax into a more straightforward
 * PHP-friendly alternative. This dummy function will be called by the
 * dispatcher, and can be used to call a method on an object, or just a function
 * The methodName argument (eg. mnet/testlib/mnet_concatenate_strings)
 * is ignored.
 * @throws mnet_server_exception
 * @param  string  $methodname     We discard this - see 'functionname'
 * @param  array   $argsarray      Each element is an argument to the real
 *                                 function
 * @param  string  $functionname   The name of the PHP function you want to call
 * @return mixed                   The return value will be that of the real
 *                                 function, whatever it may be.
function mnet_server_dummy_method($methodname, $argsarray, $functionname) {
    $remoteclient = get_mnet_remote_client();
    try {
        if (is_object($remoteclient->object_to_call)) {
            return @call_user_func_array(array($remoteclient->object_to_call,$functionname), $argsarray);
        } else if (!empty($remoteclient->static_location)) {
            return @call_user_func_array(array($remoteclient->static_location, $functionname), $argsarray);
        } else {
            return @call_user_func_array($functionname, $argsarray);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        exit(mnet_server_fault($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()));
  * Retrieve file list for a user of the Moodle client calling this function
  * @global <type> $DB
  * @global <type> $USER
  * @global <type> $MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT
  * @global <type> $CFG
  * @param <type> $username
  * @param <type> $search
  * @return <type>
 public function getFileList($username, $search)
     global $DB, $USER, $MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT, $CFG;
     ///check the the user is known
     ///he has to be previously connected to the server site in order to be in the database
     //TODO: this seems weird - is it executed from cron or what? Please review
     $USER = $DB->get_record('user', array('username' => $username, 'mnethostid' => $MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT->id));
     if (empty($USER)) {
         exit(mnet_server_fault(9016, get_string('usernotfound', 'repository_remotemoodle', $username)));
     try {
         return repository::get_user_file_tree($search);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         exit(mnet_server_fault(9016, get_string('failtoretrievelist', 'repository_remotemoodle')));
  * Return user data for the provided token, compare with user_agent string.
  * @param  string $token    The unique ID provided by remotehost.
  * @param  string $UA       User Agent string.
  * @return array  $userdata Array of user info for remote host
 function user_authorise($token, $useragent)
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mnet/xmlrpc/server.php';
     $mnet_session = $DB->get_record('mnet_session', array('token' => $token, 'useragent' => $useragent));
     if (empty($mnet_session)) {
         echo mnet_server_fault(1, get_string('authfail_nosessionexists', 'mnet'));
     // check session confirm timeout
     if ($mnet_session->confirm_timeout < time()) {
         echo mnet_server_fault(2, get_string('authfail_sessiontimedout', 'mnet'));
     // session okay, try getting the user
     if (!($user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $mnet_session->userid)))) {
         echo mnet_server_fault(3, get_string('authfail_usermismatch', 'mnet'));
     $userdata = array();
     $userdata['username'] = $user->username;
     $userdata['email'] = $user->email;
     $userdata['auth'] = 'mnet';
     $userdata['confirmed'] = $user->confirmed;
     $userdata['deleted'] = $user->deleted;
     $userdata['firstname'] = $user->firstname;
     $userdata['lastname'] = $user->lastname;
     $userdata['city'] = $user->city;
     $userdata['country'] = $user->country;
     $userdata['lang'] = $user->lang;
     $userdata['timezone'] = $user->timezone;
     $userdata['description'] = $user->description;
     $userdata['mailformat'] = $user->mailformat;
     $userdata['maildigest'] = $user->maildigest;
     $userdata['maildisplay'] = $user->maildisplay;
     $userdata['htmleditor'] = $user->htmleditor;
     $userdata['wwwroot'] = $MNET->wwwroot;
     $userdata['session.gc_maxlifetime'] = ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
     $userdata['picture'] = $user->picture;
     if (!empty($user->picture)) {
         $imagefile = make_user_directory($user->id, true) . "/f1.jpg";
         if (file_exists($imagefile)) {
             $userdata['imagehash'] = sha1(file_get_contents($imagefile));
     $userdata['myhosts'] = array();
     if ($courses = get_my_courses($user->id, 'id', 'id, visible')) {
         $userdata['myhosts'][] = array('name' => $SITE->shortname, 'url' => $CFG->wwwroot, 'count' => count($courses));
     $sql = "\n                SELECT\n                    h.name as hostname,\n                    h.wwwroot,\n                    h.id as hostid,\n                    count(c.id) as count\n                FROM\n                    {mnet_enrol_course} c,\n                    {mnet_enrol_assignments} a,\n                    {mnet_host} h\n                WHERE\n                    c.id      =  a.courseid   AND\n                    c.hostid  =  h.id         AND\n                    a.userid  = ? AND\n                    c.hostid != ?\n                GROUP BY\n                    h.name,\n                    h.id,\n                    h.wwwroot";
     if ($courses = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($user->id, $MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT->id))) {
         foreach ($courses as $course) {
             $userdata['myhosts'][] = array('name' => $course->hostname, 'url' => $CFG->wwwroot . '/auth/mnet/jump.php?hostid=' . $course->hostid, 'count' => $course->count);
     return $userdata;
  * Return user data for the provided token, compare with user_agent string.
  * @param  string $token    The unique ID provided by remotehost.
  * @param  string $UA       User Agent string.
  * @return array  $userdata Array of user info for remote host
 function user_authorise($token, $useragent)
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mnet/xmlrpc/server.php';
     $mnet_session = get_record('mnet_session', 'token', $token, 'useragent', $useragent);
     if (empty($mnet_session)) {
         echo mnet_server_fault(1, get_string('authfail_nosessionexists', 'mnet'));
     // check session confirm timeout
     if ($mnet_session->confirm_timeout < time()) {
         echo mnet_server_fault(2, get_string('authfail_sessiontimedout', 'mnet'));
     // session okay, try getting the user
     if (!($user = get_record('user', 'id', $mnet_session->userid))) {
         echo mnet_server_fault(3, get_string('authfail_usermismatch', 'mnet'));
     $userdata = array();
     $userdata['username'] = $user->username;
     $userdata['email'] = $user->email;
     $userdata['auth'] = 'mnet';
     $userdata['wwwroot'] = $MNET->wwwroot;
     $userdata['session.gc_maxlifetime'] = ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
     $userdata['picture'] = $user->picture;
     if (!empty($user->picture)) {
         $imagefile = make_user_directory($user->id, true) . "/f1.jpg";
         if (file_exists($imagefile)) {
             $userdata['imagehash'] = sha1(file_get_contents($imagefile));
     //now pull in user profile field settings.
     $mnetconfig = get_records_menu('config_plugins', 'plugin', 'mnet_userprofile_' . $mnet_session->mnethostid, '', 'name, value');
     foreach ($mnetconfig as $field => $value) {
         if (!empty($value) && !empty($user->{$field})) {
             $userdata[$value] = $user->{$field};
     $userdata['myhosts'] = array();
     if ($courses = get_my_courses($user->id, 'id', 'id, visible')) {
         $userdata['myhosts'][] = array('name' => $SITE->shortname, 'url' => $CFG->wwwroot, 'count' => count($courses));
     $sql = "\n                SELECT\n                    h.name as hostname,\n                    h.wwwroot,\n                    h.id as hostid,\n                    count(c.id) as count\n                FROM\n                    {$CFG->prefix}mnet_enrol_course c,\n                    {$CFG->prefix}mnet_enrol_assignments a,\n                    {$CFG->prefix}mnet_host h\n                WHERE\n                    c.id      =  a.courseid   AND\n                    c.hostid  =  h.id         AND\n                    a.userid  = '{$user->id}' AND\n                    c.hostid != '{$MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT->id}'\n                GROUP BY\n                    h.name,\n                    h.id,\n                    h.wwwroot";
     if ($courses = get_records_sql($sql)) {
         foreach ($courses as $course) {
             $userdata['myhosts'][] = array('name' => $course->hostname, 'url' => $CFG->wwwroot . '/auth/mnet/jump.php?hostid=' . $course->hostid, 'count' => $course->count);
     return $userdata;
// 3. Request is properly signed and we're happy with it being unencrypted
if ($remoteclient->request_was_encrypted == true && $remoteclient->signatureok == true || ($method == 'system.keyswap' || $method == 'system/keyswap') || $remoteclient->signatureok == true && $remoteclient->plaintext_is_ok() == true) {
    try {
        // main dispatch call.  will echo the response directly
        mnet_debug('exiting cleanly');
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        mnet_debug('dispatch exception thrown: ' . $e->getMessage());
        exit(mnet_server_fault($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage(), $e->a));
// if we get to here, something is wrong
// so detect a few common cases and send appropriate errors
if ($remoteclient->request_was_encrypted == false && $remoteclient->plaintext_is_ok() == false) {
    mnet_debug('non encrypted request');
    exit(mnet_server_fault(7021, get_string('forbidden-transport', 'mnet')));
if ($remoteclient->request_was_signed == false) {
    // Request was not signed
    mnet_debug('non signed request');
    exit(mnet_server_fault(711, get_string('verifysignature-error', 'mnet')));
if ($remoteclient->signatureok == false) {
    // We were unable to verify the signature
    mnet_debug('non verified signature');
    exit(mnet_server_fault(710, get_string('verifysignature-invalid', 'mnet')));
mnet_debug('unknown error');
exit(mnet_server_fault(7000, get_string('unknownerror', 'mnet')));
  * xmlrpc (mnet) function to get the file.
  * reads in the file and returns it base_64 encoded
  * so that it can be enrypted by mnet.
  * @param string $token the token recieved previously during send_content_intent
 public static function fetch_file($token)
     global $DB, $MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT;
     try {
         if (!($transferid = $DB->get_field('portfolio_mahara_queue', 'transferid', array('token' => $token)))) {
             exit(mnet_server_fault(8009, get_string('mnet_notoken', 'portfolio_mahara')));
         $exporter = portfolio_exporter::rewaken_object($transferid);
     } catch (portfolio_exception $e) {
         exit(mnet_server_fault(8010, get_string('mnet_noid', 'portfolio_mahara')));
     if ($exporter->get('instance')->get_config('mnethostid') != $MNET_REMOTE_CLIENT->id) {
         exit(mnet_server_fault(8011, get_string('mnet_wronghost', 'portfolio_mahara')));
     global $CFG;
     try {
         $i = $exporter->get('instance');
         $f = $i->get('file');
         if (empty($f) || !$f instanceof stored_file) {
             exit(mnet_server_fault(8012, get_string('mnet_nofile', 'portfolio_mahara')));
         try {
             $c = $f->get_content();
         } catch (file_exception $e) {
             exit(mnet_server_fault(8013, get_string('mnet_nofilecontents', 'portfolio_mahara', $e->getMessage())));
         $contents = base64_encode($c);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         exit(mnet_server_fault(8013, get_string('mnet_nofile', 'portfolio_mahara')));
     return $contents;