 * The function that makes this plugin what it is.  It returns all of our capabilities in a
 * nicely-formatted, alphabetized array with no duplicate capabilities.  It pulls from three
 * different functions to make sure we get all of the capabilities that we need for use in the
 * plugin components.
 * @since  0.1.0
 * @access public
 * @return array
function members_get_capabilities()
    // Merge the default WP, role, and plugin caps together.
    $capabilities = array_merge(members_get_wp_capabilities(), members_get_role_capabilities(), members_get_plugin_capabilities());
    // Apply filters to the array of capabilities.
    $capabilities = apply_filters('members_get_capabilities', $capabilities);
    // Sort the capabilities alphabetically.
    // Discard duplicates and return.
    return array_unique($capabilities);
 * @since      0.1.0
 * @deprecated 1.0.0
function members_get_default_capabilities()
    _deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '1.0.0', 'members_get_wp_capabilities');
    return members_get_wp_capabilities();