文件: template.php 项目: LOVDnl/LOVD3
    function printFooterHTML($bCloseHTML = true)
        // Print the LOVD footer, including the update checker and mapper (if $bFull == true).
        global $_AUTH, $_SETT, $_STAT;
        if (ROOT_PATH == '../' && !(defined('TAB_SELECTED') && TAB_SELECTED == 'docs')) {
            // In the install directory, closing the tables opened by /install/index.php that /install/inc-bot.php used to close.
            print "\n\n" . '    </TD>' . "\n" . '  </TR>' . "\n" . '</TABLE>' . "\n";

        if (!$this->bFull) {
            if ($bCloseHTML) {
                // Close the <BODY> and <HTML> tags. Normal behaviour except when for instance the Progress Bar is used.
                print "\n" . '</BODY>' . "\n" . '</HTML>' . "\n";
            return true;

<TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="footer">
    <TD width="84">
    <TD align="center">
        if (substr(lovd_getProjectFile(), 0, 6) == '/docs/') {
            // In documents section.
            print '  For the latest version of the LOVD manual, <A href="' . $_SETT['upstream_URL'] . $_SETT['system']['tree'] . '/docs/" target="_blank">check the online version</A>.<BR>' . "\n";
        print '  Powered by <A href="' . $_SETT['upstream_URL'] . $_STAT['tree'] . '/" target="_blank">LOVD v.' . $_STAT['tree'] . '</A> Build ' . $_STAT['build'] . '<BR>' . "\n" . '  LOVD software &copy;2004-2016 <A href="http://www.lumc.nl/" target="_blank">Leiden University Medical Center</A>' . "\n";
    <TD width="42" align="right">
      <IMG src="gfx/lovd_mapping_99.png" alt="" title="" width="32" height="32" id="mapping_progress" style="margin : 5px;">
    <TD width="42" align="right">
        if (!(defined('NOT_INSTALLED') || defined('MISSING_CONF') || defined('MISSING_STAT'))) {
            if (time() - strtotime($_STAT['update_checked_date']) > 60 * 60 * 24) {
                // Check for updates!
                $sImgURL = 'check_update?icon';
            } else {
                // No need to re-check, use saved info.
                if ($_STAT['update_version'] == 'Error') {
                    $sType = 'error';
                } elseif (lovd_calculateVersion($_STAT['update_version']) > lovd_calculateVersion($_SETT['system']['version'])) {
                    $sType = 'newer';
                } else {
                    $sType = 'newest';
                $sImgURL = 'gfx/lovd_update_' . $sType . '_blue.png';
            if ($_AUTH && ($_AUTH['level'] >= LEVEL_MANAGER || count($_AUTH['curates']))) {
                print '      <A href="#" onclick="lovd_openWindow(\'' . lovd_getInstallURL() . 'check_update\', \'CheckUpdate\', 650, 175); return false;"><IMG src="' . $sImgURL . '" alt="" width="32" height="32" style="margin : 5px;"></A>' . "\n";
            } else {
                print '      <IMG src="' . $sImgURL . '" alt="" width="32" height="32" style="margin : 5px;">' . "\n";

<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
        if (!(ROOT_PATH == '../' && !(defined('TAB_SELECTED') && TAB_SELECTED == 'docs') || defined('NOT_INSTALLED'))) {
            // In install directory.
            print '
function lovd_mapVariants ()
    // This function requests the script that will do the actual work.

    // First unbind any onclick handlers on the status image.

    // Now request the script.
    $.get("ajax/map_variants.php", function (sResponse)
            // The server responded successfully. Let\'s see what he\'s saying.
            aResponse = sResponse.split("\\t");
            $("#mapping_progress").attr({"src": "gfx/lovd_mapping_" + aResponse[1] + (aResponse[1] == "preparing"? ".gif" : ".png"), "title": aResponse[2]});

            if (sResponse.indexOf("Notice") >= 0 || sResponse.indexOf("Warning") >= 0 || sResponse.indexOf("Error") >= 0 || sResponse.indexOf("Fatal") >= 0) {
                // Something went wrong while processing the request, don\'t try again.
                $("#mapping_progress").attr({"src": "gfx/lovd_mapping_99.png", "title": "There was a problem with LOVD while mapping variants to transcripts: " + sResponse});
            } else if (aResponse[0] == "' . AJAX_TRUE . '") {
                // More variants to map. Re-call.
                setTimeout("lovd_mapVariants()", 50);
            } else {
                // No more variants to map. But allow the user to try.
    ).fail(function (oObject, sStatus)
            // Something went wrong while contacting the server, don\'t try again.
            $("#mapping_progress").attr({"src": "gfx/lovd_mapping_99.png", "title": "There was a problem with LOVD while mapping variants to transcripts: " + sStatus});
            // Not every page request should trigger the mapping...
            if (!empty($_SESSION['mapping']['time_complete']) && $_SESSION['mapping']['time_complete'] >= time() - 60 * 60 * 24) {
                // If it is less than one day ago that mapping was complete, don't start it automatically, but allow the user to start it himself.
                print '$("#mapping_progress").click(lovd_mapVariants);' . "\n";
            } elseif (!empty($_SESSION['mapping']['time_error']) && $_SESSION['mapping']['time_error'] >= time() - 60 * 60) {
                // If it is less than one hour ago that an error occurred, don't start it either.
                print '$("#mapping_progress").click(lovd_mapVariants);' . "\n";
                print '$("#mapping_progress").attr("Title", "Mapping is temporarily suspended because of network problems on the last attempt. Click to retry.");' . "\n";
            } else {
                // Start mapping!
                print 'setTimeout("lovd_mapVariants()", 500);' . "\n";
  // -->

        if ($bCloseHTML) {
            // Close the <BODY> and <HTML> tags. Normal behaviour except when for instance the Progress Bar is used.
            print '</BODY>' . "\n" . '</HTML>' . "\n";
        } else {
            // Can generate errors on the screen if no buffer found.
        return true;
文件: objects.php 项目: LOVDnl/LOVD3
    function viewList($sViewListID = false, $aColsToSkip = array(), $bNoHistory = false, $bHideNav = false, $bOptions = false, $bOnlyRows = false, $bFindReplace = false)
        // Show a viewlist for the current object.
        // Params:
        // bFindReplace     if true, find & replace option is shown in viewlist options menu.
        // Views list of entries in the database, allowing search.
        global $_DB, $_INI, $_SETT;
        if (!defined('LOG_EVENT')) {
            define('LOG_EVENT', $this->sObject . '::viewList()');
        if (FORMAT == 'text/plain' && !defined('FORMAT_ALLOW_TEXTPLAIN')) {
            die('text/plain not allowed here');
        $bAjax = substr(lovd_getProjectFile(), 0, 6) == '/ajax/';
        // ViewLists need an ID to identify the specific viewList, in case there are a few in one document.
        if (!$sViewListID || !is_string($sViewListID)) {
            $sViewListID = lovd_generateRandomID();
        } else {
            $sViewListID = preg_replace('/[^A-Z0-9._-]+/i', '', $sViewListID);
        if (!is_array($aColsToSkip)) {
            $aColsToSkip = array($aColsToSkip);
        foreach ($this->aColumnsViewList as $sCol => $aCol) {
            if (!$aCol['view'] && !in_array($sCol, $aColsToSkip)) {
                $aColsToSkip[] = $sCol;
        require_once ROOT_PATH . 'inc-lib-viewlist.php';
        // First, check if entries are in the database at all.
        $nTotal = $this->getCount();
        if (!$nTotal && FORMAT == 'text/html') {
            if ($bOnlyRows) {
                // Silent error.
            lovd_showInfoTable('No entries in the database yet!', 'stop');
            return 0;
        // Process search fields (i.e. $_GET['search_...'] values) for viewlist.
        list($WHERE, $HAVING, $aArguments, $aBadSyntaxColumns, $aColTypes) = $this->processViewListSearchArgs($_GET);
        if ($WHERE) {
            $this->aSQLViewList['WHERE'] .= ($this->aSQLViewList['WHERE'] ? ' AND ' : '') . $WHERE;
        if ($HAVING) {
            $this->aSQLViewList['HAVING'] .= ($this->aSQLViewList['HAVING'] ? ' AND ' : '') . $HAVING;
        // SORT: Current settings, also implementing XSS check.
        if (!empty($_GET['order']) && $_GET['order'] === strip_tags($_GET['order'])) {
            $aOrder = explode(',', $_GET['order']);
        } else {
            $aOrder = array('', '');
        // SORT: Verify request and set default.
        if (empty($this->aColumnsViewList[$aOrder[0]]['db'][1])) {
            $aOrder[0] = $this->sSortDefault;
        if ($aOrder[1] != 'ASC' && $aOrder[1] != 'DESC') {
            $aOrder[1] = $this->aColumnsViewList[$aOrder[0]]['db'][1];
        $sSQLOrderBy = $this->aColumnsViewList[$aOrder[0]]['db'][0] . ' ' . $aOrder[1];
        if (in_array($aOrder[0], array('chromosome', 'VariantOnGenome/DNA'))) {
            // 2014-03-07; 3.0-10; We need to find the table alias of the VOG or genes table, because otherwise MySQL fails here ('chromosome' is ambiguous) if both are joined.
            // 2014-04-28; 3.0-10; Prefer the genes table, since it joins to VOG as well, but may not have results which messes up the order.
            $sAlias = '';
            if (preg_match('/' . TABLE_GENES . ' AS ([a-z]+)/i', $this->aSQLViewList['FROM'], $aRegs)) {
                $sAlias = $aRegs[1];
            } elseif (preg_match('/' . TABLE_VARIANTS . ' AS ([a-z]+)/i', $this->aSQLViewList['FROM'], $aRegs)) {
                $sAlias = $aRegs[1];
            $this->aSQLViewList['FROM'] .= ' LEFT OUTER JOIN ' . TABLE_CHROMOSOMES . ' AS chr ON (' . (!$sAlias ? '' : $sAlias . '.') . 'chromosome = chr.name)';
            $sSQLOrderBy = 'chr.sort_id ' . $aOrder[1];
            if ($aOrder[0] == 'VariantOnGenome/DNA') {
                $sSQLOrderBy .= ', position_g_start ' . $aOrder[1] . ', position_g_end ' . $aOrder[1] . ', `VariantOnGenome/DNA` ' . $aOrder[1];
        } elseif ($aOrder[0] == 'VariantOnTranscript/DNA') {
            $sSQLOrderBy = 'position_c_start ' . $aOrder[1] . ', position_c_start_intron ' . $aOrder[1] . ', position_c_end ' . $aOrder[1] . ', position_c_end_intron ' . $aOrder[1] . ', `VariantOnTranscript/DNA` ' . $aOrder[1];
        // At this point, we're not sure if we'll actually use the ORDER BY at all.
        $this->aSQLViewList['ORDER_BY'] = $sSQLOrderBy . (empty($this->aSQLViewList['ORDER_BY']) ? '' : ', ' . $this->aSQLViewList['ORDER_BY']);
        // Only print stuff if we're not in Ajax right now.
        if (!$bAjax && FORMAT == 'text/html') {
            // Keep the URL clean; disable any fields that are not used.
            lovd_includeJS('inc-js-viewlist.php' . (!$bNoHistory ? '' : '?nohistory'));
            // Print form; required for sorting and searching.
            // Because we don't want the form to submit itself while we are waiting for the Ajax response, we need to kill the native submit() functionality.
            print '      <FORM action="' . CURRENT_PATH . '" method="get" id="viewlistForm_' . $sViewListID . '" style="margin : 0px;" onsubmit="return false;">' . "\n" . '        <INPUT type="hidden" name="viewlistid" value="' . $sViewListID . '">' . "\n" . '        <INPUT type="hidden" name="object" value="' . $this->sObject . '">' . "\n" . (!isset($this->sObjectID) ? '' : '        <INPUT type="hidden" name="object_id" value="' . $this->sObjectID . '">' . "\n") . (!isset($this->nID) ? '' : '        <INPUT type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $this->nID . '">' . "\n") . (!ACTION ? '' : '        <INPUT type="hidden" name="' . ACTION . '" value="">' . "\n") . '        <INPUT type="hidden" name="order" value="' . implode(',', $aOrder) . '">' . "\n";
            // Skipping (permanently hiding) columns.
            foreach ($aColsToSkip as $sCol) {
                if (array_key_exists($sCol, $this->aColumnsViewList)) {
                    // Internet Explorer refuses to submit input with equal names. If names are different, everything works fine.
                    // Somebody please tell me it's a bug and nobody's logical thinking. Had to include $sCol to make it work.
                    print '        <INPUT type="hidden" name="skip[' . $sCol . ']" value="' . $sCol . '">' . "\n";
                    // Check if we're skipping columns, that do have a search value. If so, it needs to be sent on like this.
                    if (isset($_GET['search_' . $sCol])) {
                        print '        <INPUT type="hidden" name="search_' . $sCol . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($_GET['search_' . $sCol]) . '">' . "\n";
            if ($bHideNav) {
                print '        <INPUT type="hidden" name="hidenav" value="true">' . "\n";
            if ($bOptions) {
                print '        <INPUT type="hidden" name="options" value="true">' . "\n";
            print "\n";
        // Make a reference variable of the session for cleaner code.
        $aSessionViewList =& $_SESSION['viewlists'][$sViewListID];
        // To make row ids persist when the viewList is refreshed, we must store the row id in $_SESSION.
        if (!empty($aSessionViewList['row_id'])) {
            $this->sRowID = $aSessionViewList['row_id'];
        } else {
            $aSessionViewList['row_id'] = $this->sRowID;
            // Implies array creation.
        // To make row links persist when the viewList is refreshed, we must store the row link in $_SESSION.
        if (!empty($aSessionViewList['row_link'])) {
            $this->sRowLink = $aSessionViewList['row_link'];
        } else {
            $aSessionViewList['row_link'] = $this->sRowLink;
            // Implies array creation.
        // Process input values regarding find & replace.
        // User clicked preview.
        $bFRPreview = !empty($_GET['FRPreviewClicked_' . $sViewListID]);
        // Selected field name for replace.
        $sFRFieldname = isset($_GET['FRFieldname_' . $sViewListID]) ? $_GET['FRFieldname_' . $sViewListID] : null;
        // Display name of selected field.
        $sFRFieldDisplayname = isset($_GET['FRFieldDisplayname_' . $sViewListID]) ? $_GET['FRFieldDisplayname_' . $sViewListID] : null;
        // Search query for find & replace.
        $sFRSearchValue = isset($_GET['FRSearch_' . $sViewListID]) ? $_GET['FRSearch_' . $sViewListID] : null;
        // Replace value for find & replace.
        $sFRReplaceValue = isset($_GET['FRReplace_' . $sViewListID]) ? $_GET['FRReplace_' . $sViewListID] : null;
        // Type of matching.
        $sFRMatchType = isset($_GET['FRMatchType_' . $sViewListID]) ? $_GET['FRMatchType_' . $sViewListID] : null;
        // Flag stating whether all field content sould be replaced.
        $bFRReplaceAll = !empty($_GET['FRReplaceAll_' . $sViewListID]);
        // Predicted affected row count.
        $nFRRowsAffected = null;
        // Find & replace options parameter.
        $aFROptions = array('sFRMatchType' => $sFRMatchType, 'bFRReplaceAll' => $bFRReplaceAll);
        $nTotal = 0;
        // Overwrites the previous $nTotal.
        if (!count($aBadSyntaxColumns)) {
            // Build argument list.
            $aArgs = array_merge($aArguments['WHERE'], $aArguments['HAVING']);
            if ($bFRPreview) {
                // User clicked 'preview' in Find&Replace form, add F&R changes as a separate
                // column in the query.
                $nFRRowsAffected = $this->previewColumnFindAndReplace($sFRFieldname, $sFRFieldDisplayname, $sFRSearchValue, $sFRReplaceValue, $aArgs, $aFROptions);
            // First find the amount of rows returned. We can use the SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS()
            // function, but we'll try to avoid that due to extreme slowness in some cases.
            // getRowCountForViewList() will take care of that.
            // There is talk about a possible race condition using this technique on the mysql_num_rows man page, but I could find no evidence of it's existence on InnoDB tables.
            // Just to be sure, I'm implementing a serializable transaction, which should lock the table between the two SELECT queries to ensure proper results.
            // Last checked 2010-01-25, by Ivo Fokkema.
            // For ALL viewlists, we store the number of hits that we get, including the current filters.
            // For large tables, getting a count can take a long time (especially when using SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS).
            // ORDER BY is absolutely killing on large result sets.
            // So, long time to retrieve count (>1s) => don't count again, and no sort.
            // Count OK (<=1s), but big result set (250K) => no sort. ($_SETT['lists']['max_sortable_rows'])
            // 1) If we don't have a count in memory, request count separately.
            // Also if last count was >15min ago, request again.
            $bTrueCount = false;
            // Indicates whether or not we are sure about the number of results.
            $sFilterMD5 = md5($WHERE . '||' . $HAVING . '||' . implode('|', $aArgs));
            // A signature for the filters, NOTE that this depends on the column order!
            // FIXME: If this count takes longer than 1s, we don't estimate anymore like we used to (see line 1543).
            if (true || !isset($aSessionViewList['counts'][$sFilterMD5]['n'])) {
                $t = microtime(true);
                // Now, get the total number of hits if no LIMIT was used. Note that $nTotal gets overwritten here.
                $nTotal = $this->getRowCountForViewList($this->aSQLViewList, $aArgs);
                $tQ = microtime(true) - $t;
                $aSessionViewList['counts'][$sFilterMD5]['n'] = $nTotal;
                $aSessionViewList['counts'][$sFilterMD5]['t'] = $tQ;
                $aSessionViewList['counts'][$sFilterMD5]['d'] = time();
                $bTrueCount = true;
            // Manipulate SELECT to include SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS.
            $bSQLCALCFOUNDROWS = false;
            // TODO: Remove this block. For now, this will be bypassed because $bTrueCount will always be true.
            if (!$bTrueCount && $_INI['database']['driver'] == 'mysql' && ($aSessionViewList['counts'][$sFilterMD5]['t'] < 1 || $aSessionViewList['counts'][$sFilterMD5]['d'] < time() - 60 * 15)) {
                // But only if we're using MySQL and it takes less than a second to get the correct number of results, or it's been more than 15 minutes since the last check!
                $this->aSQLViewList['SELECT'] = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ' . $this->aSQLViewList['SELECT'];
                $bSQLCALCFOUNDROWS = true;
            if ($bOptions) {
                // If the session variable does not exist, create it!
                if (!isset($aSessionViewList['checked'])) {
                    $aSessionViewList['checked'] = array();
                if (isset($_GET['ids_changed'])) {
                    if ($_GET['ids_changed'] == 'all') {
                        // If the select all button was clicked, fetch all entries and mark them as 'checked' in session.
                        // This query is the same as the viewList query, but without the ORDER BY and LIMIT, so that we can get the full result
                        // of the query.
                        $sSQL = $this->buildSQL(array('SELECT' => $this->aSQLViewList['SELECT'], 'FROM' => $this->aSQLViewList['FROM'], 'WHERE' => $this->aSQLViewList['WHERE'], 'GROUP_BY' => $this->aSQLViewList['GROUP_BY'], 'HAVING' => $this->aSQLViewList['HAVING']));
                        $q = $_DB->query($sSQL, $aArgs);
                        while ($zData = $q->fetchAssoc()) {
                            $zData = $this->generateRowID($zData);
                            // We only need the row_id here for knowing which ones we need to check.
                            // 2015-09-18; 3.0-14; We need to run rawurldecode() or else Columns are not selectable this way.
                            $aSessionViewList['checked'][] = rawurldecode($zData['row_id']);
                    } elseif ($_GET['ids_changed'] == 'none') {
                        // If the unselect all button was clicked, reset the 'checked' array.
                        $aSessionViewList['checked'] = array();
                    } else {
                        // Get the changed ids and remove them from or add them to the session.
                        $aIDsChanged = explode(';', $_GET['ids_changed']);
                        // Flip the keys & values, so that we can do a simple isset() to see if the id is already present.
                        $aSessionViewList['checked'] = array_flip($aSessionViewList['checked']);
                        // Determine the highest key number, so we can use that later when adding new values to the array.
                        $nIndex = count($aSessionViewList['checked']) ? max($aSessionViewList['checked']) + 1 : 0;
                        foreach ($aIDsChanged as $nID) {
                            if (isset($aSessionViewList['checked'][$nID])) {
                                // ID is found in the array, but is also in the 'ids_changed' array, so remove it!
                            } else {
                                // ID is not found in the array, but IS in the 'ids_changed' array, so add it using the $nIndex as value we determined earlier.
                                // Also add 1 to the $nIndex so that the next id that needs to be added will not overwrite this one.
                                $aSessionViewList['checked'][$nID] = ++$nIndex;
                        // Flip the array back to its original state.
                        $aSessionViewList['checked'] = array_flip($aSessionViewList['checked']);
            // ORDER BY will only occur when we estimate we have time for it.
            if ($aSessionViewList['counts'][$sFilterMD5]['t'] < 1 && $aSessionViewList['counts'][$sFilterMD5]['n'] <= $_SETT['lists']['max_sortable_rows']) {
                $bSortableVL = true;
            } else {
                // Not sortable, indicate this on the VL...
                $aOrder = array('', '');
                $bSortableVL = false;
                // 2013-07-03; 3.0-07; However, we do try and sort because in principle, the order is random and this may cause confusion while paginating.
                //   So, as a result we'll try and sort on the PK. We attempt to determine this from the GROUP BY or ID col in the VL columns list.
                $sCol = '';
                if (isset($this->aSQLViewList['GROUP_BY'])) {
                    $sCol = $this->aSQLViewList['GROUP_BY'];
                } elseif ($this->aColumnsViewList['id']) {
                    $sCol = $this->aColumnsViewList['id']['db'][0];
                } elseif ($this->aColumnsViewList['id_']) {
                    $sCol = $this->aColumnsViewList['id_']['db'][0];
                $this->aSQLViewList['ORDER_BY'] = $sCol;
            if (!$bHideNav && FORMAT == 'text/html') {
                // Implement LIMIT only if navigation is not hidden.
                // We have a problem here, because we don't know how many hits there are,
                // because we're using SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS which only gives us the number
                // of hits AFTER we run the whole query. This means we should just assume
                // the page number is possible.
                $this->aSQLViewList['LIMIT'] = lovd_pagesplitInit();
                // Function requires variable names $_GET['page'] and $_GET['page_size'].
            $sSQL = $this->buildSQL($this->aSQLViewList);
            // Run the viewList query.
            // FIXME; what if using AJAX? Probably we should generate a number here, if this query fails, telling the system to try once more. If that fails also, the JS should throw a general error, maybe.
            $q = $_DB->query($sSQL, $aArgs);
            // Now, get the total number of hits as if no LIMIT was used (when we have used the proper SELECT syntax). Note that $nTotal gets overwritten here.
            if ($bSQLCALCFOUNDROWS) {
                // FIXME: 't' needs to be recalculated as well!
                $nTotal = $_DB->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()')->fetchColumn();
                $aSessionViewList['counts'][$sFilterMD5]['n'] = $nTotal;
                $aSessionViewList['counts'][$sFilterMD5]['d'] = time();
                $bTrueCount = true;
            } else {
                // Estimate the number of results!
                $nTotal = $aSessionViewList['counts'][$sFilterMD5]['n'];
            // To end the transaction and the locks that come with it.
        } else {
            // Set certain values that are needed for hiding notices, applicable for the "incorrect syntax" error message.
            $bTrueCount = true;
            // Yes, we're sure we have 0 results.
            $bSortableVL = false;
            // Sorting makes no sense when you have no results.
        // If no results are found, try to figure out if it was because of the user's searching or not.
        if (!$nTotal) {
            $bSearched = false;
            $aHiddenSearch = array();
            foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
                if (substr($key, 0, 7) == 'search_') {
                    $sColumn = substr($key, 7);
                    if (!in_array($sColumn, $aColsToSkip)) {
                        $bSearched = true;
                    } elseif ($this->aColumnsViewList[$sColumn]['view']) {
                        $sColHeader = $this->aColumnsViewList[$sColumn]['view'][0];
                        // Make sure all hidden ID columns have "ID" in the header, so we can recognize them.
                        if (substr(rtrim($sColumn, '_'), -2) == 'id' && substr($sColHeader, -3) != ' ID') {
                            $sColHeader .= ' ID';
                        $aHiddenSearch[$sColHeader] = $value;
        // FIXME; this is a temporary hack just to get the genes?authorize working when all users have been selected.
        //   There is no longer a viewList when all users have been selected, but we need one for the JS execution.
        //   Possibly, this code can be standardized a bit and, if necessary for other viewLists as well, can be kept here.
        if (!$nTotal && !$bSearched && ($this->sObject == 'User' && !empty($_GET['search_id']))) {
            // FIXME; Maybe check for JS contents of the rowlink?
            // There has been searched, but apparently the ID column is forced hidden. This must be the authorize page.
            $bSearched = true;
            // This will trigger the creation of the viewList table.
        if (FORMAT == 'text/html' && ($nTotal || $bSearched)) {
            // Only print stuff if we're not just loading one entry right now.
            if (!$bOnlyRows) {
                if (!$bAjax) {
                    print '      <DIV id="viewlistDiv_' . $sViewListID . '">' . "\n";
                    // These contents will be replaced by Ajax.
                // If we have a legend, create a hidden DIV that will be used for the full legend.
                print '      <DIV id="viewlistLegend_' . $sViewListID . '" title="Legend" style="display : none;">' . "\n" . '        <H2 class="LOVD">Legend</H2>' . "\n\n" . '        <I class="S11">Please note that a short description of a certain column can be displayed when you move your mouse cursor over the column\'s header and hold it still. Below, a more detailed description is shown per column.</I><BR><BR>' . "\n\n";
                $bLegend = false;
                // We need to check if we have a legend at all.
                foreach ($this->aColumnsViewList as $sField => $aCol) {
                    if (!empty($aCol['legend'])) {
                        $bLegend = true;
                        if (empty($aCol['legend'][1])) {
                            $aCol['legend'][1] = $aCol['legend'][0];
                        print '        <B>' . $aCol['view'][0] . '</B>: ' . $aCol['legend'][1];
                        if (substr($aCol['legend'][1], -5) == '</UL>') {
                            // No additional breaks, no possible listing of selection options. Column has its own UL already.
                            print "\n\n";
                        if (isset($this->aColumns[$sField]) && $this->aColumns[$sField]['form_type'][2] == 'select') {
                            // This is a custom column and it has a selection list with options. List the options below.
                            print '<BR>' . "\n" . '        All options:' . "\n" . '        <UL style="margin-top : 0px;">' . "\n";
                            foreach ($this->aColumns[$sField]['select_options'] as $sOption) {
                                print '          <LI>' . $sOption . '</LI>' . "\n";
                            print '      </UL>' . "\n\n";
                        } else {
                            print '<BR><BR>' . "\n\n";
                print '      </DIV>' . "\n\n";
                if (!$bHideNav) {
                    lovd_pagesplitShowNav($sViewListID, $nTotal, $bTrueCount, $bSortableVL, $bLegend);
                // 'checked' attribute values for find & replace menu options.
                $sFRMatchtypeCheck1 = !isset($sFRMatchType) || $sFRMatchType == '1' ? 'checked' : '';
                $sFRMatchtypeCheck2 = $sFRMatchType == '2' ? 'checked' : '';
                $sFRMatchtypeCheck3 = $sFRMatchType == '3' ? 'checked' : '';
                $sFRReplaceAllCheck = $bFRReplaceAll ? 'checked' : '';
                $sFRRowsAffected = !is_null($nFRRowsAffected) ? strval($nFRRowsAffected) : '';
                $sFRFieldname = htmlspecialchars($sFRFieldname);
                $sFRFieldDisplayname = htmlspecialchars($sFRFieldDisplayname);
                $sFRSearchValue = htmlspecialchars($sFRSearchValue);
                $sFRReplaceValue = htmlspecialchars($sFRReplaceValue);
                // Print options menu for find & replace (hidden by default).
                print <<<FROptions
<DIV id="viewlistFRFormContainer_{$sViewListID}" class="fnroptionsmenu" style="display: none;">
    <SPAN><B style="color: red">Note that find &amp; replace is still in BETA. Changes made using this feature are not checked for errors, therefore using find &amp; replace may have destructive consequences.<BR>Make a download or backup of the data you're about to edit. If uncertain, use the edit form of the data entries instead.</B><BR>
        Applying find &amp; replace to column
        &quot;<B id="viewlistFRColDisplay_{$sViewListID}">{$sFRFieldname}</B>&quot;.
        <INPUT id="FRFieldname_{$sViewListID}" type="hidden" name="FRFieldname_{$sViewListID}"
               value="{$sFRFieldname}" />
        <INPUT id="FRFieldDisplayname_{$sViewListID}" type="hidden"
               name="FRFieldDisplayname_{$sViewListID}" value="{$sFRFieldDisplayname}" />
        <INPUT id="FRRowsAffected_{$sViewListID}" type="hidden" value="{$sFRRowsAffected}" />
    <BR />
            <TD>Text to find</TD>
                <INPUT type="text" name="FRSearch_{$sViewListID}" value="{$sFRSearchValue}"
                       style="width: 110px" />
                <INPUT type="radio" name="FRMatchType_{$sViewListID}" value="1" {$sFRMatchtypeCheck1} />Match anywhere
                <INPUT type="radio" name="FRMatchType_{$sViewListID}" value="2" {$sFRMatchtypeCheck2} />Match at beginning of field
                <INPUT type="radio" name="FRMatchType_{$sViewListID}" value="3" {$sFRMatchtypeCheck3} />Match at end of field
            <TD>Replace with</TD>
                <INPUT type="text" name="FRReplace_{$sViewListID}" value="{$sFRReplaceValue}"
                       style="width: 110px" />
                <INPUT type="checkbox" name="FRReplaceAll_{$sViewListID}" value="1" {$sFRReplaceAllCheck} />Replace everything in field
    <INPUT id="FRPreview_{$sViewListID}" type="button" value="Preview" />
    <INPUT id="FRCancel_{$sViewListID}" type="button" value="Cancel" style="border : 1px solid #FF4422;" />
    <DIV id="FRSubmitDiv_{$sViewListID}">
        Enter your password to apply find and replace:<BR> 
        <INPUT type="password" name="password" size="20" />
        <INPUT id="FRSubmit_{$sViewListID}" type="submit" value="Submit" />
                // Table and search headers (if applicable).
                print '      <TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" class="data" id="viewlistTable_' . $sViewListID . '">' . "\n" . '        <THEAD>' . "\n" . '        <TR>' . ($bOptions ? "\n" . '          <TH valign="center" style="text-align:center;">' . "\n" . '            <IMG id="viewlistOptionsButton_' . $sViewListID . '" src="gfx/options.png" width="16" height="16" style="cursor : pointer;"></TH>' : '');
                foreach ($this->aColumnsViewList as $sField => $aCol) {
                    if (in_array($sField, $aColsToSkip)) {
                    $bSortable = !empty($aCol['db'][1]) && $bSortableVL;
                    // If we can't sort at all, nothing is sortable.
                    $bSearchable = !empty($aCol['db'][2]);
                    $nAllowFindAndReplace = (int) (!empty($aCol['allowfnr']));
                    // Later allow other columns as well, such as owned_by or statusid or so.
                    $sImg = '';
                    $sAlt = '';
                    if ($bSortable && $aOrder[0] == $sField) {
                        $sImg = $aOrder[1] == 'DESC' ? '_desc' : '_asc';
                        $sAlt = $aOrder[1] == 'DESC' ? 'Descending' : 'Ascending';
                    print "\n" . '          <TH valign="top"' . ($bSortable ? ' class="order' . ($aOrder[0] == $sField ? 'ed' : '') . '"' : '') . (empty($aCol['legend'][0]) ? '' : ' title="' . htmlspecialchars($aCol['legend'][0]) . '"') . ' data-allowfnr="' . $nAllowFindAndReplace . '" data-fieldname="' . $sField . '">' . "\n" . '            <IMG src="gfx/trans.png" alt="" width="' . $aCol['view'][1] . '" height="1" id="viewlistTable_' . $sViewListID . '_colwidth_' . $sField . '"><BR>' . (!$bSortable ? str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $aCol['view'][0]) . '<BR>' : "\n" . '            <DIV onclick="document.forms[\'viewlistForm_' . $sViewListID . '\'].order.value=\'' . $sField . ',' . ($aOrder[0] == $sField ? $aOrder[1] == 'ASC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC' : $aCol['db'][1]) . '\'; if (document.forms[\'viewlistForm_' . $sViewListID . '\'].page) { document.forms[\'viewlistForm_' . $sViewListID . '\'].page.value=1; } lovd_AJAX_viewListSubmit(\'' . $sViewListID . '\');" style="position : relative;">' . "\n" . '              <IMG src="gfx/order_arrow' . $sImg . '.png" alt="' . $sAlt . '" title="' . $sAlt . '" width="13" height="12" style="position : absolute; top : 2px; right : 0px;">' . str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $aCol['view'][0]) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</DIV>') . (!$bSearchable ? '' : "\n" . '            <INPUT type="text" name="search_' . $sField . '" value="' . (!isset($_GET['search_' . $sField]) ? '' : htmlspecialchars($_GET['search_' . $sField])) . '" title="' . $aCol['view'][0] . ' field should contain...' . (!empty($_GET['search_' . $sField]) ? "\nCurrent search:\n\n" . htmlspecialchars(lovd_formatSearchExpression($_GET['search_' . $sField], $aColTypes[$sField])) : '') . '" style="width : ' . ($aCol['view'][1] - 6) . 'px; font-weight : normal;" onkeydown="if (event.keyCode == 13) { if (document.forms[\'viewlistForm_' . $sViewListID . '\'].page) { document.forms[\'viewlistForm_' . $sViewListID . '\'].page.value=1; } setTimeout(\'lovd_AJAX_viewListSubmit(\\\'' . $sViewListID . '\\\')\', 0); return false;}">') . '</TH>';
                print '</TR></THEAD>';
        } elseif (FORMAT == 'text/plain') {
            // Download format: show headers.
            $sObject = $this->sObject == 'Custom_ViewList' ? $this->sObjectID : $this->sObject . 's';
            header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
            header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="LOVD_' . $sObject . '_' . date('Y-m-d_H.i.s') . '.txt"');
            header('Pragma: public');
            print '### LOVD-version ' . lovd_calculateVersion($_SETT['system']['version']) . ' ### ' . $sObject . ' Quick Download format ### This file can not be imported ###' . "\r\n";
            // FIXME: this has to be done better, we can't see what we're filtering for, because it's in the arguments!
            $sFilter = $WHERE . ($WHERE && $HAVING ? ' AND ' : '') . $HAVING;
            if ($sFilter) {
                if (count($aArgs) == substr_count($sFilter, '?')) {
                    foreach ($aArgs as $sArg) {
                        $sFilter = preg_replace('/\\?/', ctype_digit($sArg) ? $sArg : '"' . $sArg . '"', $sFilter, 1);
                print '## Filter: ' . $sFilter . "\r\n";
            if (ACTION == 'downloadSelected') {
                print '## Filter: selected = ' . implode(',', $aSessionViewList['checked']) . "\r\n";
            print '# charset=UTF-8' . "\r\n";
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($this->aColumnsViewList as $sField => $aCol) {
                if (in_array($sField, $aColsToSkip)) {
                print ($i++ ? "\t" : '') . '"{{' . $sField . '}}"';
            print "\r\n";
        if (!$nTotal && FORMAT == 'text/html') {
            if ($bSearched) {
                // Searched, but no results. FIXME: link to the proper documentation entry about search expressions
                $sBadSyntaxColumns = implode(', ', array_unique($aBadSyntaxColumns));
                // FIXME; use an IF here.
                $sMessageNormal = 'No results have been found that match your criteria.<BR>Please redefine your search criteria.';
                $sMessageBadSyntax = 'Your search column' . (count($aBadSyntaxColumns) > 1 ? 's contain' : ' contains') . ' incorrect search expression syntax at: ' . $sBadSyntaxColumns . '.';
                $sMessage = empty($aBadSyntaxColumns) ? $sMessageNormal : $sMessageBadSyntax;
                if ($bOnlyRows) {
                    // Silent error.
                // FIXME; This code is sort of duplicated, some 100 lines below we also print this, *if* results are found.
                print '</TABLE><BR>' . "\n";
                // <BR> is necessary to keep the InfoTable apart from the data headers.
                if (!$bHideNav) {
                    print '        <INPUT type="hidden" name="total" value="' . $nTotal . '" disabled>' . "\n" . '        <INPUT type="hidden" name="page_size" value="' . $_GET['page_size'] . '">' . "\n" . '        <INPUT type="hidden" name="page" value="' . $_GET['page'] . '">' . "\n";
                lovd_showInfoTable($sMessage, 'stop');
                print '      </DIV></FORM>' . "\n\n";
            } else {
                if ($bOnlyRows) {
                    // Silent error.
                print '      <DIV id="viewlistDiv_' . $sViewListID . '">' . "\n";
                // These contents will be replaced by Ajax.
                if (substr($this->sObject, -7) == 'Variant') {
                    $sUnit = 'variants' . (substr($this->sObject, 0, 10) == 'Transcript' ? ' on transcripts' : '');
                } elseif ($this->sObject == 'Custom_Viewlist') {
                    $sUnit = 'entries';
                } elseif ($this->sObject == 'Shared_Column') {
                    $sUnit = 'active columns';
                } else {
                    $sUnit = strtolower($this->sObject) . 's';
                $sMessage = 'No ' . $sUnit . ' found';
                if (!empty($aHiddenSearch)) {
                    $sWhere = '';
                    foreach ($aHiddenSearch as $sCol => $sValue) {
                        // If the hidden column has "ID" in its name, it is the primary filter column.
                        if (substr($sCol, -3) == ' ID') {
                            $sWhere .= ($sWhere ? ' and ' : ' ') . 'for this ' . strtolower(substr($sCol, 0, -3));
                        } else {
                            $sWhere .= ($sWhere ? ' and ' : ' where ') . strtolower($sCol) . ' is "' . str_replace('|', '" or "', trim($sValue, '="') . '"');
                    $sMessage .= $sWhere;
                lovd_showInfoTable($sMessage . '!', 'stop');
                print '      </DIV></FORM>' . "\n\n";
                return 0;
        // Now loop through the data and print. But check for $q to be set; if we had a bad search syntax, we end up here as well, but without an $q.
        while (isset($q) && $nTotal && ($zData = $q->fetchAssoc())) {
            // If row_id is not given by the database, but it should be created according to some format ($this->sRowID), put the data's ID in this format.
            $zData = $this->generateRowID($zData);
            // If row_link is not given by the database, but it should be created according to some format ($this->sRowLink), put the data's ID and the viewList's ID in this format.
            if (!isset($zData['row_link'])) {
                if ($this->sRowLink !== '' && $zData['row_id']) {
                    $zData['row_link'] = str_replace(array('{{ID}}', '{{ViewListID}}'), array(rawurlencode($zData['row_id']), $sViewListID), $this->sRowLink);
                    //$zData['row_link'] = preg_replace('/\{\{zData_(\w)+\}\}/', rawurlencode("$1"), $zData['row_link']);
                    //$zData['row_link'] = preg_replace_callback('/\{\{zData_(\w+)\}\}/', create_function('$aRegs', 'global $zData; return rawurlencode($zData[$aRegs[1]]);'), $zData['row_link']);
                    // FIXME; sorry, couldn't figure out how to do this in one line. Suggestions are welcome.
                    foreach ($zData as $key => $val) {
                        // Also allow data from $zData to be put into the row link & row id.
                        // FIXME; This is a temporary ugly solution, so we need to fix this later!!!!
                        $zData['row_link'] = preg_replace('/\\{\\{' . preg_quote($key, '/') . '\\}\\}/', rawurlencode($val), $zData['row_link']);
                        $zData['row_link'] = preg_replace('/\\{\\{zData_' . preg_quote($key, '/') . '\\}\\}/', rawurlencode($val), $zData['row_link']);
                } else {
                    $zData['row_link'] = '';
            $zData = $this->autoExplode($zData);
            // Only the CustomViewList object has this 3rd argument, but other objects' prepareData()
            // don't complain when called with this 3 argument they didn't define.
            $zData = $this->prepareData($zData, 'list', $sViewListID);
            if (FORMAT == 'text/html') {
                // FIXME; rawurldecode() in the line below should have a better solution.
                // IE (who else) refuses to respect the BASE href tag when using JS. So we have no other option than to include the full path here.
                print "\n" . '        <TR class="' . (empty($zData['class_name']) ? 'data' : $zData['class_name']) . '"' . (!$zData['row_id'] ? '' : ' id="' . $zData['row_id'] . '"') . ' valign="top"' . (!$zData['row_link'] ? '' : ' style="cursor : pointer;"') . (!$zData['row_link'] ? '' : ' onclick="' . (substr($zData['row_link'], 0, 11) == 'javascript:' ? rawurldecode(substr($zData['row_link'], 11)) : 'window.location.href = \'' . lovd_getInstallURL(false) . $zData['row_link'] . '\';') . '"') . '>';
                if ($bOptions) {
                    print "\n" . '          <TD align="center" class="checkbox" onclick="cancelParentEvent(event);"><INPUT id="check_' . $zData['row_id'] . '" class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="check_' . $zData['row_id'] . '" onclick="lovd_recordCheckChanges(this, \'' . $sViewListID . '\');"' . (in_array($zData['row_id'], $aSessionViewList['checked']) ? ' checked' : '') . '></TD>';
                foreach ($this->aColumnsViewList as $sField => $aCol) {
                    if (in_array($sField, $aColsToSkip)) {
                    print "\n" . '          <TD' . (!empty($aCol['view'][2]) ? ' ' . $aCol['view'][2] : '') . ($aOrder[0] == $sField ? ' class="ordered"' : '') . '>' . ($zData[$sField] === '' ? '-' : $zData[$sField]) . '</TD>';
                print '</TR>';
            } elseif (FORMAT == 'text/plain') {
                // Download format: print contents.
                if (ACTION == 'downloadSelected' && !in_array($zData['row_id'], $aSessionViewList['checked'])) {
                    // Only selected entries should be downloaded. And this one is not selected.
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($this->aColumnsViewList as $sField => $aCol) {
                    if (in_array($sField, $aColsToSkip)) {
                    print ($i++ ? "\t" : '') . '"' . str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), array('\\r\\n', '\\r', '\\n'), addslashes(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($zData[$sField])))) . '"';
                print "\r\n";
        // Only print stuff if we're not just loading one entry right now.
        if ($nTotal && !$bOnlyRows && FORMAT == 'text/html') {
            print '</TABLE>' . "\n";
            if (!$bHideNav) {
                print '        <INPUT type="hidden" name="total" value="' . $nTotal . '" disabled>' . "\n" . '        <INPUT type="hidden" name="page_size" value="' . $_GET['page_size'] . '">' . "\n" . '        <INPUT type="hidden" name="page" value="' . $_GET['page'] . '">' . "\n\n";
                lovd_pagesplitShowNav($sViewListID, $nTotal, $bTrueCount, $bSortableVL, $bLegend);
            if (!$bAjax) {
                print '      </DIV></FORM><BR>' . "\n";
                // These contents will be replaced by Ajax.
        if (!$bAjax && FORMAT == 'text/html') {
            // If sent using Ajax, the browser is not going to evaluate this code, anyways.
            print '      <SCRIPT type="text/javascript">' . "\n" . '        // This has to be run when the document has finished loading everything, because only then can it get the proper width from IE7 and lower!' . "\n" . '        $( function () {lovd_stretchInputs(\'' . $sViewListID . '\');});' . "\n";
            if ($bOptions) {
                $sFRMenuOption = '';
                if ($bFindReplace) {
                    // Add find & replace menu item to viewlist options menu.
                    $sFRMenuOption = <<<FRITEM
'            <LI class="icon">' +
'                <A click="lovd_FRColumnSelector(\\'{$sViewListID}\\');">' +
'                    <SPAN class="icon" style=""></SPAN>' +
'                    Find and replace text in column' +
'                </A>' +
'            </LI>' +
                print <<<OPMENU
        // If menu's UL doesn't exist yet, create it.
        if (\$('#viewlistMenu_{$sViewListID}').attr('id') == undefined) {
          var oUL = window.document.createElement('ul');
          oUL.setAttribute('id', 'viewlistMenu_{$sViewListID}');
          oUL.className = 'jeegoocontext jeegooviewlist';
        // Fix the top border that could not be set through jeegoo's style.css.
        \$('#viewlistMenu_{$sViewListID}').attr('style', 'border-top : 1px solid #000;');
'            <LI class="icon">' +
'                <A click="check_list[\\'{$sViewListID}\\'] = \\'all\\'; lovd_AJAX_viewListSubmit(\\'{$sViewListID}\\');">' +
'                    <SPAN class="icon" style="background-image: url(gfx/check.png);"></SPAN>' +
'                    Select all <SPAN>entries</SPAN>' +
'                </A>' +
'            </LI>' +
'            <LI class="icon">' +
'                <A click="check_list[\\'{$sViewListID}\\'] = \\'none\\'; lovd_AJAX_viewListSubmit(\\'{$sViewListID}\\');">' +
'                    <SPAN class="icon" style="background-image: url(gfx/cross.png);"></SPAN>' +
'                    Unselect all' +
'                </A>' +
'            </LI>' +
'            ');
'            <LI class="icon">' +
'                <A click="lovd_AJAX_viewListSubmit(\\'{$sViewListID}\\', function(){lovd_AJAX_viewListDownload(\\'{$sViewListID}\\', true);});">' +
'                    <SPAN class="icon" style="background-image: url(gfx/menu_save.png);"></SPAN>' +
'                    Download all entries (summary data)' +
'                </A>' +
'            </LI>' +
'            <LI class="icon">' +
'                <A click="lovd_AJAX_viewListSubmit(\\'{$sViewListID}\\', function(){lovd_AJAX_viewListDownload(\\'{$sViewListID}\\', false);});">' +
'                    <SPAN class="icon" style="background-image: url(gfx/menu_save.png);"></SPAN>' +
'                    Download selected entries (summary data)' +
'                </A>' +
'            </LI>');
            print '        check_list[\'' . $sViewListID . '\'] = [];' . "\n" . '      </SCRIPT>' . "\n\n";
        return $nTotal;
    } else {
        // Error during update check.
        lovd_writeLog('Error', 'CheckUpdate', 'Could not parse upstream server output:' . "\n" . $sUpdates);
        $_DB->query('UPDATE ' . TABLE_STATUS . ' SET update_checked_date = ?, update_version = "Error", update_level = 0, update_description = "", update_released_date = NULL', array($sNow));
        $_STAT['update_checked_date'] = $sNow;
        $_STAT['update_version'] = 'Error';
        $_STAT['update_released_date'] = '';
        $_STAT['update_level'] = 0;
        $_STAT['update_description'] = '';
// Process...
if ($_STAT['update_version'] == 'Error') {
    $sType = 'error';
    $sMessage = 'An error occured while checking for updates. For more information, see the error log. Please try again later.';
} elseif (lovd_calculateVersion($_STAT['update_version']) > lovd_calculateVersion($_SETT['system']['version'])) {
    $sType = 'newer';
    $sMessage = 'There is an update to LOVD available. More information is below.<BR>' . "\n" . '<B>Latest version</B>: ' . $_STAT['update_version'] . '<BR>' . "\n" . '<B>Release date</B>: ' . $_STAT['update_released_date'] . '<BR>' . "\n" . '<B>Priority level</B>: ' . $_SETT['update_levels'][$_STAT['update_level']] . '<BR>' . "\n" . '<B>Release info</B>: ' . str_replace("\n", '<BR>', $_STAT['update_description']) . '<BR>' . "\n" . '<B>Download</B>: <A href="' . dirname($_SETT['update_URL']) . '/download.php?version=' . $_STAT['update_version'] . '&amp;type=tar.gz">GZIPped TARball</A> or <A href="' . dirname($_SETT['update_URL']) . '/download.php?version=' . $_STAT['update_version'] . '&amp;type=zip">ZIP archive</A><BR>' . "\n" . '<A href="' . $_SETT['upstream_URL'] . $_SETT['system']['tree'] . '/changelog.txt" target="_blank">See the changelog</A>' . "\n";
} else {
    $sType = 'newest';
    $sMessage = 'There are currently no updates. Your LOVD installation is completely up to date.';
// If we're requested to show the icon, we will do that and quit. Else we will provide some info.
if (isset($_GET['icon'])) {
    // Create icon.
    header('Content-type: image/png');
    readfile('gfx/lovd_update_' . $sType . '_blue.png');
} else {
    // Print what we know about new versions...
     $_BAR->setMessage('Other user upgrading the database is still not finished.<BR>' . (isset($_GET['force_lock']) ? 'Forcing upgrade as requested...' : 'This may indicate something went wrong during upgrade.'));
     if (isset($_GET['force_lock'])) {
         $bLocked = false;
 } else {
     $_BAR->setMessage('Upgrading database backend...');
 if (!$bLocked) {
     // There we go...
     // This recursive count returns a higher count then we would seem to want at first glance,
     // because each version's array of queries count as one as well.
     // However, because we will run one additional query per version, this number will be correct anyway.
     // 2012-02-02; 3.0-beta-02; But of course we should exclude the older versions...
     foreach ($aUpdates as $sVersion => $aSQL) {
         if (lovd_calculateVersion($sVersion) <= $sCalcVersionDB || lovd_calculateVersion($sVersion) > $sCalcVersionFiles) {
     $nSQL = count($aUpdates, true);
     // Actually run the SQL...
     $nSQLDone = 0;
     $nSQLDonePercentage = 0;
     $nSQLDonePercentagePrev = 0;
     $nSQLFailed = 0;
     $sSQLFailed = '';
     foreach ($aUpdates as $sVersion => $aSQL) {
         $_BAR->setMessage('To ' . $sVersion . '...');
         // Also set update_checked_date to NULL, so LOVD will again check for updates as soon as possible.
         $aSQL[] = 'UPDATE ' . TABLE_STATUS . ' SET version = "' . $sVersion . '", updated_date = NOW(), update_level = 0, update_checked_date = NULL';
         // Loop needed queries...
文件: import.php 项目: LOVDnl/LOVD3
 $aDiseasesAlreadyWarnedFor = array();
 // To prevent lots and lots of error messages for each phenotype entry created for the same disease that is not yet inserted into the database.
 $aSectionsAlreadyWarnedFor = array();
 // To prevent lots and lots of error messages for a section that cannot be updated in the database.
 foreach ($aData as $i => $sLine) {
     $sLine = trim($sLine);
     if (!$sLine) {
         if (!lovd_endLine()) {
     if (!$sFileVersion) {
         // Still looking for the LOVD version! We have a line here, so this must be what we're looking for.
         if (!preg_match('/^###\\s*LOVD-version\\s*([0-9]{4}\\-[0-9]{2}[a-z0-9])\\s*###\\s*([^#]+)\\s*###/', ltrim($sLine, '"'), $aRegs)) {
             lovd_errorAdd('import', 'File format not recognized; the first line of the imported file should contain the LOVD version header (### LOVD-version ' . lovd_calculateVersion($_SETT['system']['version']) . ' ### ... etc).');
         } else {
             list(, $sFileVersion, $sFileType) = $aRegs;
             $sFileType = trim($sFileType);
             if (!isset($aTypes[$sFileType])) {
                 // We did not understand the file type (Full data download, custom columns, genes, etc).
                 lovd_errorAdd('import', 'File type not recognized; type "' . $sFileType . '" unknown.');
             } else {
                 if (isset($aExcludedTypes[$sFileType])) {
                     // It is currently not possible to import owned data, see manual for details..
                     lovd_errorAdd('import', 'File type not allowed; ' . $aExcludedTypes[$sFileType] . ' ');
                 } else {
                     $sFileType = $aTypes[$sFileType];
                     // Clean $aParsed a bit, depending on the file type.
                     if ($sFileType == 'Col') {
                         $aParsed = array('Columns' => $aParsed['Columns']);
文件: download.php 项目: LOVDnl/LOVD3
     $sHeader = 'Custom column';
     $sFilter = 'category';
     $ID = $_PE[2];
 } elseif ($_PE[1] == 'genes' && empty($_PE[2])) {
     // Download all genes.
     $sFileName = 'genes';
     $sHeader = 'Gene data';
 } else {
 // If we get here, we can print the header already.
 header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="LOVD_' . $sFileName . '_' . date('Y-m-d_H.i.s') . '.txt"');
 header('Pragma: public');
 print '### LOVD-version ' . lovd_calculateVersion($_SETT['system']['version']) . ' ### ' . $sHeader . ' download ### To import, do not remove or alter this header ###' . "\r\n";
 if ($sFilter == 'owner') {
     print '## Filter: (created_by = ' . $ID . ' || owned_by = ' . $ID . ')' . "\r\n";
 } elseif ($sFilter == 'gene') {
     print '## Filter: (gene = ' . $ID . ')' . "\r\n";
 } elseif ($sFilter == 'category') {
     print '## Filter: (category = ' . $ID . ')' . "\r\n";
 print '# charset = UTF-8' . "\r\n\r\n";
 // Prepare file creation by defining headers, columns and filters.
 // All data types have same settings: optional ownership filter, no columns hidden.
 $aDataTypeSettings = array('comments' => array(), 'data' => array(), 'filters' => array(), 'filter_other' => array(), 'hide_columns' => array(), 'prefetch' => false, 'settings' => array());
 if ($sFilter == 'owner') {
     // We need to prefetch the filtered data to be able to filter other objects (genes etc).
     // Note: This will make all objects to be prefetched, which could be a bit of overkill here.
     $aDataTypeSettings['prefetch'] = true;