function show() { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $idtype = $_GET['idtype']; magic_check_idtype($id, $idtype); magicshowtips(lang('magic/call', 'call_info')); $op = 'use'; include template('home/magic_call'); }
function show() { global $_G; $id = intval($_GET['id']); $idtype = $_GET['idtype']; magic_check_idtype($id, $idtype); magicshowtips(lang('magic/updateline', 'updateline_info')); echo '<p><input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $id . '" /><input type="hidden" name="idtype" value="' . $idtype . '" /></p>'; }
function show() { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $idtype = $_GET['idtype']; $blog = magic_check_idtype($id, $idtype); magicshowtips(lang('magic/downdateline', 'downdateline_info')); $time = dgmdate($blog['dateline'], 'Y-m-d H:i'); $op = 'use'; include template('home/magic_downdateline'); }
function show() { global $_G; $num = !empty($this->parameters['num']) ? intval($this->parameters['num']) : 10; magicshowtips(lang('magic/gift', 'gift_info', array('num' => $num))); $extcredits = array(); foreach ($_G['setting']['extcredits'] as $id => $credit) { $extcredits['extcredits' . $id] = $credit['title']; } $op = 'show'; include template('home/magic_gift'); }
function show() { global $_G; magicshowtips(lang('magic/doodle', 'doodle_info')); echo <<<SCRIPT <p> \t<input type="hidden" name="showid" value="{$_GET['showid']}" /> \t<input type="hidden" name="mtarget" value="{$_GET['target']}" /> \t<input type="hidden" name="from" value="{$_GET['from']}" /> </p> SCRIPT; }
function show() { global $_G; $id = intval($_GET['id']); $idtype = $_GET['idtype']; $blog = magic_check_idtype($id, $idtype); if (DB::result(DB::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . DB::table('common_magiclog') . " WHERE action='2' AND uid = '{$_G['uid']}' AND targetid = '{$id}' AND idtype = '{$idtype}' AND magicid = '{$this->magic[magicid]}'"), 0)) { showmessage("magicuse_object_once_limit"); } $num = !empty($_G['setting']['feedhotmin']) ? intval($_G['setting']['feedhotmin']) : 3; magicshowtips(lang('magic/hot', 'hot_info', array('num' => $num))); echo <<<HTML <p> \t<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.{$id}.'" /> \t<input type="hidden" name="idtype" value="'.{$idtype}.'" /> </p> HTML; }
function show() { global $_G; $id = intval($_GET['id']); $idtype = $_GET['idtype']; $blog = magic_check_idtype($id, $idtype); if (C::t('common_magiclog')->count_by_action_uid_targetid_idtype_magicid(2, $_G['uid'], $id, $idtype, $this->magic['magicid'])) { showmessage('magicuse_object_once_limit'); } $num = !empty($_G['setting']['feedhotmin']) ? intval($_G['setting']['feedhotmin']) : 3; magicshowtips(lang('magic/hot', 'hot_info', array('num' => $num))); echo <<<HTML <p> \t<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.{$id}.'" /> \t<input type="hidden" name="idtype" value="'.{$idtype}.'" /> </p> HTML; }
function showmagic() { global $lang; magicshowtips($lang['NEW_info'], $lang['option']); }
function buy() { global $_G; if (!empty($_GET['id'])) { $thread = getpostinfo($_GET['id'], 'tid', array('fid')); $this->_check($thread['fid']); } $this->parameters['expiration'] = $this->parameters['expiration'] ? intval($this->parameters['expiration']) : 1; magicshowtips(lang('magic/jack', 'jack_info', array('expiration' => $this->parameters['expiration']))); }
function show() { global $_G; $id = !empty($_GET['id']) ? dhtmlspecialchars($_GET['id']) : ''; $idtype = !empty($_GET['idtype']) ? dhtmlspecialchars($_GET['idtype']) : ''; if ($idtype == 'pid') { list($id, $_G['tid']) = explode(':', $id); if ($id && $_G['tid']) { $post = getpostinfo($id, 'pid', array('p.fid', 'p.authorid')); $this->_check($post); } } magicshowtype('top'); magicshowtips(lang('magic/namepost', 'namepost_desc')); magicshowtips(lang('magic/namepost', 'namepost_num', array('magicnum' => $this->magic['num']))); magicshowsetting('', 'id', $id, 'hidden'); magicshowsetting('', 'idtype', $idtype, 'hidden'); if ($idtype == 'pid') { magicshowsetting('', 'ptid', $_G['tid'], 'hidden'); } magicshowtype('bottom'); }
function show() { magicshowtips(lang('magic/thunder', 'thunder_info')); }
function show() { global $_G; $num = !empty($this->parameters['num']) ? intval($this->parameters['num']) : 10; magicshowtips(lang('magic/detector', 'detector_info', array('num' => $num))); }
function show() { magicshowtips(lang('magic/attachsize', 'attachsize_info', array('num' => intval($this->parameters['addsize'])))); }
function show() { magicshowtips(lang('magic/friendnum', 'friendnum_info', array('num' => intval($this->parameters['addnum'])))); }
function show() { global $_G; $num = !empty($this->parameters['num']) ? intval($this->parameters['num']) : 10; magicshowtips(lang('magic/visit', 'visit_info', array('num' => $num))); $op = 'use'; include template('home/magic_visit'); }
function show() { magicshowtips(lang('magic/money', 'money_info')); }
function show() { global $_G; magicshowtips(lang('magic/flicker', 'flicker_info')); }
function show() { magicshowtips(lang('plugin/dsu_marcothief', 'magic_3', array('hrs' => $this->parameters['hrs']))); }