public function payResult($params) { load()->model('mc'); $status = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT status FROM " . tablename('mc_credits_recharge') . " WHERE tid = :tid", array(':tid' => $params['tid'])); if (empty($status)) { $fee = $params['fee']; $data = array('status' => $params['result'] == 'success' ? 1 : -1); if ($params['type'] == 'wechat') { $data['transid'] = $params['tag']['transaction_id']; $params['user'] = mc_openid2uid($params['user']); } pdo_update('mc_credits_recharge', $data, array('tid' => $params['tid'])); if ($params['result'] == 'success' && $params['from'] == 'notify') { $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('creditbehaviors')); $credit = $setting['creditbehaviors']['currency']; if (empty($credit)) { message('站点积分行为参数配置错误,请联系服务商', '', 'error'); } else { $paydata = array('wechat' => '微信', 'alipay' => '支付宝'); $record[] = $params['user']; $record[] = '用户通过' . $paydata[$params['type']] . '充值' . $fee; mc_credit_update($params['user'], $credit, $fee, $record); } } } if ($params['from'] == 'return') { if ($params['result'] == 'success') { message('支付成功!', '../../app/' . url('mc/home'), 'success'); } else { message('支付失败!', '../../app/' . url('mc/home'), 'error'); } } }
public function receive() { global $_W, $_GPC; load()->model('mc'); load()->func('communication'); $event = $this->message['event']; $openid = $this->message['from']; $f_log = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " WHERE `uniacid` = '{$_W['uniacid']}' AND `openid` = '{$openid}'"); if ($f_log['uid'] != 0) { pdo_update('hx_subscribe_data', array('uid' => $f_log['uid']), array('openid' => $openid)); $uid = $f_log['uid']; } else { $default_groupid = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT groupid FROM ' . tablename('mc_groups') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND isdefault = 1', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); $data = array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'email' => md5($openid) . '', 'salt' => random(8), 'groupid' => $default_groupid, 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP); $data['password'] = md5($message['from'] . $data['salt'] . $_W['config']['setting']['authkey']); pdo_insert('mc_members', $data); $uid = pdo_insertid(); pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', array('uid' => $uid), array('openid' => $openid)); pdo_update('hx_subscribe_data', array('uid' => $uid), array('openid' => $openid)); } $credit_type = isset($this->module['config']['credit_type']) ? $this->module['config']['credit_type'] : 'credit1'; $credit_subscribe = isset($this->module['config']['credit_subscribe']) ? $this->module['config']['credit_subscribe'] : 5; $credit_lever_1 = isset($this->module['config']['credit_lever_1']) ? $this->module['config']['credit_lever_1'] : 2; $credit_lever_2 = isset($this->module['config']['credit_lever_2']) ? $this->module['config']['credit_lever_2'] : 1; if ($event == 'subscribe') { $s_log = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('hx_subscribe_data') . " WHERE `uniacid`='{$_W['uniacid']}' AND `openid`='{$openid}'"); if (empty($s_log)) { //如果没记录 $insert = array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'openid' => $openid, 'uid' => $uid, 'from_uid' => '0', 'sn' => time(), 'follow' => '1', 'article_id' => '0', 'shouyi' => $credit_subscribe, 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP); pdo_insert('hx_subscribe_data', $insert); mc_credit_update($uid, $credit_type, $credit_subscribe, array('1', '关注增加积分')); } else { //如果有记录 if ($s_log['follow'] != 1) { //如果记录未关注 $insert = array('follow' => '1'); pdo_update('hx_subscribe_data', $insert, array('id' => $s_log['id'])); mc_credit_update($uid, $credit_type, $credit_subscribe, array('1', '关注增加积分')); } if (!empty($s_log['from_uid'])) { //如果来源ID不为空 $from_user = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('hx_subscribe_data') . " WHERE `uniacid`='{$_W['uniacid']}' AND `uid`='{$s_log['from_uid']}'"); if (!empty($from_user)) { $data = array('shouyi' => $from_user['shouyi'] + $credit_lever_1, 'zjrs' => $from_user['zjrs'] + 1); pdo_update('hx_subscribe_data', $data, array('id' => $from_user['id'])); mc_credit_update($s_log['from_uid'], $credit_type, $credit_lever_1, array('1', '推荐一级关注增加积分')); if (!empty($from_user['from_uid'])) { $from_user_2 = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('hx_subscribe_data') . " WHERE `uniacid`='{$_W['uniacid']}' AND `uid`='{$from_user['from_uid']}'"); if (!empty($from_user_2)) { $data2 = array('shouyi' => $from_user_2['shouyi'] + $credit_lever_2, 'jjrs' => $from_user_2['jjrs'] + 1); pdo_update('hx_subscribe_data', $data2, array('id' => $from_user_2['id'])); mc_credit_update($from_user['from_uid'], $credit_type, $credit_lever_2, array('1', '推荐二级关注增加积分')); } } } } } //pdo_update('hx_subscribe_data',array('follow'=>1),array('openid'=>$openid)); } }
public function updateUserScore($score, $openid, $log = '') { load()->model('mc'); $uid = mc_openid2uid($openid); $log_arr = array(); $log_arr[0] = $uid; $log_arr[1] = $log == '' ? '未记录' : $log; mc_credit_update($uid, 'credit1', $score, $log_arr); }
public function receive() { global $_W; load()->model('mc'); $type = $this->message['type']; $event = $this->message['event']; $openid = $this->message['from']; $config = $this->module['config']; $acc = WeAccount::create($_W['acid']); if ($event == 'subscribe' && $config['sub_num'] != 0 && !empty($config['sub_type'])) { $log = pdo_fetch("SELECT id FROM " . tablename('ju_credit_log') . " WHERE uniacid=:uniacid and openid=:openid", array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':openid' => $openid)); if (empty($log)) { $uid = mc_openid2uid($openid); $result = mc_credit_update($uid, $config['sub_type'], $config['sub_num'], array('0' => '1', '1' => '关注平台奖励')); if ($result) { $insert = array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'openid' => $openid, 'subscribetime' => time(), 'unsubscribetime' => 0, 'follow' => 1); pdo_insert('ju_credit_log', $insert); $this->sendText($acc, $this->message['from'], '感谢您的关注,赠送您' . $config['sub_num'] . '!'); } } else { pdo_update('ju_credit_log', array('follow' => 1, 'subscribetime' => time()), array('id' => $log['id'])); } } elseif ($event == 'unsubscribe' && $config['unsub_num'] != 0) { $log = pdo_fetch("SELECT id FROM " . tablename('ju_credit_log') . " WHERE uniacid=:uniacid and openid=:openid", array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':openid' => $openid)); $uid = mc_openid2uid($openid); if (empty($log)) { $result = mc_credit_update($uid, $config['unsub_type'], '-' . $config['unsub_num'], array('0' => '1', '1' => '取消关注平台扣除')); if ($result) { $insert = array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'openid' => $openid, 'subscribetime' => 0, 'unsubscribetime' => time(), 'follow' => 0); pdo_insert('ju_credit_log', $insert); } } else { $result = mc_credit_update($uid, $config['unsub_type'], '-' . $config['unsub_num'], array('0' => '1', '1' => '取消关注平台扣除')); pdo_update('ju_credit_log', array('follow' => 0, 'subscribetime' => 0, 'unsubscribetime' => time()), array('id' => $log['id'])); } } }
public function doMobileShow() { global $_W, $_GPC; $rid = trim($_GPC['rid']); $reply = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('bm_qrsign_reply') . " WHERE rid = :rid ORDER BY `id` DESC", array(':rid' => $rid)); if (time() > strtotime($reply['endtime'])) { if (empty($reply['memo2'])) { $msg = '对不起,活动已经于' . $reply['endtime'] . '结束,感谢您的参与!!!'; } else { $msg = $reply['memo2']; } message($msg, $reply['url2'], 'success'); } if (time() < strtotime($reply['starttime'])) { if (empty($reply['memo1'])) { $msg = '对不起,活动将于' . $reply['starttime'] . '开始,敬请期待!!!'; } else { $msg = $reply['memo1']; } message($msg, $reply['url1'], 'success'); } if (empty($_W['fans']['nickname'])) { mc_oauth_userinfo(); } if ($reply['pictype'] == 1) { if (empty($_W['fans']['follow']) || $_W['fans']['follow'] == 0) { header("Location: " . $reply['urlx']); exit; } } $op = trim($_GPC['op']); $qrmoney = $_GPC['qrmoney']; $from_user = $_W['fans']['openid']; $qrpicurl = $_W['attachurl'] . $reply['qrcode']; if ($op == 'post') { if ($qrmoney < 0.01) { message('支付金额错误,请重新录入!', $this->createMobileUrl('show', array('rid' => $rid, 'from_user' => $from_user)), 'error'); } $data = array('rid' => $rid, 'dateline' => TIMESTAMP, 'clientOrderId' => TIMESTAMP, 'qrmoney' => $qrmoney, 'status' => 0, 'fromuser' => $from_user, 'username' => $_W['fans']['nickname'], 'avatar' => $_W['fans']['tag']['avatar'], 'credit' => $reply['n']); pdo_insert('bm_qrsign_payed', $data); $params = array('tid' => $data['clientOrderId'], 'ordersn' => $data['clientOrderId'], 'title' => '扫码支付', 'fee' => $data['qrmoney'], 'user' => $from_user); $this->pay($params); exit; } else { if ($op == 'sign') { $rec = pdo_fetch("select * from " . tablename('bm_qrsign_record') . " where rid= " . $rid . " and fromuser= '******' order by sign_time desc"); if (!empty($rec)) { $Date_1 = date("Y-m-d", time()); $Date_2 = date("Y-m-d", $rec['sign_time']); $Date_List_a1 = explode("-", $Date_1); $Date_List_a2 = explode("-", $Date_2); $d1 = mktime(0, 0, 0, $Date_List_a1[1], $Date_List_a1[2], $Date_List_a1[0]); $d2 = mktime(0, 0, 0, $Date_List_a2[1], $Date_List_a2[2], $Date_List_a2[0]); $Days = round(($d1 - $d2) / 3600 / 24); if ($Days == 0) { $msg = '感谢您的参与,每个人每天只可以签到一次哦!!!'; message($msg, $reply['urly'], 'success'); } } $insert = array('rid' => $rid, 'fromuser' => $from_user, 'username' => $_W['fans']['nickname'], 'avatar' => $_W['fans']['tag']['avatar'], 'sign_time' => $_W['timestamp'], 'credit' => $reply['n']); pdo_insert('bm_qrsign_record', $insert); $user = fans_search($from_user); $sql_member = "SELECT a.uid FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " a inner join " . tablename('mc_members') . " b on a.uid=b.uid WHERE a.openid='{$from_user}'"; $uid = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql_member); mc_credit_update($uid, 'credit1', intval($reply['n']), array(0 => 'system', 1 => '扫码签到送积分')); $user = fans_search($from_user); $msg = '恭喜签到成功,您已获得奖励积分' . $reply['n'] . '分,您目前的总积分为' . $user['credit1'] . '分!'; message($msg, $reply['urly'], 'success'); } } include $this->template('show'); }
/** * author: 微赞科技 * 兑换 */ public function doMobileDH() { global $_W, $_GPC; MonUtil::checkmobile(); $rid = $_GPC['rid']; $egid = $_GPC['egid']; $dpassword = $_GPC['dpassword']; $record = DBUtil::findById(DBUtil::$TABLE_EGG_RECORD, $rid); $res = array(); if (empty($record)) { $res['code'] = 500; $res['msg'] = "记录删除或不存在"; die(json_encode($res)); } $egg = DBUtil::findById(DBUtil::$TABLE_EGG, $egid); if ($record['status'] == self::$STATUS_DH) { $res['code'] = 500; $res['msg'] = "奖品已经兑换过"; die(json_encode($res)); } if ($egg['dpassword'] == $dpassword) { //密码正确 $prize = DBUtil::findById(DBUtil::$TABLE_EGG_PRIZE, $record['pid']); if ($prize['ptype'] == 2) { //积分类型 load()->model('mc'); $uid = mc_openid2uid($this->getOpenId()); $result = mc_credit_update($uid, 'credit1', $prize['jf'], array($uid, '砸金蛋手机端兑换积分')); if ($result) { DBUtil::updateById(DBUtil::$TABLE_EGG_RECORD, array("status" => self::$STATUS_DH, 'dhtime' => TIMESTAMP), $rid); $res['code'] = 200; die(json_encode($res)); } else { $res['code'] = 500; $res['msg'] = "兑换失败"; die(json_encode($res)); } } else { DBUtil::updateById(DBUtil::$TABLE_EGG_RECORD, array("status" => self::$STATUS_DH, 'dhtime' => TIMESTAMP), $rid); $res['code'] = 200; die(json_encode($res)); } } else { $res['code'] = 500; $res['msg'] = "密码错误"; die(json_encode($res)); } }
private function sysAddCredit($from_user, $credit_value, $credittype, $tag) { global $_GPC; load()->model('mc'); $uid = mc_openid2uid($from_user); mc_credit_update($uid, 'credit' . $credittype, $credit_value, array($uid, $tag)); }
$is_add = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql, $parm); if (empty($is_add)) { $creditbehaviors = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT creditbehaviors FROM ' . tablename('uni_settings') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); $creditbehaviors = iunserializer($creditbehaviors) ? iunserializer($creditbehaviors) : array(); if (empty($creditbehaviors['activity'])) { $ret['result'] = 'creditset-miss'; moduleInit($_GPC['module'], $ret); } else { $credittype = $creditbehaviors['activity']; } $data = array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'touid' => $uid, 'fromuid' => 0, 'module' => $_GPC['module'], 'sign' => $_GPC['sign'], 'action' => $_GPC['action'], 'credit_value' => intval($return['credit_value']), 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP); pdo_insert('mc_handsel', $data); $note = empty($_GPC['note']) ? '系统赠送积分' : $_GPC['note']; $log = array('uid' => $uid, 'credittype' => $credittype, 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'num' => intval($return['credit_value']), 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP, 'operator' => 0, 'remark' => $note); $credit_value = intval($return['credit_value']); mc_credit_update($uid, $credittype, $credit_value, $log); $ret['result'] = 'success'; moduleInit($_GPC['module'], $ret); } else { $ret['result'] = 'repeat'; moduleInit($_GPC['module'], $ret); } } else { $ret['result'] = 'action-miss'; moduleInit($_GPC['module'], $ret); } } else { $ret['result'] = 'uid-miss'; moduleInit($_GPC['module'], $ret); } function moduleInit($name, $params = array())
public function doMobileGetAward() { global $_GPC, $_W; if (empty($_W['fans']['from_user']) || empty($_W['member']['uid'])) { message('非法访问,请重新发送消息进入砸蛋页面!'); } checkauth(); $fromuser = $_W['fans']['from_user']; $uid = intval($_W['member']['uid']); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $sql = 'SELECT `id`, `periodlottery`, `maxlottery`, `default_tips`, `misscredit`, `hitcredit` FROM ' . tablename('egg_reply') . ' WHERE `rid` = :rid'; $params = array(':rid' => $id); $egg = pdo_fetch($sql, $params); if (empty($egg)) { message('非法访问,请重新发送消息进入砸蛋页面!'); } $result = array('status' => -1, 'message' => ''); $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename('egg_winner') . ' WHERE `rid` = :rid AND `uid` = :uid'; $params[':uid'] = $uid; if (empty($egg['periodlottery'])) { $total = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql, $params); if ($total >= $egg['maxlottery']) { $result['message'] = '您已经超过最大砸蛋次数'; message($result, '', 'ajax'); } } else { $sql .= ' AND `createtime` > :createtime'; $params[':createtime'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) - 86400 * $egg['periodlottery']; $total = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql, $params); if ($total >= $egg['maxlottery']) { $sql = 'SELECT `createtime` FROM ' . tablename('egg_winner') . ' WHERE `rid` = :rid AND `uid` = :uid ORDER BY `createtime` DESC'; $lastdate = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql, array(':rid' => $id, ':uid' => $uid)); $result['message'] = '您还未到达可以再次砸蛋的时间。下次可砸时间为' . date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $lastdate)) + $egg['periodlottery'] * 86400); message($result, '', 'ajax'); } } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('egg_award') . ' WHERE `rid` = :rid ORDER BY `probalilty`'; $gifts = pdo_fetchall($sql, array(':rid' => $id)); $awards = array(); foreach ($gifts as $key => $gift) { if (empty($gift['total']) || empty($gift['probalilty'])) { unset($gifts[$key]); continue; } $gifts[$key]['random'] = mt_rand(1, 100 / $gift['probalilty']); if (mt_rand(1, 100 / $gift['probalilty']) == mt_rand(1, 100 / $gift['probalilty'])) { $awards[] = $gift; } } if (count($awards) > 0) { $randid = mt_rand(0, count($awards) - 1); $awardid = $awards[$randid]; } $result['message'] = empty($egg['default_tips']) ? '很遗憾,您没能中奖!' : $egg['default_tips']; $credit = array('rid' => $id, 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'uid' => $uid, 'from_user' => $fromuser, 'isaward' => empty($awardid) ? 0 : 1, 'award' => (empty($awardid) ? '未中' : '中') . '奖奖励积分', 'description' => empty($awardid) ? $egg['misscredit'] : $egg['hitcredit'], 'credit' => empty($awardid) ? $egg['misscredit'] : $egg['hitcredit'], 'createtime' => strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')), 'status' => 2); if (!empty($awardid)) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('egg_award') . ' WHERE `rid` = :rid AND `id` = :id'; $params = array(':rid' => $id, ':id' => $awardid['id']); $gift = pdo_fetch($sql, $params); if ($gift['total'] > 0) { $credit['status'] = 0; $credit['award'] = $gift['title']; if (!empty($gift['inkind'])) { $credit['description'] = $gift['description']; $sql = 'UPDATE ' . tablename('egg_award') . ' SET `total` = `total` - 1 WHERE `rid` = :rid AND `id` = :id'; pdo_query($sql, $params); } else { $gift['activation_code'] = (array) iunserializer($gift['activation_code']); $code = array_pop($gift['activation_code']); $activation_code = iserializer($gift['activation_code']); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . tablename('egg_award') . " SET `total` = `total` - 1, `activation_code` = '" . $activation_code . "' WHERE `rid` = :rid AND `id` = :id"; pdo_query($sql, $params); $credit['description'] = '兑换码:' . $code . '<br /> 兑换地址:' . $gift['activation_url']; } $result['message'] = '恭喜您,得到“' . $gift['title'] . '”!'; $result['status'] = 0; } else { $credit['description'] = $egg['misscredit']; $credit['award'] = '未中奖奖励积分'; } } !empty($credit['description']) && ($result['message'] .= '<br />' . $credit['award'] . ':' . $credit['description']); $credit['aid'] = $gift['id']; if (empty($awardid)) { $value = intval($egg['misscredit']); $uid = mc_openid2uid($fromuser); mc_credit_update($uid, 'credit1', $value, array(0, '使用砸蛋模块未中奖,赠送' . $value . '积分')); } else { $value = intval($egg['hitcredit']); $uid = mc_openid2uid($fromuser); mc_credit_update($uid, 'credit1', $value, array(0, '使用砸蛋模块中奖,赠送' . $value . '积分')); } pdo_insert('egg_winner', $credit); $result['myaward'] = pdo_fetchall("SELECT award, description FROM " . tablename('egg_winner') . " WHERE uid = '{$uid}' AND award <> '' AND rid = '{$id}' ORDER BY createtime DESC"); message($result, '', 'ajax'); }
public function payResult($params) { global $_W; load()->model('mc'); $order = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('mc_credits_recharge') . " WHERE tid = :tid", array(':tid' => $params['tid'])); if (empty($order['status'])) { $fee = $params['fee']; $total_fee = $fee; $data = array('status' => $params['result'] == 'success' ? 1 : -1); if ($params['type'] == 'wechat') { $data['transid'] = $params['tag']['transaction_id']; $params['user'] = mc_openid2uid($params['user']); } pdo_update('mc_credits_recharge', $data, array('tid' => $params['tid'])); if ($params['result'] == 'success' && $params['from'] == 'notify') { $paydata = array('wechat' => '微信', 'alipay' => '支付宝', 'baifubao' => '百付宝', 'unionpay' => '银联'); if (empty($order['type']) || $order['type'] == 'credit') { $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('creditbehaviors', 'recharge')); $credit = $setting['creditbehaviors']['currency']; if (empty($credit)) { message('站点积分行为参数配置错误,请联系服务商', '', 'error'); } else { $recharge = $setting['recharge']; $add_fee = 0; if (!empty($recharge)) { $back = -1; foreach ($recharge as $k => $li) { if ($li['recharge'] <= $fee) { $back = $k; } } if (!empty($recharge[$back])) { $add_fee = $recharge[$back]['back']; $total_fee = $add_fee + $fee; $add_str = ",满足 充{$recharge[$back]['recharge']}返{$recharge[$back]['back']},返余额{$recharge[$back]['back']}元,本次操作共增加余额{$total_fee}元"; } } $record[] = $params['user']; $record[] = '用户通过' . $paydata[$params['type']] . '充值' . $fee . $add_str; mc_credit_update($order['uid'], $credit, $total_fee, $record); $remark = '用户通过' . $paydata[$params['type']] . '充值' . $fee . $add_str; mc_notice_recharge($order['openid'], $order['uid'], $total_fee, '', $remark); } } if ($order['type'] == 'card_nums') { $member_card = pdo_get('mc_card_members', array('uniacid' => $order['uniacid'], 'uid' => $order['uid'])); $total_num = $member_card['nums'] + $order['tag']; pdo_update('mc_card_members', array('nums' => $total_num), array('uniacid' => $order['uniacid'], 'uid' => $order['uid'])); $log = array('uniacid' => $order['uniacid'], 'uid' => $order['uid'], 'type' => 'nums', 'fee' => $params['fee'], 'model' => '1', 'tag' => $order['tag'], 'note' => date('Y-m-d H:i') . "通过{$paydata[$params['type']]}充值{$params['fee']}元,返{$order['tag']}次,总共剩余{$total_num}次", 'addtime' => TIMESTAMP); pdo_insert('mc_card_record', $log); $type = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT nums_text FROM ' . tablename('mc_card') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid', array(':uniacid' => $order['uniacid'])); $total_num = $member_card['nums'] + $order['tag']; mc_notice_nums_plus($order['openid'], $type, $order['tag'], $total_num); } if ($order['type'] == 'card_times') { $member_card = pdo_get('mc_card_members', array('uniacid' => $order['uniacid'], 'uid' => $order['uid'])); if ($member_card['endtime'] > TIMESTAMP) { $endtime = $member_card['endtime'] + $order['tag'] * 86400; } else { $endtime = strtotime($order['tag'] . 'days'); } pdo_update('mc_card_members', array('endtime' => $endtime), array('uniacid' => $order['uniacid'], 'uid' => $order['uid'])); $log = array('uniacid' => $order['uniacid'], 'uid' => $order['uid'], 'type' => 'times', 'model' => '1', 'fee' => $params['fee'], 'tag' => $order['tag'], 'note' => date('Y-m-d H:i') . "通过{$paydata[$params['type']]}充值{$params['fee']}元,返{$order['tag']}天,充值后到期时间:" . date('Y-m-d', $endtime), 'addtime' => TIMESTAMP); pdo_insert('mc_card_record', $log); $type = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT times_text FROM ' . tablename('mc_card') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid', array(':uniacid' => $order['uniacid'])); $endtime = date('Y-m-d', $endtime); mc_notice_times_plus($order['openid'], $member_card['cardsn'], $type, $fee, $order['tag'], $endtime); } } } if ($order['type'] == 'credit' || $order['type'] == '') { $url = murl('mc/home'); } else { $url = murl('mc/bond/mycard'); } if ($params['from'] == 'return') { if ($params['result'] == 'success') { message('支付成功!', '../../app/' . $url, 'success'); } else { message('支付失败!', '../../app/' . $url, 'error'); } } }
public function doMobileget_award() { global $_GPC, $_W; $rid = intval($_GPC['rid']); $fansID = $_W['member']['uid']; $from_user = $_W['fans']['from_user']; $uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; $profile = mc_fetch($fansID, array('avatar', 'nickname', 'realname', 'mobile', 'qq', 'email', 'address', 'gender', 'telephone', 'idcard', 'company', 'occupation', 'position')); if (empty($profile['avatar'])) { $profile['avatar'] = '../addons/stonefish_redenvelope/template/images/avatar.jpg'; } if (empty($profile['nickname'])) { $profile['nickname'] = $_GPC['realname']; } $reply = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('stonefish_redenvelope_reply') . " WHERE rid = :rid ORDER BY `id` DESC", array(':rid' => $rid)); if ($reply == false) { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '规则出错!...'), ""); } if ($reply['isshow'] != 1) { //活动已经暂停,请稍后... $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '活动暂停,请稍后...'), ""); } if ($reply['starttime'] > time()) { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '活动还没有开始呢,请等待...'), ""); } if ($reply['endtime'] < time()) { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '活动已经结束了,下次再来吧!'), ""); } if (empty($_W['fans'])) { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '请先关注公共账号再来参与活动!详情请查看规则!'), ""); } //先判断有没有资格领取 //判断是否为关注用户 $follow = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT follow FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " Where openid=:openid and uniacid=:uniacid ORDER BY `fanid` DESC", array(":openid" => $from_user, ":uniacid" => $uniacid)); if ($follow == 0) { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '请先关注公共账号再来参与活动!详情请查看规则!'), ""); } //判断是否为关注用户 //查询是活动定义还是商户赠送 if ($reply['opportunity'] == 1) { if (empty($profile['mobile'])) { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '您没有注册成为会员,不能刮奖!'), ""); } $doings = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('stonefish_branch_doings') . " WHERE rid = " . $rid . " and mobile='" . $profile['mobile'] . "' and uniacid='" . $uniacid . "'"); if (!empty($doings)) { if ($doings['status'] < 2) { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '抱歉,您的领取红包资格正在审核中!'), ""); } else { if ($doings['awardcount'] == 0) { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '抱歉,您的领取红包资格已用完了!'), ""); } } } else { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '抱歉,您还没有获取领取红包资格,不能领取!'), ""); } } elseif ($reply['opportunity'] == 2) { load()->model('account'); $unisettings = uni_setting($uniacid, array('creditnames')); foreach ($unisettings['creditnames'] as $key => $credits) { if ($reply['credit_type'] == $key) { $creditnames = $credits['title']; break; } } $credit = mc_credit_fetch($fansID, array($reply['credit_type'])); $credit_times = intval($credit[$reply['credit_type']] / $reply['credit_times']); if ($credit_times < 1) { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '抱歉,您没有' . $creditnames . '兑换红包了!'), ""); } } //查询是活动定义还是商户赠送 //是否已关联用户,如果中能中奖一次,判断是否已中奖 $fans = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('stonefish_redenvelope_fans') . " WHERE rid = " . $rid . " and fansID=" . $fansID . " and from_user='******'"); if ($fans == false) { $inpoint = mt_rand($reply['inpointstart'] * 100, $reply['inpointend'] * 100) / 100; $inpoint = sprintf("%.2f", $inpoint); $fans = array('rid' => $rid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid, 'fansID' => $fansID, 'from_user' => $from_user, 'inpoint' => $inpoint, 'avatar' => $profile['avatar'], 'nickname' => $profile['nickname'], 'createtime' => time()); pdo_insert('stonefish_redenvelope_fans', $fans); $fans['id'] = pdo_insertid(); //自动读取会员信息存入FANS表中 $ziduan = array('realname', 'mobile', 'qq', 'email', 'address', 'gender', 'telephone', 'idcard', 'company', 'occupation', 'position'); load()->model('mc'); foreach ($ziduan as $ziduans) { if ($reply['is' . $ziduans]) { if (!empty($_GPC[$ziduans])) { pdo_update('stonefish_redenvelope_fans', array($ziduans => $_GPC[$ziduans]), array('id' => $fans['id'])); if ($reply['isfans']) { mc_update($fansID, array($ziduans => $_GPC[$ziduans])); } } } } //自动读取会员信息存入FANS表中 //增加人数,和浏览次数 pdo_update('stonefish_redenvelope_reply', array('fansnum' => $reply['fansnum'] + 1, 'viewnum' => $reply['viewnum'] + 1), array('id' => $reply['id'])); //商家赠送增加使用次数 if ($reply['opportunity'] == 1) { pdo_update('stonefish_branch_doings', array('usecount' => 0, 'usetime' => time()), array('id' => $doings['id'])); } elseif ($reply['opportunity'] == 2) { mc_credit_update($fansID, $reply['credit_type'], -$reply['credit_times'], array($fansID, '兑换幸运抢红包活动消耗:' . $reply['credit_times'] . '个' . $creditnames)); $credit_now = $credit[$reply['credit_type']] - $reply['credit_times']; } //开始分配红包咯 if ($inpoint) { //商家赠送添加使用记录 if ($reply['opportunity'] == 1) { $content = '领取红包价值:' . $inpoint; $insert = array('uniacid' => $uniacid, 'rid' => $rid, 'module' => 'stonefish_redenvelope', 'mobile' => $doings['mobile'], 'content' => $content, 'prizeid' => 0, 'createtime' => time()); pdo_insert('stonefish_branch_doingslist', $insert); } //商家赠送添加使用记录 $data = array('msg' => $inpoint, 'success' => 1, 'credit_now' => $credit_now); } } else { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '您领取过红包了!'), ""); } $this->message($data); }
$ret = activity_shipping_grant($uid, $exid); if (is_error($ret)) { message($ret['message']); } $member = mc_fetch($uid, array('uid', 'realname', $exchange['credittype'], 'resideprovince', 'residecity', 'residedist', 'address', 'zipcode', 'mobile')); if ($member[$exchange['credittype']] < $exchange['credit']) { message($creditnames[$exchange['credittype']] . '数量不够,无法兑换.'); } $shipping = array('exid' => $exid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid, 'uid' => $uid, 'realname' => $member['realname'], 'mobile' => $member['mobile'], 'province' => $member['resideprovince'], 'city' => $member['residecity'], 'district' => $member['residedist'], 'address' => $member['address'], 'zipcode' => $member['zipcode']); if (checksubmit('submit')) { $data = array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'exid' => $exid, 'uid' => $uid, 'status' => 0, 'createtime' => time(), 'name' => $_GPC['realname'], 'mobile' => $_GPC['mobile'], 'province' => $_GPC['reside']['province'], 'city' => $_GPC['reside']['city'], 'district' => $_GPC['reside']['district'], 'address' => $_GPC['address'], 'zipcode' => $_GPC['zipcode']); $trade_log = array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'uid' => $uid, 'exid' => $exid, 'type' => 3, 'createtime' => time(), 'extra' => iserializer($exchange)); pdo_insert('activity_exchange_trades', $trade_log); pdo_insert('activity_exchange_trades_shipping', $data); pdo_update('activity_exchange', array('num' => $exchange['num'] + 1), array('id' => $exchange['id'], 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); mc_credit_update($uid, $exchange['credittype'], -1 * $exchange['credit'], array($uid, '礼品兑换:' . $exchange['title'] . ' 消耗 ' . $creditnames[$exchange['credittype']] . ':' . $exchange['credit'])); message("兑换成功,您消费了 {$exchange['credit']} {$creditnames[$exchange['credittype']]}", url('activity/exchange/mine', array('type' => 3))); } template('activity/shipping'); } elseif ($do == 'mine') { $type = intval($_GPC['type']); $type = empty($type) ? 1 : $type; $type = in_array($type, array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) ? $type : 1; $page = intval($_GPC['__input']['page']); switch ($type) { case 1: case 2: break; case 3: $pindex = max(1, $page); $psize = 10;
public function doMobileCredit() { global $_W, $_GPC; if (!$this->check_mc_follow()) { if (empty($_W['account']['subscribeurl'])) { $this->msg('error', '请关注本公众平台后再参与活动!'); } $this->msg('redirect', $_W['account']['subscribeurl']); } checkauth(); if (empty($_W['member']['mobile'])) { //如果未填写手机号码,跳转到会员中心 $this->msg('uc', '<P>请先完善您的个人资料!</p><P><font color="red">注意</font>:姓名和手机号码必填。</p><P>个人资料是将来兑奖的依据。</p>'); } //用户信息 $member_info = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('mc_members') . " WHERE uid=" . $_W['member']['uid']); //活动信息 $info = pdo_fetch("SELECT l.title as goods_title,,l.price,l.thumb,d.*,r.title as rule_title,r.rule FROM " . tablename('zerobuy_detail') . " d left join " . tablename('zerobuy_list') . " l on left join " . tablename('zerobuy_rule') . " r on WHERE" . $_GPC['id']); if ($info['status'] == 1) { $this->msg('error', '活动还未开始,请耐心等待!'); } if ($info['status'] == 3 || $info['status'] == 4) { $this->msg('error', '活动已经结束!'); } $num = floor($member_info['credit1'] / $info['exchange']); if ($_GPC['act'] == 'exchange') { if ($num < 1) { $this->msg('error', '积分不足'); } $msg = $this->make_code($_GPC['id']); //更行用户表 load()->model('mc'); mc_credit_update($_W['member']['uid'], 'credit1', -$info['exchange'], array($_W['member']['uid'], "参与零元购活动:" . $info['title'])); $this->msg('success', $msg); } }
public function doMobileGetAward() { global $_GPC, $_W; checkauth(); $fromuser = $_W['fans']['from_user']; $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $dqq = pdo_fetch("SELECT id, periodlottery, maxlottery, default_tips, misscredit, hitcredit FROM " . tablename('dqq_reply') . " WHERE rid = '{$id}' LIMIT 1"); if (empty($dqq)) { message('非法访问,请重新发送消息进入打气球页面!4'); } $result = array('status' => -1, 'message' => ''); if (!empty($dqq['periodlottery'])) { $total = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . tablename('dqq_winner') . " WHERE createtime > '" . strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) . "' AND from_user = '******' AND rid = '{$id}'"); $lastdate = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT createtime FROM " . tablename('dqq_winner') . " WHERE from_user = '******' ORDER BY createtime DESC"); if ($total >= intval($dqq['maxlottery']) && strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) < strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $lastdate)) + $dqq['periodlottery'] * 86400) { $result['message'] = '没箭啦'; message($result, '', 'ajax'); } } else { $total = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . tablename('dqq_winner') . " WHERE createtime > '" . strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) . "' AND from_user = '******' "); if (!empty($dqq['maxlottery']) && $total >= $dqq['maxlottery']) { $result['message'] = '今天没箭了'; message($result, '', 'ajax'); } } $gifts = pdo_fetchall("SELECT id, probalilty FROM " . tablename('dqq_award') . " WHERE rid = '{$id}' ORDER BY probalilty ASC"); //计算每个礼物的概率 $probability = 0; $rate = 1; $award = array(); foreach ($gifts as $name => $gift) { if (empty($gift['probalilty'])) { continue; } if ($gift['probalilty'] < 1) { $temp = explode('.', $gift['probalilty']); $temp = pow(10, strlen($temp[1])); $rate = $temp < $rate ? $rate : $temp; } $probability = $probability + $gift['probalilty'] * $rate; $award[] = array('id' => $gift['id'], 'probalilty' => $probability); } $all = 100 * $rate; if ($probability < $all) { $award[] = array('title' => '', 'probalilty' => $all); } mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); $rand = mt_rand(1, $all); foreach ($award as $key => $gift) { if (isset($award[$key - 1])) { if ($rand > $award[$key - 1]['probalilty'] && $rand <= $gift['probalilty']) { $awardid = $gift['id']; break; } } else { if ($rand > 0 && $rand <= $gift['probalilty']) { $awardid = $gift['id']; break; } } } $result['message'] = '唉,没中'; $data = array('rid' => $id, 'from_user' => $fromuser, 'status' => empty($gift['inkind']) ? 1 : 0, 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP); $credit = array('rid' => $id, 'award' => (empty($awardid) ? '未中' : '中') . '奖励积分', 'from_user' => $fromuser, 'status' => 3, 'description' => empty($awardid) ? $dqq['misscredit'] : $dqq['hitcredit'], 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP); if (!empty($awardid)) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('dqq_award') . ' WHERE `rid` = :rid AND `id` = :id'; $params = array(':rid' => $id, ':id' => $awardid); $gift = pdo_fetch($sql, $params); if ($gift['total'] > 0) { $data['award'] = $gift['title']; $credit1 = intval($gift['get_jf']); load()->model('mc'); mc_credit_update($_W['member']['uid'], "credit1", $credit1, null); $data['description'] = $gift['title']; $result['message'] = '' . $data['award'] . '!'; $result['status'] = 0; pdo_update('dqq_award', array('total' => --$gift['total']), array('id' => $gift['id'])); } else { $credit['description'] = $dqq['misscredit']; $credit['award'] = '未中奖励积分'; } } !empty($credit['description']) && ($result['message'] .= '<br />' . $credit['award'] . ':' . $credit['description']); $data['aid'] = $gift['id']; if (!empty($credit['description'])) { pdo_insert('dqq_winner', $credit); } pdo_insert('dqq_winner', $data); message($result, '', 'ajax'); }
public function setOrderCredit($orderid, $add = true) { $order = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_order) . " WHERE id=:id LIMIT 1", array(':id' => $orderid)); if (empty($order)) { return false; } $ordergoods = pdo_fetchall("SELECT goodsid, total FROM " . tablename($this->table_order_goods) . " WHERE orderid = :orderid", array(':orderid' => $orderid)); if (!empty($ordergoods)) { $credit = 0.0; $sql = 'SELECT `credit` FROM ' . tablename($this->table_goods) . ' WHERE `id` = :id'; foreach ($ordergoods as $goods) { $goodsCredit = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql, array(':id' => $goods['goodsid'])); $credit += $goodsCredit * floatval($goods['total']); } } //增加积分 if (!empty($credit)) { load()->model('mc'); load()->func(''); $uid = mc_openid2uid($order['from_user']); $fans = fans_search($uid, array("credit1")); if (!empty($fans)) { $uid = intval($fans['uid']); $remark = $add == true ? '微点餐积分奖励 订单ID:' . $orderid : '微点餐积分扣除 订单ID:' . $orderid; $log = array(); $log[0] = $uid; $log[1] = $remark; mc_credit_update($uid, 'credit1', $credit, $log); } } return true; }
public function respond() { global $_W; load()->model('mc'); $openid = $this->message['from']; $logs['openid'] = $openid; $logs['weid'] = $_W['uniacid']; $fans = pdo_fetch("SELECT fanid,uid FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " WHERE `openid`='{$openid}' LIMIT 1"); $uid = '0'; if ($fans['uid'] != '0') { $uid = $fans['uid']; } else { $uid = mc_update($uid, array('email' => md5($_W['openid']) . '')); if (!empty($fans['fanid']) && !empty($uid)) { pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', array('uid' => $uid), array('fanid' => $fans['fanid'])); } } $rid = $this->rule; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename('rule_keyword') . " WHERE `rid`=:rid LIMIT 1"; $row = pdo_fetch($sql, array(':rid' => $rid)); $sqls = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->reply) . " WHERE `rid`=:rid LIMIT 1"; $rows = pdo_fetch($sqls, array(':rid' => $rid)); if (empty($rows['id'])) { return array(); } if (empty($row['id'])) { return array(); } $wd_code = $this->message['scancodeinfo']['scanresult']; $wd_qrcode = substr($wd_code, strpos($wd_code, "wd_code=") + 8); if ($this->message['event'] == 'scancode_waitmsg') { $qrtype = $this->message['scancodeinfo']['scantype']; $SecurityCode = $wd_qrcode; } else { $keywords = $wd_qrcode; preg_match('/' . $keywords . '(.*)/', $this->message['content'], $match); $SecurityCode = $match[1]; } $logs['code'] = $SecurityCode; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->data) . " WHERE code='{$SecurityCode}' LIMIT 1"; $member = pdo_fetch($sql); $states = 0; if (!empty($member)) { if ($member['status'] == '0') { $states = 0; } elseif ($member['num'] >= $rows['tnumber']) { $set = pdo_update($this->data, array('status' => '0'), array('id' => $member['id'])); $states = 0; } elseif ($member['stime'] <= TIME()) { $logs['status'] = '0'; $reply = '您查询的防伪码已过期! '; } else { $data = array('num' => $member['num'] + 1); pdo_update($this->data, $data, array('id' => $member['id'])); $states = 1; } if ($states == 0) { $reply = str_replace('[SecurityCode]', $SecurityCode, $rows['Failure']); } else { $number = $member['num'] + 1; $Factory = $member['factory']; $Effedate = date('Y-m-d', $member['stime']); $Products = $member['type']; $Brand = $member['brand']; $Spec = $member['spec']; $Weight = $member['weight']; $Remarks = $member['remarks']; $reply = str_replace('[number]', $number, $rows['Reply']); $reply = str_replace('[Factory]', $Factory, $reply); $reply = str_replace('[Brand]', $Brand, $reply); $reply = str_replace('[Spec]', $Spec, $reply); $reply = str_replace('[Weight]', $Weight, $reply); $reply = str_replace('[Remarks]', $Remarks, $reply); $reply = str_replace('[Effedate]', $Effedate, $reply); $reply = str_replace('[Products]', $Products, $reply); $reply = str_replace('[SecurityCode]', $SecurityCode, $reply); $reply = str_replace('[CreditName]', $member['creditname'], $reply); $reply = str_replace('[CreditNum]', $member['creditnum'], $reply); if ($member['creditstatus'] == '0') { mc_credit_update($uid, 'credit1', $member['creditnum'], array('1', '防伪码自动增加积分,积分名称:' . $member['creditname'])); pdo_update($this->data, array('creditstatus' => '1'), array('id' => $member['id'])); } $logs['status'] = '1'; } } else { $logs['status'] = '0'; $reply = '您查询的防伪码不存在,请核对后重试!'; } $logs['createtime'] = time(); pdo_insert('super_securitycode_logs', $logs); return $this->respText($reply); }
} $status = 0; } } if ($do == 'manage') { load()->model('mc'); $clerk = pdo_get('activity_coupon_password', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'password' => trim($_GPC['password']))); if (empty($clerk)) { message('店员密码错误'); } $uid = intval($_GPC['uid']); if ($uid) { foreach ($creditnames as $index => $creditname) { if (($_GPC[$index . '_type'] == 1 || $_GPC[$index . '_type'] == 2) && $_GPC[$index . '_value']) { $value = $_GPC[$index . '_type'] == 1 ? $_GPC[$index . '_value'] : -$_GPC[$index . '_value']; $return = mc_credit_update($uid, $index, $value, array($_W['uid'], trim($_GPC['remark']), 'system', $clerk['id'], $clerk['store_id'])); if (is_error($return)) { message($return['message']); } $openid = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT openid FROM ' . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . ' WHERE acid = :acid AND uid = :uid', array(':acid' => $_W['acid'], ':uid' => $uid)); if (!empty($openid)) { if ($index == 'credit1') { mc_notice_credit1($openid, $uid, $value, '管理员后台操作积分'); } if ($index == 'credit2') { if ($value > 0) { mc_notice_recharge($openid, $uid, $value, '', "管理员后台操作余额,增加{$value}余额"); } else { mc_notice_credit2($openid, $uid, $value, 0, "管理员后台操作余额,减少{$value}余额"); } }
/** * * @param $openid * @param $credit * 积分同步 */ public function synFanscredit($openid, $credit) { global $_W; $fans = pdo_fetch("select uid from " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " where openid=:openid and uniacid=:uniacid limit 1", array(':openid' => $openid, ":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); if (!empty($fans)) { load()->model('mc'); mc_credit_update($fans['uid'], "credit1", $credit); } }
} load()->model('payment'); load()->func('communication'); $sl = base64_encode(json_encode($ps)); $auth = sha1($sl . $_W['uniacid'] . $_W['config']['setting']['authkey']); header("location: ../payment/wechat/pay.php?i={$_W['uniacid']}&auth={$auth}&ps={$sl}"); exit; } if ($type == 'credit') { $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('creditbehaviors')); $credtis = mc_credit_fetch($_W['member']['uid']); if ($credtis[$setting['creditbehaviors']['currency']] < $ps['fee']) { message("余额不足以支付, 需要 {$ps['fee']}, 当前 {$credtis[$setting['creditbehaviors']['currency']]}"); } $fee = floatval($ps['fee']); $result = mc_credit_update($_W['member']['uid'], $setting['creditbehaviors']['currency'], -$fee, array($_W['member']['uid'], '消费' . $setting['creditbehaviors']['currency'] . ':' . $fee)); if (is_error($result)) { message($result['message'], '', 'error'); } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('core_paylog') . ' WHERE `plid`=:plid'; $pars = array(); $pars[':plid'] = $ps['tid']; $log = pdo_fetch($sql, $pars); if (!empty($log) && $log['status'] == '0') { $record = array(); $record['status'] = '1'; pdo_update('core_paylog', $record, array('plid' => $log['plid'])); if ($log['is_usecard'] == 1 && $log['card_type'] == 1 && !empty($log['encrypt_code']) && $_W['acid']) { load()->classs('coupon'); $acc = new coupon($_W['acid']); $codearr['encrypt_code'] = $log['encrypt_code'];
public function payResult($params) { global $_W, $_GPC; //$this->checkAuth(); $weid = $_W['uniacid']; $uid = $_W['member']['uid']; $openid = $_W['openid']; if (empty($openid)) { $tsql = "SELECT openid FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " WHERE uid = :uid AND uniacid = :uniacid"; $tparas = array(':uniacid' => $weid, ':uid' => $uid); $topenid = pdo_fetch($tsql, $tparas); $openid = $topenid['openid']; } $cfg = $this->module['config']; if (empty($openid)) { message('身份失效,请重新进入!'); } else { $res = $this->getusers($weid, $openid); } $fee = intval($params['fee']); $data = array('status' => $params['result'] == 'success' ? 1 : 0); $paytype = array('credit' => '1', 'wechat' => '2', 'alipay' => '2', 'delivery' => '3'); $data['paytype'] = $paytype[$params['type']]; if ($params['type'] == 'wechat') { $data['transid'] = $params['tag']['transaction_id']; } if ($params['type'] == 'delivery') { $data['status'] = 1; } $data['fee'] = $fee; //已经兑换成RMB $data['openid'] = $openid; $data['time'] = time(); $data['avatar'] = $res['avatar']; $data['weid'] = $weid; //也需将订单编号 插入数据库 $data['tid'] = $params['tid']; $addcredit = $fee * $cfg['bilv']; if ($params['from'] == 'return') { if (!strexists($params['tid'], "||")) { pdo_insert('hnpayjifen', $data); load()->model('mc'); mc_credit_update($uid, 'credit1', $addcredit, $log = array()); } else { $data['starttime'] = time(); $data['endtime'] = time() + 3600 * 720; pdo_insert('meepohn_baoyue', $data); } $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('creditbehaviors')); $credit = $setting['creditbehaviors']['currency']; if ($params['type'] == $credit) { message('支付成功!', $this->createMobileUrl('homecenter'), 'success'); } else { message('支付成功!', '../../app/' . $this->createMobileUrl('homecenter'), 'success'); } } }
foreach ($list as &$li) { if (empty($li['email']) || !empty($li['email']) && substr($li['email'], -6) == '' && strlen($li['email']) == 39) { $li['email'] = '未完善'; } } $status = 0; } } if ($do == 'manage') { load()->model('mc'); $uid = intval($_GPC['uid']); if ($uid) { foreach ($creditnames as $index => $creditname) { if (($_GPC[$index . '_type'] == 1 || $_GPC[$index . '_type'] == 2) && $_GPC[$index . '_value']) { $value = $_GPC[$index . '_type'] == 1 ? $_GPC[$index . '_value'] : -$_GPC[$index . '_value']; $return = mc_credit_update($uid, $index, $value, array($_W['uid'], trim($_GPC['remark']))); if (is_error($return)) { message($return['message']); } } else { continue; } } message('会员积分操作成功', url('mc/creditmanage/display')); } else { message('未找到指定用户', url('mc/creditmanage/display'), 'error'); } } if ($do == 'modal') { if ($_W['isajax']) { $uid = intval($_GPC['uid']);
public function doWebDeleteprizedata() { global $_GPC, $_W; $rid = intval($_GPC['rid']); $reply = pdo_fetch("select * from " . tablename('stonefish_bigwheel_reply') . " where rid = :rid and uniacid=:uniacid", array(':rid' => $rid, ':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); $exchange = pdo_fetch("select inventory,tickettype FROM " . tablename("stonefish_bigwheel_exchange") . " where rid = :rid", array(':rid' => $rid)); if (empty($reply)) { echo json_encode(array('errno' => 1, 'error' => '抱歉,传递的参数错误!')); exit; } foreach ($_GPC['idArr'] as $k => $id) { $id = intval($id); if ($id == 0) { continue; } $fansaward = pdo_fetch("select prizeid,from_user,zhongjiang from " . tablename('stonefish_bigwheel_fansaward') . " where id = :id", array(':id' => $id)); $from_user = $fansaward['from_user']; $fans = pdo_fetch("select * from " . tablename('stonefish_bigwheel_fans') . " where rid = :rid and uniacid = :uniacid and from_user = :from_user", array(':rid' => $rid, ':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':from_user' => $from_user)); if (empty($fansaward)) { echo json_encode(array('errno' => 1, 'error' => '抱歉,选中的中奖数据不存在!')); exit; } $prize = pdo_fetch("select prizetype,prizevalue,prizedraw FROM " . tablename('stonefish_bigwheel_prize') . " where id = :id ORDER BY `id` DESC", array(':id' => $fansaward['prizeid'])); //修改积分到粉丝数据库 if ($prize['prizetype'] != 'physical' && $prize['prizetype'] != 'virtual' && $prize['prizetype'] != 'againprize' && $prize['prizetype'] != 'spaceprize') { load()->model('mc'); $uid = pdo_fetchcolumn("select uid FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " where openid=:openid and uniacid=:uniacid", array(":openid" => $from_user, ":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); $unisetting_s = uni_setting($uniacid, array('creditnames')); foreach ($unisetting_s['creditnames'] as $key => $credit) { if ($prize['prizetype'] == $key) { $credit_names = $credit['title']; break; } } mc_credit_update($uid, $prize['prizetype'], -$prize['prizevalue'], array($_W['uid'], '抽抽卡取消中奖扣除' . $prize['prizevalue'] . '个' . $credit_names)); } //修改积分到粉丝数据库 if ($exchange['inventory'] == 1) { pdo_update('stonefish_bigwheel_prize', array('prizedraw' => $prize['prizedraw'] - 1), array('id' => $fansaward['prizeid'])); } else { if ($fansaward['zhongjiang'] == 2) { pdo_update('stonefish_bigwheel_prize', array('prizedraw' => $prize['prizedraw'] - 1), array('id' => $fansaward['prizeid'])); } } //删除粉丝中奖记录 pdo_update('stonefish_bigwheel_fansaward', array('zhongjiang' => 0, 'zhongjiangtime' => ''), array('id' => $id)); //再来一次删除记录并减少次数 if ($prize['prizetype'] == 'againprize') { pdo_delete('stonefish_bigwheel_fansaward', array('id' => $id)); pdo_update('stonefish_bigwheel_fans', array('totalnum' => $fans['totalnum'] - 1, 'todaynum' => $fans['todaynum'] - 1), array('id' => $fans['id'])); } //再来一次删除记录并减少次数 //删除粉丝中奖记录 //查询此用户是否还有中奖记录并更新状态 $yes = pdo_fetch("select * FROM " . tablename('stonefish_bigwheel_fansaward') . " where from_user=:from_user and uniacid=:uniacid and rid=:rid and zhongjiang>=1", array(":from_user" => $from_user, ":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'], ":rid" => $rid)); if (empty($yes)) { pdo_update('stonefish_bigwheel_fans', array('zhongjiang' => 0), array('rid' => $rid, 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'from_user' => $from_user)); } //查询此用户是否还有中奖记录并更新状态 } echo json_encode(array('errno' => 0, 'error' => '选中的中奖数据删除成功!')); exit; }
function activity_module_card_grant($uid, $couponid, $module = '', $remark = '') { global $_W; $uid = intval($uid); $user = mc_fetch($uid, array('groupid')); $groupid = $user['groupid']; $couponid = intval($couponid); $coupon = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('activity_coupon') . " WHERE `couponid` = :couponid LIMIT 1", array(':couponid' => $couponid)); $pcount = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT count(*) FROM " . tablename('activity_coupon_record') . " WHERE `uid` = :uid AND `couponid` = :couponid", array(':couponid' => $couponid, ':uid' => $uid)); $coupongroup = pdo_fetchall("SELECT groupid FROM " . tablename('activity_coupon_allocation') . " WHERE `couponid` = :couponid", array(':couponid' => $couponid), 'groupid'); $group = array_keys($coupongroup); $couponmodules = pdo_fetchall("SELECT module FROM " . tablename('activity_coupon_modules') . " WHERE `couponid` = :couponid", array(':couponid' => $couponid), 'module'); $modules = array_keys($couponmodules); if (empty($coupon)) { return error(-1, '未找到指定优惠券'); } elseif (!in_array($module, $modules)) { return error(-1, '该优惠券只能在特定的模块中领取'); } elseif (empty($coupongroup)) { return error(-1, '该优惠券未指定可使用的会员组'); } elseif (!in_array($groupid, $group)) { return error(-1, '您所在的用户组没有领取该优惠券的权限'); } elseif ($coupon['starttime'] > TIMESTAMP) { return error(-1, '优惠券活动尚未开始'); } elseif ($coupon['endtime'] < TIMESTAMP) { return error(-1, '优惠券活动已经结束'); } elseif ($coupon['dosage'] >= $coupon['amount']) { return error(-1, '优惠券已经发放完毕'); } elseif ($pcount >= $coupon['limit']) { return error(-1, '用户领取优惠券数量已经超过限制'); } $creditnames = array(); $unisettings = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('creditnames')); if (!empty($unisettings) && !empty($unisettings['creditnames'])) { foreach ($unisettings['creditnames'] as $key => $credit) { $creditnames[$key] = $credit['title']; } } $credit = mc_credit_fetch($uid, array($coupon['credittype'])); if ($credit[$coupon['credittype']] < $coupon['credit']) { return error(-1, '您的' . $creditnames[$coupon['credittype']] . '数量不够,无法兑换.'); } mc_credit_update($uid, $coupon['credittype'], -1 * $coupon['credit'], array($uid, '优惠券兑换:' . $coupon['title'] . ' 消耗 ' . $creditnames[$coupon['credittype']] . ':' . $coupon['credit'])); $remark = "通过{$module}模块领取优惠券"; $insert = array('couponid' => $couponid, 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'uid' => $uid, 'grantmodule' => $module, 'granttime' => TIMESTAMP, 'status' => 1, 'remark' => $remark); pdo_insert('activity_coupon_record', $insert); pdo_update('activity_coupon', array('dosage' => $coupon['dosage'] + 1), array('couponid' => $couponid)); return $coupon; }
public function setOrderCredit($orderid, $add = true) { global $_W; $order = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('shopping_order') . " WHERE id = :id limit 1", array(':id' => $orderid)); if (empty($order)) { return false; } $sql = 'SELECT `goodsid`, `total` FROM ' . tablename('shopping_order_goods') . ' WHERE `orderid` = :orderid'; $orderGoods = pdo_fetchall($sql, array(':orderid' => $orderid)); if (!empty($orderGoods)) { $credit = 0.0; $sql = 'SELECT `credit` FROM ' . tablename('shopping_goods') . ' WHERE `id` = :id'; foreach ($orderGoods as $goods) { $goodsCredit = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql, array(':id' => $goods['goodsid'])); $credit += $goodsCredit * floatval($goods['total']); } } //增加积分 if (!empty($credit)) { load()->model('mc'); load()->func(''); $uid = mc_openid2uid($order['from_user']); $fans = fans_search($uid, array("credit1")); if (!empty($fans)) { if (!empty($add)) { mc_credit_update($_W['member']['uid'], 'credit1', $credit, array('0' => $_W['member']['uid'], '购买商品赠送')); } else { mc_credit_update($_W['member']['uid'], 'credit1', 0 - $credit, array('0' => $_W['member']['uid'], '微商城操作')); } } } }
} if ($do == 'post') { $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $token = activity_token_info($id, $_W['uniacid']); if (empty($token)) { message('没有指定的礼品兑换.'); } $credit = mc_credit_fetch($_W['member']['uid'], array($token['credittype'])); if ($credit[$token['credittype']] < $token['credit']) { message('您的' . $creditnames[$token['credittype']] . '数量不够,无法兑换.'); } $ret = activity_token_grant($_W['member']['uid'], $id, 'system', '用户使用' . $token['credit'] . $creditnames[$token['credittype']] . '兑换'); if (is_error($ret)) { message($ret['message']); } mc_credit_update($_W['member']['uid'], $token['credittype'], -1 * $token['credit'], array($_W['member']['uid'], '礼品兑换:' . $token['title'] . ' 消耗 ' . $creditnames[$token['credittype']] . ':' . $token['credit'])); message("兑换成功,您消费了 {$token['credit']} {$creditnames[$token['credittype']]}", url('activity/token/mine')); } if ($do == 'mine') { $psize = 10; $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $params = array(':uid' => $_W['member']['uid']); $filter['used'] = '1'; $type = 1; if ($_GPC['type'] == 'used') { $filter['used'] = '2'; $type = 2; } $total = pdo_fetchall('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename('activity_coupon_record') . ' WHERE uid = :uid AND status = :status GROUP BY couponid', array(':uid' => $_W['member']['uid'], ':status' => $type)); $coupon = activity_token_owned($_W['member']['uid'], $filter, $pindex, $psize); if (!empty($coupon['data'])) {
pdo_insert('nsign_prize', $prize); $unsetrecord = array('continue_sign_days' => $user_newcontinue_sign_days, 'first_sign_days' => $user_newfirst_sign_days, 'total_sign_num' => $user_newtotal_sign_num); pdo_update('nsign_record', $unsetrecord, array('uid' => $uid)); } $tip4 = $credit . '个积分'; $tip = '签到成功,获得' . $tip1 . $tip2 . $tip3 . $tip4; } else { $status = 0; $tip = '签到失败'; } } if (0 < $today_usersigned_num && $today_usersigned_num < $times) { $insert = array('rid' => $rid, 'uid' => $uid, 'username' => $profile['realname'], 'today_rank' => $today_user_rank, 'sign_time' => $now, 'credit' => $credit); pdo_insert('nsign_record', $insert); //$givecredit['credit1'] = $credit + $profile['credit1']; mc_credit_update($uid, 'credit1', $credit); $total_sign_num = $user_allsign_num + 1; $maxtotal_sign_num = $user_maxallsign_num + 1; $update = array('last_sign_time' => $now, 'continue_sign_days' => $user_continue_sign_days, 'maxcontinue_sign_days' => $user_maxcontinue_sign_days, 'total_sign_num' => $total_sign_num, 'maxtotal_sign_num' => $maxtotal_sign_num, 'first_sign_days' => $user_first_sign_days, 'maxfirst_sign_days' => $user_maxfirst_sign_days); pdo_update('nsign_record', $update, array('uid' => $uid)); $user_newsign_info = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('nsign_record') . " WHERE `uid` = :uid ORDER BY sign_time DESC LIMIT 1 ", array(':uid' => $uid)); $user_newcontinue_sign_days = $user_newsign_info['continue_sign_days']; $user_newfirst_sign_days = $user_newsign_info['first_sign_days']; $user_newtotal_sign_num = $user_newsign_info['total_sign_num']; if ($user_newsign_info['id']) { $status = 1; if ($user_newtotal_sign_num == $tsignnum) { $tip = '获得累计签到奖励'; $user_newtotal_sign_num = 0; $type = '累计签到奖'; } else {
function mc_handsel($touid, $fromuid, $handsel, $uniacid = '') { global $_W; $touid = intval($touid); $fromuid = intval($fromuid); if (empty($uniacid)) { $uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; } $touid_exist = mc_fetch($touid, array('uniacid')); if (empty($touid_exist)) { return error(-1, '赠送积分用户不存在'); } if (empty($handsel['module'])) { return error(-1, '没有填写模块名称'); } if (empty($handsel['sign'])) { return error(-1, '没有填写赠送积分对象信息'); } if (empty($handsel['action'])) { return error(-1, '没有填写赠送积分动作'); } $credit_value = intval($handsel['credit_value']); $sql = 'SELECT id FROM ' . tablename('mc_handsel') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND touid = :touid AND fromuid = :fromuid AND module = :module AND sign = :sign AND action = :action'; $parm = array(':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':touid' => $touid, ':fromuid' => $fromuid, ':module' => $handsel['module'], ':sign' => $handsel['sign'], ':action' => $handsel['action']); $handsel_exists = pdo_fetch($sql, $parm); if (!empty($handsel_exists)) { return error(-1, '已经赠送过积分,每个用户只能赠送一次'); } $creditbehaviors = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT creditbehaviors FROM ' . tablename('uni_settings') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid', array(':uniacid' => $uniacid)); $creditbehaviors = iunserializer($creditbehaviors) ? iunserializer($creditbehaviors) : array(); if (empty($creditbehaviors['activity'])) { return error(-1, '公众号没有配置积分行为参数'); } else { $credittype = $creditbehaviors['activity']; } $data = array('uniacid' => $uniacid, 'touid' => $touid, 'fromuid' => $fromuid, 'module' => $handsel['module'], 'sign' => $handsel['sign'], 'action' => $handsel['action'], 'credit_value' => $credit_value, 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP); pdo_insert('mc_handsel', $data); $log = array($fromuid, $handsel['credit_log']); mc_credit_update($touid, $credittype, $credit_value, $log); return true; }
if ($discount_credit < 0) { $discount_credit = 0; } } } if ($member['credit2'] < $discount_credit) { message('余额不足', referer(), 'error'); } if ($card_setting['grant_rate'] > 0) { $credit1 = $discount_credit * $card_setting['grant_rate']; $log_credit1 = array($member['uid'], "使用会员卡消费【{$discount_credit}】元,消费返积分比率:【1:{$card_setting['grant_rate']}】,共赠送积分{$credit1}", 'card', $clerk['id']); mc_credit_update($member['uid'], 'credit1', $credit1, $log_credit1); $discount_str .= ",消费返积分比率:【1:{$card_setting['grant_rate']}】,共赠送积分{$credit1}"; } $log_credit2 = array($member['uid'], "使用会员卡消费【{$credit}】元 {$discount_str},消费门店:{$store_str}", 'card', $clerk['id']); mc_credit_update($member['uid'], 'credit2', -$discount_credit, $log_credit2); mc_notice_credit2($card_member['openid'], $member['uid'], -$discount_credit, $credit1, $store_str); message("消费成功,共扣除余额{$discount_credit}元,赠送{$credit1}积分", url('clerk/check'), 'success'); } if ($card_setting['discount_type'] != 0 && !empty($card_setting['discount'])) { $discount = $card_setting['discount']; if (!empty($discount[$member['groupid']])) { $tips = "该会员所在的会员组: {$_W['account']['groups'][$member['groupid']]['title']} ,可享受满 {$discount[$member['groupid']]['condition']} "; if ($card_setting['discount_type'] == 2) { $tips .= "打 {$discount[$member['groupid']]['discount']} 折"; } else { $tips .= "减 {$discount[$member['groupid']]['discount']} 元"; } $mine_discount = $discount[$member['groupid']]; } }
public function doMobileCheckprize() { global $_W, $_GPC; if (empty($_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"]) || strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"]) != "xmlhttprequest") { exit('非法访问'); } load()->model('activity'); $id = $_GPC['id']; $reply = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_reply) . " WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $id)); if (!empty($reply)) { if (empty($_W['fans']['from_user'])) { //防止错误提交的数据 $errorCode = 10999; } else { $from_user = $_W['fans']['from_user']; $fans = pdo_fetch("SELECT fanid,uid FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " WHERE `openid`='{$from_user}' LIMIT 1"); $uid = '0'; if ($fans['uid'] != '0') { $uid = $fans['uid']; } else { $uid = mc_update($uid, array('email' => md5($from_user) . '')); if (!empty($fans['fanid']) && !empty($uid)) { pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', array('uid' => $uid), array('fanid' => $fans['fanid'])); } } $profile = mc_fetch($uid); $awardnum = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename($this->table_award) . " WHERE reply_id = '{$id}' AND uid = '{$uid}'"); $awardfans = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_fans) . " WHERE reply_id = '{$id}' AND uid = '{$uid}'"); $t = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", time()), date("d", time()), date("y", time())); if (empty($awardfans)) { $data1 = array('reply_id' => $id, 'from_user' => $from_user, 'uid' => $uid, 'todaynum' => '0', 'totalnum' => '0', 'awardnum' => '0', 'last_time' => time(), 'createtime' => time()); pdo_insert($this->table_fans, $data1); } elseif ($awardfans['last_time'] < $t) { $data2 = array('todaynum' => '0', 'last_time' => time()); pdo_update($this->table_fans, $data2, array('id' => $awardfans['id'])); } if (time() <= $reply['starttime'] || time() >= $reply['endtime'] || $reply['status'] == 0) { $errorCode = 1; } elseif ($reply['status'] == 2) { $errorCode = 1; } elseif ($reply['groupid'] != 0 && $reply['groupid'] != $profile['groupid']) { $errorCode = 1; } elseif ($reply['need_num'] > $profile[$reply['need_type']]) { $errorCode = 1; } elseif ($awardnum >= $reply['awardnum']) { $errorCode = 1; } elseif ($awardfans['totalnum'] >= $reply['playnum']) { $errorCode = 1; } elseif ($awardfans['todaynum'] >= $reply['dayplaynum']) { $errorCode = 1; } else { mc_credit_update($uid, $reply['need_type'], '-' . $reply['need_num'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 消耗 ' . $this->getcreditname($reply['need_type']) . ':' . $reply['need_num'])); $data3 = array('todaynum' => $awardfans['todaynum'] + 1, 'totalnum' => $awardfans['totalnum'] + 1, 'last_time' => time()); pdo_update($this->table_fans, $data3, array('id' => $awardfans['id'])); /*中奖部分代码开始*/ $rate = $reply['rate']; $prizes = iunserializer($reply['prizes']); $p_num = $prizes['p1_num'] + $prizes['p2_num'] + $prizes['p3_num'] + $prizes['p4_num']; empty($p_num) && ($p_num = 1); $arr['p1'] = round(100 * $rate * $prizes['p1_num'] / $p_num); $arr['p2'] = round(100 * $rate * $prizes['p2_num'] / $p_num); $arr['p3'] = round(100 * $rate * $prizes['p3_num'] / $p_num); $arr['p4'] = round(100 * $rate * $prizes['p4_num'] / $p_num); $arr['p5'] = 10000 - $arr['p1'] - $arr['p2'] - $arr['p3'] - $arr['p4']; if ($awardnum >= $p_num) { $result = 'p5'; } else { $result = $this->get_rand($arr); //返回结果为键值p1,p2,p3,p4 } /*中奖部分代码结束*/ if ($result == 'p5') { if ($reply['give_num'] != 0) { mc_credit_update($uid, $reply['give_type'], $reply['give_num'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 未中奖赠送 ' . $this->getcreditname($reply['give_type']) . ':' . $reply['give_num'])); } } else { if ($reply['give_num'] != 0 && $reply['onlynone'] != 1) { $give_point = $reply['give_num']; $give_name = $this->getcreditname($reply['give_type']); mc_credit_update($uid, $reply['give_type'], $reply['give_num'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 未中奖赠送 ' . $this->getcreditname($reply['give_type']) . ':' . $reply['give_num'])); } $errorCode = 0; if ($result == 'p1') { if ($prizes['p1_type'] != 2 && $prizes['p1_type'] != 3 && $prizes['p1_type'] != 4) { //积分类奖品 $point = $prizes['p1_score']; $point_name = $this->getcreditname($prizes['p1_type']); mc_credit_update($uid, $prizes['p1_type'], $point, array('1', '幸运大抽奖 中奖获得 ' . $this->getcreditname($prizes['p1_type']) . ':' . $point)); $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=mc&a=bond&do=credits&credittype=' . $prizes['p1_type']; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => $this->getcreditname($prizes['p1_type']) . ':' . $point, 'prizetype' => $prizes['p1_type'], 'level' => '1', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); } elseif ($prizes['p1_type'] == 2) { //非积分类奖品:折扣券 $point = 0; $couponid = $prizes['p1_score']; $coupon = activity_coupon_info($couponid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_coupon_grant($uid, $couponid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($coupon['credittype']) . ':' . $coupon['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $coupon['credittype'], $coupon['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($coupon['credittype']) . ':' . $coupon['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=coupon&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $coupon['title'], 'prizetype' => 'coupon', 'level' => '1', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '折扣券'; $type = '折扣券'; $value = 1; } elseif ($prizes['p1_type'] == 3) { //非积分类奖品:代金券 $point = 0; $tokenid = $prizes['p1_score']; $token = activity_token_info($tokenid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_token_grant($uid, $tokenid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($token['credittype']) . ':' . $token['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $token['credittype'], $token['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($token['credittype']) . ':' . $token['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=token&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $token['title'], 'prizetype' => 'token', 'level' => '1', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '代金券'; $type = '代金券'; $value = 1; } elseif ($prizes['p1_type'] == 4) { //非积分类奖品:真实物品 $point = 0; $goodsid = $prizes['p1_score']; $goods = activity_exchange_info($goodsid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_goods_grant($uid, $goodsid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($goods['credittype']) . ':' . $goods['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $goods['credittype'], $goods['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($goods['credittype']) . ':' . $goods['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=goods&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $goods['title'], 'prizetype' => 'goods', 'level' => '1', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '真实物品券'; $type = '真实物品券'; $value = 1; } $award = array('title' => $title, 'value' => $value, 'type' => $type, 'remsg' => $remsg, 'point' => $point, 'point_name' => $point_name, 'give_point' => $give_point, 'give_name' => $give_name, 'level' => '1', 'detail_url' => $detail_url); } elseif ($result == 'p2') { if ($prizes['p2_type'] != 2 && $prizes['p2_type'] != 3 && $prizes['p2_type'] != 4) { //积分类奖品 $point = $prizes['p2_score']; $point_name = $this->getcreditname($prizes['p2_type']); mc_credit_update($uid, $prizes['p2_type'], $point, array('1', '幸运大抽奖 中奖获得 ' . $this->getcreditname($prizes['p2_type']) . ':' . $point)); $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=mc&a=bond&do=credits&credittype=' . $prizes['p2_type']; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => $this->getcreditname($prizes['p2_type']) . ':' . $point, 'prizetype' => $prizes['p2_type'], 'level' => '2', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); } elseif ($prizes['p2_type'] == 2) { //非积分类奖品:折扣券 $point = 0; $couponid = $prizes['p2_score']; $coupon = activity_coupon_info($couponid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_coupon_grant($uid, $couponid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($coupon['credittype']) . ':' . $coupon['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $coupon['credittype'], $coupon['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($coupon['credittype']) . ':' . $coupon['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=coupon&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $coupon['title'], 'prizetype' => 'coupon', 'level' => '2', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '折扣券'; $type = '折扣券'; $value = 1; } elseif ($prizes['p2_type'] == 3) { //非积分类奖品:代金券 $point = 0; $tokenid = $prizes['p2_score']; $token = activity_token_info($tokenid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_token_grant($uid, $tokenid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($token['credittype']) . ':' . $token['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $token['credittype'], $token['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($token['credittype']) . ':' . $token['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=token&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $token['title'], 'prizetype' => 'token', 'level' => '2', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '代金券'; $type = '代金券'; $value = 1; } elseif ($prizes['p2_type'] == 4) { //非积分类奖品:真实物品 $point = 0; $goodsid = $prizes['p2_score']; $goods = activity_exchange_info($goodsid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_goods_grant($uid, $goodsid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($goods['credittype']) . ':' . $goods['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $goods['credittype'], $goods['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($goods['credittype']) . ':' . $goods['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=goods&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $goods['title'], 'prizetype' => 'goods', 'level' => '2', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '真实物品券'; $type = '真实物品券'; $value = 1; } $award = array('title' => $title, 'value' => $value, 'type' => $type, 'remsg' => $remsg, 'point' => $point, 'point_name' => $point_name, 'give_point' => $give_point, 'give_name' => $give_name, 'level' => '2', 'detail_url' => $detail_url); } elseif ($result == 'p3') { if ($prizes['p3_type'] != 2 && $prizes['p3_type'] != 3 && $prizes['p3_type'] != 4) { //积分类奖品 $point = $prizes['p3_score']; $point_name = $this->getcreditname($prizes['p3_type']); mc_credit_update($uid, $prizes['p3_type'], $point, array('1', '幸运大抽奖 中奖获得 ' . $this->getcreditname($prizes['p3_type']) . ':' . $point)); $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=mc&a=bond&do=credits&credittype=' . $prizes['p3_type']; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => $this->getcreditname($prizes['p3_type']) . ':' . $point, 'prizetype' => $prizes['p3_type'], 'level' => '3', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); } elseif ($prizes['p3_type'] == 2) { //非积分类奖品:折扣券 $point = 0; $couponid = $prizes['p3_score']; $coupon = activity_coupon_info($couponid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_coupon_grant($uid, $couponid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($coupon['credittype']) . ':' . $coupon['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $coupon['credittype'], $coupon['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($coupon['credittype']) . ':' . $coupon['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=coupon&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $coupon['title'], 'prizetype' => 'coupon', 'level' => '3', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '折扣券'; $type = '折扣券'; $value = 1; } elseif ($prizes['p3_type'] == 3) { //非积分类奖品:代金券 $point = 0; $tokenid = $prizes['p3_score']; $token = activity_token_info($tokenid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_token_grant($uid, $tokenid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($token['credittype']) . ':' . $token['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $token['credittype'], $token['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($token['credittype']) . ':' . $token['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=token&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $token['title'], 'prizetype' => 'token', 'level' => '3', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '代金券'; $type = '代金券'; $value = 1; } elseif ($prizes['p3_type'] == 4) { //非积分类奖品:真实物品 $point = 0; $goodsid = $prizes['p3_score']; $goods = activity_exchange_info($goodsid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_goods_grant($uid, $goodsid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($goods['credittype']) . ':' . $goods['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $goods['credittype'], $goods['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($goods['credittype']) . ':' . $goods['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=goods&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $goods['title'], 'prizetype' => 'goods', 'level' => '3', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '真实物品券'; $type = '真实物品券'; $value = 1; } $award = array('title' => $title, 'value' => $value, 'type' => $type, 'remsg' => $remsg, 'point' => $point, 'point_name' => $point_name, 'give_point' => $give_point, 'give_name' => $give_name, 'level' => '3', 'detail_url' => $detail_url); } elseif ($result == 'p4') { if ($prizes['p4_type'] != 2 && $prizes['p4_type'] != 3 && $prizes['p4_type'] != 4) { //积分类奖品 $point = $prizes['p4_score']; $point_name = $this->getcreditname($prizes['p4_type']); mc_credit_update($uid, $prizes['p4_type'], $point, array('1', '幸运大抽奖 中奖获得 ' . $this->getcreditname($prizes['p4_type']) . ':' . $point)); $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=mc&a=bond&do=credits&credittype=' . $prizes['p4_type']; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => $this->getcreditname($prizes['p4_type']) . ':' . $point, 'prizetype' => $prizes['p4_type'], 'level' => '4', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); } elseif ($prizes['p4_type'] == 2) { //非积分类奖品:折扣券 $point = 0; $couponid = $prizes['p4_score']; $coupon = activity_coupon_info($couponid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_coupon_grant($uid, $couponid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($coupon['credittype']) . ':' . $coupon['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $coupon['credittype'], $coupon['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($coupon['credittype']) . ':' . $coupon['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=coupon&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $coupon['title'], 'prizetype' => 'coupon', 'level' => '4', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '折扣券'; $type = '折扣券'; $value = 1; } elseif ($prizes['p4_type'] == 3) { //非积分类奖品:代金券 $point = 0; $tokenid = $prizes['p4_score']; $token = activity_token_info($tokenid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_token_grant($uid, $tokenid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($token['credittype']) . ':' . $token['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $token['credittype'], $token['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($token['credittype']) . ':' . $token['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=token&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $token['title'], 'prizetype' => 'token', 'level' => '4', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '代金券'; $type = '代金券'; $value = 1; } elseif ($prizes['p4_type'] == 4) { //非积分类奖品:真实物品 $point = 0; $goodsid = $prizes['p4_score']; $goods = activity_exchange_info($goodsid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_goods_grant($uid, $goodsid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($goods['credittype']) . ':' . $goods['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $goods['credittype'], $goods['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($goods['credittype']) . ':' . $goods['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=goods&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $goods['title'], 'prizetype' => 'goods', 'level' => '4', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '真实物品券'; $type = '真实物品券'; $value = 1; } $award = array('title' => $title, 'value' => $value, 'type' => $type, 'remsg' => !empty($remsg) ? $remsg : ' ', 'point' => $point, 'point_name' => $point_name, 'give_point' => $give_point, 'give_name' => $give_name, 'level' => '4', 'detail_url' => $detail_url); } pdo_insert($this->table_award, $awarddata); pdo_update($this->table_fans, array('awardnum' => $awardfans['awardnum'] + 1), array('id' => $awardfans['id'])); } } } } $data['code'] = $errorCode; $data['msg'] = $errorMsg; $data['data'] = $award; echo json_encode($data); }
public function setOrderCredit($orderid, $add = true) { $order = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->modulename . '_order') . " WHERE id=:id LIMIT 1", array(':id' => $orderid)); if (empty($order)) { return false; } $ordergoods = pdo_fetchall("SELECT goodsid, total FROM " . tablename($this->modulename . '_order_goods') . " WHERE orderid = '{$orderid}'", array(), 'goodsid'); if (!empty($ordergoods)) { $goods = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->modulename . '_goods') . " WHERE id IN ('" . implode("','", array_keys($ordergoods)) . "')"); } //增加积分 if (!empty($goods)) { $credits = 0; foreach ($goods as $g) { $credits += $g['credit'] * $g['total']; } load()->model('mc'); load()->func(''); $uid = mc_openid2uid($order['from_user']); $fans = fans_search($uid, array("credit1")); if (!empty($fans)) { // if ($add) { // $new_credit = $credits + $fans['credit1']; // } else { // $new_credit = $fans['credit1'] - $credits; // if ($new_credit <= 0) { // $new_credit = 0; // } // } $uid = intval($fans['uid']); $remark = $add == true ? '微点餐积分奖励 订单ID:' . $orderid : '微点餐积分扣除 订单ID:' . $orderid; $log = array(); $log[0] = $uid; $log[1] = $remark; mc_credit_update($uid, 'credit1', $credits, $log); //pdo_update('mc_members', array("credit1" => $new_credit), array('uid' => $uid)); } } return true; }