function get_gatewaystats() { $a_gateways = return_gateways_array(); $gateways_status = array(); $gateways_status = return_gateways_status(true); $data = ""; $isfirst = true; foreach ($a_gateways as $gname => $gw) { if (!$isfirst) { $data .= ","; } $isfirst = false; $data .= $gw['name'] . ","; if ($gateways_status[$gname]) { $data .= lookup_gateway_ip_by_name($gname) . ","; $gws = $gateways_status[$gname]; switch (strtolower($gws['status'])) { case "none": $online = "Online"; $bgcolor = "#90EE90"; // lightgreen break; case "down": $online = "Offline"; $bgcolor = "#F08080"; // lightcoral break; case "delay": $online = "Latency"; $bgcolor = "#F0E68C"; // khaki break; case "loss": $online = "Packetloss"; $bgcolor = "#F0E68C"; // khaki break; default: $online = "Pending"; break; } } else { $data .= "~,"; $gws['delay'] = "~"; $gws['loss'] = "~"; $online = "Unknown"; $bgcolor = "#ADD8E6"; // lightblue } $data .= $online == "Pending" ? "{$online},{$online}," : "{$gws['delay']},{$gws['loss']},"; $data .= "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" style=\"table-layout: fixed;\" summary=\"status\"><tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor}\"> {$online} </td></tr></table>"; } return $data; }
function get_gatewaystats() { $a_gateways = return_gateways_array(); $gateways_status = array(); $gateways_status = return_gateways_status(true); $data = ""; $isfirst = true; foreach ($a_gateways as $gname => $gw) { if (!$isfirst) { $data .= ","; } $isfirst = false; $data .= $gw['name'] . ","; if ($gateways_status[$gname]) { $data .= "<b>" . lookup_gateway_ip_by_name($gname) . "</b>,"; $gws = $gateways_status[$gname]; switch (strtolower($gws['status'])) { case "none": $online = "Online"; $bgcolor = "#90EE90"; // lightgreen break; case "down": $online = "Offline"; $bgcolor = "#F08080"; // lightcoral break; case "delay": $online = "Latency"; $bgcolor = "#F0E68C"; // khaki break; case "loss": $online = "Packetloss"; $bgcolor = "#F0E68C"; // khaki break; default: $online = "Pending"; break; } } else { $data .= "~,"; $gws['delay'] = "~"; $gws['loss'] = "~"; $online = "Unknown"; $bgcolor = "#ADD8E6"; // lightblue } $data .= $online == "Pending" ? "{$online},{$online}," : "{$gws['delay']},{$gws['loss']},"; $data .= "{$online}^{$bgcolor}"; } return $data; }
function get_gatewaystats() { $a_gateways = return_gateways_array(); $gateways_status = array(); $gateways_status = return_gateways_status(true); $data = ""; $isfirst = true; foreach ($a_gateways as $gname => $gw) { if (!$isfirst) { $data .= ","; } $isfirst = false; $data .= $gw['name'] . ","; $data .= lookup_gateway_ip_by_name($gname) . ","; if ($gateways_status[$gname]) { $gws = $gateways_status[$gname]; switch (strtolower($gws['status'])) { case "none": $online = "Bağlandı"; $class = 'label label-success'; break; case "down": $online = 'Bağlantı yok'; $class = 'label label-important'; break; case "delay": $online = 'Uyarı: Gecikme'; $class = 'label label-warning'; break; case "loss": $online = 'Uyarı, Paket kaybı'; $class = 'label label-warning'; break; default: $online = 'Veri alınıyor.'; break; } } else { $online = 'Veri alınıyor.'; $class = 'label'; } $data .= $online == 'Veri alınıyor.' ? "{$online},{$online}," : "{$gws['delay']},{$gws['loss']},"; $data .= "<span class=\"{$class}\">{$online}</span>"; } return $data; }
function get_gatewaystats() { $a_gateways = return_gateways_array(); $gateways_status = array(); $gateways_status = return_gateways_status(true); $data = ""; $isfirst = true; foreach($a_gateways as $gname => $gw) { if(!$isfirst) $data .= ","; $isfirst = false; $data .= $gw['name'] . ","; $data .= lookup_gateway_ip_by_name($gname) . ","; if ($gateways_status[$gname]) { $gws = $gateways_status[$gname]; switch(strtolower($gws['status'])) { case "none": $online = "Online"; $bgcolor = "lightgreen"; break; case "down": $online = "Offline"; $bgcolor = "lightcoral"; break; case "delay": $online = "Warning: Latency"; $bgcolor = "khaki"; break; case "loss": $online = "Warning: Packetloss"; $bgcolor = "khaki"; break; default: $online = "Gathering data"; break; } } else { $online = "Gathering data"; $bgcolor = "lightgray"; } $data .= ($online == "Gathering data") ? "{$online},{$online}," : "{$gws['delay']},{$gws['loss']},"; $data .= "<table><tr><td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\" > $online </td></td></tr></table>"; } return $data; }
} if ($_POST['ipprotocol'] == "inet" && $_POST['ipprotocol'] != $family) { $input_errors[] = gettext("You can not assign an IPv6 gateway group on IPv4 Address Family rule"); } } } } } if ($_POST['ipprotocol'] != "" && $_POST['gateway'] != "" && is_ipaddr(lookup_gateway_ip_by_name($_POST['gateway']))) { if ($_POST['ipprotocol'] == "inet46" && $_POST['gateway'] != "") { $input_errors[] = gettext("You can not assign a gateway to a rule that applies to IPv4 and IPv6"); } if ($_POST['ipprotocol'] == "inet6" && !is_ipaddrv6(lookup_gateway_ip_by_name($_POST['gateway']))) { $input_errors[] = gettext("You can not assign an IPv4 Gateway to an IPv6 Filter rule"); } if ($_POST['ipprotocol'] == "inet" && !is_ipaddrv4(lookup_gateway_ip_by_name($_POST['gateway']))) { $input_errors[] = gettext("You can not assign an IPv6 Gateway to an IPv4 Filter rule"); } } if ($_POST['proto'] == "icmp" && $_POST['icmptype'] != "") { if ($_POST['ipprotocol'] == "inet46") { $input_errors[] = gettext("You can not assign a ICMP type to a rule that applies to IPv4 and IPv6"); } } if ($_POST['proto'] != "tcp" && $_POST['proto'] != "udp" && $_POST['proto'] != "tcp/udp") { $_POST['srcbeginport'] = 0; $_POST['srcendport'] = 0; $_POST['dstbeginport'] = 0; $_POST['dstendport'] = 0; } else { if ($_POST['srcbeginport_cust'] && !$_POST['srcbeginport']) {
$section->addInput(new Form_Input('domain', 'Domain', 'text', $pconfig['domain'], ['placeholder' => ', home, office, private, etc.']))->setHelp('Do not use \'local\' as a domain name. It will cause local ' . 'hosts running mDNS (avahi, bonjour, etc.) to be unable to resolve ' . 'local hosts not running mDNS.'); $form->add($section); $section = new Form_Section('DNS Server Settings'); for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) { // if (!isset($pconfig['dns'.$i])) // continue; $group = new Form_Group('DNS Server ' . $i); $group->add(new Form_Input('dns' . $i, 'DNS Server', 'text', $pconfig['dns' . $i]))->setHelp($i == 4 ? 'Address' : null); $help = "Enter IP addresses to be used by the system for DNS resolution. " . "These are also used for the DHCP service, DNS forwarder and for PPTP VPN clients."; if ($multiwan) { $options = array('none' => 'none'); foreach ($arr_gateways as $gwname => $gwitem) { if (is_ipaddrv4(lookup_gateway_ip_by_name($pconfig[$dnsgw])) && is_ipaddrv6($gwitem['gateway'])) { continue; } if (is_ipaddrv6(lookup_gateway_ip_by_name($pconfig[$dnsgw])) && is_ipaddrv4($gwitem['gateway'])) { continue; } $options[$gwname] = $gwname . ' - ' . $gwitem['friendlyiface'] . ' - ' . $gwitem['gateway']; } $group->add(new Form_Select('dns' . $i . 'gw', 'Gateway', $pconfig['dns' . $i . 'gw'], $options))->setHelp($i == 4 ? 'Gateway' : null); $help .= '<br/>' . "In addition, optionally select the gateway for each DNS server. " . "When using multiple WAN connections there should be at least one unique DNS server per gateway."; } if ($i == 4) { $group->setHelp($help); } $section->add($group); } $section->addInput(new Form_Checkbox('dnsallowoverride', 'DNS Server Override', 'Allow DNS server list to be overridden by DHCP/PPP on WAN', $pconfig['dnsallowoverride']))->setHelp(sprintf(gettext('If this option is set, %s will use DNS servers ' . 'assigned by a DHCP/PPP server on WAN for its own purposes (including ' . 'the DNS forwarder). However, they will not be assigned to DHCP and PPTP ' . 'VPN clients.'), $g['product_name'])); $section->addInput(new Form_Checkbox('dnslocalhost', 'Disable DNS Forwarder', 'Do not use the DNS Forwarder as a DNS server for the firewall', $pconfig['dnslocalhost']))->setHelp('By default localhost ( will be used as the first DNS ' . 'server where the DNS Forwarder or DNS Resolver is enabled and set to ' . 'listen on Localhost, so system can use the local DNS service to perform ' . 'lookups. Checking this box omits localhost from the list of DNS servers.'); $form->add($section);
} if ($_POST['ipprotocol'] != "" && $_POST['gateway'] != "") { if (is_array($config['gateways']['gateway_group'])) { foreach ($config['gateways']['gateway_group'] as $gw_group) { if ($gw_group['name'] == $_POST['gateway'] && $_POST['ipprotocol'] != $a_gatewaygroups[$_POST['gateway']]['ipprotocol']) { if ($_POST['ipprotocol'] == "inet46") { $input_errors[] = gettext("Gateways can not be assigned in a rule that applies to both IPv4 and IPv6."); } elseif ($_POST['ipprotocol'] == "inet6") { $input_errors[] = gettext("An IPv4 gateway group can not be assigned in IPv6 rules."); } elseif ($_POST['ipprotocol'] == "inet") { $input_errors[] = gettext("An IPv6 gateway group can not be assigned in IPv4 rules."); } } } } if ($iptype = is_ipaddr(lookup_gateway_ip_by_name($_POST['gateway']))) { // this also implies that $_POST['gateway'] was set and not empty if ($_POST['ipprotocol'] == "inet46") { $input_errors[] = gettext("Gateways can not be assigned in a rule that applies to both IPv4 and IPv6."); } if ($_POST['ipprotocol'] == "inet6" && $iptype != 6) { $input_errors[] = gettext("An IPv4 gateway can not be assigned in IPv6 rules."); } if ($_POST['ipprotocol'] == "inet" && $iptype != 4) { $input_errors[] = gettext("An IPv6 gateway can not be assigned in IPv4 rules."); } } } if ($_POST['proto'] == "icmp" && $_POST['icmptype'] != "") { if ($_POST['ipprotocol'] == "inet46") { $input_errors[] = gettext("An ICMP type can not be assigned to a rule that applies to IPv4 and IPv6");
$pconfig = $_POST; /* input validation */ $reqdfields = explode(" ", "network network_subnet gateway"); $reqdfieldsn = explode(",", gettext("Destination network") . "," . gettext("Destination network bit count") . "," . gettext("Gateway")); do_input_validation($_POST, $reqdfields, $reqdfieldsn, &$input_errors); if ($_POST['network'] && !is_ipaddr($_POST['network']) && !is_alias($_POST['network'])) { $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid IPv4 or IPv6 destination network must be specified."); } if ($_POST['network_subnet'] && !is_numeric($_POST['network_subnet'])) { $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid destination network bit count must be specified."); } if ($_POST['gateway'] && is_ipaddr($_POST['network'])) { if (!isset($a_gateways[$_POST['gateway']])) { $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid gateway must be specified."); } if (!validate_address_family($_POST['network'], lookup_gateway_ip_by_name($_POST['gateway']))) { $input_errors[] = gettext("The gateway '{$a_gateways[$_POST['gateway']]['gateway']}' is a different Address Family as network '{$_POST['network']}'."); } } /* check for overlaps */ $current_targets = get_staticroutes(true); $new_targets = array(); if (is_ipaddrv6($_POST['network'])) { $osn = Net_IPv6::compress(gen_subnetv6($_POST['network'], $_POST['network_subnet'])) . "/" . $_POST['network_subnet']; $new_targets[] = $osn; } if (is_ipaddr($_POST['network'])) { if ($_POST['network_subnet'] > 32) { $input_errors[] = gettext("A IPv4 subnet can not be over 32 bits."); } else { $osn = gen_subnet($_POST['network'], $_POST['network_subnet']) . "/" . $_POST['network_subnet'];
echo gettext("Description"); ?> </td> </tr> <?php foreach ($a_gateways as $gname => $gateway) { ?> <tr> <td class="listlr"> <?php echo $gateway['name']; ?> </td> <td class="listr" align="center" > <?php echo lookup_gateway_ip_by_name($gname); ?> </td> <td class="listr" align="center" > <?php if ($gateways_status[$gname]) { echo $gateways_status[$gname]['monitorip']; } else { echo $gateway['monitorip']; } ?> </td> <td class="listr" align="center"> <?php if ($gateways_status[$gname]) { echo $gateways_status[$gname]['delay'];
function get_gatewaystats() { global $config; if (isset($config["widgets"]["gateways_widget"]["display_type"])) { $display_type = $config["widgets"]["gateways_widget"]["display_type"]; } else { $display_type = "gw_ip"; } $a_gateways = return_gateways_array(); $gateways_status = array(); $gateways_status = return_gateways_status(true); $data = ""; $isfirst = true; foreach ($a_gateways as $gname => $gw) { if (!$isfirst) { $data .= ","; } $isfirst = false; $data .= $gw['name'] . ","; $monitor_address = ""; $monitor_address_disp = ""; if ($display_type == "monitor_ip" || $display_type == "both_ip") { $monitor_address = $gw['monitor']; if ($monitor_address != "" && $display_type == "both_ip") { $monitor_address_disp = " (" . $monitor_address . ")"; } else { $monitor_address_disp = $monitor_address; } } if ($gateways_status[$gname]) { if ($display_type == "gw_ip" || $display_type == "both_ip" || $display_type == "monitor_ip" && $monitor_address == "") { $if_gw = lookup_gateway_ip_by_name($gname); } else { $if_gw = ""; } if ($monitor_address == $if_gw) { $monitor_address_disp = ""; } $data .= "<b>" . $if_gw . $monitor_address_disp . "</b>,"; $gws = $gateways_status[$gname]; switch (strtolower($gws['status'])) { case "none": $online = "Online"; $bgcolor = "#90EE90"; // lightgreen break; case "down": $online = "Offline"; $bgcolor = "#F08080"; // lightcoral break; case "delay": $online = "Latency"; $bgcolor = "#F0E68C"; // khaki break; case "loss": $online = "Packetloss"; $bgcolor = "#F0E68C"; // khaki break; default: $online = "Pending"; break; } } else { if ($display_type == "gw_ip" || $display_type == "both_ip" || $display_type == "monitor_ip" && $monitor_address == "") { $if_gw = "~"; } else { $if_gw = ""; } $data .= $if_gw . $monitor_address_disp . ","; $gws['delay'] = "~"; $gws['loss'] = "~"; $online = "Unknown"; $bgcolor = "#ADD8E6"; // lightblue } $data .= $online == "Pending" ? "{$online},{$online}," : "{$gws['delay']},{$gws['loss']},"; $data .= "{$online}^{$bgcolor}"; } return $data; }
<br> <span class="vexpl"><?php echo gettext("Group Name"); ?> </span></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncellreq"><?php echo gettext("Gateway Priority"); ?> </td> <td width="78%" class="vtable"> <?php foreach ($a_gateways as $gwname => $gateway) { if (!empty($pconfig['item'])) { $af = explode("|", $pconfig['item'][0]); if (!validate_address_family(lookup_gateway_ip_by_name($af[0]), $gateway['gateway'])) { continue; } } $selected = array(); $interface = $gateway['interface']; foreach ((array) $pconfig['item'] as $item) { $itemsplit = explode("|", $item); if ($itemsplit[0] == $gwname) { $selected[$itemsplit[1]] = "selected"; break; } else { $selected[0] = "selected"; } } echo "<select name='{$gwname}' class='formfldselect' id='{$gwname}'>";
} if ($gwname == $pconfig['gateway']) { $selected = " SELECTED"; } else { $selected = ""; } echo "<option value=\"{$gwname}\" {$selected}>{$gw['name']} - {$gw['gateway']}</option>\n"; } /* add gateway groups to the list */ if (is_array($config['gateways']['gateway_group'])) { foreach ($config['gateways']['gateway_group'] as $gw_group) { $af = explode("|", $gw_group['item'][0]); if ($pconfig['ipprotocol'] == "inet6" && !is_ipaddrv6(lookup_gateway_ip_by_name($af[0]))) { continue; } if ($pconfig['ipprotocol'] == "inet" && !is_ipaddrv4(lookup_gateway_ip_by_name($af[0]))) { continue; } if ($gw_group['name'] == "") { continue; } if ($pconfig['gateway'] == $gw_group['name']) { $selected = " SELECTED"; } else { $selected = ""; } echo "<option value=\"{$gw_group['name']}\" {$selected}>{$gw_group['name']}</option>\n"; } } ?> </select>