/** * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format. * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive. * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required. * * @return array Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data). */ function tpl_preview__administrative__comcode_page_export_screen() { require_lang('zones'); return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('COMCODE_PAGE_EXPORT_SCREEN', array('TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'EXPORT' => lorem_chunk())), NULL, '', true)); }
/** * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format. * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive. * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required. * * @return array Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data). */ function tpl_preview__administrative__installer_step_2() { require_css('install'); require_lang('installer'); require_lang('version'); $content = do_lorem_template('INSTALLER_STEP_2', array('HIDDEN' => '', 'LICENCE' => lorem_chunk())); return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('INSTALLER_WRAP', array('CSS_NOCACHE' => ".nocss{}", 'DEFAULT_FORUM' => lorem_phrase(), 'PASSWORD_PROMPT' => lorem_phrase(), 'CSS_URL' => get_base_url() . '/themes/default/css/installer.css', 'CSS_URL_2' => get_base_url() . '/themes/default/css/installer.css', 'LOGO_URL' => placeholder_image_url(), 'STEP' => '1', 'CONTENT' => $content, 'VERSION' => lorem_phrase())), NULL, '', true)); }