        echo '<div>
		<input type="button" value=" ' . $lang['L_DUMP'] . ' PHP " class="Formbutton" onclick="document.getElementById(\'buperl\').style.display=\'none\';document.getElementById(\'buphp\').style.display=\'block\';">
		<input type="button" value=" ' . $lang['L_DUMP'] . ' PERL " class="Formbutton" onclick="document.getElementById(\'buphp\').style.display=\'none\';document.getElementById(\'buperl\').style.display=\'block\';">
        echo '<div id="buphp">';
        echo '<h6>' . $lang['L_DUMP'] . ' (PHP)</h6>';
        echo '<div><form name="fm" id="fm" method="post" action="' . $href . '">';
        echo '<input class="Formbutton" name="dump" type="submit" value="';
        echo $lang['L_FM_STARTDUMP'] . '"><br>';
        echo '<br><table>';
        echo $tbl_abfrage;
        echo '<tr><td><label for="sel_dump_encoding">' . $lang['L_FM_CHOOSE_ENCODING'] . '</label></td>';
        echo '<td><select name="sel_dump_encoding" id="sel_dump_encoding">';
        echo make_options($config['mysql_possible_character_sets'], $dump['sel_dump_encoding']);
        echo '</select></td></tr>';
        echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['L_MYSQL_CONNECTION_ENCODING'] . ':</td><td><strong>' . $config['mysql_standard_character_set'] . '</strong></td></tr>';
        echo '</table>';
        echo '</form><br></div>';
        echo '<h6>' . $lang['L_FM_DUMPSETTINGS'] . ' (PHP)</h6>';
        echo '<table>';
        echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['L_DB'] . ':</td><td><strong>';
        if ($config['multi_dump'] == 1) {
            echo 'Multidump (' . count($databases['multi']) . ' ' . $lang['L_DBS'] . ')</strong>';
            echo '<span class="small">' . $toolboxstring . '</span>';
        } else {
            echo $databases['db_actual'] . '&nbsp;&nbsp;<span>(' . $databases['Detailinfo']['tables'] . " Tables, " . $databases['Detailinfo']['records'] . " Records, " . byte_output($databases['Detailinfo']['size']) . ')</span></strong>';
        echo '</td></tr>';
        if ($config['multi_dump'] == 0 && $databases['praefix'][$databases['db_selected_index']] > '') {
 * If you have any local configuration customizations, adjust the $config
 * array by adding, altering or unsetting values through a file called
 * options_custom.php (which you must create).
if (!function_exists('make_options')) {
    function make_options($values)
        if (empty($values)) {
            return array();
        return array_combine($values, array_map('__', $values, array_fill(0, count($values), true)));
    function make_human_options($values)
        if (empty($values)) {
            return array();
        $human = array_map(array('Inflector', 'Humanize'), $values);
        $human = array_map('__', $human, array_fill(0, count($human), true));
        return array_combine($values, $human);
$config['options'] = array('enable' => array('0' => __('Disabled', true), '1' => __('Enabled', true)), 'access_required' => array(PROFILE_USER_UPDATE => __('User can update', true), PROFILE_ADMIN_UPDATE => __('Admin can update', true)), 'access_optional' => array(PROFILE_USER_UPDATE => __('User can update', true), PROFILE_ADMIN_UPDATE => __('Admin can update', true), PROFILE_DISABLED => __('Disabled entirely', true)), 'access_registration' => array(PROFILE_USER_UPDATE => __('User can update', true), PROFILE_ADMIN_UPDATE => __('Admin can update', true), PROFILE_REGISTRATION => __('Updated during event registration', true), PROFILE_DISABLED => __('Disabled entirely', true)), 'gender' => make_options(array('Male', 'Female')), 'shirt_size' => make_options(array('Womens XSmall', 'Womens Small', 'Womens Medium', 'Womens Large', 'Womens XLarge', 'Mens Small', 'Mens Medium', 'Mens Large', 'Mens XLarge', 'Mens XXLarge', 'Youth Small', 'Youth Medium', 'Youth Large')), 'record_status' => make_options(array('new', 'inactive', 'active', 'locked')), 'sport' => make_human_options(array('ultimate')), 'surface' => make_human_options(array('grass', 'turf', 'sand', 'dirt', 'clay', 'hardwood', 'rubber', 'urethane', 'concrete', 'asphalt', 'ice', 'snow')), 'sotg_display' => make_human_options(array('coordinator_only', 'symbols_only', 'numeric', 'all')), 'tie_breaker' => array(TIE_BREAKER_HTH_HTHPM_PM_GF_LOSS => __('Head-to-head > Head-to-head plus-minus > Plus-minus > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_PM_HTH_GF_LOSS => __('Plus-minus > Head-to-head > Goals for > Losses', true)), 'tie_breaker_carbon' => array(TIE_BREAKER_HTH_HTHPM_PM_GF_LOSS => __('Head-to-head > Head-to-head plus-minus > Plus-minus > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_CF_HTH_HTHPM_PM_GF_LOSS => __('Carbon flip > Head-to-head > Head-to-head plus-minus > Plus-minus > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_HTH_HTHPM_CF_PM_GF_LOSS => __('Head-to-head > Head-to-head plus-minus > Carbon flip > Plus-minus > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_HTH_HTHPM_PM_GF_CF_LOSS => __('Head-to-head > Head-to-head plus-minus > Plus-minus > Goals for > Carbon flip > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_PM_HTH_GF_LOSS => __('Plus-minus > Head-to-head > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_CF_PM_HTH_GF_LOSS => __('Carbon flip > Plus-minus > Head-to-head > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_PM_CF_HTH_GF_LOSS => __('Plus-minus > Carbon flip > Head-to-head > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_PM_HTH_CF_GF_LOSS => __('Plus-minus > Head-to-head > Carbon flip > Goals for > Losses', true)), 'tie_breaker_spirit' => array(TIE_BREAKER_HTH_HTHPM_PM_GF_LOSS => __('Head-to-head > Head-to-head plus-minus > Plus-minus > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_HTH_HTHPM_PM_GF_LOSS_SPIRIT => __('Head-to-head > Head-to-head plus-minus > Plus-minus > Goals for > Losses > Spirit', true), TIE_BREAKER_SPIRIT_HTH_HTHPM_PM_GF_LOSS => __('Spirit > Head-to-head > Head-to-head plus-minus > Plus-minus > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_PM_HTH_GF_LOSS => __('Plus-minus > Head-to-head > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_PM_HTH_GF_LOSS_SPIRIT => __('Plus-minus > Head-to-head > Goals for > Losses > Spirit', true), TIE_BREAKER_SPIRIT_PM_HTH_GF_LOSS => __('Spirit > Plus-minus > Head-to-head > Goals for > Losses', true)), 'tie_breaker_spirit_carbon' => array(TIE_BREAKER_HTH_HTHPM_PM_GF_LOSS => __('Head-to-head > Head-to-head plus-minus > Plus-minus > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_HTH_HTHPM_PM_GF_LOSS_SPIRIT => __('Head-to-head > Head-to-head plus-minus > Plus-minus > Goals for > Losses > Spirit', true), TIE_BREAKER_SPIRIT_HTH_HTHPM_PM_GF_LOSS => __('Spirit > Head-to-head > Head-to-head plus-minus > Plus-minus > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_CF_HTH_HTHPM_PM_GF_LOSS => __('Carbon flip > Head-to-head > Head-to-head plus-minus > Plus-minus > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_CF_HTH_HTHPM_PM_GF_LOSS_SPIRIT => __('Carbon flip > Head-to-head > Head-to-head plus-minus > Plus-minus > Goals for > Losses > Spirit', true), TIE_BREAKER_CF_SPIRIT_HTH_HTHPM_PM_GF_LOSS => __('Carbon flip > Spirit > Head-to-head > Head-to-head plus-minus > Plus-minus > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_HTH_HTHPM_CF_PM_GF_LOSS => __('Head-to-head > Head-to-head plus-minus > Carbon flip > Plus-minus > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_HTH_HTHPM_CF_PM_GF_LOSS_SPIRIT => __('Head-to-head > Head-to-head plus-minus > Carbon flip > Plus-minus > Goals for > Losses > Spirit', true), TIE_BREAKER_SPIRIT_HTH_HTHPM_CF_PM_GF_LOSS => __('Spirit > Head-to-head > Head-to-head plus-minus > Carbon flip > Plus-minus > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_HTH_HTHPM_PM_GF_CF_LOSS => __('Head-to-head > Head-to-head plus-minus > Plus-minus > Goals for > Carbon flip > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_HTH_HTHPM_PM_GF_CF_LOSS_SPIRIT => __('Head-to-head > Head-to-head plus-minus > Plus-minus > Goals for > Carbon flip > Losses > Spirit', true), TIE_BREAKER_SPIRIT_HTH_HTHPM_PM_GF_CF_LOSS => __('Spirit > Head-to-head > Head-to-head plus-minus > Plus-minus > Goals for > Carbon flip > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_PM_HTH_GF_LOSS => __('Plus-minus > Head-to-head > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_PM_HTH_GF_LOSS_SPIRIT => __('Plus-minus > Head-to-head > Goals for > Losses > Spirit', true), TIE_BREAKER_SPIRIT_PM_HTH_GF_LOSS => __('Spirit > Plus-minus > Head-to-head > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_CF_PM_HTH_GF_LOSS => __('Carbon flip > Plus-minus > Head-to-head > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_CF_PM_HTH_GF_LOSS_SPIRIT => __('Carbon flip > Plus-minus > Head-to-head > Goals for > Losses > Spirit', true), TIE_BREAKER_SPIRIT_CF_PM_HTH_GF_LOSS => __('Spirit > Carbon flip > Plus-minus > Head-to-head > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_PM_CF_HTH_GF_LOSS => __('Plus-minus > Carbon flip > Head-to-head > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_PM_CF_HTH_GF_LOSS_SPIRIT => __('Plus-minus > Carbon flip > Head-to-head > Goals for > Losses > Spirit', true), TIE_BREAKER_SPIRIT_PM_CF_HTH_GF_LOSS => __('Spirit > Plus-minus > Carbon flip > Head-to-head > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_PM_HTH_CF_GF_LOSS => __('Plus-minus > Head-to-head > Carbon flip > Goals for > Losses', true), TIE_BREAKER_PM_HTH_CF_GF_LOSS_SPIRIT => __('Plus-minus > Head-to-head > Carbon flip > Goals for > Losses > Spirit', true), TIE_BREAKER_SPIRIT_PM_HTH_CF_GF_LOSS => __('Spirit > Plus-minus > Head-to-head > Carbon flip > Goals for > Losses', true)), 'allstar' => make_options(array('never', 'optional', 'always')), 'allstar_from' => make_options(array('opponent', 'submitter')), 'most_spirited' => make_options(array('never', 'optional', 'always')), 'stat_tracking' => make_options(array('never', 'optional', 'always')), 'payment' => make_options(array('Unpaid', 'Reserved', 'Pending', 'Deposit', 'Partial', 'Paid', 'Cancelled', 'Waiting')), 'payment_method' => make_options(array('Online', 'Credit Card', 'Cheque', 'Electronic Funds Transfer', 'Cash', 'Money Order', 'Other', 'Credit Redeemed')), 'incident_types' => make_options(array(Configure::read('ui.field_cap') . ' condition', 'Injury', 'Rules disagreement', 'Illegal Substitution', 'Escalated incident', 'Other')), 'season' => make_options(array('None', 'Winter', 'Winter Indoor', 'Spring', 'Spring Indoor', 'Summer', 'Summer Indoor', 'Fall', 'Fall Indoor')), 'skill' => array('10' => __('10: High calibre touring player (team was top 4 at nationals)', true), '9' => __('9: Medium calibre touring player', true), '8' => __('8: Key player in competitive league, or lower calibre touring player', true), '7' => __('7: Competitive league player, minimal/no touring experience', true), '6' => __('6: Key player in intermediate league, or lower player in competitive league', true), '5' => __('5: Comfortable in intermediate league', true), '4' => __('4: Key player in recreational league, or lower player in intermediate league', true), '3' => __('3: Comfortable in recreational league', true), '2' => __('2: Beginner, minimal experience but athletic with sports background', true), '1' => __('1: Absolute Beginner', true)), 'roster_role' => array('captain' => __('Captain', true), 'assistant' => __('Assistant captain', true), 'coach' => __('Non-playing coach', true), 'player' => __('Regular player', true), 'substitute' => __('Substitute player', true), 'none' => __('Not on team', true)), 'roster_methods' => array('invite' => __('Players are invited and must accept', true), 'add' => __('Players are added directly', true)), 'division_position' => array('coordinator' => __('Coordinator', true)), 'game_status' => make_human_options(array('normal', 'in_progress', 'home_default', 'away_default', 'rescheduled', 'cancelled', 'forfeit')), 'game_lengths' => make_options(array(0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120)), 'game_buffers' => make_options(array(0, 5, 10, 15)), 'field_rating' => array('A' => 'A', 'B' => 'B', 'C' => 'C'), 'test_payment' => array('0' => __('Nobody', true), '1' => __('Everybody', true), '2' => __('Admins', true)), 'currency' => array('CAD' => __('Canadian', true), 'USD' => __('USA', true)), 'units' => make_options(array('Imperial', 'Metric')), 'membership_types' => array('full' => __('Full', true), 'intro' => __('Introductory', true)), 'waivers' => array('expiry_type' => array('fixed_dates' => __('Fixed dates', true), 'elapsed_time' => __('A fixed duration', true), 'event' => __('Duration of the event', true), 'never' => __('Never expires', true))), 'date_formats' => array('M j, Y', 'F j, Y', 'd/m/Y', 'Y/m/d'), 'day_formats' => array('D M j', 'l F j'), 'time_formats' => array('H:i', 'g:iA'), 'question_types' => make_options(array('radio', 'select', 'checkbox', 'text', 'textbox', 'group_start', 'group_end', 'description', 'label')), 'category' => array('runtime' => __('Run-time determination', true), 'game' => __('Determined by game outcomes', true), 'team' => __('Determined by roster status', true), 'registration' => __('Determined by registrations', true), 'aggregate' => __('Aggregates multiple badges, e.g. "5x"', true), 'nominated' => __('Nominated by anyone (must be approved)', true), 'assigned' => __('Assigned by an admin', true)), 'visibility' => array(BADGE_VISIBILITY_ADMIN => __('Admin only (same locations as high)', true), BADGE_VISIBILITY_HIGH => __('High (profile, pop-ups, team rosters)', true), BADGE_VISIBILITY_LOW => __('Low (profile only)', true)), 'schedule_type' => array('none' => __('None', true), 'roundrobin' => __('Round Robin', true), 'ratings_ladder' => __('Ratings Ladder', true), 'tournament' => __('Tournament', true)), 'rating_calculator' => array('none' => __('None', true), 'wager' => __('Wager System', true), 'usau_college' => __('USA Ultimate College', true), 'rri' => __('RRI', true), 'krach' => __('KRACH', true), 'rpi' => __('RPI', true), 'modified_elo' => __('Modified Elo', true)), 'spirit_questions' => array('none' => __('No spirit questionnaire', true), 'wfdf' => __('WFDF standard', true), 'wfdf2' => __('WFDF standard 2014 version', true), 'modified_wfdf' => __('Modified WFDF', true), 'modified_bula' => __('Modified BULA', true), 'team' => __('Leaguerunner original', true), 'ocua_team' => __('Modified Leaguerunner', true), 'suzuki' => __('Sushi Suzuki\'s Alternate', true)), 'payment_provider' => array('chase' => __('Chase Paymentech', true), 'moneris' => __('Moneris', true), 'paypal' => __('Paypal', true)), 'invoice' => array('invoice' => __('Standard', true)));
$config['options']['round'] = make_options(range(1, 5));
$config['options']['games_before_repeat'] = range(0, 9);
$year = date('Y');
$config['options']['year'] = array('started' => array('min' => 1986, 'max' => $year), 'born' => array('min' => $year - 75, 'max' => $year - 5), 'event' => array('min' => $year - 1, 'max' => $year + 1), 'gameslot' => array('min' => $year, 'max' => $year + 1));
if (file_exists(CONFIGS . 'options_custom.php')) {
    include CONFIGS . 'options_custom.php';
                } else {
                    echo '<input type="submit" name="dbdosubmit" value="' . $lang['L_DO_NOW'] . '" class="Formbutton">';
            case "rights":
        echo '</form></div></div><br>';
echo '<br><form action="sql.php?context=3" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="dbwantaction" value="1">';
echo '<div><table class="bdr">';
echo '<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><strong>' . $lang['L_CREATE_DATABASE'] . '</strong></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td>Name:</td><td><input type="text" class="text" name="db_create" size="20"></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['L_DEFAULT_CHARSET'] . ':</td><td><select name="db_default_charset">';
echo make_options($config['mysql_possible_character_sets'], get_index($config['mysql_possible_character_sets'], $config['mysql_standard_character_set']));
echo '</select></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['L_COLLATION'] . '</td><td><select name="db_collate">' . CollationCombo('', 1) . '</select></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="db_createnew" value="' . $lang['L_CREATE'] . '" class="Formbutton"></td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
echo '<br><table class="bdr">';
echo '<tr class="thead"><th>' . $lang['L_DBS'] . '</th><th>' . $lang['L_SQL_ACTIONS'] . '</th></tr>';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($databases['Name']); $i++) {
    $cl = $i % 2 ? "dbrow" : "dbrow1";
    echo $i == $databases['db_selected_index'] ? '<tr class="dbrowsel">' : '<tr class="' . $cl . '">';
    echo '<td><a href="sql.php?db=' . $databases['Name'][$i] . '&amp;dbid=' . $i . '">' . $databases['Name'][$i] . '</a></td>';
    echo '<td nowrap="nowrap"><input type="text" class="text" name="db_rename' . $i . '" size="20">';
    echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;<select name="db_do_action_' . $i . '" onchange="db_do_' . $i . '.disabled=false;">';
    echo '<option value="">-- ' . $lang['L_SQL_CHOOSEACTION'] . ' --</option>';
    echo '<option value="drop">' . $lang['L_SQL_DELETEDB'] . '</option>';
    echo '<option value="empty">' . $lang['L_SQL_EMPTYDB'] . '</option>';
 function valid_play($check)
     // $check array is passed using the form field name as the key
     // have to extract the value to make the function generic
     $value = current(array_values($check));
     $options = array_merge(make_options(array_merge(array_keys(Configure::read('sport.score_options')), array('Start', 'Timeout'))), Configure::read('sport.other_options'));
     return array_key_exists($value, $options);