function my_inet_ntop($ip) { if (strlen($ip) == 4) { // ipv4 list(, $ip) = unpack('N', $ip); $ip = long2ip($ip); } elseif (strlen($ip) == 16) { // ipv6 $ip = bin2hex($ip); $ip = substr(chunk_split($ip, 4, ':'), 0, -1); $ip = explode(':', $ip); $res = ''; foreach ($ip as $seg) { while ($seg[0] == '0') { $seg = substr($seg, 1); } if ($seg != '') { $res .= ($res == '' ? '' : ':') . $seg; } else { if (strpos($res, '::') === false) { if (substr($res, -1) == ':') { continue; } $res .= ':'; continue; } $res .= ($res == '' ? '' : ':') . '0'; } } $ip = $res; } return $ip; }
function form_subnet() { global $db, $vars, $lang; $form_subnet = new form(array('FORM_NAME' => 'form_subnet')); $form_subnet->db_data('subnets.ip_start, subnets.ip_end, subnets.type, subnets.link_id, subnets.client_node_id'); $links = $db->get(' AS value, links.type, links.ssid,, links.peer_node_id, "" AS output', "links\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN nodes ON links.peer_node_id =", "(links.type = 'ap' OR links.type = 'p2p') AND node_id = " . intval(get('node')), "", "links.type ASC, links.date_in ASC"); foreach ((array) $links as $key => $value) { $links[$key]['output'] .= $lang['db']['links__type-' . $value['type']] . ' - '; if ($value['type'] == 'ap') { $links[$key]['output'] .= $links[$key]['ssid']; } if ($value['type'] == 'p2p') { $links[$key]['output'] .= $links[$key]['name'] . ' (#' . $links[$key]['peer_node_id'] . ')'; } } $form_subnet->db_data_enum('subnets.link_id', $links); $clients = $db->get(' AS value, ap_l.ssid,,, "" AS output', "links AS cl_l " . "LEFT JOIN links AS ap_l ON cl_l.peer_ap_id =\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN nodes AS ap_n ON ap_l.node_id = " . "LEFT JOIN nodes AS cl_n ON cl_l.node_id =", "cl_l.type = 'client' AND ap_l.type = 'ap' AND ap_l.node_id = " . intval(get('node')), "", "ap_l.date_in ASC, cl_l.date_in ASC"); foreach ((array) $clients as $key => $value) { $clients[$key]['output'] = '[' . $lang['db']['links__type-ap'] . ' ' . $clients[$key]['ssid'] . '] - ' . $clients[$key]['name'] . ' (#' . $clients[$key]['id'] . ')'; } $form_subnet->db_data_enum('subnets.client_node_id', $clients); $form_subnet->db_data_values("subnets", "id", get('subnet')); if (get('subnet') != 'add') { $form_subnet->data[0]['value'] = long2ip($form_subnet->data[0]['value']); $form_subnet->data[1]['value'] = long2ip($form_subnet->data[1]['value']); } return $form_subnet; }
/** * Reverse IP filter */ function fn_settings_actions_addons_access_restrictions_admin_reverse_ip_access(&$new_value, $old_value) { $ip = fn_get_ip(true); if ($new_value == 'Y') { $ip_data = db_get_row("SELECT item_id, status FROM ?:access_restriction WHERE ip_from = ?i AND ip_to = ?i AND type IN ('aas', 'aab', 'aar')", $ip['host'], $ip['host']); if (empty($ip_data) || empty($ip_data['item_id'])) { // Add IP $restrict_ip = array('ip_from' => $ip['host'], 'ip_to' => $ip['host'], 'type' => 'aas', 'timestamp' => TIME, 'expires' => '0', 'status' => 'A'); $__data = array(); $__data['item_id'] = db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:access_restriction ?e", $restrict_ip); $__data['type'] = 'aas'; foreach (fn_get_translation_languages() as $__data['lang_code'] => $_v) { $__data['reason'] = __('store_admin', '', $__data['lang_code']); db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:access_restriction_reason_descriptions ?e", $__data); } fn_set_notification('W', __('warning'), __('your_ip_added', array('[ip]' => long2ip($ip['host'])))); } elseif (empty($ip_data['status']) || $ip_data['status'] != 'A') { // Change IP status to available db_query("UPDATE ?:access_restriction SET ?u WHERE item_id = ?i", array('status' => 'A'), $ip_data['item_id']); fn_set_notification('W', __('warning'), __('your_ip_enabled', array('[ip]' => long2ip($ip['host'])))); } } else { // Delete IP $ips_data = db_get_array("SELECT item_id, type FROM ?:access_restriction WHERE ip_from <= ?i AND ip_to >= ?i AND type IN ('aas', 'aab', 'aar')", $ip['host'], $ip['host']); if (!empty($ips_data)) { foreach ($ips_data as $ip_data) { db_query("DELETE FROM ?:access_restriction WHERE item_id = ?i", $ip_data['item_id']); db_query("DELETE FROM ?:access_restriction_reason_descriptions WHERE item_id = ?i AND type = ?s", $ip_data['item_id'], $ip_data['type']); } fn_set_notification('W', __('warning'), __('your_ip_removed', array('[ip]' => long2ip($ip['host'])))); } } return true; }
/** * Valid conversion should complete with no * exception thrown. * * * @group validconversion */ public function testValidDataConversion() { $data = json_decode(json_encode($this->validSubmission)); $data->data->cookie = md5(time()); $data->data->domain = 'phptest' . time() . '.com'; $data->data->domain_name = 'tsetphp' . time() . '.com'; $data->data->registrant_ip = long2ip(time()); $data->data->max_to_expiry = strtotime('-1 week'); $data->data->min_to_expiry = strtotime('-2 years'); $data->data->page = '10'; $data->data->limit = '100'; $data->data->type = md5(serialize($data)); $shouldMatchNewDataObject = new \stdClass(); $shouldMatchNewDataObject->cookie = $data->data->cookie; $shouldMatchNewDataObject->attributes = new \stdClass(); $shouldMatchNewDataObject->attributes->domain = $data->data->domain; $shouldMatchNewDataObject->attributes->domain_name = $data->data->domain_name; $shouldMatchNewDataObject->attributes->registrant_ip = $data->data->registrant_ip; $shouldMatchNewDataObject->attributes->max_to_expiry = $data->data->max_to_expiry; $shouldMatchNewDataObject->attributes->min_to_expiry = $data->data->min_to_expiry; $shouldMatchNewDataObject->attributes->page = $data->data->page; $shouldMatchNewDataObject->attributes->limit = $data->data->limit; $shouldMatchNewDataObject->attributes->type = $data->data->type; $ns = new GetDomain(); $newDataObject = $ns->convertDataObject($data); $this->assertTrue($newDataObject == $shouldMatchNewDataObject); }
/** * [index 管理员列表] * @return [type] [description] */ public function index() { if (IS_AJAX) { $draw = I('draw', 1, 'intval'); //排序设置 $mycolumns = I('mycolumns', ''); $myorder = I('order', ''); if (empty($myorder) || empty($mycolumns)) { $order = 'id desc'; } else { foreach ($myorder as $key => $v) { $order .= $mycolumns[$v['column']] . ' ' . $v['dir'] . ' ,'; } $order = rtrim($order, ','); } $db = D('UsersView'); $lists = $db->where(true)->order($order)->select(); foreach ($lists as $key => $v) { $lists[$key]['loginTime'] = $v['loginTime'] ? date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $v['loginTime']) : ''; $lists[$key]['loginIp'] = $v['loginIp'] ? long2ip($v['loginIp']) : ''; if ($v['status']) { $lists[$key]['status'] = '正常'; } else { $lists[$key]['status'] = '禁用'; } } $result['draw'] = $draw; $result['recordsTotal'] = $db->where(true)->count(); $result['recordsFiltered'] = $result['recordsTotal']; $result['data'] = $lists; $this->ajaxReturn($result); } else { $this->display(); } }
public function get_data() { $data = $this->input->stream(); $page = isset($data['page']) ? $data['page'] : 1; $page--; $where = '1=1 AND '; if (isset($data['start_time']) && !empty($data['start_time'])) { $where .= "opera_time >= " . strtotime($data['start_time']) . " AND "; } if (isset($data['end_time']) && !empty($data['end_time'])) { $where .= "opera_time <= " . strtotime($data['end_time']) . " AND "; } if (isset($data['user']) && !empty($data['user'])) { $where .= "user like '%{$data['user']}%' AND "; } $where = rtrim($where, 'AND '); $logs = $this->log_model->get_limit_length($page, self::PAGELENGTH, $where); $total_pages = $this->log_model->get_pages($where, self::PAGELENGTH); if ($logs) { array_walk($logs, function (&$item) { $item['ip'] = long2ip($item['ip']); $item['opera_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['opera_time']); }); } die(json_encode(array('code' => 200, 'message' => '获取成功', 'data' => array('data' => $logs, 'total_pages' => $total_pages, 'current_page' => $page + 1)))); }
function getRandomIp() { $ip_long = array(array('607649792', '608174079'), array('1038614528', '1039007743'), array('1783627776', '1784676351'), array('2035023872', '2035154943'), array('2078801920', '2079064063'), array('-1950089216', '-1948778497'), array('-1425539072', '-1425014785'), array('-1236271104', '-1235419137'), array('-770113536', '-768606209'), array('-569376768', '-564133889')); $rand_key = mt_rand(0, 9); $ip = long2ip(mt_rand($ip_long[$rand_key][0], $ip_long[$rand_key][1])); return $ip; }
public function isSpam($type, $author, $email, $site, $ip, $content, $post_id, &$status) { if (!$ip || long2ip(ip2long($ip)) != $ip) { return; } $urls = $this->getLinks($content); array_unshift($urls, $site); foreach ($urls as $u) { $b = parse_url($u); if (!isset($b['host']) || !$b['host']) { continue; } $domain = preg_replace('/^[\\w]{2,6}:\\/\\/([\\w\\d\\.\\-]+).*$/', '$1', $b['host']); $domain_elem = explode(".", $domain); $i = count($domain_elem) - 1; if ($i == 0) { // "domain" is 1 word long, don't check it return null; } $host = $domain_elem[$i]; do { $host = $domain_elem[$i - 1] . '.' . $host; $i--; if (substr(gethostbyname($host . '.' . $this->server), 0, 3) == "127") { $status = substr($domain, 0, 128); return true; } } while ($i > 0); } }
function shop_match_network($nets, $ip, $first = false) { $return = false; if (!is_array($nets)) { $nets = array($nets); } foreach ($nets as $net) { if ($rev = $net[0] == '!') { $net = substr($net, 1); } $ip_arr = explode('/', $net); $net_long = ip2long($ip_arr[0]); $x = ip2long($ip_arr[1]); $mask = long2ip($x) == $ip_arr[1] ? $x : 4294967295.0 << 32 - $ip_arr[1]; $ip_long = ip2long($ip); if ($rev) { if (($ip_long & $mask) == ($net_long & $mask)) { return false; } } else { if (($ip_long & $mask) == ($net_long & $mask)) { $return = true; } if ($first && $return) { return true; } } } return $return; }
/** * 用户个人信息,收货信息 * 收货人,收货手机,收货地址,邮编 */ public function userOneDetail() { $this->V(['user_id' => ['egNum', null, true]]); $id = intval($_POST['user_id']); $address = $this->table('user_address')->where(['is_on' => 1, 'user_id' => $id, 'is_default' => 1])->get(['id'], true); if (!$address) { $userinfo = $this->table('user')->where(['is_on' => 1, 'id' => $id])->get(null, true); $userinfo['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $userinfo['add_time']); $userinfo['update_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $userinfo['update_time']); $userinfo['last_ip'] = long2ip($userinfo['last_ip']); $userinfo['last_login'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $userinfo['last_login']); $this->R(['userinfo' => $userinfo]); } $where = '' . $id . ' and A.is_on = 1 and B.is_default = 1 and B.is_on = 1'; $dataClass = $this->H('UserInfo'); $userinfo = $dataClass->getUserInfo($where); if (!$userinfo) { $this->R('', 70009); } $userinfo['last_ip'] = long2ip($userinfo['last_ip']); $userinfo['last_login'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $userinfo['last_login']); $userinfo['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $userinfo['add_time']); $userinfo['update_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $userinfo['update_time']); //返回数据,参见System/BaseClass.class.php方法 $this->R(['userinfo' => $userinfo]); }
/** * @param Query $query * @param $filename * @return array */ private function dump(Query $query, $filename) { $result = []; if (count($query) > 0) { $this->stdout("dump {$filename}:\n", Console::FG_GREEN); $total = count($query); Console::startProgress(0, $total); $n = 0; $time = Query::time(); foreach ($query as $ip => $division) { if (is_integer($division)) { $division = $query->divisionById($division); } $result[long2ip($ip)] = $division; $n++; if ($time < Query::time()) { Console::updateProgress($n, $total); $time = Query::time(); } } Console::updateProgress($total, $total); Console::endProgress(); $this->stdout(" completed!\n", Console::FG_GREEN); } return $result; }
protected function main() { inc_lib('news/news_exists'); $count_news_existe = news_exists($_GET['id']); if ($count_news_existe == false && (is_logged_in() && !check_auth('view_histo_all_news'))) { redir(Nw::$lang['news']['news_not_exist'], false, './'); } inc_lib('news/get_info_news'); $donnees_news = get_info_news($_GET['id']); $this->set_title(Nw::$lang['news']['historique_news'] . ' | ' . $donnees_news['n_titre']); $this->set_tpl('news/log_news.html'); $this->add_css('code.css'); // Fil ariane if ($count_news_existe) { $this->set_filAriane(array(Nw::$lang['news']['news_section'] => array('news-70.html'), $donnees_news['c_nom'] => array($donnees_news['c_rewrite'] . '/'), $donnees_news['n_titre'] => array($donnees_news['c_rewrite'] . '/' . rewrite($donnees_news['n_titre']) . '-' . $_GET['id'] . '/'), Nw::$lang['news']['historique_news'] => array(''))); } else { $this->set_filAriane(array(Nw::$lang['news']['news_section'] => array('news-70.html'), Nw::$lang['news']['historique_news'] => array(''))); } /** * Affichage du logo **/ inc_lib('news/get_news_logs'); $donnees_logs = get_news_logs('l_id_news = ' . intval($_GET['id']), 'l_date DESC'); foreach ($donnees_logs as $donnees) { Nw::$tpl->setBlock('log', array('ACTION' => $donnees['l_action'], 'ACTION_LOG' => isset(Nw::$lang['news']['log_news_' . $donnees['l_action']]) ? Nw::$lang['news']['log_news_' . $donnees['l_action']] : '', 'TEXTE' => nl2br($donnees['l_texte']), 'TITRE' => $donnees['l_titre'], 'DATE' => date_sql($donnees['date'], $donnees['heures_date'], $donnees['jours_date']), 'AUTEUR' => $donnees['u_pseudo'], 'AUTEUR_ID' => $donnees['u_id'], 'AUTEUR_AVATAR' => $donnees['u_avatar'], 'AUTEUR_ALIAS' => $donnees['u_alias'], 'IP' => long2ip($donnees['l_ip']))); } Nw::$tpl->set(array('ID' => $_GET['id'], 'TITRE' => $donnees_news['n_titre'])); }
/** * 应用程序初始化 * @access public * @return void */ public static function start() { // 设定错误和异常处理 register_shutdown_function(array('Think', 'fatalError')); set_error_handler(array('Think', 'appError')); set_exception_handler(array('Think', 'appException')); // 注册AUTOLOAD方法 spl_autoload_register(array('Think', 'autoload')); //[RUNTIME] Think::buildApp(); // 预编译项目 //[/RUNTIME] // 运行应用 $_SERVER['ip'] = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : ''; $cdn_ips = array('182.140.245.*', '58.49.105.*', '61.147.103.*', '61.147.79.*', '61.158.240.*', '61.244.110.*', '210.209.122.*', '64.32.4.*', '69.28.51.*', '111.161.72.*', '112.253.3.*', '112.64.18.*', '113.31.80.*', '113.31.82.*', '117.34.91.*', '118.144.86.*', '119.97.153.*', '120.197.85.*', '121.11.83.*', '121.12.119.*', '121.14.212.*', '122.200.77.*', '122.225.36.*', '123.129.209.*', '123.150.187.*', '124.95.164.*', '182.118.12.*', '182.118.38.*', '183.232.29.*', '202.102.85.*', '202.105.176.*', '203.171.228.*', '220.181.135.*', '223.202.2.*', '211.155.80.*', '61.164.211.*'); foreach ($cdn_ips as $cdnip) { if ($_SERVER['ip'] == $cdnip || strrchr($cdnip, '.') == '.*' && ($pre = substr($cdnip, 0, -2)) && $pre == substr($_SERVER['ip'], 0, strlen($pre))) { $realip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; empty($realip) && ($realip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']); if (preg_match('#^\\d+(\\.\\d+){3}$#', $realip)) { $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = long2ip(ip2long($realip)); } } } App::run(); return; }
public function index() { echo $_POST['keyword']; //搜索 if (!empty($_GET['keyword'])) { if ($_GET['searchtype'] == 'uid') { $condition_user['uid'] = $_GET['keyword']; } else { if ($_GET['searchtype'] == 'nickname') { $condition_user['nickname'] = array('like', '%' . $_GET['keyword'] . '%'); } else { if ($_GET['searchtype'] == 'phone') { $condition_user['phone'] = array('like', '%' . $_GET['keyword'] . '%'); } } } } $database_user = D('User'); $count_user = $database_user->where($condition_user)->count(); import('@.ORG.system_page'); $p = new Page($count_user, 15); $user_list = $database_user->field(true)->where($condition_user)->order('`uid` DESC')->limit($p->firstRow . ',' . $p->listRows)->select(); if (!empty($user_list)) { import('ORG.Net.IpLocation'); $IpLocation = new IpLocation(); foreach ($user_list as &$value) { $last_location = $IpLocation->getlocation(long2ip($value['last_ip'])); $value['last_ip_txt'] = iconv('GBK', 'UTF-8', $last_location['country']); } } $this->assign('user_list', $user_list); $pagebar = $p->show(); $this->assign('pagebar', $pagebar); $this->display(); }
public static function get_IP() { /** * Si PHP est derrière un reverse proxy ou un load balancer, REMOTE_ADDR peut contenir l'ip du proxy. * Normalement, le proxy doit renseigner HTTP_X_REAL_IP, ou HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR. * Au CITIC, REMOTE_ADDR est correct, et chez OVH aussi (avec apache derrière nginx ou pas). */ $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $forwarded = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; // on s'arrête à la 1re virgule si on en trouve une $tab_forwarded = preg_split("/,| /",$forwarded); $ip_candidate = $tab_forwarded[0]; $ip_composantes = explode('.', $ip_candidate); // On vérifie que ça ressemble à une ip (au cas où on aurait une chaîne bizarre ou vide on garde notre REMOTE_ADDR) if ( (count($ip_composantes)==4) && (min($ip_composantes)>=0) && (max($ip_composantes)<256) && (max($ip_composantes)>0) ) { $ip = $ip_candidate; } } // petit truc pour s'assurer d'avoir une IP valide return ($ip == long2ip(ip2long($ip))) ? $ip : '' ; }
function getIp() { if (isset($this->details['location_ip'])) { return long2ip($this->details['location_ip']); } return false; }
public function getBroadcastIP($ip, $subnet) { $ip = ip2long($ip); $subnet = ip2long($subnet); $broadcastIP = $ip | ~$subnet; return long2ip($broadcastIP); }
function validIP($ip) { if ($ip == long2ip(ip2long($ip))) { return true; } return false; }
public function init($row) { //подставляем массив в свойства объекта foreach ($this->properties as $key => $value) { //получаем все поля $val = $row[$key]; //print_r($val); switch ($value["type"]) { //проверка типа case self::TYPE_TIMESTAMP: //если дата if (!is_null($val)) { $val = strftime($this->format_date, $val); } //преобразуем дату в чиловой формат break; case self::TYPE_IP: //если IP if (!is_null($val)) { $val = long2ip($val); } //преобразуем ip в обычное число break; } $this->properties[$key]["value"] = $val; } $this->id = $row["id"]; return $this->postInit(); }
function isip($ip) { if (!strcmp(long2ip(sprintf("%u", ip2long($ip))), $ip)) { return true; } return false; }
public function run() { $model = new Model_ReportApi_Accesslog(); $hosts = $model->getBusiness(); $day = strtotime($this->getRequest()->getQuery('from', date('Y-m-d'))); $where = " and `time`={$day} "; $where .= empty($hosts) ? '' : " AND `host_id` in ({$hosts})"; $res = $model->rtcTopTen($where); // print_r($res);exit; // $result['name'] = 'rtcTopTen'; $result = array(); foreach ($res as $value) { $result['series'][] = array('ip' => long2ip($value['ip']), 'name' => ucwords(strtolower($model->ip2location($value['ip']))), 'second' => $value['total_request_time'], 'path' => $value['path'], 'host' => $value['host']); } // print_r($result);exit; if (empty($res)) { static::output(0, 'no data', array()); } else { static::output(1, 'RtcTopTen', $result); } // 测试数据 // $result['series'] = array( // array('ip' => '', // 'name' => 'china', // 'second' => '1123', // 'path' => '/root' // ), // array('ip' => '', // 'name' => 'USA', // 'second' => '1589', // 'path' => '/usr/local' // ), // ); // static::output(1,'RtcTopTen',$result); }
/** * returns IPv4 address * * @see */ function PMA_transformation_text_plain__longToIpv4($buffer, $options = array(), $meta = '') { if ($buffer < 0 || $buffer > 4294967295) { return $buffer; } return long2ip($buffer); }
public static function long2ipv4($cidr) { if ($cidr < 1 || $cidr > 32) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid CIDR specified'); } return long2ip(-1 << 32 - (int) $cidr); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $user = M('User')->getUserById($this->user_session['uid']); $user['last_ip'] = long2ip($user['last_ip']); $this->assign('user', $user); }
function column_default($item, $name) { global $wpdb; switch ($name) { case 'created_at': $timestamp = $item->{$name} / 1000 + $this->gmt_offset * 3600; return date_i18n('d/m/Y H:i', $timestamp); // return get_date_from_gmt( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $item->$name / 1000 ), 'd/m/Y H:i' ); // return get_date_from_gmt( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $item->$name / 1000 ), 'd/m/Y H:i' ); case 'total_msgs': // Total messages return $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . CX_PX . 'chat_logs WHERE cnv_id = %s', $item->cnv_id)); case 'ip': return long2ip($item->{$name}); case 'email': if (!empty($item->{$name})) { return '<a href="mailto:' . $item->{$name} . '">' . $item->{$name} . '</a>'; } else { return '<span style="color:silver">' . __('N/A', 'cx') . '</span>'; } // return $item->$column_name; // return $item->$column_name; default: return print_r($item, true); // Show the whole array for troubleshooting purposes } }
/** * Valid conversion should complete with no * exception thrown. * * * @group validconversion */ public function testValidDataConversion() { $data = json_decode(json_encode($this->validSubmission)); $data->data->domain = 'phptest' . time() . '.com'; $data->data->content = long2ip(time()); $data->data->name = '@'; $data->data->type = 'A'; $data->data->forward_email = '*****@*****.**'; $data->data->mailbox_type = 'MAILBOX'; $data->data->password = '******'; $shouldMatchNewDataObject = new \stdClass(); $shouldMatchNewDataObject->attributes = new \stdClass(); $shouldMatchNewDataObject->attributes->dnsRecords = new \stdClass(); $shouldMatchNewDataObject->attributes->mailbox = new \stdClass(); $shouldMatchNewDataObject->attributes->dnsRecords->content = $data->data->content; $shouldMatchNewDataObject->attributes->dnsRecords->name = $data->data->name; $shouldMatchNewDataObject->attributes->dnsRecords->type = $data->data->type; $shouldMatchNewDataObject->attributes->domain = $data->data->domain; $shouldMatchNewDataObject->attributes->mailbox->forward_email = $data->data->forward_email; $shouldMatchNewDataObject->attributes->mailbox->mailbox_type = $data->data->mailbox_type; $shouldMatchNewDataObject->attributes->mailbox->password = $data->data->password; $ns = new PersonalNamesUpdate(); $newDataObject = $ns->convertDataObject($data); $this->assertTrue($newDataObject == $shouldMatchNewDataObject); }
static function match_network($nets, $ip, $first = false) { $return = false; if (!is_array($nets)) { $nets = array($nets); } foreach ($nets as $net) { $rev = preg_match("/^\\!/", $net) ? true : false; $net = preg_replace("/^\\!/", "", $net); $ip_arr = explode('/', $net); $net_long = ip2long($ip_arr[0]); $x = ip2long($ip_arr[1]); $mask = long2ip($x) == $ip_arr[1] ? $x : 4294967295.0 << 32 - $ip_arr[1]; $ip_long = ip2long($ip); if ($rev) { if (($ip_long & $mask) == ($net_long & $mask)) { return false; } } else { if (($ip_long & $mask) == ($net_long & $mask)) { $return = true; } if ($first && $return) { return true; } } } return $return; }
function inet_ntop($ip) { if (strlen($ip) == 4) { // Unpack IPv4 list(, $ip) = unpack('N', $ip); $ip = long2ip($ip); return $ip; } elseif (strlen($ip) == 16) { // Unpack IPv6 $ip = bin2hex($ip); $sz = strlen($ip); $res = ''; while ($sz >= 4) { $sz -= 4; $seg = ltrim(substr($ip, $sz, 4), '0'); if ($seg != '') { $res = $seg . ($res == '' ? '' : ':') . $res; } else { // Make sure 0:2:3:4:5:6:7:8 is handled if (strpos($res, '::') === false && substr_count($res, ':') < 6) { // Make sure ::1 is handled if ($res != '' && $res[0] == ':' && $i > 4) { continue; } $res = ':' . $res; continue; } $res = '0' . ($res == '' ? '' : ':') . $res; } } return $res; } return false; }
private function parseIPBlacklistIntoRanges() { $ips = preg_split('{[\\r\\n]+}', $this->post('ip_ban_manual'), null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $ip_ranges = array(); foreach ($ips as $ip) { if (strpos($ip, '*') === false) { $ip = long2ip(ip2long($ip)); //ensures a valid ip $ip_ranges[] = array('ipFrom' => $ip, 'ipTo' => 0); } else { $aOctets = preg_split('{\\.}', $ip); $ipFrom = ''; $ipTo = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { if (is_numeric($aOctets[$i])) { $ipFrom .= $aOctets[$i] . '.'; $ipTo .= $aOctets[$i] . '.'; } else { $ipFrom .= '0' . '.'; $ipTo .= '255' . '.'; } } $ipFrom = substr($ipFrom, 0, strlen($ipFrom) - 1); $ipTo = substr($ipTo, 0, strlen($ipTo) - 1); $ipFrom = long2ip(ip2long($ipFrom)); //ensures a valid ip $ipTo = long2ip(ip2long($ipTo)); //ensures a valid ip $ip_ranges[] = array('ipFrom' => $ipFrom, 'ipTo' => $ipTo); } } return $ip_ranges; }
public function AddHost($name) { if (array_key_exists($name, $this->nodes)) { die(sprintf("TopoGen::AddHost duplicate %s\n", $name)); } $this->nodes[$name] = array('type' => 'host', 'ip' => long2ip(++$this->last_ip), 'devices' => array()); }