function insertPlaceList($dom, $data) { $placeIndex = makeIndex($data, 'placeName'); $placeList = $dom->createElement('listPlace'); foreach ($placeIndex as $entry) { $xmlID = $entry->label; $xmlID = encodeXMLID($xmlID); $keyValue = ''; if ($entry->authority['id'] != '') { $keyValue = $entry->authority['system'] . '_' . $entry->authority['id']; } $listEntry = $dom->createElement('place'); $xmlIDAttr = $dom->createAttribute('xml:id'); $xmlIDAttr->value = $xmlID; $listEntry->appendChild($xmlIDAttr); $placeName = $dom->createElement('placeName'); if ($keyValue != '') { $key = $dom->createAttribute('key'); $key->value = $keyValue; $placeName->appendChild($key); } $name = $dom->createTextNode($entry->label); $placeName->appendChild($name); $listEntry->appendChild($placeName); $placeList->appendChild($listEntry); } $bodyNodeList = $dom->getElementsByTagName('body'); $body = $bodyNodeList->item(0); $body->appendChild($placeList); return $dom; }
function makeSections($data, $field) { $index = makeIndex($data, $field); $structuredData = array(); foreach ($index as $entry) { $section = new section(); $section->label = $entry->label; $section->level = $entry->level; $section->authority = $entry->authority; $section->geoData = $entry->geoData; foreach ($entry->content as $idItem) { $section->content[] = $data[$idItem]; } $structuredData[] = $section; } $structuredData = addHigherLevel($structuredData, $field); return $structuredData; }
function makeCloudArraysPersons($data) { $index = makeIndex($data, 'persName'); $count = 0; foreach ($index as $entry) { $id = $count; if ($entry->authority['system'] == 'gnd') { $id = $entry->authority['id']; } $name = prependForename($entry->label); $weight = count($entry->content); $weightArray[$id] = $weight; $nameArray[$id] = $name; $count++; } arsort($weightArray); $return = array('weightArray' => $weightArray, 'nameArray' => $nameArray); return $return; }
function makeGeoDataSheet($data, $folderName, $format) { $ending = strtolower($format); // Anlegen eines gemeinsamen Index für Orte und Jahre, so dass beide Kategorien abgerufen werden können. $index1 = makeIndex($data, 'placeName'); $index2 = makeIndex($data, 'year'); $commonIndex = mergeIndices($index1, $index2); $rowArray = array(); $placeName = ''; // Durchgehen des Index und Abspeichern von standardisierten Datensätzen der Klasse geoDataRow im Array $rowArray foreach ($commonIndex as $entry) { // Die im Index mit Level 1 auftretenden Ortseinträge dienen nur zum Speichern von Ortsname und Geodaten if ($entry->level == 1) { // Der Test dient dem Ausschließen von Einträgen ohne Ortsnamen oder Geodaten $test = testEntry($entry); $placeName = $entry->label; $latitude = cleanCoordinate($entry->geoData['lat']); $longitude = cleanCoordinate($entry->geoData['long']); } //Für jeden Indexeintrag Level 2 (Jahre) werden so viele Einträge gespeichert, wie Datensätze unter content verzeichnet sind. if ($entry->level == 2 and $test == 1) { foreach ($entry->content as $occurrence) { $row = new geoDataRow(); $row->label = $placeName; $row->lat = cleanCoordinate($entry->geoData['lat']); $row->long = cleanCoordinate($entry->geoData['long']); $row->timeStamp = $entry->label; $row->lat = $latitude; $row->long = $longitude; if ($entry->authority['system'] == 'getty') { $row->getty = $entry->authority['id']; } elseif ($entry->authority['system'] == 'geoNames') { $row->geoNames = $entry->authority['id']; } $rowArray[] = $row; } } } // Jetzt werden die Objekte der Klasse geoDataRow in Einträge übersetzt, abhängig vom gewählten Format if ($ending == 'csv') { // Kopfdaten für CSV-Dateien $content = '"Name","Address","Description","Longitude","Latitude","TimeStamp","TimeSpan:begin","TimeSpan:end","GettyID","" '; foreach ($rowArray as $row) { $content .= makePlaceEntryCSV($row); } } elseif ($ending == 'kml') { // Kopfdaten für KML-Dateien $content = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <kml xmlns="" xmlns:gx="" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:xal="urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xsdschema:xAL:2.0"> <Folder>'; foreach ($rowArray as $row) { $content .= makePlaceEntryKML($row); } // Fußdaten für KML-Dateien $content .= ' </Folder> </kml>'; } // Abspeichern der im String $content zwischengespeicherten Daten in einer Datei im Projektordner $fileName = $folderName . '/printingPlaces.' . $ending; $datei = fopen($fileName, "w"); fwrite($datei, $content, 30000000); fclose($datei); }
if (count($roomList) > 0) { foreach ($roomList as $i => $room) { $roomList[$i]['url'] = makeURL($mod, array('roomid' => $room['roomid'])); $roomList[$i]['event'] = $db->selectOneRow($tbl_e, '*', 'eventid=' . $room['eventid']); $roomList[$i]['free_tables'] = $roomList[$i]['event'] > 0 ? countThisRoomsFreeSeats($room['roomid']) : ' '; } } $smarty->assign('roomList', $roomList); // Room add menu subitem if ($isallowed) { $menu->addSubElement($mod, $lang->get('room_add'), 'add'); } } else { $smarty->assign('show_coordinates', $config->get("room", "show-coordinates")); $smarty->assign('rowindex', makeIndex($room['height'], $config->get("room", "y-axis-format"))); $smarty->assign('columnindex', makeIndex($room['width'], $config->get("room", "x-axis-format"))); switch ($mode) { case 'items': if (!$isallowed) { break; } $smarty->assign('path', $template_dir . "/edit_items.tpl"); $smarty->assign('mod_dir', $mod_dir); $breadcrumbs->addElement($room['title'], makeURL($mod, array('roomid' => $roomid))); $breadcrumbs->addElement($lang->get('edit_items'), makeURL($mod, array('roomid' => $roomid, 'mode' => 'items'))); $smarty->assign('room', $room); if (isset($_POST['save'])) { saveItems($room); } $items = $db->selectList($tbl_i, "*", "`roomid`=" . $roomid); $smarty->assign('items', $items);
<?php include "photos/functions.php"; /* If the script hasn't been told to load an album, it should create an index of * all of them. * Note this intentionally creates an index when it's been given a photo but * not its album. */ if (!isset($_GET['album'])) { makeIndex(); } else { if (!isset($_GET['image'])) { makeAlbumIndex($_GET['album']); } else { makeImage($_GET['album'], $_GET['image']); } }