  * Searches for the emails on the server
  * @param ContentParameter $cpo
  * @return array
 public function GetMailboxSearchResults($cpo)
     $searchFolder = $this->getSearchFolder();
     $searchRestriction = $this->getSearchRestriction($cpo);
     $searchRange = explode('-', $cpo->GetSearchRange());
     $searchFolderId = $cpo->GetSearchFolderid();
     $searchFolders = array();
     // search only in required folders
     if (!empty($searchFolderId)) {
         $searchFolderEntryId = mapi_msgstore_entryidfromsourcekey($this->store, hex2bin($searchFolderId));
         $searchFolders[] = $searchFolderEntryId;
     } else {
         $tmp = mapi_getprops($this->store, array(PR_ENTRYID, PR_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_IPM_SUBTREE_ENTRYID));
         $searchFolders[] = $tmp[PR_IPM_SUBTREE_ENTRYID];
     $items = array();
     $flags = 0;
     // if subfolders are required, do a recursive search
     if ($cpo->GetSearchDeepTraversal()) {
         $flags |= SEARCH_RECURSIVE;
     mapi_folder_setsearchcriteria($searchFolder, $searchRestriction, $searchFolders, $flags);
     $table = mapi_folder_getcontentstable($searchFolder);
     $searchStart = time();
     // do the search and wait for all the results available
     while (time() - $searchStart < SEARCH_WAIT) {
         $searchcriteria = mapi_folder_getsearchcriteria($searchFolder);
         if (($searchcriteria["searchstate"] & SEARCH_REBUILD) == 0) {
         // Search is done
     // if the search range is set limit the result to it, otherwise return all found messages
     $rows = is_array($searchRange) && isset($searchRange[0]) && isset($searchRange[1]) ? mapi_table_queryrows($table, array(PR_SOURCE_KEY, PR_PARENT_SOURCE_KEY), $searchRange[0], $searchRange[1] - $searchRange[0] + 1) : mapi_table_queryrows($table, array(PR_SOURCE_KEY, PR_PARENT_SOURCE_KEY), 0, SEARCH_MAXRESULTS);
     $cnt = count($rows);
     $items['searchtotal'] = $cnt;
     $items["range"] = $cpo->GetSearchRange();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
         $items[$i]['class'] = 'Email';
         $items[$i]['longid'] = bin2hex($rows[$i][PR_PARENT_SOURCE_KEY]) . ":" . bin2hex($rows[$i][PR_SOURCE_KEY]);
         $items[$i]['folderid'] = bin2hex($rows[$i][PR_PARENT_SOURCE_KEY]);
     return $items;
 function getSearchResultsMailbox($searchquery)
     if (!is_array($searchquery)) {
         return array();
     foreach ($searchquery['query'] as $value) {
         $query = $this->_getSearchResultsMailboxTranslation($value);
     // get search folder
     $storeProps = mapi_getprops($this->_defaultstore, array(PR_STORE_SUPPORT_MASK, PR_FINDER_ENTRYID));
         return array('global_search_status' => '3');
     } else {
         // open search folders root
         $searchFolderEntryID = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->_defaultstore, $storeProps[PR_FINDER_ENTRYID]);
         if (($hresult = mapi_last_hresult()) != 0 || $searchFolderEntryID == false) {
             debugLog("getSearchResultsMailbox: searchFolderEntryID is " . ($searchFolderEntryID === 'true' ? 'true' : 'false') . " mapi_last_hresult = " . sprintf("0x%08x", $hresult));
             return array('global_search_status' => '3');
     $result = mapi_table_queryallrows(mapi_folder_gethierarchytable($searchFolderEntryID), array(PR_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_ENTRYID, PR_SOURCE_KEY));
     $folderName = "Z-Push Search " . $this->_devid;
     $found = false;
     foreach ($result as $array) {
         if (array_keys($array, $folderName)) {
             $found = $array[PR_ENTRYID];
             $searchfoldersourcekey = $array[PR_SOURCE_KEY];
     if ($found == false) {
         // create search folder
         $folder = mapi_folder_createfolder($searchFolderEntryID, $folderName, null, 0, FOLDER_SEARCH);
         if ($folder === false || ($hresult = mapi_last_hresult()) != 0) {
             debugLog("getSearchResultsMailbox: searchFolderEntryID is " . ($searchFolderEntryID === 'true' ? 'true' : 'false') . " folderName is " . $folderName . " mapi_last_hresult = " . sprintf("0x%08x", $hresult));
             return array('global_search_status' => '3');
     } else {
         $folder = mapi_openentry($this->_session, $found);
         if ($folder === false || ($hresult = mapi_last_hresult()) != 0) {
             debugLog("getSearchResultsMailbox: _session is " . $this->_session . " found " . ($found == 'true' ? 'true' : 'false') . " mapi_last_hresult = " . sprintf("0x%08x", $hresult));
             return array('global_search_status' => '3');
     $props = mapi_getprops($folder, array(PR_SOURCE_KEY));
     $searchfoldersourcekey = $props[PR_SOURCE_KEY];
     if (!isset($query[PR_SOURCE_KEY]) || !($startsearchinfolderid = mapi_msgstore_entryidfromsourcekey($this->_defaultstore, $query[PR_SOURCE_KEY]))) {
         $tmp = mapi_getprops($this->_defaultstore, array(PR_ENTRYID, PR_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_IPM_SUBTREE_ENTRYID));
         $startsearchinfolderid = $tmp[PR_IPM_SUBTREE_ENTRYID];
     $search = mapi_folder_getsearchcriteria($folder);
     $range = explode("-", $searchquery['range']);
     //		if ($range[0] == 0 &&
     //		    (!isset($search['restriction']) ||
     //		     md5(serialize(ksort_recursive($search['restriction']))) != md5(serialize(ksort_recursive($query['query']))))) {
     if ($range[0] == 0 || isset($searchquery['rebuildresults']) && $searchquery['rebuildresults'] == true) {
         //			debugLog("\n".serialize(ksort_recursive($search['restriction']))."\n".serialize(ksort_recursive($query['query'])));
         //		    debugLog("Set Search Criteria ".md5(serialize(ksort_recursive($search['restriction']))) . " ".  md5(serialize(ksort_recursive($query['query']))));
         if (($search['searchstate'] & SEARCH_REBUILD) == true && ($search['searchstate'] & SEARCH_RUNNING) == true) {
             mapi_folder_setsearchcriteria($folder, $query["query"], array($startsearchinfolderid), STOP_SEARCH);
         mapi_folder_setsearchcriteria($folder, $query["query"], array($startsearchinfolderid), (isset($searchquery['deeptraversal']) && $searchquery['deeptraversal'] == true ? RECURSIVE_SEARCH : SHALLOW_SEARCH) | (isset($searchquery['rebuildresults']) && $searchquery['rebuildresults'] == true ? RESTART_SEARCH : 0));
     $i = 0;
     $table = mapi_folder_getcontentstable($folder);
     do {
         $search = mapi_folder_getsearchcriteria($folder);
     } while (($search['searchstate'] & SEARCH_REBUILD) == true && ($search['searchstate'] & SEARCH_RUNNING) == true && $i < 4000 && mapi_table_getrowcount($table) <= $range[1] * 2 + 1);
     if ($rows = mapi_table_queryallrows($table, array(PR_ENTRYID, PR_SOURCE_KEY, PR_PARENT_SOURCE_KEY))) {
         foreach ($rows as $value) {
             $res["searchfolderid"] = bin2hex($searchfoldersourcekey);
             $res["uniqueid"] = bin2hex($value[PR_ENTRYID]);
             $res["item"] = bin2hex($value[PR_SOURCE_KEY]);
             $res["parent"] = bin2hex($value[PR_PARENT_SOURCE_KEY]);
             $result['rows'][] = $res;
         $result['status'] = 1;
     } else {
         $result = array();
         $result['status'] = 1;
     if (($search['searchstate'] & SEARCH_REBUILD) == true && ($search['searchstate'] & SEARCH_RUNNING) == true && $i == 4000) {
         $result['status'] = 10;
     $result['global_search_status'] = 1;
     return $result;