function show_georef_map($lon, $lat, $layer) { $lang = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getCulture(); if (empty($layer)) { $layer = sfContext::getInstance()->getModuleName(); } $html = '<div class="section" id="georef_container" style="display:none;">'; $html .= '<div id="map" style="height:400px;width:100%">'; $html .= '<div id="mapLoading">' . image_tag(sfConfig::get('app_static_url') . '/static/images/indicator.gif'); $html .= __('Map is loading...') . '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; $async_map = sfConfig::get('app_async_map', false) && !sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getParameter('debug', false); $js = "\n C2C.map_init = function() {\n Ext.get('georef_container').show();\n var lon = Ext.getDom('lon') && Ext.getDom('lon').value || 0;\n var lat = Ext.getDom('lat') && Ext.getDom('lat').value || 0;\n c2corg.Map({\n div: 'map',\n lang: '{$lang}',\n loading: 'mapLoading',\n layers: ['{$layer}'],\n connected: true,\n georef: {\n initialState: {\n lon: lon,\n lat: lat,\n zoom: 15\n },\n callback: function(lonlat) {\n if (lonlat) {\n Ext.getDom('lon').value = Math.round(lonlat.lon*1E6)/1E6;\n Ext.getDom('lat').value = Math.round(*1E6)/1E6;\n } else {\n Ext.getDom('lon').value = '';\n Ext.getDom('lat').value = '';\n }\n c2corg.coords.update_degminsec('lon');\n c2corg.coords.update_degminsec('lat');\n }\n }\n });\n };"; // asynchronous map loading if ($async_map) { use_helper('MyMinify'); $c2c_script_url = minify_get_combined_files_url(array('/static/js/carto/build/carto.min.js', "/static/js/carto/build/lang-{$lang}.min.js", '/static/js/popup.js', '/static/js/carto/embedded.js'), (bool) sfConfig::get('app_minify_debug')); $js .= "C2C.async_map_init = function() {\n \$.ajax({\n url: '{$c2c_script_url}',\n dataType: 'script',\n cache: true\n }).done(function() {\n C2C.map_init();\n Ext.EventManager.fireDocReady();\n });\n };"; } // if coordinates not set, open automatically open the map if (!$lon && !$lat && !in_array($layer, array('sites', 'users', 'images', 'portals'))) { if ($async_map) { $js .= "C2C.async_map_init()"; } else { $js .= "\$(window).load(C2C.map_init)"; } } $html .= javascript_queue($js); return $html; }
function geocode_auto_complete($name, $service) { $mobile_version = c2cTools::mobileVersion(); $service_class = $service === 'nominatim' ? ' nominatim' : ' geonames'; $out = input_tag($name, '', array('class' => 'geocode_auto_complete' . $service_class, 'placeholder' => __('enter place name'), 'data-noresult' => __('no results'))); if ($mobile_version) { $out .= content_tag('span', '<br />' . __('autocomplete_help'), array('class' => 'mobile_auto_complete_background')); $out .= content_tag('span', 'X', array('class' => 'mobile_auto_complete_escape')); } // following script will automatically intanciate geocode autocompleter $out .= javascript_queue('$.ajax({ url: "' . minify_get_combined_files_url('/static/js/geocode_autocompleter.js') . '", dataType: "script", cache: true});'); return $out; }
function insert_popup_js() { return '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . minify_get_combined_files_url(array('/static/js/jquery.min.js', '/static/js/popup.js')) . '"></script>'; }
<?php if (in_array($module, array('areas', 'articles', 'books', 'huts', 'outings', 'parkings', 'routes', 'sites', 'summits'))) { ?> <br /> <div id="google_search"> <?php use_helper('Form', 'JavascriptQueue', 'MyMinify'); echo image_tag('//'); echo __('Results from google for %1%', array('%1%' => $query_string)); ?> <div id="google_search_results"></div> </div> <?php $google_i18n = array('first page', 'previous page', 'next page', 'Document title', 'Extract', 'No result'); $google_i18n = array_map('__', $google_i18n); $cse = sfConfig::get('app_google_cse'); $script = minify_get_combined_files_url('/static/js/google_search.js'); echo javascript_queue("\$.extend(C2C.GoogleSearch = C2C.GoogleSearch || {}, {\n i18n: ['" . implode("', '", $google_i18n) . "']," . "\n base_url: '" . sfConfig::get('app_google_api_key') . '&cx=' . $cse[$module] . "&callback=C2C.GoogleSearch.handleResponse',\n q: '" . urlencode($query_string) . "'});\n\$.ajax({\n url: '{$script}',\n dataType: 'script',\n cache: true })\n.done(function() {\n;\n});"); }
<div id="on_the_web" class="latest"> <?php use_helper('SmartDate', 'JavascriptQueue', 'MyMinify'); $response = sfContext::getInstance()->getResponse(); if (!isset($default_open)) { $default_open = true; } $tr_module = __('meta outings'); include_partial('documents/home_section_title', array('module' => 'on_the_web', 'custom_section_id' => 'on_the_web', 'custom_title' => link_to(__('Latest outings from MetaEngine'), sfConfig::get('app_meta_engine_base_url')), 'custom_rss' => link_to('', sfConfig::get('app_meta_engine_base_url') . 'outings', array('class' => 'home_title_right picto_rss', 'title' => __('Subscribe to latest outings from MetaEngine'))), 'custom_title_icon' => 'outings')); ?> <div id="on_the_web_section_container" class="home_container_text"> <?php $cookie_position = array_search('on_the_web', sfConfig::get('app_personalization_cookie_fold_positions')); // script that allow ie8 and ie9 to make the CORS request $script_url = minify_get_combined_files_url('/static/js/jquery.xdomainrequest.min.js', (bool) sfConfig::get('app_minify_debug')); echo javascript_queue(' var section_list = $("#on_the_web_section_list"); function load2() { $.get("' . $sf_data->getRaw('feed_url') . '").done(function(data) { var $xml = $(data), date, count = 0; $xml.find("item").each(function() { var $this = $(this), item = {}, els; $.each(["title", "link", "description", "pubDate", "author"], function(i, v) { item[v] = $this.find(v).text(); }); if (!count) section_list.html(""); count++; if (count > 10) return;
function minify_get_stylesheets($position_array = array('first', '', 'last'), $debug = false, $my_already_seen = array()) { $response = sfContext::getInstance()->getResponse(); $response->setParameter('stylesheets_included', true, 'symfony/view/asset'); $app_static_url = sfConfig::get('app_static_url'); $already_seen = $my_already_seen; $minify_files = array(); foreach ($position_array as $position) { foreach ($response->getStylesheets($position) as $files => $options) { if (!is_array($files)) { $files = array($files); } $options = array_merge(array('rel' => 'stylesheet', 'type' => 'text/css', 'media' => 'all'), $options); foreach ($files as $file) { if (isset($already_seen[$file])) { continue; } $already_seen[$file] = 1; $absolute = false; if (isset($options['absolute'])) { unset($options['absolute']); $absolute = true; } if (!isset($options['raw_name'])) { $file = stylesheet_path($file, $absolute); } else { unset($options['raw_name']); } $type = serialize($options); if (isset($minify_files[$type])) { array_push($minify_files[$type], $file); } else { $minify_files[$type] = array($file); } } } } $html = ''; foreach ($minify_files as $options => $files) { $options = unserialize($options); $options['href'] = minify_get_combined_files_url($files, $debug); $html .= tag('link', $options) . "\n"; } return $html; }
$id_list_associated_docs = "list_associated_docs"; if ($section_list['docs']) { echo '<p class="default_text" id="' . $id_no_associated_docs . '">' . __('No associated document found') . '</p>'; } if ($show_link_tool) { echo '<ul id="' . $id_list_associated_docs . '"><li style="display:none"></li></ul>', '<div id="association_tool" class="plus">', '<p>', __('You can associate this book with existing document using the following tool:'), '</p>'; $modules_list = array('summits', 'sites', 'routes', 'huts', 'articles'); echo c2c_form_add_multi_module('books', $id, $modules_list, 13, array('field_prefix' => $id_list_associated_docs, 'hide' => false, 'removed_id' => $id_no_associated_docs)); echo '</div>'; } echo end_section_tag(); } include_partial('documents/images', array('images' => $associated_images, 'document_id' => $id, 'dissociation' => 'moderator', 'is_protected' => $document->get('is_protected'))); if ($document['isbn']) { // TODO checks on ISBN value (multiple isbns?) $script = minify_get_combined_files_url('/static/js/books.js'); $isbn_or_issn = 'ISBN:'; foreach ($document['book_types'] as $type) { if ($type == '18') { $isbn_or_issn = 'ISSN:'; break; } } echo start_section_tag('Buy the book', 'buy_books', 'opened', false, false, true); echo javascript_queue("\$.extend(C2C.GoogleBooks = C2C.GoogleBooks || {}, {\n preview_logo_src: '{$lang}/googlebooks/images/gbs_preview_button1.png'," . "\n translation: '" . __('Google Book Search') . "'," . "\n book_isbn: '" . $isbn_or_issn . $document['isbn'] . "'});\n \$.ajax({\n url: '{$script}',\n dataType: 'script',\n cache: true })\n .done(function() {\n;\n });"); echo end_section_tag(); } if ($mobile_version) { include_partial('documents/mobile_comments', array('id' => $id, 'lang' => $lang, 'nb_comments' => $nb_comments)); } include_partial('documents/annex_docs', array('related_portals' => $related_portals));
function show_map($container_div, $document, $lang, $layers_list = null, $height = null, $center = null, $has_geom = null, $connected = false) { // define div identifiers $map_container_div_id = $container_div . '_section_container'; $app_static_url = sfConfig::get('app_static_url'); $objects_list = array(); if ($has_geom or is_null($has_geom)) { if ($document->get('geom_wkt') != null) { // FIXME // When using polygons in openlayers, we have a bug preventing to pan the map when mouse cursor is above // a polygon object // As a workaround, we have replaced polygons by linestrings in javascript code. This was not working well with // multipolygons. // Eventually we directly modify this helper to replace MULTIPOLYGON by MULTILINESTRINGS $geom = $document->get('geom_wkt'); if (substr($geom, 0, 7) == 'POLYGON') { $geom = str_replace('POLYGON', 'MULTILINESTRING', $geom); } if (substr($geom, 0, 12) == 'MULTIPOLYGON') { $geom = str_replace(array('MULTIPOLYGON', '((', '))'), array('MULTILINESTRING', '(', ')'), $geom); } $objects_list[] = _convertObjectToGeoJSON($document, $geom); } } // we display possible associated docs foreach (array('summits', 'parkings', 'huts') as $type) { if (!isset($document->{$type})) { continue; } _addAssociatedDocsWithGeom($document->{$type}, $objects_list); } if (is_null($layers_list)) { $layers_list = '[]'; } else { if (!is_array($layers_list)) { $layers_list = str_replace(' ', '', $layers_list); $layers_list = explode(',', $layers_list); } $layers_list = "['" . implode("','", $layers_list) . "']"; } if (is_null($height)) { $height = 400; } else { $height = min(800, max(400, $height)); } if (is_null($center)) { $init_center = '[]'; } else { if (!is_array($center)) { $init_center = str_replace(' ', '', $center); } else { $init_center = implode(', ', $center); } $init_center = '[' . $init_center . ']'; } $html = '<section class="section" id="' . $map_container_div_id . '"><div class="article_contenu">'; $html .= '<div id="map" style="height:' . $height . 'px;width:auto">'; $html .= '<div id="mapLoading" style="position:absolute">' . image_tag($app_static_url . '/static/images/indicator.gif'); $html .= __('Map is loading...') . '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div></section>'; $async_map = sfConfig::get('app_async_map', false) && !sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getParameter('debug', false); $connected = $connected ? 'true' : 'false'; $js = "\n C2C.map_init = function() {\n c2corg.Map({\n div: 'map',\n lang: '{$lang}',\n loading: 'mapLoading',\n layers: {$layers_list},\n center: {$init_center},\n features: " . _makeFeatureCollection($objects_list) . ",\n connected: {$connected}\n });\n };"; // asynchronous map loading if ($async_map) { use_helper('MyMinify'); $c2c_script_url = minify_get_combined_files_url(array('/static/js/carto/build/carto.min.js', "/static/js/carto/build/lang-{$lang}.min.js", '/static/js/popup.js', '/static/js/carto/embedded.js'), (bool) sfConfig::get('app_minify_debug')); // Ext.onReady doesn't seem to fire if extjs is loaded after the dom has been loaded // (but works in chrome???) // so we manually trigger it to be sure $js .= "\n C2C.async_map_init = function() {\n \$.ajax({\n url: '{$c2c_script_url}',\n dataType: 'script',\n cache: true\n }).done(function() {\n C2C.map_init();\n Ext.EventManager.fireDocReady();\n });\n };"; } $html .= javascript_queue($js); return $html; }
<input id="pickfiles" class="plupload-pickfiles" type="button" value="<?php echo __('Add images'); ?> " disabled="disabled" /> <input class="plupload-cancel" type="button" value="<?php echo __('cancel'); ?> " /> <input class="plupload-submit" type="submit" value="<?php echo __('save'); ?> " disabled="disabled" /> <div class="tooltip top" style="display:none"> <div class="tooltip-inner"><?php echo __('plupload invalid image titles'); ?> </div> <div class="tooltip-arrow"></div> </div> </div> <?php $jsfiles = array('/static/js/mixitup.js', '/static/js/plupload.full.min.js', '/static/js/plupload.wrapper.js'); if (!c2cTools::mobileVersion()) { $jsfiles[] = '/static/js/plupload.dropdown.js'; } $plupload_js = minify_get_combined_files_url($jsfiles); $backup_url = url_for("@image_jsupload?mod={$mod}&document_id={$document_id}?noplupload=true"); echo javascript_queue("var height = \$(window).height() - \$('.modal-header').outerHeight(true) - \$('.plupload-tips').outerHeight(true)" . "- \$('#plupload-container').outerHeight(true) - \$('.modal-footer').outerHeight(true)" . "- parseInt(\$('.modal-body').css('paddingBottom'), 10)*2 - 30;" . "\$('#images_validate_form').height(height);" . "\$.ajax({ url: '{$plupload_js}', dataType: 'script', cache: true })" . ".done(function() { C2C.PlUploadWrapper('/images/addpltempimage/mod/{$mod}/document_id/{$document_id}', '{$backup_url}', {" . "badselect: '" . __('plupload bad selection') . "', extensions: '" . __('plupload extension') . "', unknownerror: '" . __('plupload unknown') . "'," . "sending: '" . __('plupload sending') . "', waiting: '" . __('plupload waiting') . "', serverop: '" . __('plupload serverop') . "'," . "cancel: '" . __('cancel') . "', drop: '" . __('plupload drop') . "'" . "});" . "});"); ?> </form>
<ol id="languages-order"> <?php foreach ($sf_user->getPreferedLanguageList() as $language_code) { ?> <li id="<?php echo "lang_" . $language_code; ?> "><?php echo format_language_c2c($language_code); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ol> <?php echo end_fieldset_tag(); echo __('Reorder these languages according to your preferences, using drag-and-drop'); // html5sortable is fine for desktop version, but it has no supprot for touch. It is very small and // follows the same api as jquery sortable // on the other hand, slip.js has touch support, but is a bit bigger // We don't show js feedback on mobile version (would be janky) if (c2cTools::mobileVersion()) { echo javascript_queue("\$.ajax({\n url: '" . minify_get_combined_files_url('/static/js/slip.js') . "',\n dataType: 'script',\n cache: true })\n.done(function() {\n var ol = document.getElementById('languages-order');\n ol.addEventListener('slip:beforeswipe', function(e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n }, false);\n ol.addEventListener('slip:beforewait', function(e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n }, false);\n ol.addEventListener('slip:reorder', function(e) {\n, e.detail.insertBefore);\n \$.post('" . url_for('users/sortPreferedLanguages') . "',\n \$('#languages-order li').map(function() { return 'order[]=' +^lang_(.*)\$/)[1]; }).get().join('&'));\n return false;\n }, false);\n new Slip(ol);\n});"); } else { echo javascript_queue("\$.ajax({\n url: '" . minify_get_combined_files_url('/static/js/jquery.sortable.js') . "',\n dataType: 'script',\n cache: true })\n.done(function() {\n \$('#languages-order').sortable({forcePlaceholderSize: true}).on('sortupdate', function() {\n \$('#indicator').show();\n \$.post('" . url_for('users/sortPreferedLanguages') . "',\n \$('#languages-order li').map(function() { return 'order[]=' +^lang_(.*)\$/)[1]; }).get().join('&'))\n .always(function() { \$('#indicator').hide(); })\n .done(function(data) { C2C.showSuccess(data); });\n });\n});"); } ?> </div> <!-- end div customize -->
<?php use_helper('MyMinify'); $static_base_url = sfConfig::get('app_static_url'); ?> <!doctype html> <html lang="<?php echo __('meta_language'); ?> "> <head> <?php echo include_http_metas(); ?> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo minify_get_combined_files_url(array('/static/css/default.css', '/static/css/popup.css')); ?> " /> <!-- FIXME this is hacky but we don't want to have a min width of 1000px for our popup when embbedded in 3rd party website --> <style> html, body { min-width: 200px; } </style> <title><?php echo __('Mini card'); ?> </title> </head> <body> <div class="popup_content external"> <?php echo $sf_data->getRaw('sf_content');
<?php echo '(' . f_link_to($UnreadMsg, 'message_list.php') . ')'; if ($UnreadMsg && !c2cTools::mobileVersion()) { use_helper('JavascriptQueue'); echo javascript_queue("\$.ajax({ url: '" . minify_get_combined_files_url('/static/js/tinycon.min.js') . "', dataType: 'script', cache: true })\n .done(function() { Tinycon.setBubble({$UnreadMsg}); });"); }
<form class="xaxis-dimension"> <span class="xaxis-label"><?php echo __('x axis:'); ?> </span> <label><input type="radio" name="profile_mode" value="distance" checked /> <?php echo __('Distance'); ?> </label> <label><input type="radio" name="profile_mode" value="time" /> <?php echo __('Time'); ?> </label> </form> </div> <div id="elevation_profile"> </div> <?php echo end_section_tag(); // note: d3js uses functions unsupported by ie<=8 but // feature detecting svg support should be enough $script_url = minify_get_combined_files_url(array('/static/js/d3.min.js', '/static/js/elevation_profile.js'), (bool) sfConfig::get('app_minify_debug')); // notes: // - first test is to test for support of inline svg // - we also test if css animations are supported; else replace the spinner // by an animated gif. We d'ont test for css transforms support (also needed) // since every browser supporting animations supports transforms // - c2c_load_elevation_profile is called once the section is opened, and // ensures the js is only loaded once $js = "var div = document.createElement('div');\ndiv.innerHTML = '<svg/>';\nvar svg_supported = (div.firstChild && div.firstChild.namespaceURI) == '';\nif (!svg_supported) {\n \$('#elevation_profile_container_tbg').hide();\n \$('#elevation_profile_nav').hide();\n} else {\n C2C.elevation_profile_data = {\n track: '" . url_for("@export_gpx?module=outings&id={$id}&lang=" . $sf_user->getCulture()) . "',\n i18n: {\n yLegend: '" . __('Elevation (m)') . "',\n x1Legend: '" . __('Distance (km)') . "',\n x2Legend: '" . __('Duration (hrs)') . "',\n elevation: '" . __('Elevation') . "',\n distance: '" . __('Distance') . "',\n time: '" . __('Time') . "',\n duration: '" . __('Duration') . "',\n meters: '" . __('meters') . "',\n kilometers: '" . __('kilometers') . "'\n }\n };\n var animation = false;\n var props = ['animationName', 'WebkitAnimationName', 'MozAnimationName'];\n var elt = \$('.ui-spinner .fill')[0];\n for (var i in props) {\n var prop = props[i];\n if ([prop] !== undefined) {\n animation = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n if (!animation) {\n elt = \$('.elevation_profile_loading')\n .html('" . image_tag('/static/images/indicator.gif') . "')\n .removeClass('ui-spinner');\n }\n \$('#elevation_profile_container').one('click', function() {\n \$.ajax({\n url: '{$script_url}',\n dataType: 'script',\n cache: true\n });\n });\n}"; echo javascript_queue($js);
//echo form_tag('@user_edit'); echo c2c_form_remote_tag('@signUp'); echo tips_tag('After subscription you will receive an email with a generated password, to confirm, login within %1% days', array('%1%' => sfConfig::get('app_pending_users_lifetime'))); echo group_tag('Username:'******'login_name', 'input_tag', $sf_params->get('login_name'), array('autofocus' => 'autofocus', 'class' => 'long_input')); echo group_tag('Email:', 'email', 'input_tag', $sf_params->get('email'), array('class' => 'long_input', 'type' => 'email')); echo content_tag('div', __('Did you mean %1%?', array('%1%' => '<a class="suggested-email"></a>')), array('class' => 'email-suggestion', 'style' => 'display:none')); echo group_tag('Copy following string:', 'captcha', 'input_tag', null, array('class' => 'long_input')); ?> <img src="<?php echo url_for('@sf_captcha'); ?> " alt="captcha" title="<?php echo __('Copy following string:'); ?> " /> <p class="tips"><?php echo __('captcha test is case-insensitive'); ?> </p> <p style="margin-top:20px"><?php echo c2c_submit_tag(__('Signup')); ?> <?php echo login_link_to(); ?> </p> </form> <?php // load mailcheck, helps users correctly entering their email echo javascript_queue("\$.ajax({ url: '" . minify_get_combined_files_url(array('/static/js/mailcheck.min.js', '/static/js/mailcheck.c2c.js')) . "',\ndataType: 'script', cache: true });");
echo ' '; echo button_to_function(__('save'), "\$('.images_submit').hide(); \$('#images_validate_form').submit()", array('disabled' => 'disabled', 'class' => 'images_submit')); echo input_hidden_tag('action', 'addtempimages'); echo input_hidden_tag('image_number', 0); ?> <span id="image_add_str" style="display:none"> <?php echo __('add an other image'); ?> </span> </div> </form> </div> <?php echo form_tag('images/jsupload?mod=' . $mod . '&document_id=' . $document_id, array('id' => 'images_validate_form')); ?> <div> </div> <ul id="files_to_upload" class="legacy"> </ul> <div> <?php echo button_to_function(__('save'), "\$('.images_submit').hide(); \$('#images_validate_form').submit()", array('disabled' => 'disabled', 'class' => 'images_submit')); ?> </div> <?php $image_upload_js = minify_get_combined_files_url('/static/js/image_upload.js'); echo javascript_queue("\$.ajax({ url: '{$image_upload_js}', dataType: 'script', cache: true }).done(function() {\n window.setTimeout(C2C.ImageUpload.init, 1000)});"); ?> </form>
<script type="text/javascript"> (function(m,w){var l='<?php echo trim(minify_get_main_stylesheets(!$debug, $debug)); ?> ',r=1 w.devicePixelRatio?r=w.devicePixelRatio:"matchMedia"in w&&w.matchMedia&&(w.matchMedia("(min-resolution: 2dppx)").matches||w.matchMedia("(min-resolution: 192dpi)").matches?r=2:(w.matchMedia("(min-resolution: 1.5dppx)").matches||w.matchMedia("(min-resolution: 144dpi)").matches)&&(r=1.5)) if(r>1){l=l.replace(m,m+'@'+(r>=2?2:1.5)+'x');}document.write(l);})('mobile',window); </script> <?php } else { minify_include_main_stylesheets(!$debug, $debug); } if (!$mobile_version) { ?> <!--[if IE 7]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php echo minify_get_combined_files_url('/static/css/ie7.css'); ?> " /><![endif]--> <!--[if lt IE 9]><script src="<?php echo minify_get_combined_files_url(array('/static/js/html5shiv.js', '/static/js/autofocus.js', '/static/js/indexof.js')); ?> "></script><![endif]--> <?php } else { ?> <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="<?php echo PUN_STATIC_URL; ?> /apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png" /> <?php }
<?php use_helper('JavascriptQueue', 'Form', 'MyMinify'); if (!empty($message) || $sf_user->hasCredential('moderator') && !c2cTools::mobileVersion()) { $output_message = empty($message) ? __('No message defined. Click to edit') : $sf_data->getRaw('message'); // unescaped data : we trust moderators ! ?> <div id="edit_me" class="front_message"><?php echo $output_message; ?> </div> <?php if ($sf_user->hasCredential('moderator') && !$mobile_version) { echo javascript_queue("\n \$.ajax({\n url: '" . minify_get_combined_files_url('/static/js/jquery.jeditable.js') . "',\n dataType: 'script',\n cache: true})\n .done(function() {\n \$('#edit_me')\n .addClass('editable')\n .editable('" . url_for('@default?module=common&action=edit&lang=' . $sf_user->getCulture()) . "', {\n type: 'textarea',\n submit: '<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . __('Update') . "\" />',\n cancel: '<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . __('Cancel') . "\" />',\n indicator: '" . __('saving...') . "',\n tooltip: '" . __('Click to edit') . "',\n onblur: 'ignore',\n rows: 4\n });\n });"); } }