文件: columns.php 项目: LOVDnl/LOVD3
if (PATH_COUNT == 1 && ACTION == 'create') {
    // URL: /columns?create
    // Create a new column.
    define('TAB_SELECTED', 'setup');
    define('PAGE_TITLE', 'Create new custom ' . (!empty($_POST['category']) ? strtolower($_POST['category']) : '') . ' data column');
    define('LOG_EVENT', 'ColCreate');
    // Require manager clearance.
    require ROOT_PATH . 'inc-lib-form.php';
    // Let user pick column type first.
    if (empty($_POST['category'])) {
        $aOptionsList = array('width' => 950, 'options' => array(array('onclick' => 'javascript:$(\'#optionForm input\').attr(\'value\', \'Individual\'); $(\'#optionForm\').submit();', 'option_text' => '<B>Information on the individual, not related to disease</B>, not changing over time, such as date of birth'), array('onclick' => 'javascript:$(\'#optionForm input\').attr(\'value\', \'Phenotype\'); $(\'#optionForm\').submit();', 'option_text' => '<B>Information on the phenotype, related to disease</B>, possibly changing over time, such as blood pressure'), array('onclick' => 'javascript:$(\'#optionForm input\').attr(\'value\', \'Screening\'); $(\'#optionForm\').submit();', 'option_text' => '<B>Information on the detection of new variants</B>, such as detection technique or laboratory conditions'), array('onclick' => 'javascript:$(\'#optionForm input\').attr(\'value\', \'VariantOnGenome\'); $(\'#optionForm\').submit();', 'option_text' => '<B>Information on the variant(s) found, in general or on the genomic level</B>, such as restriction site change'), array('onclick' => 'javascript:$(\'#optionForm input\').attr(\'value\', \'VariantOnTranscript\'); $(\'#optionForm\').submit();', 'option_text' => '<B>Information on the variant(s) found, specific for the transcript level</B>, such as predicted effect on protein level')));
        print '      You\'re about to create a new custom data column. This will allow you to define what kind of information you would like to store in the database. Please note that <I>defining</I> this type of information, does not automatically make LOVD store this information. You will need to <I>enable</I> it after defining it, so it actually gets added to the data entry form.<BR><BR>' . "\n" . '      Firstly, please choose what kind of category the new type of data belongs:<BR><BR>' . "\n\n" . '      <FORM id="optionForm" action="' . CURRENT_PATH . '?' . ACTION . '" method="post">' . "\n" . lovd_buildOptionTable($aOptionsList) . '        <INPUT name="category" type="hidden" value="">' . "\n" . '      </FORM>' . "\n\n";
    require ROOT_PATH . 'class/object_columns.php';
    $_DATA = new LOVD_Column();
    // Generate a unique workID, that is sortable.
    if (!isset($_POST['workID'])) {
        $nTime = gettimeofday();
        $_POST['workID'] = $nTime['sec'] . $nTime['usec'];
    if (count($_POST) > 2) {
        if (!lovd_error()) {
            // Fields to be used.
文件: submit.php 项目: LOVDnl/LOVD3
     $aOptionsList['options'][3]['onclick'] = 'javascript:alert(\'You cannot finish your submission, because no variants were added to this screening!\')';
     $aOptionsList['options'][3]['option_text'] = '<B>I want to finish this submission</B>';
 } elseif ($sSubmitType == 'individual') {
     $aOptionsList['options'][3]['onclick'] = 'javascript:if(window.confirm(\'Are you sure you are done with submitting the variants found with this screening?\')){document.location.href=\'submit/individual/' . $zData['individualid'] . '\';}';
     $aOptionsList['options'][3]['type'] = 'l';
     $aOptionsList['options'][3]['option_text'] = '<B>Back to the individual</B>';
     if ($zData['variants_found'] && $zData['variants']) {
         // If at least one variant has already been submitted, then we can finish as well from here.
         $aOptionsList['options'][4]['onclick'] = 'submit/finish/individual/' . $zData['individualid'];
         $aOptionsList['options'][4]['option_text'] = '<B>I want to finish this submission</B>';
 } else {
     $aOptionsList['options'][3]['onclick'] = 'submit/finish/screening/' . $nID;
     $aOptionsList['options'][3]['option_text'] = '<B>I want to finish this submission</B>';
 print lovd_buildOptionTable($aOptionsList);
 /*require ROOT_PATH . 'class/object_genome_variants.php';
   $_GET['page_size'] = 10;
   $_DATA = new LOVD_GenomeVariant();
   $_DATA->setRowLink($sViewListID, 'variants/' . $_DATA->sRowID . '?edit&submission=' . $nID);
   $_GET['search_screeningids'] = $nID;
   $_GET['search_created_by'] = $_AUTH['id'];
   print('      <DIV id="container"><BR>' . "\n"); // Extra div is to prevent "No entries in the database yet!" error to show up if there are no genes in the database yet.
   lovd_showInfoTable('Please select a variant you would like to edit', 'information');
   $_DATA->viewList($sViewListID, array('id_', 'owned_by_', 'status'), true);
   print('      </DIV>' . "\n" .
         '      <SCRIPT type="text/javascript">' . "\n" .
         '        $("#container").hide();' . "\n" .
         '      </SCRIPT>' . "\n");*/