$prefixes = array('f_', 'a_', 'm_', 'u_');
foreach ($prefixes as $prefix) {
    $var = $prefix . 'permissions';
    if (sizeof(${$var})) {
        foreach (${$var} as $auth_option => $l_ary) {
            $sql_ary = array('auth_option' => $auth_option, 'is_local' => $l_ary[0], 'is_global' => $l_ary[1]);
            $db->sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', $sql_ary));
            echo "<p><b>Adding {$auth_option}...</b></p>\n";
            mass_auth('group', 0, 'guests', $auth_option, ACL_NEVER);
            mass_auth('group', 0, 'inactive', $auth_option, ACL_NEVER);
            mass_auth('group', 0, 'inactive_coppa', $auth_option, ACL_NEVER);
            mass_auth('group', 0, 'registered_coppa', $auth_option, ACL_NEVER);
            mass_auth('group', 0, 'registered', $auth_option, $prefix != 'm_' && $prefix != 'a_' ? ACL_YES : ACL_NEVER);
            mass_auth('group', 0, 'global_moderators', $auth_option, $prefix != 'a_' ? ACL_YES : ACL_NEVER);
            mass_auth('group', 0, 'administrators', $auth_option, ACL_YES);
            mass_auth('group', 0, 'bots', $auth_option, $prefix != 'm_' && $prefix != 'a_' ? ACL_YES : ACL_NEVER);
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . " SET user_permissions = ''";
echo "<p><b>Done</b></p>\n";
	$ug_type = user|group
	$forum_id = forum ids (array|int|0) -> 0 == all forums
	$ug_id = [int] user_id|group_id : [string] usergroup name
	$acl_list = [string] acl entry : [array] acl entries
function mass_auth($ug_type, $forum_id, $ug_id, $acl_list, $setting)
* Convert authentication
* user, group and forum table has to be filled in order to work
function phpbb_convert_authentication($mode)
	global $db, $src_db, $same_db, $convert, $user, $config, $cache;

	if ($mode == 'start')
		$db->sql_query($convert->truncate_statement . ACL_USERS_TABLE);
		$db->sql_query($convert->truncate_statement . ACL_GROUPS_TABLE);

		// What we will do is handling all 2.0.x admins as founder to replicate what is common in 2.0.x.
		// After conversion the main admin need to make sure he is removing permissions and the founder status if wanted.

		// Grab user ids of users with user_level of ADMIN
		$sql = "SELECT user_id
			FROM {$convert->src_table_prefix}users
			WHERE user_level = 1
			ORDER BY user_regdate ASC";
		$result = $src_db->sql_query($sql);

		while ($row = $src_db->sql_fetchrow($result))
			$user_id = (int) phpbb_user_id($row['user_id']);
			// Set founder admin...
			$sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . '
				SET user_type = ' . USER_FOUNDER . "
				WHERE user_id = $user_id";

		$sql = 'SELECT group_id
			WHERE group_name = '" . $db->sql_escape('BOTS') . "'";
		$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
		$bot_group_id = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('group_id');

	// Grab forum auth information
	$sql = "SELECT *
		FROM {$convert->src_table_prefix}forums";
	$result = $src_db->sql_query($sql);

	$forum_access = array();
	while ($row = $src_db->sql_fetchrow($result))
		$forum_access[$row['forum_id']] = $row;

	if ($convert->mysql_convert && $same_db)
		$src_db->sql_query("SET NAMES 'binary'");
	// Grab user auth information from 2.0.x board
	$sql = "SELECT ug.user_id, aa.*
		FROM {$convert->src_table_prefix}auth_access aa, {$convert->src_table_prefix}user_group ug, {$convert->src_table_prefix}groups g, {$convert->src_table_prefix}forums f
		WHERE g.group_id = aa.group_id
			AND g.group_single_user = 1
			AND ug.group_id = g.group_id
			AND f.forum_id = aa.forum_id";
	$result = $src_db->sql_query($sql);

	$user_access = array();
	while ($row = $src_db->sql_fetchrow($result))
		$user_access[$row['forum_id']][] = $row;

	// Grab group auth information
	$sql = "SELECT g.group_id, aa.*
		FROM {$convert->src_table_prefix}auth_access aa, {$convert->src_table_prefix}groups g
		WHERE g.group_id = aa.group_id
			AND g.group_single_user <> 1";
	$result = $src_db->sql_query($sql);

	$group_access = array();
	while ($row = $src_db->sql_fetchrow($result))
		$group_access[$row['forum_id']][] = $row;

	if ($convert->mysql_convert && $same_db)
		$src_db->sql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");

	// Add Forum Access List
	$auth_map = array(
		'auth_view'			=> array('f_', 'f_list'),
		'auth_read'			=> array('f_read', 'f_search'),
		'auth_post'			=> array('f_post', 'f_bbcode', 'f_smilies', 'f_img', 'f_sigs', 'f_postcount', 'f_report', 'f_subscribe', 'f_print', 'f_email'),
		'auth_reply'		=> 'f_reply',
		'auth_edit'			=> 'f_edit',
		'auth_delete'		=> 'f_delete',
		'auth_pollcreate'	=> 'f_poll',
		'auth_vote'			=> 'f_vote',
		'auth_announce'		=> 'f_announce',
		'auth_sticky'		=> 'f_sticky',
		'auth_attachments'	=> array('f_attach', 'f_download'),
		'auth_download'		=> 'f_download',

	// Define the ACL constants used in 2.0 to make the code slightly more readable
	define('AUTH_ALL', 0);
	define('AUTH_REG', 1);
	define('AUTH_ACL', 2);
	define('AUTH_MOD', 3);
	define('AUTH_ADMIN', 5);

	// A mapping of the simple permissions used by 2.0
	$simple_auth_ary = array(
		'public'			=> array(
			'auth_view'			=> AUTH_ALL,
			'auth_read'			=> AUTH_ALL,
			'auth_post'			=> AUTH_ALL,
			'auth_reply'		=> AUTH_ALL,
			'auth_edit'			=> AUTH_REG,
			'auth_delete'		=> AUTH_REG,
			'auth_sticky'		=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_announce'		=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_vote'			=> AUTH_REG,
			'auth_pollcreate'	=> AUTH_REG,
		'registered'		=> array(
			'auth_view'			=> AUTH_ALL,
			'auth_read'			=> AUTH_ALL,
			'auth_post'			=> AUTH_REG,
			'auth_reply'		=> AUTH_REG,
			'auth_edit'			=> AUTH_REG,
			'auth_delete'		=> AUTH_REG,
			'auth_sticky'		=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_announce'		=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_vote'			=> AUTH_REG,
			'auth_pollcreate'	=> AUTH_REG,
		'registered_hidden'	=> array(
			'auth_view'			=> AUTH_REG,
			'auth_read'			=> AUTH_REG,
			'auth_post'			=> AUTH_REG,
			'auth_reply'		=> AUTH_REG,
			'auth_edit'			=> AUTH_REG,
			'auth_delete'		=> AUTH_REG,
			'auth_sticky'		=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_announce'		=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_vote'			=> AUTH_REG,
			'auth_pollcreate'	=> AUTH_REG,
		'private'			=> array(
			'auth_view'			=> AUTH_ALL,
			'auth_read'			=> AUTH_ACL,
			'auth_post'			=> AUTH_ACL,
			'auth_reply'		=> AUTH_ACL,
			'auth_edit'			=> AUTH_ACL,
			'auth_delete'		=> AUTH_ACL,
			'auth_sticky'		=> AUTH_ACL,
			'auth_announce'		=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_vote'			=> AUTH_ACL,
			'auth_pollcreate'	=> AUTH_ACL,
		'private_hidden'	=> array(
			'auth_view'			=> AUTH_ACL,
			'auth_read'			=> AUTH_ACL,
			'auth_post'			=> AUTH_ACL,
			'auth_reply'		=> AUTH_ACL,
			'auth_edit'			=> AUTH_ACL,
			'auth_delete'		=> AUTH_ACL,
			'auth_sticky'		=> AUTH_ACL,
			'auth_announce'		=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_vote'			=> AUTH_ACL,
			'auth_pollcreate'	=> AUTH_ACL,
		'moderator'			=> array(
			'auth_view'			=> AUTH_ALL,
			'auth_read'			=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_post'			=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_reply'		=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_edit'			=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_delete'		=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_sticky'		=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_announce'		=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_vote'			=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_pollcreate'	=> AUTH_MOD,
		'moderator_hidden'	=> array(
			'auth_view'			=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_read'			=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_post'			=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_reply'		=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_edit'			=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_delete'		=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_sticky'		=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_announce'		=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_vote'			=> AUTH_MOD,
			'auth_pollcreate'	=> AUTH_MOD,

	if ($mode == 'start')
		user_group_auth('guests', 'SELECT user_id, {GUESTS} FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id = ' . ANONYMOUS, false);
		user_group_auth('registered', 'SELECT user_id, {REGISTERED} FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id <> ' . ANONYMOUS . " AND group_id <> $bot_group_id", false);

		// Selecting from old table
		if (!empty($config['increment_user_id']))
			$auth_sql = 'SELECT user_id, {ADMINISTRATORS} FROM ' . $convert->src_table_prefix . 'users WHERE user_level = 1 AND user_id <> 1';
			user_group_auth('administrators', $auth_sql, true);

			$auth_sql = 'SELECT ' . $config['increment_user_id'] . ' as user_id, {ADMINISTRATORS} FROM ' . $convert->src_table_prefix . 'users WHERE user_level = 1 AND user_id = 1';
			user_group_auth('administrators', $auth_sql, true);
			$auth_sql = 'SELECT user_id, {ADMINISTRATORS} FROM ' . $convert->src_table_prefix . 'users WHERE user_level = 1';
			user_group_auth('administrators', $auth_sql, true);

		if (!empty($config['increment_user_id']))
			$auth_sql = 'SELECT user_id, {GLOBAL_MODERATORS} FROM ' . $convert->src_table_prefix . 'users WHERE user_level = 1 AND user_id <> 1';
			user_group_auth('global_moderators', $auth_sql, true);

			$auth_sql = 'SELECT ' . $config['increment_user_id'] . ' as user_id, {GLOBAL_MODERATORS} FROM ' . $convert->src_table_prefix . 'users WHERE user_level = 1 AND user_id = 1';
			user_group_auth('global_moderators', $auth_sql, true);
			$auth_sql = 'SELECT user_id, {GLOBAL_MODERATORS} FROM ' . $convert->src_table_prefix . 'users WHERE user_level = 1';
			user_group_auth('global_moderators', $auth_sql, true);
	else if ($mode == 'first')
		// Go through all 2.0.x forums
		foreach ($forum_access as $forum)
			$new_forum_id = (int) $forum['forum_id'];

			// Administrators have full access to all forums whatever happens
			mass_auth('group_role', $new_forum_id, 'administrators', 'FORUM_FULL');

			$matched_type = '';
			foreach ($simple_auth_ary as $key => $auth_levels)
				$matched = 1;
				foreach ($auth_levels as $k => $level)
					if ($forum[$k] != $auth_levels[$k])
						$matched = 0;

				if ($matched)
					$matched_type = $key;

			switch ($matched_type)
				case 'public':
					mass_auth('group_role', $new_forum_id, 'guests', 'FORUM_LIMITED');
					mass_auth('group_role', $new_forum_id, 'registered', 'FORUM_LIMITED_POLLS');
					mass_auth('group_role', $new_forum_id, 'bots', 'FORUM_BOT');

				case 'registered':
					mass_auth('group_role', $new_forum_id, 'guests', 'FORUM_READONLY');
					mass_auth('group_role', $new_forum_id, 'bots', 'FORUM_BOT');

				// no break;

				case 'registered_hidden':
					mass_auth('group_role', $new_forum_id, 'registered', 'FORUM_POLLS');

				case 'private':
				case 'private_hidden':
				case 'moderator':
				case 'moderator_hidden':
					// The permissions don't match a simple set, so we're going to have to map them directly

					// No post approval for all, in 2.0.x this feature does not exist
					mass_auth('group', $new_forum_id, 'guests', 'f_noapprove', ACL_YES);
					mass_auth('group', $new_forum_id, 'registered', 'f_noapprove', ACL_YES);

					// Go through authentication map
					foreach ($auth_map as $old_auth_key => $new_acl)
						// If old authentication key does not exist we continue
						// This is helpful for mods adding additional authentication fields, we need to add them to the auth_map array
						if (!isset($forum[$old_auth_key]))

						// Now set the new ACL correctly
						switch ($forum[$old_auth_key])
							// AUTH_ALL
							case AUTH_ALL:
								mass_auth('group', $new_forum_id, 'guests', $new_acl, ACL_YES);
								mass_auth('group', $new_forum_id, 'bots', $new_acl, ACL_YES);
								mass_auth('group', $new_forum_id, 'registered', $new_acl, ACL_YES);

							// AUTH_REG
							case AUTH_REG:
								mass_auth('group', $new_forum_id, 'registered', $new_acl, ACL_YES);

							// AUTH_ACL
							case AUTH_ACL:
								// Go through the old group access list for this forum
								if (isset($group_access[$forum['forum_id']]))
									foreach ($group_access[$forum['forum_id']] as $index => $access)
										// We only check for ACL_YES equivalence entry
										if (isset($access[$old_auth_key]) && $access[$old_auth_key] == 1)
											mass_auth('group', $new_forum_id, (int) $access['group_id'], $new_acl, ACL_YES);

								if (isset($user_access[$forum['forum_id']]))
									foreach ($user_access[$forum['forum_id']] as $index => $access)
										// We only check for ACL_YES equivalence entry
										if (isset($access[$old_auth_key]) && $access[$old_auth_key] == 1)
											mass_auth('user', $new_forum_id, (int) phpbb_user_id($access['user_id']), $new_acl, ACL_YES);

							// AUTH_MOD
							case AUTH_MOD:
								if (isset($group_access[$forum['forum_id']]))
									foreach ($group_access[$forum['forum_id']] as $index => $access)
										// We only check for ACL_YES equivalence entry
										if (isset($access[$old_auth_key]) && $access[$old_auth_key] == 1)
											mass_auth('group', $new_forum_id, (int) $access['group_id'], $new_acl, ACL_YES);

								if (isset($user_access[$forum['forum_id']]))
									foreach ($user_access[$forum['forum_id']] as $index => $access)
										// We only check for ACL_YES equivalence entry
										if (isset($access[$old_auth_key]) && $access[$old_auth_key] == 1)
											mass_auth('user', $new_forum_id, (int) phpbb_user_id($access['user_id']), $new_acl, ACL_YES);
	else if ($mode == 'second')
		// Assign permission roles and other default permissions

		// guests having u_download and u_search ability
		$db->sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . ACL_GROUPS_TABLE . ' (group_id, forum_id, auth_option_id, auth_role_id, auth_setting) SELECT ' . get_group_id('guests') . ', 0, auth_option_id, 0, 1 FROM ' . ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE auth_option IN ('u_', 'u_download', 'u_search')");

		// administrators/global mods having full user features
		mass_auth('group_role', 0, 'administrators', 'USER_FULL');
		mass_auth('group_role', 0, 'global_moderators', 'USER_FULL');

		// By default all converted administrators are given full access
		mass_auth('group_role', 0, 'administrators', 'ADMIN_FULL');

		// All registered users are assigned the standard user role
		mass_auth('group_role', 0, 'registered', 'USER_STANDARD');
		mass_auth('group_role', 0, 'registered_coppa', 'USER_STANDARD');

		// Instead of administrators being global moderators we give the MOD_FULL role to global mods (admins already assigned to this group)
		mass_auth('group_role', 0, 'global_moderators', 'MOD_FULL');

		// And now those who have had their avatar rights removed get assigned a more restrictive role
		$sql = 'SELECT user_id FROM ' . $convert->src_table_prefix . 'users
			WHERE user_allowavatar = 0
				AND user_id > 0';
		$result = $src_db->sql_query($sql);

		while ($row = $src_db->sql_fetchrow($result))
			mass_auth('user_role', 0, (int) phpbb_user_id($row['user_id']), 'USER_NOAVATAR');

		// And the same for those who have had their PM rights removed
		$sql = 'SELECT user_id FROM ' . $convert->src_table_prefix . 'users
			WHERE user_allow_pm = 0
				AND user_id > 0';
		$result = $src_db->sql_query($sql);

		while ($row = $src_db->sql_fetchrow($result))
			mass_auth('user_role', 0, (int) phpbb_user_id($row['user_id']), 'USER_NOPM');
	else if ($mode == 'third')
		// And now the moderators
		// We make sure that they have at least standard access to the forums they moderate in addition to the moderating permissions
		$mod_post_map = array(
			'auth_announce'		=> 'f_announce',
			'auth_sticky'		=> 'f_sticky'
		foreach ($user_access as $forum_id => $access_map)
			$forum_id = (int) $forum_id;

			foreach ($access_map as $access)
				if (isset($access['auth_mod']) && $access['auth_mod'] == 1)
					mass_auth('user_role', $forum_id, (int) phpbb_user_id($access['user_id']), 'MOD_STANDARD');
					mass_auth('user_role', $forum_id, (int) phpbb_user_id($access['user_id']), 'FORUM_STANDARD');
					foreach ($mod_post_map as $old => $new)
						if (isset($forum_access[$forum_id]) && isset($forum_access[$forum_id][$old]) && $forum_access[$forum_id][$old] == AUTH_MOD)
							mass_auth('user', $forum_id, (int) phpbb_user_id($access['user_id']), $new, ACL_YES);

		foreach ($group_access as $forum_id => $access_map)
			$forum_id = (int) $forum_id;

			foreach ($access_map as $access)
				if (isset($access['auth_mod']) && $access['auth_mod'] == 1)
					mass_auth('group_role', $forum_id, (int) $access['group_id'], 'MOD_STANDARD');
					mass_auth('group_role', $forum_id, (int) $access['group_id'], 'FORUM_STANDARD');
					foreach ($mod_post_map as $old => $new)
						if (isset($forum_access[$forum_id]) && isset($forum_access[$forum_id][$old]) && $forum_access[$forum_id][$old] == AUTH_MOD)
							mass_auth('group', $forum_id, (int) $access['group_id'], $new, ACL_YES);

		// We grant everyone readonly access to the categories to ensure that the forums are visible
		$sql = 'SELECT forum_id, forum_name, parent_id, left_id, right_id
			ORDER BY left_id ASC';
		$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

		$parent_forums = $forums = array();
		while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
			if ($row['parent_id'] == 0)
				mass_auth('group_role', $row['forum_id'], 'administrators', 'FORUM_FULL');
				mass_auth('group_role', $row['forum_id'], 'global_moderators', 'FORUM_FULL');
				$parent_forums[] = $row;
				$forums[] = $row;

		global $auth;

		// Let us see which groups have access to these forums...
		foreach ($parent_forums as $row)
			// Get the children
			$branch = $forum_ids = array();

			foreach ($forums as $key => $_row)
				if ($_row['left_id'] > $row['left_id'] && $_row['left_id'] < $row['right_id'])
					$branch[] = $_row;
					$forum_ids[] = $_row['forum_id'];

			if (sizeof($forum_ids))
				// Now make sure the user is able to read these forums
				$hold_ary = $auth->acl_group_raw_data(false, 'f_list', $forum_ids);

				if (empty($hold_ary))

				foreach ($hold_ary as $g_id => $f_id_ary)
					$set_group = false;

					foreach ($f_id_ary as $f_id => $auth_ary)
						foreach ($auth_ary as $auth_option => $setting)
							if ($setting == ACL_YES)
								$set_group = true;
								break 2;

					if ($set_group)
						mass_auth('group', $row['forum_id'], $g_id, 'f_list', ACL_YES);
* Convert authentication
* user, group and forum table has to be filled in order to work
function phpbb_convert_authentication($mode)
	global $db, $src_db, $same_db, $convert, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;

	if ($mode == 'start')
		$db->sql_query($convert->truncate_statement . ACL_USERS_TABLE);
		$db->sql_query($convert->truncate_statement . ACL_GROUPS_TABLE);

		// Grab users with admin permissions
		$sql = "SELECT uid, permissions
			FROM {$convert->src_table_prefix}adminoptions
			WHERE uid >= 1";
		$result = $src_db->sql_query($sql);
		$admins = $founders = array();

		while ($row = $src_db->sql_fetchrow($result))
			$user_id = (int) phpbb_user_id($row['uid']);
			$permissions = unserialize($row['permissions']);
			$admins[] = $user_id;

			if ($permissions['user']['admin_permissions'])
				$founders[] = $user_id;

		// We'll set the users that can manage admin permissions as founders.
		$sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . '
			SET user_type = ' . USER_FOUNDER . "
			WHERE " . $db->sql_in_set('user_id', $founders);

		$bot_group_id = get_group_id('bots');

		user_group_auth('guests', 'SELECT user_id, {GUESTS} FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id = ' . ANONYMOUS, false);
		user_group_auth('registered', 'SELECT user_id, {REGISTERED} FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id <> ' . ANONYMOUS . " AND group_id <> $bot_group_id", false);

		$auth_sql = 'SELECT user_id, {ADMINISTRATORS} FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('user_id', $admins);
		user_group_auth('administrators', $auth_sql, false);

		$auth_sql = 'SELECT user_id, {GLOBAL_MODERATORS} FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('user_id', $admins);
		user_group_auth('global_moderators', $auth_sql, false);

		if (!function_exists('group_set_user_default'))
			include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_user.' . $phpEx);

		// Set the admin group as their default group.
		group_set_user_default(get_group_id('administrators'), $admins);
	else if ($mode == 'first')
		// Assign permission roles and other default permissions

		// guests having u_download and u_search ability
		$db->sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . ACL_GROUPS_TABLE . ' (group_id, forum_id, auth_option_id, auth_role_id, auth_setting) SELECT ' . get_group_id('guests') . ', 0, auth_option_id, 0, 1 FROM ' . ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE auth_option IN ('u_', 'u_download', 'u_search')");

		// administrators/global mods having full user features
		mass_auth('group_role', 0, 'administrators', 'USER_FULL');
		mass_auth('group_role', 0, 'global_moderators', 'USER_FULL');

		// By default all converted administrators are given full access
		mass_auth('group_role', 0, 'administrators', 'ADMIN_FULL');

		// All registered users are assigned the standard user role
		mass_auth('group_role', 0, 'registered', 'USER_STANDARD');
		mass_auth('group_role', 0, 'registered_coppa', 'USER_STANDARD');

		// Instead of administrators being global moderators we give the MOD_FULL role to global mods (admins already assigned to this group)
		mass_auth('group_role', 0, 'global_moderators', 'MOD_FULL');