function getInfo($base64 = false, $debug = false) { global $_W, $_GPC; $userinfo = array(); if (EWEI_SHOP_DEBUG) { $userinfo = array('openid' => 'fromUser', 'nickname' => '微赞科技', 'headimgurl' => '', 'province' => '广东', 'city' => '深圳'); } else { load()->model('mc'); $userinfo = mc_oauth_userinfo(); $need_openid = true; if ($_W['container'] != 'wechat') { if ($_GPC['do'] == 'order' && $_GPC['p'] == 'pay') { $need_openid = false; } if ($_GPC['do'] == 'member' && $_GPC['p'] == 'recharge') { $need_openid = false; } } if (empty($userinfo['openid']) && $need_openid) { die("<!DOCTYPE html>\r\n <html>\r\n <head>\r\n <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=0'>\r\n <title>抱歉,出错了</title><meta charset='utf-8'><meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=0'><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href=''>\r\n </head>\r\n <body>\r\n <div class='page_msg'><div class='inner'><span class='msg_icon_wrp'><i class='icon80_smile'></i></span><div class='msg_content'><h4>请在微信客户端打开链接</h4></div></div></div>\r\n </body>\r\n </html>"); } } if ($base64) { return urlencode(base64_encode(json_encode($userinfo))); } return $userinfo; }
public function doMobileIndex() { global $_GPC, $_W; $tourl = true; load()->model('mc'); $info = mc_oauth_userinfo($_W['acid']); $info2 = mc_fansinfo($info['openid'], $_W['acid']); if ($info2['follow'] == 1) { $tourl = false; } if (isset($_GPC['wd_code'])) { $title = '防伪测试'; $footer_off = 1; $SecurityCode = $_GPC['wd_code']; $logs['code'] = $SecurityCode; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->data) . " WHERE code='{$SecurityCode}' LIMIT 1"; $member = pdo_fetch($sql); $states = 0; if (!empty($member)) { if ($tourl) { if (empty($member['tourl'])) { $member['tourl'] = ""; } header('Location:' . $member['tourl']); } include $this->template('index'); } else { echo '您查询的防伪码不存在,请核对后重试!'; } } else { echo '您查询的防伪码不存在,请核对后重试!'; } exit; }
public function __construct() { global $_W; load()->func('communication'); $openid = $_W['openid']; if (!empty($openid)) { $account = account_fetch($_W['acid']); //获取公众号信息 $url = "" . $account['access_token']['token'] . "&openid=" . $openid . "&lang=zh_CN"; $re = ihttp_get($url); //ihttp_get()封装的 http GET 请求方法 if ($re['code'] == 200) { $content = json_decode($re['content'], true); if ($content['subscribe'] == 1) { //此人已关注 $data = array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'from_user' => $openid, 'nickname' => $content['nickname'], 'avatar' => $content['headimgurl']); $profile = pdo_fetch("SELECT id FROM " . tablename('auction_member') . " WHERE uniacid ='{$_W['uniacid']}' and from_user = '******'"); if (empty($profile)) { pdo_insert('auction_member', $data); } else { pdo_update('auction_member', $data, array('id' => $profile['id'])); } } else { $userinfo = mc_oauth_userinfo(); $data = array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'from_user' => $userinfo['openid'], 'nickname' => $userinfo['nickname'], 'avatar' => $userinfo['avatar']); $profile = pdo_fetch("SELECT id FROM " . tablename('auction_member') . " WHERE uniacid ='{$_W['uniacid']}' and from_user = '******'openid']}'"); if (empty($profile)) { pdo_insert('auction_member', $data); } else { pdo_update('auction_member', $data, array('id' => $profile['id'])); } } } } }
public function doMobileWelcome() { global $_W, $_GPC; checkauth(); $rid = intval($_GPC['rid']); $reply = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('shake_reply') . " WHERE rid = :rid", array(':rid' => $rid)); if (empty($reply)) { message('抱歉,此活动不存在或是还未开始!', 'refresh', 'error'); } load()->model('mc'); $profile = mc_fetch($_W['member']['uid'], array('realname', 'mobile', 'avatar')); if (empty($profile['avatar'])) { mc_oauth_userinfo(); } if (empty($profile['realname']) || empty($profile['mobile'])) { mc_require($_W['member']['uid'], array('realname', 'mobile')); } $member = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('shake_member') . " WHERE rid = :rid AND openid = :openid", array(':rid' => $reply['rid'], ':openid' => $_W['member']['uid'])); if (!empty($member)) { header('Location: ' . $this->createMobileUrl('detail', array('rid' => $reply['rid']))); exit; } $reply['rule'] = html_entity_decode($reply['rule']); include $this->template('welcome'); }
function getInfo($base64 = false, $debug = false) { global $_W, $_GPC; $userinfo = array(); if (EWEI_SHOP_DEBUG) { $userinfo = array('openid' => 'fromUser', 'nickname' => '狸小狐', 'headimgurl' => '', 'province' => '山东', 'city' => '青岛'); } else { load()->model('mc'); $userinfo = mc_oauth_userinfo(); $need_openid = true; if ($_W['container'] != 'wechat') { if ($_GPC['do'] == 'order' && $_GPC['p'] == 'pay') { $need_openid = false; } if ($_GPC['do'] == 'member' && $_GPC['p'] == 'recharge') { $need_openid = false; } } if (empty($userinfo['openid']) && $need_openid) { die("<!DOCTYPE html>\r\n <html>\r\n <head>\r\n <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=0'>\r\n <title>抱歉,出错了</title><meta charset='utf-8'><meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=0'><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href=''>\r\n </head>\r\n <body>\r\n <div class='page_msg'><div class='inner'><span class='msg_icon_wrp'><i class='icon80_smile'></i></span><div class='msg_content'><h4>请在微信客户端打开链接</h4></div></div></div>\r\n </body>\r\n </html>"); } } if ($base64) { return urlencode(base64_encode(json_encode($userinfo))); } return $userinfo; }
/** * game portal */ public function doMobileIndex() { //这个操作被定义用来呈现 功能封面 load()->model('mc'); mc_oauth_userinfo(); $player = $this->playerService->checkPlayerRegister(); $html = array('config' => $this->module['config']); $url = array('score_lottery' => $this->createMobileUrl('scoreLotteryApi'), 'gift_shop_url' => $this->module['config']['gift_shop_url'], 'config' => $this->createMobileUrl('configApi')); include $this->template('index'); }
public function auth($uniacid, $openid) { $userlist = pdo_fetch("select * from " . tablename('enjoy_circle_fans') . " where uniacid=" . $uniacid . " and openid='" . $openid . "'"); if (empty($userlist)) { $userinfo = mc_oauth_userinfo(); $data = array('uniacid' => $uniacid, 'subscribe' => $userinfo['subscribe'], 'openid' => $userinfo['openid'], 'nickname' => $userinfo['nickname'], 'gender' => $userinfo['sex'], 'city' => $userinfo['city'], 'state' => $userinfo['province'], 'country' => $userinfo['country'], 'subscribe_time' => $userinfo['subscribe_time'], 'avatar' => $userinfo['avatar'], 'ip' => CLIENT_IP); pdo_insert('enjoy_circle_fans', $data); $userlist = pdo_fetch("select * from " . tablename('enjoy_circle_fans') . " where uniacid=" . $uniacid . " and openid='" . $openid . "'"); } return $userlist; }
public function __construct() { global $_W; load()->model('mc'); $profile = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('tg_member') . " WHERE uniacid ='{$_W['uniacid']}' and from_user = '******'openid']}'"); if (empty($profile)) { $userinfo = mc_oauth_userinfo(); if (!empty($userinfo['avatar'])) { $data = array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'from_user' => $userinfo['openid'], 'nickname' => $userinfo['nickname'], 'avatar' => $userinfo['avatar']); pdo_insert('tg_member', $data); } } }
public function authFansInfo() { global $_W; load()->model('mc'); $user = $this->fetchFansInfo($_W['openid']); if (empty($user)) { $user = mc_oauth_userinfo(); } $user['credit'] = $this->fetchUserCredit($_W['openid']); $user['score'] = intval($user['credit']['credit1']); $user['money'] = $user['credit']['credit2']; return $user; }
public function __construct() { global $_W; load()->model('mc'); $profile = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('beatuty_zhongchou_member') . " WHERE uniacid ='{$_W['uniacid']}' and openid = '{$_W['openid']}'"); if (empty($profile)) { $userinfo = mc_oauth_userinfo(); if (!empty($userinfo['avatar'])) { $data = array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'openid' => $userinfo['openid'], 'nickname' => $userinfo['nickname'], 'avatar' => $userinfo['avatar']); $member = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('beatuty_zhongchou_member') . " WHERE uniacid ='{$_W['uniacid']}' and openid = '{$userinfo['openid']}'"); if (empty($member['id'])) { pdo_insert('beatuty_zhongchou_member', $data); } else { pdo_update('beatuty_zhongchou_member', $data, array('id' => $member['id'])); } } } }
function requreSubscribe() { global $_W; $hasSubscribe = 1; if (isset($_W['fans']['from_user']) && !empty($_W['fans']['from_user'])) { $openid = $_W['fans']['from_user']; $userinfo = mc_fansinfo($openid); if (!$userinfo || $userinfo['follow'] == 0) { $hasSubscribe = 0; } } else { $oauthAccount = $_W['oauth_account']; if (empty($oauthAccount)) { message('未指定网页授权公众号, 无法获取用户信息.', '', 'error'); } $userinfo = mc_oauth_userinfo(); $level = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT `level` FROM " . tablename('account_wechats') . " WHERE `uniacid`=:uniacid", array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); if ($level == 4) { if ($userinfo['subscribe'] == 0) { $hasSubscribe = 0; } } else { $unionid = isset($userinfo['unionid']) ? $userinfo['unionid'] : ''; if (empty($unionid)) { message('获取unionid失败,请确认公众号已接入微信开放平台', '', 'error'); } $fieldsExist = pdo_fieldexists('mc_mapping_fans', 'unionid'); if (!$fieldsExist) { pdo_query("ALTER TABLE " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " ADD column unionid varchar(255) default null"); } $openid = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT `openid` FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " WHERE `unionid`=:unionid AND `uniacid`=:uniacid ", array(':unionid' => $unionid, ':uniacid' => $_W['account']['uniacid'])); if (empty($openid)) { $hasSubscribe = 0; } else { $userinfo = mc_fansinfo($openid); if (!$userinfo || $userinfo['follow'] == 0) { $hasSubscribe = 0; } } } } return array('openid' => $openid, 'subscribe' => $hasSubscribe); }
public function getuserinfo() { global $_W; load()->model('mc'); $profile = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('tg_member') . " WHERE uniacid ='{$_W['uniacid']}' and openid = '{$_W['openid']}'"); if (empty($profile['nickname'])) { $userinfo = mc_oauth_userinfo(); if (!empty($profile)) { $record = array('nickname' => stripslashes($userinfo['nickname']), 'avatar' => $userinfo['avatar'], 'tag' => base64_encode(iserializer($userinfo))); pdo_update('tg_member', $record, array('id' => $profile['id'])); } elseif (!empty($_W['openid'])) { $record = array(); $record['nickname'] = stripslashes($userinfo['nickname']); $record['tag'] = base64_encode(iserializer($userinfo)); $record['openid'] = $_W['openid']; $record['avatar'] = $userinfo['avatar']; $record['uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid']; pdo_insert('tg_member', $record); } } }
public function doMobileConfirm() { global $_W, $_GPC; if (empty($_W['fans']['nickname'])) { mc_oauth_userinfo(); } $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $project = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('hx_zhongchou_project') . " WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $id)); if (empty($project)) { message("抱歉,该项目不存在!", referer(), "error"); } if ($project['status'] != 3) { message("抱歉,该项目尚未开始!", referer(), "error"); } if (time() <= $project['starttime']) { message("抱歉,该项目尚未开始!", referer(), "error"); } elseif (time() > $project['starttime'] + $project['deal_days'] * 86400) { message("抱歉,该项目已经结束!", referer(), "error"); } $item_id = intval($_GPC['item_id']); $item = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('hx_zhongchou_project_item') . " WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $item_id)); if (empty($item)) { message("抱歉,该回报不存在!", referer(), "error"); } if ($item['limit_num'] != 0 && $item['limit_num'] <= $item['donenum']) { message('该回报以筹集完毕,请选择其他回报'); } $returnurl = $this->createMobileUrl("confirm", array("id" => $id, "item_id" => $item_id)); $dispatch = pdo_fetchall("select id,dispatchname,dispatchtype,firstprice,firstweight,secondprice,secondweight from " . tablename("hx_zhongchou_dispatch") . " WHERE weid = {$_W['uniacid']} order by displayorder desc"); foreach ($dispatch as &$d) { $weight = 0; $weight = $item['weight']; $price = 0; if ($weight <= $d['firstweight']) { $price = $d['firstprice']; } else { $price = $d['firstprice']; $secondweight = $weight - $d['firstweight']; if ($secondweight % $d['secondweight'] == 0) { $price += (int) ($secondweight / $d['secondweight']) * $d['secondprice']; } else { $price += (int) ($secondweight / $d['secondweight'] + 1) * $d['secondprice']; } } $d['price'] = $price; } unset($d); if (checksubmit('submit')) { $address = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('mc_member_address') . " WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => intval($_GPC['address']))); if (empty($address)) { message('抱歉,请您填写收货地址!', $this->createMobileUrl('address', array('from' => 'confirm', 'returnurl' => urlencode($returnurl))), 'error'); } //项目回报价格 $item_price = $item['price']; //运费 $dispatchid = intval($_GPC['dispatch']); $dispatchprice = 0; foreach ($dispatch as $d) { if ($d['id'] == $dispatchid) { $dispatchprice = $d['price']; $sendtype = $d['dispatchtype']; } } $data = array('weid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'from_user' => $_W['fans']['from_user'], 'ordersn' => date('md') . random(4, 1), 'price' => $item_price + $dispatchprice, 'dispatchprice' => $dispatchprice, 'item_price' => $item_price, 'status' => 0, 'sendtype' => intval($sendtype), 'dispatch' => $dispatchid, 'return_type' => intval($item['return_type']), 'remark' => $_GPC['remark'], 'addressid' => $address['id'], 'pid' => $id, 'item_id' => $item_id, 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP); pdo_insert('hx_zhongchou_order', $data); $orderid = pdo_insertid(); message('提交订单成功,现在跳转到付款页面...', $this->createMobileUrl('pay', array('orderid' => $orderid)), 'success'); } $profile = fans_search($_W['fans']['from_user'], array('resideprovince', 'residecity', 'residedist', 'address', 'nickname', 'mobile')); $row = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('mc_member_address') . " WHERE isdefault = 1 and uid = :uid limit 1", array(':uid' => $_W['member']['uid'])); $carttotal = $this->getCartTotal(); $pagetitle = "结算"; include $this->template('confirm'); }
public function doMobileShow() { global $_W, $_GPC; $rid = trim($_GPC['rid']); $reply = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('bm_qrsign_reply') . " WHERE rid = :rid ORDER BY `id` DESC", array(':rid' => $rid)); if (time() > strtotime($reply['endtime'])) { if (empty($reply['memo2'])) { $msg = '对不起,活动已经于' . $reply['endtime'] . '结束,感谢您的参与!!!'; } else { $msg = $reply['memo2']; } message($msg, $reply['url2'], 'success'); } if (time() < strtotime($reply['starttime'])) { if (empty($reply['memo1'])) { $msg = '对不起,活动将于' . $reply['starttime'] . '开始,敬请期待!!!'; } else { $msg = $reply['memo1']; } message($msg, $reply['url1'], 'success'); } if (empty($_W['fans']['nickname'])) { mc_oauth_userinfo(); } if ($reply['pictype'] == 1) { if (empty($_W['fans']['follow']) || $_W['fans']['follow'] == 0) { header("Location: " . $reply['urlx']); exit; } } $op = trim($_GPC['op']); $qrmoney = $_GPC['qrmoney']; $from_user = $_W['fans']['openid']; $qrpicurl = $_W['attachurl'] . $reply['qrcode']; if ($op == 'post') { if ($qrmoney < 0.01) { message('支付金额错误,请重新录入!', $this->createMobileUrl('show', array('rid' => $rid, 'from_user' => $from_user)), 'error'); } $data = array('rid' => $rid, 'dateline' => TIMESTAMP, 'clientOrderId' => TIMESTAMP, 'qrmoney' => $qrmoney, 'status' => 0, 'fromuser' => $from_user, 'username' => $_W['fans']['nickname'], 'avatar' => $_W['fans']['tag']['avatar'], 'credit' => $reply['n']); pdo_insert('bm_qrsign_payed', $data); $params = array('tid' => $data['clientOrderId'], 'ordersn' => $data['clientOrderId'], 'title' => '扫码支付', 'fee' => $data['qrmoney'], 'user' => $from_user); $this->pay($params); exit; } else { if ($op == 'sign') { $rec = pdo_fetch("select * from " . tablename('bm_qrsign_record') . " where rid= " . $rid . " and fromuser= '******' order by sign_time desc"); if (!empty($rec)) { $Date_1 = date("Y-m-d", time()); $Date_2 = date("Y-m-d", $rec['sign_time']); $Date_List_a1 = explode("-", $Date_1); $Date_List_a2 = explode("-", $Date_2); $d1 = mktime(0, 0, 0, $Date_List_a1[1], $Date_List_a1[2], $Date_List_a1[0]); $d2 = mktime(0, 0, 0, $Date_List_a2[1], $Date_List_a2[2], $Date_List_a2[0]); $Days = round(($d1 - $d2) / 3600 / 24); if ($Days == 0) { $msg = '感谢您的参与,每个人每天只可以签到一次哦!!!'; message($msg, $reply['urly'], 'success'); } } $insert = array('rid' => $rid, 'fromuser' => $from_user, 'username' => $_W['fans']['nickname'], 'avatar' => $_W['fans']['tag']['avatar'], 'sign_time' => $_W['timestamp'], 'credit' => $reply['n']); pdo_insert('bm_qrsign_record', $insert); $user = fans_search($from_user); $sql_member = "SELECT a.uid FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " a inner join " . tablename('mc_members') . " b on a.uid=b.uid WHERE a.openid='{$from_user}'"; $uid = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql_member); mc_credit_update($uid, 'credit1', intval($reply['n']), array(0 => 'system', 1 => '扫码签到送积分')); $user = fans_search($from_user); $msg = '恭喜签到成功,您已获得奖励积分' . $reply['n'] . '分,您目前的总积分为' . $user['credit1'] . '分!'; message($msg, $reply['urly'], 'success'); } } include $this->template('show'); }
public function doMobileDetail() { global $_W, $_GPC; $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $from_user = $this->getFromUser(); $day_cookies = 15; $shareid = 'eso_sale_sid07' . $_W['uniacid']; $share_data = $this->module['config']; $pro_data = pdo_fetch('SELECT id FROM ' . tablename('eso_sale_member') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND from_user = :from_user", array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':from_user' => $from_user)); /* $carttotal = $this->getCartTotal(); $share = "eso_saleshareQrcode".$_W['uniacid']; $gid = $_GPC['gid']; $from_user = $this->getFromUser(); $profile = pdo_fetch('SELECT * FROM '.tablename('eso_sale_member')." WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND from_user = :from_user" , array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'],':from_user' => $from_user)); $id = $profile['id']; */ if ($_GPC['mid'] != $_COOKIE[$shareid] && !empty($_GPC['mid'])) { $this->shareClick($_GPC['mid']); setcookie($shareid, $_GPC['mid'], time() + 3600 * 24 * $day_cookies); } $fans = mc_oauth_userinfo(); if (strpos($user_agent, 'MicroMessenger') == true) { load()->func('communication'); $account = account_fetch($_W['acid']); //获取公众号信息 $url = "" . $account['access_token']['token'] . "&openid=" . $from_user . "&lang=zh_CN"; $re = ihttp_get($url); //ihttp_get()封装的 http GET 请求方法 if ($re['code'] == 200) { $content = json_decode($re['content'], true); if ($content['subscribe'] == 1) { //此人已关注 $data = array('nickname' => $content['nickname'], 'gender' => $content['sex'], 'avatar' => $content['headimgurl'], 'resideprovince' => $content['province'], 'residecity' => $content['city'], 'nationality' => $content['country']); pdo_update('mc_members', $data, array('uid' => $_W['member']['uid'])); pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', array('follow' => 1), array('acid' => $_W['acid'], 'openid' => $openid)); $profile = fans_search($_W['fans']['from_user'], array('nickname', 'credit1', 'credit2', 'avatar')); } } } $goodsid = intval($_GPC['id']); $goods = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('eso_sale_goods') . " WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $goodsid)); $ccate = intval($goods['ccate']); //$commission = pdo_fetchcolumn( " SELECT commission FROM ".tablename('eso_sale_category')." WHERE id=".$ccate." " ); $commission = pdo_fetchcolumn(" SELECT commission FROM " . tablename('eso_sale_goods') . " WHERE id=" . $goodsid . " "); $member = pdo_fetch(" SELECT * FROM " . tablename('eso_sale_member') . " WHERE from_user='******' AND uniacid=" . $_W['uniacid'] . " "); if ($commission == false || $commission == null || $commission < 0) { $commission = $this->module['config']['globalCommission']; } if (empty($goods)) { message('抱歉,商品不存在或是已经被删除!'); } if ($goods['istime'] == 1) { if (time() < $goods['timestart']) { message('抱歉,还未到购买时间, 暂时无法购物哦~', referer(), "error"); } if (time() > $goods['timeend']) { message('抱歉,商品限购时间已到,不能购买了哦~', referer(), "error"); } } //浏览量 pdo_query("update " . tablename('eso_sale_goods') . " set viewcount=viewcount+1 where id=:id and uniacid='{$_W['uniacid']}' ", array(":id" => $goodsid)); $piclist1 = array(array("attachment" => $goods['thumb'])); $piclist = array(); if (is_array($piclist1)) { foreach ($piclist1 as $p) { $piclist[] = is_array($p) ? $p['attachment'] : $p; } } if ($goods['thumb_url'] != 'N;') { $urls = unserialize($goods['thumb_url']); if (is_array($urls)) { foreach ($urls as $p) { $piclist[] = is_array($p) ? $p['attachment'] : $p; } } } $marketprice = $goods['marketprice']; $productprice = $goods['productprice']; $stock = $goods['total']; //规格及规格项 $allspecs = pdo_fetchall("select * from " . tablename('eso_sale_spec') . " where goodsid=:id order by displayorder asc", array(':id' => $goodsid)); foreach ($allspecs as &$s) { $s['items'] = pdo_fetchall("select * from " . tablename('eso_sale_spec_item') . " where `show`=1 and specid=:specid order by displayorder asc", array(":specid" => $s['id'])); } unset($s); //处理规格项 $options = pdo_fetchall("select id,title,thumb,marketprice,productprice,costprice, stock,weight,specs from " . tablename('eso_sale_goods_option') . " where goodsid=:id order by id asc", array(':id' => $goodsid)); //排序好的specs $specs = array(); //找出数据库存储的排列顺序 if (count($options) > 0) { $specitemids = explode("_", $options[0]['specs']); foreach ($specitemids as $itemid) { foreach ($allspecs as $ss) { $items = $ss['items']; foreach ($items as $it) { if ($it['id'] == $itemid) { $specs[] = $ss; break; } } } } } if (!empty($goods['hasoption'])) { $options = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('eso_sale_goods_option') . " WHERE goodsid=:goodsid order by thumb asc,displayorder asc", array(":goodsid" => $goods['id'])); foreach ($options as $o) { if ($marketprice >= $o['marketprice']) { $marketprice = $o['marketprice']; } if ($productprice >= $o['productprice']) { $productprice = $o['productprice']; } if ($stock <= $o['stock']) { $stock = $o['stock']; } } } $params = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('eso_sale_goods_param') . " WHERE goodsid=:goodsid order by displayorder asc", array(":goodsid" => $goods['id'])); $carttotal = $this->getCartTotal(); $rmlist = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('eso_sale_goods') . " WHERE uniacid = '{$_W['uniacid']}' and deleted=0 AND status = '1' and ishot='1' ORDER BY displayorder DESC, sales DESC limit 4 "); $cfg = $this->module['config']; $ydyy = $cfg['ydyy']; include $this->template('detail'); }
private function FM_checkoauth() { global $_GPC, $_W; $uniacid = !empty($_W['uniacid']) ? $_W['uniacid'] : $_W['acid']; load()->model('mc'); $openid = ''; $nickname = ''; $avatar = ''; $follow = ''; if (!empty($_W['member']['uid'])) { $member = mc_fetch(intval($_W['member']['uid']), array('avatar', 'nickname')); if (!empty($member)) { $avatar = $member['avatar']; $nickname = $member['nickname']; } } if (empty($avatar) || empty($nickname)) { $fan = mc_fansinfo($_W['openid']); if (!empty($fan)) { $avatar = $fan['avatar']; $nickname = $fan['nickname']; $openid = $fan['openid']; $follow = $fan['follow']; } } if (empty($avatar) || empty($nickname) || empty($openid) || empty($follow)) { $userinfo = mc_oauth_userinfo(); if (!is_error($userinfo) && !empty($userinfo) && is_array($userinfo) && !empty($userinfo['avatar'])) { $avatar = $userinfo['avatar']; } if (!is_error($userinfo) && !empty($userinfo) && is_array($userinfo) && !empty($userinfo['nickname'])) { $nickname = $userinfo['nickname']; } if (!is_error($userinfo) && !empty($userinfo) && is_array($userinfo) && !empty($userinfo['openid'])) { $openid = $userinfo['openid']; } if (!is_error($userinfo) && !empty($userinfo) && is_array($userinfo) && !empty($userinfo['follow'])) { $follow = $userinfo['follow']; } } if ((empty($avatar) || empty($nickname)) && !empty($_W['member']['uid'])) { } $oauthuser = array(); $oauthuser['avatar'] = $avatar; $oauthuser['nickname'] = $nickname; $oauthuser['from_user'] = $openid; $oauthuser['follow'] = !empty($follow) ? $follow : $_W['fans']['follow']; return $oauthuser; }
public function doMobileOauthuserinfo() { global $_W, $_GPC; load()->model('mc'); // 假设当前应用必需会员头像 $avatar = ''; // 1 如果是会员(存在 uid),从会员信息中获取 if (!empty($_W['member']['uid'])) { $member = mc_fetch($_W['member']['uid']); if (!empty($member)) { $avatar = $member['avatar']; } } // 2 如果存在 fans 记录, 从 fans 中获取 if (empty($avatar)) { $fan = mc_fansinfo($_W['openid']); if (!empty($fan) && !empty($fan['tag'])) { $avatar = $fan['tag']['avatar']; } } //3 最后调用网页授权, 如果有权限 if (empty($avatar)) { if (!empty($_W['oauth_account'])) { $userinfo = mc_oauth_userinfo(); if (is_error($userinfo)) { // you code here message($ret['message']); } else { $avatar = $userinfo['tag']['avatar']; } } else { mc_require($_W['uid'], array('avatar')); } } echo "<img src='{$avatar}'>"; }
} if ($_POST) { $heka['oid'] = getoid(); $heka['openid'] = $_GPC['openid']; $heka['huayu'] = $_GPC['huayu']; $heka['images'] = $_GPC['images']; $heka['techname'] = $_GPC['techname']; $muban = $_GPC['sel']; $table_name = "xc_heka_addheka"; $rs = pdo_insert($table_name, $heka); if ($rs) { message('生成成功!', $this->createMobileUrl('Detail', array('oid' => $heka['oid'], 'mb' => $muban)), 'success'); } else { } } else { $info = mc_oauth_userinfo(); //获取粉丝资料 $table_name = "xc_heka_heka"; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('xc_heka_heka') . ' WHERE `openid` = :openid'; $params = array(':openid' => $_W['openid']); $res = pdo_fetch($sql, $params); if ($res) { } else { $xinxi['openid'] = $_W['openid']; $xinxi['uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid']; $xinxi['name'] = $info['nickname']; $xinxi['img'] = $info['avatar']; $xinxi['status'] = 1; $rs = pdo_insert($table_name, $xinxi); if ($rs) { } else {
public function doMobileInfo() { global $_GPC, $_W; $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('bbb_reply') . ' WHERE `rid` = :rid'; $bbb = pdo_fetch($sql, array(':rid' => $id)); if (empty($bbb)) { message('非法访问,请重新发送消息进入摇骰子页面!'); } load()->model('mc'); mc_oauth_userinfo($_W['acid']); $bbb['descriptions'] = str_replace(array("\r\n"), "", $bbb['description']); $bbb['rule'] = preg_replace('/color:\\s+\\#\\w+;/i', '', $bbb['rule']); $followInfo = empty($_W['fans']['openid']) ? '提示:必须关注公众号才可以进入游戏' : ''; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('bbb_user') . ' WHERE `rid` = :rid AND `from_user` = :from_user'; $params = array(':rid' => $id, ':from_user' => $_W['fans']['openid']); $user = pdo_fetch($sql, $params); include $this->template('info'); }
public function doMobilePaySuccess() { global $_W, $_GPC; $uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; $price = $_GPC['price']; $aid = $_GPC['aid']; $article = pdo_fetch('select * from ' . tablename('fineness_article') . ' where weid=:weid AND id=:id', array(':weid' => $uniacid, ':id' => $aid)); load()->model('mc'); $userInfo = mc_oauth_userinfo(); if (empty($userInfo) && empty($userInfo['nickname'])) { //已关注过 $res['code'] = 202; $res['msg'] = "您还没有关注,请关注后参与。"; return json_encode($res); } load()->func('logging'); if (!empty($article)) { $data = array('weid' => $uniacid, 'price' => $price, 'aid' => $aid, 'author' => $userInfo['nickname'], 'thumb' => $userInfo['avatar'], 'openid' => $userInfo['openid'], 'createtime' => time()); pdo_insert('fineness_admire', $data); // $this->sendOrderSuccessTplMsg($oid,$meal['title']); } $res['code'] = 200; $res['msg'] = 'sucess'; return json_encode($res); }
public function doMobilePtjperfect() { //这个操作被定义用户 呈现用户完善信息的页面 global $_W, $_GPC; require_once 'sms.php'; load()->model('mc'); load()->func('tpl'); $avatar = ''; $openid = $_W['openid']; $count = 0; $uid = $_W['member']['uid']; if (!empty($_W['member']['uid'])) { $member = mc_fetch(intval($_W['member']['uid']), array('avatar', 'nickname')); if (!empty($member)) { $avatar = $member['avatar']; $nickname = $member['nickname']; } } if (empty($avatar)) { $fan = mc_fansinfo($_W['openid']); if (!empty($fan)) { $avatar = $fan['avatar']; } } if (empty($avatar)) { $userinfo = mc_oauth_userinfo(); if (!is_error($userinfo) && !empty($userinfo) && is_array($userinfo) && !empty($userinfo['avatar'])) { $avatar = $userinfo['avatar']; $nickname = $userinfo['nickname']; } } if (empty($avatar) && !empty($_W['member']['uid'])) { $avatar = mc_require($_W['member']['uid'], array('avatar')); } if (empty($avatar)) { // 提示用户关注公众号。; //echo "最终没有获取到头像,follow: {$_W['fans']['follow']}"; } else { $src = $avatar; } //////////////////////////////////////mc调用结束//////////////////////////// $sms = json_decode($sms, true); if ($_GPC['tel'] and $_GPC['verify'] !== 'ing') { //对TEL进行动态正则匹配 $tel = $_GPC['tel']; $t = preg_match('/^1[34578]\\d{9}$/', $tel); if ($t) { //给前端号码 $tel = $_GPC['tel']; message('tel_success'); } else { message('tel_fail'); } } if ($_GPC['verify'] === 'ing') { //开始构造短信信息 $statusStr = array("0" => "POSTED", "-1" => "参数不全", "-2" => "服务器空间不支持,请确认支持curl或者fsocket,联系您的空间商解决或者更换空间!", "30" => "密码错误", "40" => "账号不存在", "41" => "余额不足", "42" => "帐户已过期", "43" => "IP地址限制", "50" => "内容含有敏感词"); $smsapi = ""; //$user = "******"; //短信平台帐号 $user = $sms['sms_account']; //$pass = md5("wa7plus"); //短信平台密码 $pass = md5($sms['sms_password']); $m_content = substr(time(), -4, 4); //要发送的短信内容 $time = 1; $content = "【老司机】" . "您的验证码为: {$m_content}," . "在{$time}分钟内有效---{$_W['account']['name']}"; $phone = $_GPC['tel']; //要发送短信的手机号码 $sendurl = $smsapi . "sms?u=" . $user . "&p=" . $pass . "&m=" . $phone . "&c=" . urlencode($content); $result = file_get_contents($sendurl); $msg = $statusStr[$result]; $resarr = array("msg" => $msg, "content" => $m_content); $res = json_encode($resarr); message($res); } $name = $_GPC['name']; $phone = $_GPC['phone']; $openid = $_W['openid']; if (isset($name) && isset($phone)) { pdo_insert('ptj_profile', array('name' => $name, 'phone' => $phone, 'sure' => 1, 'openid' => $openid)); } include $this->template('perfect'); }
private function getOpenid() { global $_W; $userAgent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (!strpos($userAgent, 'MicroMessenger')) { message('请使用微信浏览器打开!'); } $openid = $_W['fans']['from_user']; if (empty($openid)) { load()->model('mc'); $info = mc_oauth_userinfo(); $openid = $info['openid']; } return $openid; }