<?php include_once 'hal.php'; $parse_main['{content}'] = ''; //страница просмотра if (isset($_REQUEST['v']) and !$_POST) { if (preg_match('/(\\d{4}-\\d{2})-(\\d{2})_(.*)/', $_REQUEST['v'], $matches)) { $date = $matches[1]; $day = $matches[2]; $filename = $matches[3]; if (file_exists($config['uploaddir'] . $date . "/" . $day . "/" . $filename)) { make_img_code($filename, $date, $day); } } } if (isset($images_array)) { $urls_quantity = count($images_array); } else { $urls_quantity = 0; } if ($urls_quantity >= 1) { $view_one_template = get_template('view_one'); foreach ($images_array as $img_filename => $img) { if ($img['error']) { $parse_main['{content}'] .= parse_template(get_template('info'), array("{type}" => 'error', "{title}" => "Ошибка!", "{text}" => "Изображение не загружено. " . $img['error'])); } else { $info = getimagesize($img['local_path']); $stat = stat($img['local_path']); $width = $info['0']; $height = $info['1']; $size = formatfilesize($stat['size']);
make_img_code($final_filename, false, false, $returned_error); } } } } if (isset($_FILES['local_uploadfile'])) { $local_up = $_FILES['local_uploadfile']; foreach ($local_up['name'] as $key => $check) { if (empty($check)) { foreach ($local_up as $type => $value) { unset($local_up[$type][$key]); } } } // Local uploading if (isset($local_up['size'][0]) and $local_up['size'][0] == !null) { foreach ($local_up['tmp_name'] as $key => $up) { $filename = $local_up['name'][$key]; if (!@copy($up, "{$config['working_dir']}{$filename}")) { $returned_error = "Ошибка загрузки изображения."; $final_filename = $filename; } else { list($final_filename, $returned_error) = check_and_move($filename); } unset($up); make_img_code($final_filename, false, false, $returned_error); } } } } }