 function _getPropertyDescriptors($class)
     global $_classPropertyDescriptorsCache;
     if (!isset($this->_propertyDescriptors[$class])) {
         if (isset($_classPropertyDescriptorsCache[$class])) {
             $this->_propertyDescriptors[$class] =& $_classPropertyDescriptorsCache[$class];
         } else {
             $classInfoClass = $class . 'ClassInfo';
             $propertyDescriptors = call_user_func(array($classInfoClass, 'getPropertyDescriptors'));
             if ($propertyDescriptors === false) {
                 if (log_enabled(LOG_DEBUG)) {
                     log_message(LOG_DEBUG, 'SQLMapper: Cannot convert "' . $class . '" objects without ClassInfo definition.');
             } else {
                 $this->_propertyDescriptors[$class] = array();
                 foreach ((array) $propertyDescriptors as $propDescriptor) {
                     $name = $propDescriptor->getPropertyName();
                     $this->_propertyDescriptors[$class][$name] = $propDescriptor;
                 $_classPropertyDescriptorsCache[$class] = $this->_propertyDescriptors[$class];
     return $this->_propertyDescriptors[$class];
 function log_exception($severity, $message, $filepath, $line)
     $log_level = !isset($this->_level_log_map[$severity]) ? LOG_DEBUG : $this->_level_log_map[$severity];
     if (function_exists('log_enabled') && log_enabled($log_level)) {
         $severity = !isset($this->_levels[$severity]) ? $severity : $this->_levels[$severity];
         log_message($log_level, 'Severity: ' . $severity . '  --> ' . $message . ' ' . $filepath . ' ' . $line);
文件: View.php 项目: qlixes/springphp
 function render(&$model, &$request, &$response)
     if (log_enabled(LOG_DEBUG)) {
         log_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Rendering view with name '" . $this->serviceName . "' with model " . var_export($model, true) . " and static attributes " . var_export($this->staticAttributes, true));
     // Consolidate static and dynamic model attributes.
     $mergedModel = array_merge($this->staticAttributes, $model);
     return $this->renderMergedOutputModel($mergedModel, $request, $response);
 function &handleRequestInternal(&$request, &$response)
     $lookupPath = $request->getContextPath();
     $viewName = $this->getViewNameForRequest(&$request);
     if (log_enabled(LOG_DEBUG)) {
         log_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Returning view name '" . $viewName . "' for lookup path [" . $lookupPath . "]");
     $mv =& new ModelAndView($viewName);
     return $mv;
 function _detectHandlers()
     if (log_enabled(LOG_DEBUG)) {
         log_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Looking for URL mappings in application context");
     $service_points =& AppContext::getServicePoints();
     foreach ($service_points as $name => $point) {
         $urls = $this->_determineUrlsForServicePoint($point);
         if (!empty($urls)) {
             foreach ($urls as $url) {
                 $this->registerHandler($url, $name);
         } else {
             if (log_enabled(LOG_DEBUG)) {
                 log_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Rejected service point '" . $name . "': no URL paths identified");
 function invokeValidator(&$validator, &$obj, &$bindingResult)
     assert_not_null($validator, "Validator must not be null");
     assert_not_null($bindingResult, "BindingResult object must not be null");
     if (log_enabled(LOG_DEBUG)) {
         log_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Invoking validator [" . get_class($validator) . "]");
     if ($obj != null && $validator->supports(get_class($obj)) != true) {
         show_error('Validator', "Validator " . get_class($validator) . " does not support " . get_class($obj));
     $currentCount = $bindingResult->getErrorCount();
     $validator->validate(&$obj, &$bindingResult);
     if (log_enabled(LOG_DEBUG)) {
         if ($bindingResult->hasErrors()) {
             $thisCount = $bindingResult->getErrorCount() - $currentCount;
             log_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Validator found " . $thisCount . " errors");
         } else {
             log_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Validator found no errors");
 function _render(&$mv, &$request, &$response)
     $view = null;
     // Do we need view name translation?
     if (!$mv->hasView()) {
         $mv->view =& $this->_getDefaultViewName($request);
     if ($mv->viewIsReference()) {
         // We need to resolve the view name.
         $view =& $this->_resolveViewName($mv->getViewName(), $request->locale, &$request);
         if ($view == null) {
             show_error('Dispatcher Error', 'Could not resolve view with name "' . $mv->getViewName() . '"');
     } else {
         // No need to lookup: the ModelAndView object contains the actual View object.
         $view =& $mv->getView();
         if ($view == null) {
             show_error('Dispatcher Error', 'ModelAndView lacks a view name or a View Object');
     // Delegate to the View object for rendering.
     if (log_enabled(LOG_DEBUG)) {
         log_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Rendering view [" . get_class($view) . "]");
     return $view->render($mv->getModel(), &$request, &$response);
 function checkAllowedFields(&$nvps)
     foreach ((array) $nvps as $name => $value) {
         $field = BeanWrapperUtils::canonicalPropertyName($name);
         if (!$this->isAllowed($field)) {
             $br =& $this->getBindingResult();
             if (log_enabled(LOG_DEBUG)) {
                 log_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Field [" . $field . "] has been removed from the nvps array " . "and will not be bound, because it has not been found in the list of allowed fields");
 function registerHandler($urlPath, $serviceName)
     assert_not_null($urlPath, 'URL path must not be null');
     assert_not_null($serviceName, 'Service name must not be null');
     if ($urlPath == "/") {
         if (log_enabled(LOG_DEBUG)) {
             log_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Root mapping to handler [" . $serviceName . "]");
         $this->rootHandler = $serviceName;
     } else {
         if ($urlPath == "/*") {
             if (log_enabled(LOG_DEBUG)) {
                 log_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Default mapping to handler [" . $serviceName . "]");
             $this->defaultHandler = $serviceName;
         } else {
             $this->handlerMap[$urlPath] = $serviceName;
             if (log_enabled(LOG_DEBUG)) {
                 log_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Mapped URL path [" . $urlPath . "] onto handler [" . $serviceName . "]");
 function &showFormSupport(&$request, &$bindingResult, $viewName, $controlModel = null)
     // In session form mode, re-expose form object as HTTP session attribute.
     // Re-binding is necessary for proper state handling in a cluster,
     // to notify other nodes of changes in the form object.
     if ($this->isSessionForm() === true) {
         $formAttrName = $this->getFormSessionAttributeName(&$request);
         if (log_enabled(LOG_DEBUG)) {
             log_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Setting form session attribute [" . $formAttrName . "] to: " . get_class($bindingResult->getTarget()));
         $session =& $request->getSession();
         $session->setAttribute($formAttrName, $bindingResult->getTarget());
     // Fetch errors model as starting point, containing form object under
     // "commandName", and corresponding Errors instance under internal key.
     $model =& $bindingResult->getModel();
     // Merge reference data into model, if any.
     $referenceData = $this->referenceData(&$request, $bindingResult->getTarget(), $bindingResult);
     if ($referenceData != null) {
         $model = array_merge($model, $referenceData);
     // Merge control attributes into model, if any.
     if ($controlModel != null) {
         $model = array_merge($model, $controlModel);
     // Trigger rendering of the specified view, using the final model.
     $mv =& new ModelAndView($viewName, &$model);
     return $mv;
 function &getPropertyValue($tokens)
     // not a PropertyTokenHolder, assume just a propertyName
     if (strtolower(get_class($tokens)) != 'propertytokenholder') {
         $nestedBw =& $this->_getBeanWrapperForPropertyPath($tokens);
         if (strtolower(get_class($nestedBw)) != 'beanwrapper') {
             return $nestedBw;
         $tokens =& $this->_getPropertyNameTokens($this->_getFinalPath($nestedBw, $tokens));
         return $nestedBw->getPropertyValue($tokens);
     $propertyName = $tokens->canonicalName;
     $actualName = $tokens->actualName;
     $pd =& $this->_getPropertyDescriptorInternal($tokens->actualName);
     if (is_null($pd)) {
         $ex =& new NotReadablePropertyException($this->getRootClass(), $this->nestedPath . $propertyName, 'Cannot get PropertyDescriptor for property: ' . $this->nestedPath . $propertyName);
         return $ex;
     $readMethod = 'get' . $pd->getPropertyName();
     if (log_enabled(LOG_INFO)) {
         log_message(LOG_INFO, "About to invoke read method [" . $readMethod . "] on object of class [" . get_class($this->object) . "]");
     if (!method_exists($this->object, $readMethod)) {
         $ex =& new InvalidPropertyException($this->getRootClass(), $this->nestedPath . $propertyName, 'Object of type ' . get_class($this->object) . ' must have get method: ' . $readMethod);
         return $ex;
     $value =& $this->object->{$readMethod}();
     if ($tokens->keys != null && !empty($tokens->keys)) {
         if (is_null($value)) {
             $ex =& new NullValueInNestedPathException($this->getRootClass(), $this->nestedPath . $propertyName, "Cannot access indexed value of property referenced in indexed " . "property path '" . $propertyName . "': returned null");
             return $ex;
         // apply indexes and map keys
         foreach ((array) $tokens->keys as $key) {
             if (is_array($value)) {
                 if (!isset($value[$key])) {
                     $ex =& new InvalidPropertyException($this->getRootClass(), $this->nestedPath . $propertyName, "Index of [{$key}] out of bounds in property path '{$propertyName}'");
                     return $ex;
                 $value =& $value[$key];
             } else {
                 $ex =& new InvalidPropertyException($this->getRootClass(), $this->nestedPath . $propertyName, "Property referenced in indexed property path '" . $propertyName . "' is not an array; returned value was [" . var_export($value, true) . "]");
                 return $ex;
     return $value;