function test_missing_apikey() { $apikey = 'asdf'; $api = new MailChimp_API($apikey); $key = mailchimpSF_verify_key($api); $this->assertTrue(is_wp_error($key)); }
function mailchimpSF_migrate_sopresto() { $sopresto = get_option('mc_sopresto_secret_key'); if (!$sopresto) { return; } // Talk to Sopresto, make exchange, delete old sopresto things. $body = array('public_key' => get_option('mc_sopresto_public_key'), 'hash' => sha1(get_option('mc_sopresto_public_key') . get_option('mc_sopresto_secret_key'))); $url = ''; $args = array('method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 500, 'redirection' => 5, 'httpversion' => '1.0', 'user-agent' => 'MailChimp WordPress Plugin/' . get_bloginfo('url'), 'body' => $body); //post to sopresto $key = wp_remote_post($url, $args); if (!is_wp_error($key) && $key['response']['code'] == 200) { $key = json_decode($key['body']); try { $api = new MailChimp_API($key->response); } catch (Exception $e) { $msg = "<strong class='mc_error_msg'>" . $e->getMessage() . "</strong>"; mailchimpSF_global_msg($msg); return; } $verify = mailchimpSF_verify_key($api); //something went wrong with the key that we had if (is_wp_error($verify)) { return; } delete_option('mc_sopresto_public_key'); delete_option('mc_sopresto_secret_key'); delete_option('mc_sopresto_user'); return; } // Nothing to do here. return; }