function month_navbar($month, $year) { $html = tag('div', attributes('class="phpc-navbar"')); menu_item_append($html, _('last year'), 'display', $year - 1, $month); menu_item_append($html, _('last month'), 'display', $year, $month - 1); for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { menu_item_append($html, short_month_name($i), 'display', $year, $i); } menu_item_append($html, _('next month'), 'display', $year, $month + 1); menu_item_append($html, _('next year'), 'display', $year + 1, $month); return $html; }
function create_day_menu() { global $phpc_month, $phpc_day, $phpc_year; $html = tag('div', attrs('class="phpc-bar ui-widget-content"')); $monthname = month_name($phpc_month); $lasttime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $phpc_month, $phpc_day - 1, $phpc_year); $lastday = date('j', $lasttime); $lastmonth = date('n', $lasttime); $lastyear = date('Y', $lasttime); $lastmonthname = month_name($lastmonth); $last_args = array('year' => $lastyear, 'month' => $lastmonth, 'day' => $lastday); menu_item_prepend($html, "{$lastmonthname} {$lastday}", 'display_day', $last_args); $nexttime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $phpc_month, $phpc_day + 1, $phpc_year); $nextday = date('j', $nexttime); $nextmonth = date('n', $nexttime); $nextyear = date('Y', $nexttime); $nextmonthname = month_name($nextmonth); $next_args = array('year' => $nextyear, 'month' => $nextmonth, 'day' => $nextday); menu_item_append($html, "{$nextmonthname} {$nextday}", 'display_day', $next_args); return $html; }
function navbar() { global $vars, $action, $config, $year, $month, $day; $html = tag('div', attributes('class="phpc-navbar"')); if (can_add_event() && $action != 'add') { menu_item_append($html, _('Add Event'), 'event_form', $year, $month, $day); } if ($action != 'search') { menu_item_append($html, _('Search'), 'search', $year, $month, $day); } if (!empty($vars['day']) || !empty($vars['id']) || $action != 'display') { menu_item_append($html, _('Back to Calendar'), 'display', $year, $month); } if ($action != 'display' || !empty($vars['id'])) { menu_item_append($html, _('View date'), 'display', $year, $month, $day); } if (is_user()) { menu_item_append($html, _('Log out'), 'logout', empty($vars['year']) ? false : $year, empty($vars['month']) ? false : $month, empty($vars['day']) ? false : $day, $action); } else { menu_item_append($html, _('Log in'), 'login', empty($vars['year']) ? false : $year, empty($vars['month']) ? false : $month, empty($vars['day']) ? false : $day, $action); } if (is_admin() && $action != 'admin') { menu_item_append($html, _('Admin'), 'admin'); } if (isset($var['display']) && $var['display'] == 'day') { $monthname = month_name($month); $lasttime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day - 1, $year); $lastday = date('j', $lasttime); $lastmonth = date('n', $lasttime); $lastyear = date('Y', $lasttime); $lastmonthname = month_name($lastmonth); $nexttime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day + 1, $year); $nextday = date('j', $nexttime); $nextmonth = date('n', $nexttime); $nextyear = date('Y', $nexttime); $nextmonthname = month_name($nextmonth); menu_item_prepend($html, "{$lastmonthname} {$lastday}", 'display', $lastyear, $lastmonth, $lastday); menu_item_append($html, "{$nextmonthname} {$nextday}", 'display', $nextyear, $nextmonth, $nextday); } return $html; }
function navbar() { global $vars, $action, $phpc_year, $phpc_month, $phpc_day, $phpc_cal; $html = tag('div', attrs('class="phpc-bar ui-widget-header"')); $args = array('year' => $phpc_year, 'month' => $phpc_month, 'day' => $phpc_day); // TODO There needs to be a better way to decide what to show if (isset($phpc_cal) && $phpc_cal->can_write() && $action != 'add') { menu_item_append($html, __('Add Event'), 'event_form', $args); } if ($action != 'search') { menu_item_append($html, __('Search'), 'search', $args); } if ($action != 'display_month') { menu_item_append($html, __('View Month'), 'display_month', $args); } if ($action == 'display_event') { menu_item_append($html, __('View date'), 'display_day', $args); } if (isset($phpc_cal) && $phpc_cal->can_admin() && $action != 'cadmin') { menu_item_append($html, __('Calendar Admin'), 'cadmin'); } if (is_admin() && $action != 'admin') { menu_item_append($html, __('Admin'), 'admin'); } return $html; }
function navbar() { global $vars, $action, $year, $month, $day, $phpc_cal; $html = tag('div', attributes('class="phpc-bar ui-widget-header"')); $args = array('year' => $year, 'month' => $month, 'day' => $day); if ($phpc_cal->can_write() && $action != 'add') { menu_item_append($html, __('Add Event'), 'event_form', $args); } if ($action != 'search') { menu_item_append($html, __('Search'), 'search', $args); } if ($action != 'display_month') { menu_item_append($html, __('View Month'), 'display_month', $args); } if ($action == 'display_event') { menu_item_append($html, __('View date'), 'display_day', $args); } if ($phpc_cal->can_admin() && $action != 'cadmin') { menu_item_append($html, __('Calendar Admin'), 'cadmin'); } if (is_admin() && $action != 'admin') { menu_item_append($html, __('Admin'), 'admin'); } return $html; }