public static function callApi($extra_params = null, $api_url = REDCAP_API_URL, $json_decode = true) { $default_params = array('token' => REDCAP_API_TOKEN, 'format' => 'json', 'content' => 'record'); $params = array_merge($default_params, $extra_params); //logIt("New Params:" . print_r($params,true), "DEBUG"); // logIt(json_encode($params,1),"DEBUG"); $result = self::http_post($api_url, $params); // logIt('call API Raw result: ' . print_r($params), "DEBUG"); if ($json_decode) { $result = json_decode($result, true); if (isset($result->error)) { logIt('Error in writeToApi: ' . $result->error, "DEBUG"); return false; } } else { // Return raw result } //logIt('call API result: ' . print_r($result,true), "DEBUG"); return $result; }
<?php // ============================================================================ // PREPRINTS/DELETE_PREPRINT.PHP // ============================================================================ require_once "config.manage.php"; core_declare_input("rowId"); if (!$authClass->isAdmin()) { errorPage("Preprints may only be deleted by administrative staff"); } $deleteRes = $dbClass->query("SELECT * FROM publications WHERE RowId='" . $rowId . "'"); $row = $dbClass->next_record($deleteRes); $q = $dbClass->query("UPDATE publications SET " . "Status='free', Field='', Location='', Authors='', " . "Title='', PublIn='' WHERE RowId='" . $rowId . "'"); mail2secretary("Deleted"); logIt("delete", pp_preprintID($row["Year"], $row["Report"]), uid2gecos($row["Id"])); if (file_exists($row["Location"])) { unlink($row["Location"]); } require "show_preprints.php";
function appsLog($type, $text, $dummy) { list($to, $fr, $s) = split(" ", $text); logIt($type, eregi_replace("^.*=", "", $s), eregi_replace("^.*=", "", $to)); }
bugPage("no account found for UID='{$res_UID}'"); } $res_login = $account["name"]; if (!$authClass->isAdmin() && $res_login != $AUTH_login) { errorPage("Reserving of preprint nbrs for others is only " . "permitted for administrative staff."); } $res_gecos = $account["gecos"]; $res_ppn = pp_reserveNumber($nor_pp_year, $res_UID, $field, $authors, $title); // reread back the record $q = $dbClass->query("SELECT * FROM publications WHERE Year={$nor_pp_year} AND Report={$res_ppn} AND Field='{$field}'"); $row = $dbClass->next_record($q); $_POST["rowId"] = $row["RowId"]; require ""; mail2secretary("Reserved"); mail_PPsubmitter("Reserved"); logIt("submit", pp_preprintID($nor_pp_year, $res_ppn), $res_gecos); echo x("p", x("i", "Preprint number <b>{$res_ppn}</b> has been reserved for {$res_gecos}<br>Please quote:")); show_preprint($_POST["rowId"], "index.php", $showcancelButton = False); endPage(); // ========================================================================== /// @fn void ( void ) /// /// ... /// /// @global /// @parameter ... /// @return ... /// @gobals[out] - none /// @sideeffect - none /// /// @calledby ...
function sendReminder() { global $dbClass, $row; $action = "reminder"; if ($_SESSION[$action][$action]++) { return; } $remindingPeriod = core_getConfig("remindingPeriod", 7 * 24 * 3600); // a week if ($q = getPendingPreprints("Tm < " . (time() - $remindingPeriod))) { while ($row = $dbClass->next_record($q)) { $pp = pp_preprintID($row["Year"], $row["Report"]); $gecos = uid2gecos($row["Id"]); if (core_getoption("CLI")) { print sprintf("%-15s %-25s %-15s %s \n", $pp, uid2login($row["Id"]), $gecos, long_date_and_time_string($row["Tm"])); } $l = $dbClass->query("SELECT * FROM " . PP_LOGTABLE . " WHERE text REGEXP '" . $pp . " ' " . "AND type = '" . $action . "' ORDER BY time DESC"); $tobeSent = !$dbClass->num_rows($l); while ($log = $dbClass->next_record($l)) { if ((int) $log["time"] > time() - $remindingPeriod) { break; } $tobeSent = True; } if ($tobeSent) { logIt($action, $pp, $gecos); mailReminder(); } } } }
public function createNewUser($pass, $verifymail = true) { if (self::usernameExists()) { $this->error = "Error creating user (CODE 001)"; // Don't create a user if they already exist! return false; } if (empty($pass)) { $this->error = "Error creating user (CODE 002)"; // Missing password return false; } // Salt and Hash password //$salt = generateRandomString(25, true); $password_salt_hash = generateHash($pass); //logIt("Hashing $pass with $salt to yield $password_hash","DEBUG"); $data = array(REDCAP_FIRST_FIELD => $this->next_user_id, getRF('username') => $this->username, getRF('password') => $password_salt_hash, getRF('firstname') => ucfirst($this->firstname), getRF('lastname') => $this->lastname, getRF('zip') => $this->zip, getRF('city') => $this->city, getRF('state') => $this->state, getRF('age') => $this->age, getRF('email') => $this->email, getRF('created_ts') => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); // Add event if longitudinal if (REDCAP_PORTAL_EVENT !== NULL) { $data['redcap_event_name'] = REDCAP_PORTAL_EVENT; } logIt("CREATE NEW USER WITH DATA:" . print_r($data, true), "DEBUG"); $result = RC::writeToApi($data, array('returnContent' => 'ids')); $new_user_id = is_array($result) ? current($result) : null; if (is_numeric($new_user_id)) { $this->new_user_id = $new_user_id; if ($verifymail) { $newuser = new RedcapPortalUser($new_user_id); $newuser->createEmailToken(); $newuser->emailEmailToken(); } } else { logIt("Error creating new user: "******"ERROR"); $this->error = "Error creating user via API"; } logIt("CREATE NEW USER RESULT:" . json_encode($result), "DEBUG"); return $new_user_id; }
public function testLogic($logic) { logIt('testLogic: ' . $logic); if (LogicTester::isValid($logic)) { // Append current event details if (REDCap::isLongitudinal() && $this->redcap_event_name) { $logic = LogicTester::logicPrependEventName($logic, $this->redcap_event_name); } // Test logic logIt('Logic:' . $logic, 'DEBUG'); if (LogicTester::evaluateLogicSingleRecord($logic, $this->record)) { $result = RCView::img(array('class' => 'imgfix', 'src' => 'accept.png')) . " True"; } else { $result = RCView::img(array('class' => 'imgfix', 'src' => 'cross.png')) . " False"; } } else { $result = RCView::img(array('class' => 'imgfix', 'src' => 'error.png')) . " Invalid Syntax"; } return $result; }
function updateUser($data = array(), $extra_params = array(), $flushLog = true) { // Add record ID if not already there $data[REDCAP_FIRST_FIELD] = $this->user_id; // Add event if longitudinal if (REDCAP_PORTAL_EVENT !== NULL) { $data['redcap_event_name'] = REDCAP_PORTAL_EVENT; } logIt("updateUser data1:" . print_r($data, true), "DEBUG"); if ($flushLog && count($this->log_entry > 0)) { $newLog = array(getRF('log') => implode("\n", $this->log_entry)); $data = array_merge($data, $newLog); //$this->log_entry = array(); } //logIt("updateUser data2:".print_r($data,true), "DEBUG"); $result = RC::writeToApi($data, $extra_params); if (isset($result['error'])) { logIt('Error updating User: '******'error'] . " with: " . print_r($data, true)); return false; } //logIt("updateUser result:".print_r($result,true), "DEBUG"); // Flush the log if ($flushLog) { $this->log_entry = array(); } // Reload the session user from the API self::refreshUser(); return true; //$result; }
function postTweet($OAuth, $status) { if (empty($status)) { return false; } $connection = new TwitterOAuth($OAuth['consumer_key'], $OAuth['consumer_secret'], $OAuth['access_token'], $OAuth['access_token_secret']); $result = $connection->post('statuses/update', array('status' => $status . ' #PinScore')); if (empty($result->id)) { logIt('Error posting tweet. ' . $result->errors[0]->message); } else { return true; } }
function queryAPI($params) { global $api_token, $api_url; // Assuming the following for all queries $params['token'] = $api_token; $params['format'] = 'json'; $params['type'] = 'flat'; logIt('Params: '.print_r($params,true), "DEBUG"); $r = curl_init($api_url); curl_setopt($r, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($r, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($params)); curl_setopt($r, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $r_result = curl_exec($r); $r_error = curl_error($r); curl_close($r); if ($r_error) { logIt("Curl call failed ($r_error) with params (".json_encode($params).")", 'ERROR'); exit; } logIt('r_result: '.print_r($r_result,true), "DEBUG"); $results = json_decode($r_result,true); return $results; }
addSessionAlert(lang("ACCOUNT_PASS_MISMATCH")); $valid = false; } //End data validation if ($valid) { $salt = $loggedInUser->getSalt(); //Make a new password from the existing salt $entered_pass_new = generateHash($password_new, $salt); // Check that things are still good so we should update the password if ($valid) { //This function will update the hash_pw property. $loggedInUser->updatePassword($entered_pass_new); addSessionMessage("Password Updated", "success"); } } else { logIt("Change Password: Invalid Request", "INFO"); } //PASSWORD SECURITY QUESTIONS $password_reset_data = array(); $all_valid = true; foreach ($password_reset_pairs as $i => $pair) { $q = isset($_POST[$pair['question']]) ? $_POST[$pair['question']] : null; $a = isset($_POST[$pair['answer']]) ? $_POST[$pair['answer']] : null; $password_reset_data[$i]['question'] = $q; $password_reset_data[$i]['answer'] = $a; if (empty($q) || empty($a)) { // Invalid responses addSessionAlert("Invalid password reset values for question {$i}"); $all_valid = false; } else { $a = hashSecurityAnswer($a);
function add_SQLuser() { global $t, $links, $tabs, $dbClass, $authClass; if (!$_REQUEST["t"]) { $_REQUEST["t"] = "event"; } $accE = $_REQUEST["t"] == "event"; $error = array(); if ($_REQUEST["button"]) { $users = getSQLusers(); if ($v = $_REQUEST["full_name"]) { foreach ($users as $k => $u) { if (strToLower($u["gecos"]) == strToLower($v)) { $error[] = x("li", "'{$v}' is already known as '{$u['email']}'"); } } if ($accE && !eregi("20[0-9][0-9]\$", $v)) { $error[] = x("li", "'event title' must have the year at the end"); } } if ($v = strToLower($_REQUEST["username"])) { foreach ($users as $k => $u) { if (strToLower($u["email"]) == strToLower($v)) { $error[] = x("li", "'{$v}' is already known as '{$u['gecos']}'"); } } if ($accE && !eregi("^[a-z0-9]*\$", $v)) { $error[] = x("li", "'{$v}' is not a valid login name"); } if (!$accE && !eregi("@", $v)) { $error[] = x("li", "'{$v}' is not a valid e-mail address"); } } } if ($error || !$_REQUEST["username"] || !$_REQUEST["full_name"]) { /* * (re)send the form */ $tt = new table("cellpadding='10'", "<center>" . x("h3", "Adding new external user")); $tt->tr("", "valign='top' colspan='3'", x("i", "The external user account is associated either with a <ul>" . "<li> a person (identified by his e-mail and password) or</li>" . "<li> a Nordita event (program, conference, etc.)</li></ul>")); $tt->tro(); $tt->td($accE ? "Both the <b>event title</b> and <b>login name</b><br>must end by the 4-digits Year." . "<br><br><b>contact e-mail</b> is a comma-separated list<br>of the organizer e-mails" : ""); $tt->tdo("valign='top'"); $t = new table("", "<form action='" . $links[$tabs->active] . "' method='post'>"); if ($error) { str(False, "errors detected:" . x("ul", join("\n", $error)), "colspan='3' class='registered'"); } $r = "input type ='radio' name='t' onchange='submit()'"; str("account type", "<{$r} value='human' " . ($accE ? "" : "checked") . ">personal account <{$r} value='event' " . ($accE ? "checked" : "") . ">event account"); str($accE ? "event title" : "full name", "<input type='text' name='full_name' value='{$_REQUEST['full_name']}' size='35'>"); str($accE ? "login name" : "e-mail", "<input type='text' name='username' value='{$_REQUEST['username']}' size='35'>"); if ($accE) { str("proposed password", "<input type='password' name='pwd' value='{$_REQUEST['pwd']}' size='35'>"); } if ($accE) { str("confirm password", "<input type='password' name='pwd2' value='{$_REQUEST['pwd2']}' size='35'>"); } if ($accE) { str("contact e-mail(s)", "<input type='text' name='contact' value='{$_REQUEST['contact']}' size='35'>"); } str(" ", "<input type='submit' name='button' value='submit'> <input type='submit' name='button' value='cancel'>"); $t->close("</form>"); $tt->tdc(); $tt->trc(); $tt->close("</center>"); } else { /* * the form is ok. Create the account, send info mail */ $users = getSQLusers(); $uid = -1000; while ($users[$uid]) { --$uid; } if (!$_REQUEST["pwd"]) { $_REQUEST["pwd"] = $authClass->random_password(8); } $dbClass->query("INSERT INTO accounts (id,username,password,new_password,full_name,status,superviser) " . "VALUES ('{$uid}','{$_REQUEST['username']}','{$_REQUEST['pwd']}','{$_REQUEST['pwd']}','{$_REQUEST['full_name']}',1,'{$_REQUEST['contact']}')"); logIt("newuser", $_REQUEST["username"], $_REQUEST["full_name"]); print x("h3", "New user for the Preprints Database"); $t = new table(); # $t->tr("","",$uid,"uid:"); $t->tr("", "", $_REQUEST["full_name"], "name:"); $t->tr("", "", $_REQUEST["username"], x("b", "login name:")); if ($_REQUEST["contact"]) { $t->tr("", "", $_REQUEST["contact"], x("b", "contact e-mail:")); } else { $t->tr("", "colspan='2'", x("i", "The password is sent to " . $_REQUEST["username"])); } $t->close(); mail2newUser($_REQUEST["username"]); } }
default: errorExit("An unknown error occured during file upload."); } } $q = $dbClass->query("SELECT * FROM publications WHERE RowId=" . $dbClass->quote($rowId)); $row = $dbClass->next_record($q); $status = $row["Status"]; if ($status == "reserved" && !(empty($location) && empty($journal)) && !empty($authors) && !empty($title)) { $status = "registered"; mail2secretary("Registered"); logIt("register", pp_preprintID($row["Year"], $row["Report"]), uid2gecos($res_UID)); unset($pp_id); } $dbClass->query("UPDATE publications SET " . " Field=" . $dbClass->quote($field) . ",Location=" . $dbClass->quote($location) . ",Authors=" . $dbClass->quote($authors) . ",Title=" . $dbClass->quote($title) . ",PublIn=" . $dbClass->quote($journal) . ",Id=" . $dbClass->quote($res_UID) . ",Status=" . $dbClass->quote($status) . " WHERE RowId=" . $dbClass->quote($rowId)); if ($pp_id) { logIt("edit", $pp_id, uid2gecos($res_UID)); } // ========================================================================== /// @fn void ( void ) /// /// ... /// /// @global /// @parameter ... /// @return ... /// @gobals[out] - none /// @sideeffect - none /// /// @calledby ... // ========================================================================== function errorExit($text)
function getRF($property) { global $redcap_field_map; if (isset($redcap_field_map[$property])) { return $redcap_field_map[$property]; } else { logIt("Error finding {$property} in redcap_field_map", "ERROR"); return false; } }
<?php // ============================================================================ // PREPRINTS/ACCEPT_PREPRINT.PHP // ============================================================================ include_once "config.manage.php"; core_declare_input("rowId"); if (!$authClass->isAdmin()) { errorPage("Preprints may only be accepted by administrative staff"); } $time = time(); $dbClass->query("update publications set Status='ok', Tm=" . $time . " where RowId=" . $rowId); $res = $dbClass->query("select * from publications where RowId=" . $rowId); while ($row = $dbClass->next_record($res)) { mail2secretary("Accepted"); logIt("accept", pp_preprintID($row["Year"], $row["Report"]), uid2gecos($row["Id"])); } header("Location: show_preprints.php");