 function index()
     $this->data['pagebody'] = 'homepage';
     // get the list of airports that can be flown from
     $list = array();
     // use XML-RPC to get the list
     $this->xmlrpc->server(RPCSERVER, RPCPORT);
     $request = array();
     if (!$this->xmlrpc->send_request()) {
         echo $this->xmlrpc->display_error();
     $list = $this->xmlrpc->display_response();
     //load team model
     //reset # values to 0 in teams table because we pull
     //all the data at once
     $reset = array('wins' => 0, 'losses' => 0, 'points_for' => 0, 'points_against' => 0);
     //update teams table with above data
     $this->db->update('teams', $reset);
     //switch to history model
     //pass XMLRPC $list of data to History model
     $updatedTeams = $this->History->updateGameRecords($list);
     //Prediction section
     $label = "Select the opposing team:";
     $name = "ddlOpposingTeam";
     $value = "NE";
     //load all teams to drop down list
     $options = $this->teams->getAllTeamCodes();
     $this->data['ddlOpposingTeam'] = makeComboField($label, $name, $value, $options);
 function displayPlayer($ID = null, $invalidEntry = false)
     $this->session->set_userdata('editPage', '/player/displayPlayer/' . $ID);
     // If null, we are creating a new player
     if ($ID === null) {
         $playerTemp = $this->createPlayer();
         // If displayPlayer is being recalled from validation, it is therefore invalid.
     } else {
         if ($invalidEntry) {
             $playerTemp = $this->parsePlayerBuffer();
             // Retrieve player from database with ID
         } else {
             $playerTemp = $this->loadPlayerFromDb($ID);
     // determine if we're in edit mode
     if (isset($_SESSION['editMode'])) {
         $editMode = $this->session->userdata('editMode');
     } else {
         $editMode = FALSE;
     $message = '';
     if (count($this->errors) > 0) {
         foreach ($this->errors as $booboo) {
             $message .= $booboo . "<BR>";
     $this->data['message'] = $message;
     // make text fields for each key value pair
     foreach ($playerTemp as $key => $val) {
         $this->data[$key] = makeTextField($key, $key, $val, "", 40, 15, !$editMode);
     // override previous foreach loop: ID and Photo are not text fields
     $this->data['ID'] = $playerTemp->ID;
     $this->data['Photo'] = $playerTemp->Photo;
     // Get all Codes from standings table and populate dropdown list
     $query = $this->db->get('standings');
     foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
         $codes[] = $row->Code;
     $this->session->set_userdata('codes', $codes);
     $this->data['Code'] = makeComboField('Code', "Code", 24, $codes, "", 40, 15, !$editMode);
     $this->data['Submit'] = "";
     $this->data['Cancel'] = "";
     $this->data['Delete'] = "";
     // if editMode is set and we're in edit mode, display CRUD controls
     if (isset($_SESSION['editMode']) && $this->session->userdata('editMode')) {
         $this->data['Submit'] = makeSubmitButton('Save', "Save", 'btn-success');
         $this->data['Cancel'] = makeCancelButton('Cancel', "Cancel", 'btn-primary');
         $this->data['Delete'] = makeDeleteButton('Delete', "Delete", 'btn-danger', $ID);
     $this->data['pagebody'] = 'player';