function identifyUser($sentData) { global $debugLdap, $debugDuo, $k; include $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/includes/settings.php'; header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); error_reporting(E_ERROR); require_once $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/sources/main.functions.php'; require_once $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/sources/SplClassLoader.php'; if ($debugDuo == 1) { $dbgDuo = fopen($_SESSION['settings']['path_to_files_folder'] . "/duo.debug.txt", "a"); } /* if (empty($sentData) && isset($_COOKIE['TeamPassC'])) { $sentData = prepareExchangedData($_COOKIE['TeamPassC'], "encode"); setcookie('TeamPassC', "", time()-3600); } */ if ($debugDuo == 1) { fputs($dbgDuo, "Content of data sent '" . $sentData . "'\n"); } // connect to the server require_once $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/includes/libraries/Database/Meekrodb/db.class.php'; DB::$host = $server; DB::$user = $user; DB::$password = $pass; DB::$dbName = $database; DB::$port = $port; DB::$encoding = $encoding; DB::$error_handler = 'db_error_handler'; $link = mysqli_connect($server, $user, $pass, $database, $port); $link->set_charset($encoding); //Load AES $aes = new SplClassLoader('Encryption\\Crypt', '../includes/libraries'); $aes->register(); // load passwordLib library $pwdlib = new SplClassLoader('PasswordLib', '../includes/libraries'); $pwdlib->register(); $pwdlib = new PasswordLib\PasswordLib(); // User's language loading $k['langage'] = @$_SESSION['user_language']; require_once $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/includes/language/' . $_SESSION['user_language'] . '.php'; // decrypt and retreive data in JSON format $dataReceived = prepareExchangedData($sentData, "decode"); // Prepare variables $passwordClear = htmlspecialchars_decode($dataReceived['pw']); $passwordOldEncryption = encryptOld(htmlspecialchars_decode($dataReceived['pw'])); $username = htmlspecialchars_decode($dataReceived['login']); $logError = ""; if ($debugDuo == 1) { fputs($dbgDuo, "Starting authentication of '" . $username . "'\n"); } // GET SALT KEY LENGTH if (strlen(SALT) > 32) { $_SESSION['error']['salt'] = true; } $_SESSION['user_language'] = $k['langage']; $ldapConnection = false; /* LDAP connection */ if ($debugLdap == 1) { // create temp file $dbgLdap = fopen($_SESSION['settings']['path_to_files_folder'] . "/ldap.debug.txt", "w"); fputs($dbgLdap, "Get all LDAP params : \n" . 'mode : ' . $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_mode'] . "\n" . 'type : ' . $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_type'] . "\n" . 'base_dn : ' . $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_domain_dn'] . "\n" . 'search_base : ' . $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_search_base'] . "\n" . 'bind_dn : ' . $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_bind_dn'] . "\n" . 'bind_passwd : ' . $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_bind_passwd'] . "\n" . 'user_attribute : ' . $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_user_attribute'] . "\n" . 'account_suffix : ' . $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_suffix'] . "\n" . 'domain_controllers : ' . $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_domain_controler'] . "\n" . 'use_ssl : ' . $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_ssl'] . "\n" . 'use_tls : ' . $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_tls'] . "\n*********\n\n"); } if ($debugDuo == 1) { fputs($dbgDuo, "LDAP status: " . $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_mode'] . "\n"); } if (isset($_SESSION['settings']['ldap_mode']) && $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_mode'] == 1 && $username != "admin") { //Multiple Domain Names if (strpos(html_entity_decode($username), '\\') == true) { $ldap_suffix = "@" . substr(html_entity_decode($username), 0, strpos(html_entity_decode($username), '\\')); $username = substr(html_entity_decode($username), strpos(html_entity_decode($username), '\\') + 1); } if ($_SESSION['settings']['ldap_type'] == 'posix-search') { $ldapconn = ldap_connect($_SESSION['settings']['ldap_domain_controler']); if ($debugLdap == 1) { fputs($dbgLdap, "LDAP connection : " . ($ldapconn ? "Connected" : "Failed") . "\n"); } ldap_set_option($ldapconn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); if ($ldapconn) { $ldapbind = ldap_bind($ldapconn, $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_bind_dn'], $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_bind_passwd']); if ($debugLdap == 1) { fputs($dbgLdap, "LDAP bind : " . ($ldapbind ? "Bound" : "Failed") . "\n"); } if ($ldapbind) { $filter = "(&(" . $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_user_attribute'] . "={$username})(objectClass=posixAccount))"; $result = ldap_search($ldapconn, $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_search_base'], $filter, array('dn')); if ($debugLdap == 1) { fputs($dbgLdap, 'Search filter : ' . $filter . "\n" . 'Results : ' . print_r(ldap_get_entries($ldapconn, $result), true) . "\n"); } if (ldap_count_entries($ldapconn, $result)) { // try auth $result = ldap_get_entries($ldapconn, $result); $user_dn = $result[0]['dn']; $ldapbind = ldap_bind($ldapconn, $user_dn, $passwordClear); if ($ldapbind) { $ldapConnection = true; } else { $ldapConnection = false; } } } else { $ldapConnection = false; } } else { $ldapConnection = false; } } else { if ($debugLdap == 1) { fputs($dbgLdap, "Get all ldap params : \n" . 'base_dn : ' . $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_domain_dn'] . "\n" . 'account_suffix : ' . $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_suffix'] . "\n" . 'domain_controllers : ' . $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_domain_controler'] . "\n" . 'use_ssl : ' . $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_ssl'] . "\n" . 'use_tls : ' . $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_tls'] . "\n*********\n\n"); } $adldap = new SplClassLoader('LDAP\\adLDAP', '../includes/libraries'); $adldap->register(); // Posix style LDAP handles user searches a bit differently if ($_SESSION['settings']['ldap_type'] == 'posix') { $ldap_suffix = ',' . $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_suffix'] . ',' . $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_domain_dn']; } elseif ($_SESSION['settings']['ldap_type'] == 'windows' and $ldap_suffix == '') { //Multiple Domain Names $ldap_suffix = $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_suffix']; } $adldap = new LDAP\adLDAP\adLDAP(array('base_dn' => $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_domain_dn'], 'account_suffix' => $ldap_suffix, 'domain_controllers' => explode(",", $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_domain_controler']), 'use_ssl' => $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_ssl'], 'use_tls' => $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_tls'])); if ($debugLdap == 1) { fputs($dbgLdap, "Create new adldap object : " . $adldap->get_last_error() . "\n\n\n"); //Debug } // openLDAP expects an attribute=value pair if ($_SESSION['settings']['ldap_type'] == 'posix') { $auth_username = $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_user_attribute'] . '=' . $username; } else { $auth_username = $username; } // authenticate the user if ($adldap->authenticate($auth_username, html_entity_decode($passwordClear))) { $ldapConnection = true; //update user's password $data['pw'] = $pwdlib->createPasswordHash($passwordClear); DB::update(prefix_table('users'), array('pw' => $data['pw']), "login=%s", $username); } else { $ldapConnection = false; } if ($debugLdap == 1) { fputs($dbgLdap, "After authenticate : " . $adldap->get_last_error() . "\n\n\n" . "ldap status : " . $ldapConnection . "\n\n\n"); //Debug } } } else { if (isset($_SESSION['settings']['ldap_mode']) && $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_mode'] == 2) { // nothing } } // Check if user exists $data = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . prefix_table("users") . " WHERE login=%s_login", array('login' => $username)); $counter = DB::count(); if ($debugDuo == 1) { fputs($dbgDuo, "USer exists: " . $counter . "\n"); } // Check PSK if (isset($_SESSION['settings']['psk_authentication']) && $_SESSION['settings']['psk_authentication'] == 1 && $data['admin'] != 1) { $psk = htmlspecialchars_decode($dataReceived['psk']); $pskConfirm = htmlspecialchars_decode($dataReceived['psk_confirm']); if (empty($psk)) { echo '[{"value" : "psk_required"}]'; exit; } elseif (empty($data['psk'])) { if (empty($pskConfirm)) { echo '[{"value" : "bad_psk_confirmation"}]'; exit; } else { $_SESSION['my_sk'] = $psk; } } elseif ($pwdlib->verifyPasswordHash($psk, $data['psk']) === true) { echo '[{"value" : "bad_psk"}]'; exit; } } $proceedIdentification = false; if ($counter > 0) { $proceedIdentification = true; } elseif ($counter == 0 && $ldapConnection == true && isset($_SESSION['settings']['ldap_elusers']) && $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_elusers'] == 0) { // If LDAP enabled, create user in CPM if doesn't exist $data['pw'] = $pwdlib->createPasswordHash($passwordClear); // create passwordhash DB::insert(prefix_table('users'), array('login' => $username, 'pw' => $data['pw'], 'email' => "", 'admin' => '0', 'gestionnaire' => '0', 'personal_folder' => $_SESSION['settings']['enable_pf_feature'] == "1" ? '1' : '0', 'fonction_id' => '0', 'groupes_interdits' => '0', 'groupes_visibles' => '0', 'last_pw_change' => time(), 'user_language' => $_SESSION['settings']['default_language'])); $newUserId = DB::insertId(); // Create personnal folder if ($_SESSION['settings']['enable_pf_feature'] == "1") { DB::insert(prefix_table("nested_tree"), array('parent_id' => '0', 'title' => $newUserId, 'bloquer_creation' => '0', 'bloquer_modification' => '0', 'personal_folder' => '1')); } // Get info for user //$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".prefix_table("users")." WHERE login = '******'"; //$row = $db->query($sql); $proceedIdentification = true; } // Check if user exists (and has been created in case of new LDAP user) $data = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . prefix_table("users") . " WHERE login=%s_login", array('login' => $username)); $counter = DB::count(); if ($counter == 0) { echo '[{"value" : "user_not_exists", "text":""}]'; exit; } if ($debugDuo == 1) { fputs($dbgDuo, "USer exists (confirm): " . $counter . "\n"); } // check GA code if (isset($_SESSION['settings']['2factors_authentication']) && $_SESSION['settings']['2factors_authentication'] == 1 && $username != "admin") { if (isset($dataReceived['GACode']) && !empty($dataReceived['GACode'])) { include_once $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . "/includes/libraries/Authentication/GoogleAuthenticator/FixedBitNotation.php"; include_once $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . "/includes/libraries/Authentication/GoogleAuthenticator/GoogleAuthenticator.php"; $g = new Authentication\GoogleAuthenticator\GoogleAuthenticator(); if ($g->checkCode($data['ga'], $dataReceived['GACode'])) { $proceedIdentification = true; } else { $proceedIdentification = false; $logError = "ga_code_wrong"; } } else { $proceedIdentification = false; $logError = "ga_code_wrong"; } } if ($debugDuo == 1) { fputs($dbgDuo, "Proceed with Ident: " . $proceedIdentification . "\n"); } if ($proceedIdentification === true) { // User exists in the DB //$data = $db->fetchArray($row); //v2.1.17 -> change encryption for users password if ($passwordOldEncryption == $data['pw'] && !empty($data['pw'])) { //update user's password $data['pw'] = bCrypt($passwordClear, COST); DB::update(prefix_table('users'), array('pw' => $data['pw']), "id=%i", $data['id']); } if (crypt($passwordClear, $data['pw']) == $data['pw'] && !empty($data['pw'])) { //update user's password $data['pw'] = $pwdlib->createPasswordHash($passwordClear); DB::update(prefix_table('users'), array('pw' => $data['pw']), "id=%i", $data['id']); } // check the given password if ($pwdlib->verifyPasswordHash($passwordClear, $data['pw']) === true) { $userPasswordVerified = true; } else { $userPasswordVerified = false; } if ($debugDuo == 1) { fputs($dbgDuo, "User's password verified: " . $userPasswordVerified . "\n"); } // Can connect if // 1- no LDAP mode + user enabled + pw ok // 2- LDAP mode + user enabled + ldap connection ok + user is not admin // 3- LDAP mode + user enabled + pw ok + usre is admin // This in order to allow admin by default to connect even if LDAP is activated if (isset($_SESSION['settings']['ldap_mode']) && $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_mode'] == 0 && $userPasswordVerified == true && $data['disabled'] == 0 || isset($_SESSION['settings']['ldap_mode']) && $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_mode'] == 1 && $ldapConnection == true && $data['disabled'] == 0 && $username != "admin" || isset($_SESSION['settings']['ldap_mode']) && $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_mode'] == 2 && $ldapConnection == true && $data['disabled'] == 0 && $username != "admin" || isset($_SESSION['settings']['ldap_mode']) && $_SESSION['settings']['ldap_mode'] == 1 && $username == "admin" && $userPasswordVerified == true && $data['disabled'] == 0) { $_SESSION['autoriser'] = true; // Generate a ramdom ID $key = $pwdlib->getRandomToken(50); if ($debugDuo == 1) { fputs($dbgDuo, "User's token: " . $key . "\n"); } // Log into DB the user's connection if (isset($_SESSION['settings']['log_connections']) && $_SESSION['settings']['log_connections'] == 1) { logEvents('user_connection', 'connection', $data['id']); } // Save account in SESSION $_SESSION['login'] = stripslashes($username); $_SESSION['name'] = stripslashes($data['name']); $_SESSION['lastname'] = stripslashes($data['lastname']); $_SESSION['user_id'] = $data['id']; $_SESSION['user_admin'] = $data['admin']; $_SESSION['user_manager'] = $data['gestionnaire']; $_SESSION['user_read_only'] = $data['read_only']; $_SESSION['last_pw_change'] = $data['last_pw_change']; $_SESSION['last_pw'] = $data['last_pw']; $_SESSION['can_create_root_folder'] = $data['can_create_root_folder']; $_SESSION['key'] = $key; $_SESSION['personal_folder'] = $data['personal_folder']; $_SESSION['user_language'] = $data['user_language']; $_SESSION['user_email'] = $data['email']; $_SESSION['user_ga'] = $data['ga']; $_SESSION['user_avatar'] = $data['avatar']; $_SESSION['user_avatar_thumb'] = $data['avatar_thumb']; $_SESSION['user_upgrade_needed'] = $data['upgrade_needed']; // manage session expiration $serverTime = time(); if ($dataReceived['TimezoneOffset'] > 0) { $userTime = $serverTime + $dataReceived['TimezoneOffset']; } else { $userTime = $serverTime; } $_SESSION['fin_session'] = $userTime + $dataReceived['duree_session'] * 60; /* If this option is set user password MD5 is used as personal SALTKey */ if (isset($_SESSION['settings']['use_md5_password_as_salt']) && $_SESSION['settings']['use_md5_password_as_salt'] == 1) { $_SESSION['my_sk'] = md5($passwordClear); setcookie("TeamPass_PFSK_" . md5($_SESSION['user_id']), encrypt($_SESSION['my_sk'], ""), time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * $_SESSION['settings']['personal_saltkey_cookie_duration'], '/'); } @syslog(LOG_WARNING, "User logged in - " . $_SESSION['user_id'] . " - " . date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . " {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} ({$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']})"); if (empty($data['last_connexion'])) { $_SESSION['derniere_connexion'] = time(); } else { $_SESSION['derniere_connexion'] = $data['last_connexion']; } if (!empty($data['latest_items'])) { $_SESSION['latest_items'] = explode(';', $data['latest_items']); } else { $_SESSION['latest_items'] = array(); } if (!empty($data['favourites'])) { $_SESSION['favourites'] = explode(';', $data['favourites']); } else { $_SESSION['favourites'] = array(); } if (!empty($data['groupes_visibles'])) { $_SESSION['groupes_visibles'] = @implode(';', $data['groupes_visibles']); } else { $_SESSION['groupes_visibles'] = array(); } if (!empty($data['groupes_interdits'])) { $_SESSION['groupes_interdits'] = @implode(';', $data['groupes_interdits']); } else { $_SESSION['groupes_interdits'] = array(); } // User's roles $_SESSION['fonction_id'] = $data['fonction_id']; $_SESSION['user_roles'] = explode(";", $data['fonction_id']); // build array of roles $_SESSION['user_pw_complexity'] = 0; $_SESSION['arr_roles'] = array(); foreach (array_filter(explode(';', $_SESSION['fonction_id'])) as $role) { $resRoles = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT title, complexity FROM " . prefix_table("roles_title") . " WHERE id=%i", $role); $_SESSION['arr_roles'][$role] = array('id' => $role, 'title' => $resRoles['title']); // get highest complexity if ($_SESSION['user_pw_complexity'] < $resRoles['complexity']) { $_SESSION['user_pw_complexity'] = $resRoles['complexity']; } } // build complete array of roles $_SESSION['arr_roles_full'] = array(); $rows = DB::query("SELECT id, title FROM " . prefix_table("roles_title") . " ORDER BY title ASC"); foreach ($rows as $record) { $_SESSION['arr_roles_full'][$record['id']] = array('id' => $record['id'], 'title' => $record['title']); } // Set some settings $_SESSION['user']['find_cookie'] = false; $_SESSION['settings']['update_needed'] = ""; // Update table DB::update(prefix_table('users'), array('key_tempo' => $_SESSION['key'], 'last_connexion' => time(), 'timestamp' => time(), 'disabled' => 0, 'no_bad_attempts' => 0, 'session_end' => $_SESSION['fin_session'], 'psk' => $pwdlib->createPasswordHash(htmlspecialchars_decode($psk))), "id=%i", $data['id']); if ($debugDuo == 1) { fputs($dbgDuo, "Preparing to identify the user rights\n"); } // Get user's rights identifyUserRights($data['groupes_visibles'], $_SESSION['groupes_interdits'], $data['admin'], $data['fonction_id'], false); // Get some more elements $_SESSION['screenHeight'] = $dataReceived['screenHeight']; // Get last seen items $_SESSION['latest_items_tab'][] = ""; foreach ($_SESSION['latest_items'] as $item) { if (!empty($item)) { $data = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT id,label,id_tree FROM " . prefix_table("items") . " WHERE id=%i", $item); $_SESSION['latest_items_tab'][$item] = array('id' => $item, 'label' => $data['label'], 'url' => 'index.php?page=items&group=' . $data['id_tree'] . '&id=' . $item); } } // send back the random key $return = $dataReceived['randomstring']; // Send email if (isset($_SESSION['settings']['enable_send_email_on_user_login']) && $_SESSION['settings']['enable_send_email_on_user_login'] == 1 && $_SESSION['user_admin'] != 1) { // get all Admin users $receivers = ""; $rows = DB::query("SELECT email FROM " . prefix_table("users") . " WHERE admin = %i", 1); foreach ($rows as $record) { if (empty($receivers)) { $receivers = $record['email']; } else { $receivers = "," . $record['email']; } } // Add email to table DB::insert(prefix_table("emails"), array('timestamp' => time(), 'subject' => $LANG['email_subject_on_user_login'], 'body' => str_replace(array('#tp_user#', '#tp_date#', '#tp_time#'), array(" " . $_SESSION['login'], date($_SESSION['settings']['date_format'], $_SESSION['derniere_connexion']), date($_SESSION['settings']['time_format'], $_SESSION['derniere_connexion'])), $LANG['email_body_on_user_login']), 'receivers' => $receivers, 'status' => "not sent")); } } elseif ($data['disabled'] == 1) { // User and password is okay but account is locked $return = "user_is_locked"; } else { // User exists in the DB but Password is false // check if user is locked $userIsLocked = 0; $nbAttempts = intval($data['no_bad_attempts'] + 1); if ($_SESSION['settings']['nb_bad_authentication'] > 0 && intval($_SESSION['settings']['nb_bad_authentication']) < $nbAttempts) { $userIsLocked = 1; // log it if (isset($_SESSION['settings']['log_connections']) && $_SESSION['settings']['log_connections'] == 1) { logEvents('user_locked', 'connection', $data['id']); } } DB::update(prefix_table('users'), array('key_tempo' => $_SESSION['key'], 'last_connexion' => time(), 'disabled' => $userIsLocked, 'no_bad_attempts' => $nbAttempts), "id=%i", $data['id']); // What return shoulb we do if ($userIsLocked == 1) { $return = "user_is_locked"; } elseif ($_SESSION['settings']['nb_bad_authentication'] == 0) { $return = "false"; } else { $return = $nbAttempts; } } } else { $return = "false"; } if ($debugDuo == 1) { fputs($dbgDuo, "\n\n----\n" . "Identified : " . $return . "\n"); } echo '[{"value" : "' . $return . '", "user_admin":"', isset($_SESSION['user_admin']) ? $_SESSION['user_admin'] : "", '", "initial_url" : "' . @$_SESSION['initial_url'] . '", "error" : "' . $logError . '"}]'; $_SESSION['initial_url'] = ""; if ($_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] == "..") { $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] = "."; } }
$y = $pdf->GetY(); //Draw $pdf->Rect($x, $y, $w, $h); //Write $pdf->MultiCell($w, 5, stripslashes($record[$table[$i]]), 0, $a); //go to right $pdf->SetXY($x + $w, $y); } //return to line $pdf->Ln($h); } $pdf_file = "print_out_pdf_" . date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('y'))) . "_" . generateKey() . ".pdf"; //send the file $pdf->Output($_SESSION['settings']['path_to_files_folder'] . "/" . $pdf_file); //log logEvents('pdf_export', "", $_SESSION['user_id'], $_SESSION['login']); //clean table DB::query("TRUNCATE TABLE " . prefix_table("export")); echo '[{"text":"<a href=\'' . $_SESSION['settings']['url_to_files_folder'] . '/' . $pdf_file . '\' target=\'_blank\'>' . $LANG['pdf_download'] . '</a>"}]'; } break; //CASE export in CSV format //CASE export in CSV format case "export_to_csv_format": $full_listing = array(); $full_listing[0] = array('id' => "id", 'label' => "label", 'description' => "description", 'pw' => "pw", 'login' => "login", 'restricted_to' => "restricted_to", 'perso' => "perso"); $id_managed = ''; $i = 1; $items_id_list = array(); foreach (explode(';', $_POST['ids']) as $id) { if (!in_array($id, $_SESSION['forbiden_pfs']) && in_array($id, $_SESSION['groupes_visibles'])) {
* UPDATE CAN CREATE ROOT FOLDER RIGHT */ case "user_edit_login": // Check KEY if ($_POST['key'] != $_SESSION['key']) { // error exit; } DB::update(prefix_table("users"), array('login' => $_POST['login'], 'name' => $_POST['name'], 'lastname' => $_POST['lastname']), "id = %i", $_POST['id']); break; } } elseif (!empty($_POST['newValue'])) { $value = explode('_', $_POST['id']); DB::update(prefix_table("users"), array($value[0] => $_POST['newValue']), "id = %i", $value[1]); // update LOG logEvents('user_mngt', 'at_user_new_' . $value[0] . ':' . $value[1], $_SESSION['user_id'], $_SESSION['login'], $_POST['id']); // refresh SESSION if requested if ($value[0] == "treeloadstrategy") { $_SESSION['user_settings']['treeloadstrategy'] = $_POST['newValue']; } // Display info echo $_POST['newValue']; } elseif (isset($_POST['newadmin'])) { $id = explode('_', $_POST['id']); DB::update(prefix_table("users"), array('admin' => $_POST['newadmin']), "id = %i", $id[1]); // Display info if ($_POST['newadmin'] == "1") { echo "Oui"; } else { echo "Non"; }
DB::$password = $pass; DB::$dbName = $database; DB::$port = $port; DB::$encoding = $encoding; DB::$error_handler = 'db_error_handler'; $link = mysqli_connect($server, $user, $pass, $database, $port); $link->set_charset($encoding); // Include main functions used by TeamPass require_once 'sources/main.functions.php'; // Update table by deleting ID if (isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) { DB::update($pre . "users", array('key_tempo' => ''), "id=%i", $_SESSION['user_id']); } //Log into DB the user's disconnection if (isset($_SESSION['settings']['log_connections']) && $_SESSION['settings']['log_connections'] == 1) { logEvents('user_connection', 'disconnection', $_SESSION['user_id'], $_SESSION['login']); } } else { require_once $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/includes/language/english.php'; echo ' <div style="width:800px;margin:auto;">'; if (@$_SESSION['error']['code'] == ERR_NOT_ALLOWED) { echo ' <div class="ui-state-error ui-corner-all error" >' . $LANG['error_not_authorized'] . '</div>'; } elseif (@$_SESSION['error']['code'] == ERR_NOT_EXIST) { echo ' <div class="ui-state-error ui-corner-all error" >' . $LANG['error_not_exists'] . '</div>'; } elseif (@$_SESSION['error']['code'] == ERR_SESS_EXPIRED) { echo ' <div class="ui-state-error ui-corner-all error" style="text-align:center;" >' . $LANG['index_session_expired'] . '<br /><br /><a href="index.php" />' . $LANG['home'] . '</a></div>'; } elseif (@$_SESSION['error']['code'] == ERR_NO_MCRYPT) {
case "admin_email_send_backlog": require_once $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/sources/main.functions.php'; $rows = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . prefix_table("emails") . " WHERE status = %s OR status = %s", "not_sent", ""); foreach ($rows as $record) { //send email $ret = json_decode(@sendEmail($record['subject'], $record['body'], $record['receivers'])); if (!empty($ret['error'])) { //update item_id in files table DB::update(prefix_table("emails"), array('status' => "not_sent"), "timestamp = %s", $record['timestamp']); } else { //delete from DB DB::delete(prefix_table("emails"), "timestamp = %s", $record['timestamp']); } } //update LOG logEvents('admin_action', 'Emails backlog', $_SESSION['user_id'], $_SESSION['login']); echo '[{"result":"admin_email_send_backlog", ' . @sendEmail($LANG['admin_email_test_subject'], $LANG['admin_email_test_body'], $_SESSION['settings']['email_from']) . '}]'; break; /* * Generate exchanges encryption keys */ /* * Generate exchanges encryption keys */ case "admin_action_generate_encrypt_keys": require_once "../includes/libraries/jCryption/jcryption.php"; $keyLength = 1024; $jCryption = new jCryption(); $numberOfPairs = 100; $arrKeyPairs = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $numberOfPairs; $i++) {
//send back the random key $return = $data_received['randomstring']; } else { if ($data['disabled'] == 1) { //User and password is okay but account is locked $return = "user_is_locked"; } else { //User exists in the DB but Password is false //check if user is locked $user_is_locked = 0; $nb_attempts = intval($data['no_bad_attempts'] + 1); if ($_SESSION['settings']['nb_bad_authentication'] > 0 && intval($_SESSION['settings']['nb_bad_authentication']) < $nb_attempts) { $user_is_locked = 1; //log it if (isset($_SESSION['settings']['log_connections']) && $_SESSION['settings']['log_connections'] == 1) { logEvents('user_locked', 'connection', $data['id']); } } $db->query_update("users", array('key_tempo' => $_SESSION['key'], 'last_connexion' => mktime(date("h"), date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")), 'disabled' => $user_is_locked, 'no_bad_attempts' => $nb_attempts), "id=" . $data['id']); //What return shoulb we do if ($user_is_locked == 1) { $return = "user_is_locked"; } else { if ($_SESSION['settings']['nb_bad_authentication'] == 0) { $return = "false"; } else { $return = $nb_attempts; } } } }
function rest_get() { $_SESSION['user_id'] = "'api'"; if (!@count($GLOBALS['request']) == 0) { $request_uri = $GLOBALS['_SERVER']['REQUEST_URI']; preg_match('/\\/api(\\/index.php|)\\/(.*)\\?apikey=(.*)/', $request_uri, $matches); if (count($matches) == 0) { rest_error('REQUEST_SENT_NOT_UNDERSTANDABLE'); } $GLOBALS['request'] = explode('/', $matches[2]); } if (apikey_checker($GLOBALS['apikey'])) { global $server, $user, $pass, $database, $pre, $link; teampass_connect(); $category_query = ""; if ($GLOBALS['request'][0] == "read") { if ($GLOBALS['request'][1] == "category") { // get ids if (strpos($GLOBALS['request'][2], ";") > 0) { $condition = "id_tree IN %ls"; $condition_value = explode(';', $GLOBALS['request'][2]); } else { $condition = "id_tree = %s"; $condition_value = $GLOBALS['request'][2]; } DB::debugMode(false); // get items in this module $response = DB::query("SELECT id,label,login,pw, pw_iv FROM " . prefix_table("items") . " WHERE " . $condition, $condition_value); foreach ($response as $data) { // prepare output $id = $data['id']; $json[$id]['label'] = mb_convert_encoding($data['label'], mb_detect_encoding($data['label']), 'UTF-8'); $json[$id]['login'] = mb_convert_encoding($data['login'], mb_detect_encoding($data['login']), 'UTF-8'); $json[$id]['pw'] = cryption($data['pw'], SALT, $data['pw_iv'], "decrypt"); } /* load folders */ $response = DB::query("SELECT id,parent_id,title,nleft,nright,nlevel FROM " . prefix_table("nested_tree") . " WHERE parent_id=%i ORDER BY `title` ASC", $GLOBALS['request'][2]); $rows = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($response as $row) { $response = DB::query("SELECT id,label,login,pw, pw_iv FROM " . prefix_table("items") . " WHERE id_tree=%i", $row['id']); foreach ($response as $data) { // prepare output $id = $data['id']; $json[$id]['label'] = mb_convert_encoding($data['label'], mb_detect_encoding($data['label']), 'UTF-8'); $json[$id]['login'] = mb_convert_encoding($data['login'], mb_detect_encoding($data['login']), 'UTF-8'); $json[$id]['pw'] = cryption($data['pw'], SALT, $data['pw_iv'], "decrypt"); } } } elseif ($GLOBALS['request'][1] == "items") { $array_items = explode(';', $GLOBALS['request'][2]); // check if not empty if (count($array_items) == 0) { rest_error('NO_ITEM'); } // only accepts numeric foreach ($array_items as $item) { if (!is_numeric($item)) { rest_error('ITEM_MALFORMED'); } } $response = DB::query("select id,label,login,pw, pw_iv, id_tree from " . prefix_table("items") . " where id IN %ls", $array_items); foreach ($response as $data) { // prepare output $id = $data['id']; $json[$id]['label'] = mb_convert_encoding($data['label'], mb_detect_encoding($data['label']), 'UTF-8'); $json[$id]['login'] = mb_convert_encoding($data['login'], mb_detect_encoding($data['login']), 'UTF-8'); $json[$id]['pw'] = cryption($data['pw'], SALT, $data['pw_iv'], "decrypt"); } } if (isset($json) && $json) { echo json_encode($json); } else { rest_error('EMPTY'); } } elseif ($GLOBALS['request'][0] == "find") { if ($GLOBALS['request'][1] == "item") { $array_category = explode(';', $GLOBALS['request'][2]); $item = $GLOBALS['request'][3]; foreach ($array_category as $category) { if (!preg_match_all("/^([\\w\\:\\'\\-\\sàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïðòóôõöùúûüýÿ]+)\$/i", $category, $result)) { rest_error('CATEGORY_MALFORMED'); } } if (!preg_match_all("/^([\\w\\:\\'\\-\\sàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïðòóôõöùúûüýÿ]+)\$/i", $item, $result)) { rest_error('ITEM_MALFORMED'); } elseif (empty($item) || count($array_category) == 0) { rest_error('MALFORMED'); } if (count($array_category) > 1 && count($array_category) < 5) { for ($i = count($array_category); $i > 0; $i--) { $slot = $i - 1; if (!$slot) { $category_query .= "select id from " . prefix_table("nested_tree") . " where title LIKE '" . $array_category[$slot] . "' AND parent_id = 0"; } else { $category_query .= "select id from " . prefix_table("nested_tree") . " where title LIKE '" . $array_category[$slot] . "' AND parent_id = ("; } } for ($i = 1; $i < count($array_category); $i++) { $category_query .= ")"; } } elseif (count($array_category) == 1) { $category_query = "select id from " . prefix_table("nested_tree") . " where title LIKE '" . $array_category[0] . "' AND parent_id = 0"; } else { rest_error('NO_CATEGORY'); } DB::debugMode(false); $response = DB::query("select id, label, login, pw, pw_iv, id_tree\n from " . prefix_table("items") . "\n where id_tree = (%s)\n and label LIKE %ss", $category_query, $item); foreach ($response as $data) { // prepare output $json['id'] = mb_convert_encoding($data['id'], mb_detect_encoding($data['id']), 'UTF-8'); $json['label'] = mb_convert_encoding($data['label'], mb_detect_encoding($data['label']), 'UTF-8'); $json['login'] = mb_convert_encoding($data['login'], mb_detect_encoding($data['login']), 'UTF-8'); $json['pw'] = cryption($data['pw'], SALT, $data['pw_iv'], "decrypt"); $json['folder_id'] = $data['id_tree']; $json['status'] = utf8_encode("OK"); } if (isset($json) && $json) { echo json_encode($json); } else { rest_error('EMPTY'); } } } elseif ($GLOBALS['request'][0] == "add") { if ($GLOBALS['request'][1] == "item") { // get item definition $array_item = explode(';', urldecode($GLOBALS['request'][2])); if (count($array_item) != 9) { rest_error('ITEMBADDEFINITION'); } $item_label = $array_item[0]; $item_pwd = $array_item[1]; $item_desc = $array_item[2]; $item_folder_id = $array_item[3]; $item_login = $array_item[4]; $item_email = $array_item[5]; $item_url = $array_item[6]; $item_tags = $array_item[7]; $item_anyonecanmodify = $array_item[8]; // added so one can sent data including the http or https ! // anyway we have to urlencode this data $item_url = urldecode($item_url); // same for the email $item_email = urldecode($item_email); // do some checks if (!empty($item_label) && !empty($item_pwd) && !empty($item_folder_id)) { // Check length if (strlen($item_pwd) > 50) { rest_error('PASSWORDTOOLONG'); } // Check Folder ID DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . prefix_table("nested_tree") . " WHERE id = %i", $item_folder_id); $counter = DB::count(); if ($counter == 0) { rest_error('NOSUCHFOLDER'); } // check if element doesn't already exist DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . prefix_table("items") . " WHERE label = %s AND inactif = %i", addslashes($item_label), "0"); $counter = DB::count(); if ($counter != 0) { $itemExists = 1; // prevent the error if the label already exists // so lets just add the time() as a random factor $item_label .= " (" . time() . ")"; } else { $itemExists = 0; } if ($itemExists == 0) { $encrypt = cryption($item_pwd, SALT, "", "encrypt"); if (empty($encrypt['string'])) { rest_error('PASSWORDEMPTY'); } // ADD item try { DB::insert(prefix_table("items"), array("label" => $item_label, "description" => $item_desc, 'pw' => $encrypt['string'], 'pw_iv' => $encrypt['iv'], "email" => $item_email, "url" => $item_url, "id_tree" => intval($item_folder_id), "login" => $item_login, "inactif" => 0, "restricted_to" => "", "perso" => 0, "anyone_can_modify" => intval($item_anyonecanmodify))); $newID = DB::InsertId(); // log DB::insert(prefix_table("log_items"), array("id_item" => $newID, "date" => time(), "id_user" => "9999999", "action" => "at_creation")); // Add tags $tags = explode(' ', $item_tags); foreach ((array) $tags as $tag) { if (!empty($tag)) { DB::insert(prefix_table("tags"), array("item_id" => $newID, "tag" => strtolower($tag))); } } // Update CACHE table DB::insert(prefix_table("cache"), array("id" => $newID, "label" => $item_label, "description" => $item_desc, "tags" => $item_tags, "id_tree" => $item_folder_id, "perso" => "0", "restricted_to" => "", "login" => $item_login, "folder" => "", "author" => "9999999")); echo '{"status":"item added"}'; } catch (PDOException $ex) { echo '<br />' . $ex->getMessage(); } } else { rest_error('ITEMEXISTS'); } } else { rest_error('ITEMMISSINGDATA'); } } elseif ($GLOBALS['request'][1] == "user") { // get user definition $array_user = explode(';', $GLOBALS['request'][2]); if (count($array_user) != 11) { rest_error('USERBADDEFINITION'); } $login = $array_user[0]; $name = $array_user[1]; $lastname = $array_user[2]; $password = $array_user[3]; $email = $array_user[4]; $adminby = $array_user[5]; $isreadonly = $array_user[6]; $roles = $array_user[7]; $isadmin = $array_user[8]; $ismanager = $array_user[9]; $haspf = $array_user[10]; // Empty user if (mysqli_escape_string($link, htmlspecialchars_decode($login)) == "") { rest_error('USERLOGINEMPTY'); } // Check if user already exists $data = DB::query("SELECT id, fonction_id, groupes_interdits, groupes_visibles FROM " . prefix_table("users") . "\n WHERE login LIKE %ss", mysqli_escape_string($link, stripslashes($login))); if (DB::count() == 0) { try { // find AdminRole code in DB $resRole = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT id\n FROM " . prefix_table("roles_title") . "\n WHERE title LIKE %ss", mysqli_escape_string($link, stripslashes($adminby))); // get default language $lang = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT `valeur` FROM " . prefix_table("misc") . " WHERE type = %s AND intitule = %s", "admin", "default_language"); // prepare roles list $rolesList = ""; foreach (explode('|', $roles) as $role) { echo $role . "-"; $tmp = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT `id` FROM " . prefix_table("roles_title") . " WHERE title = %s", $role); if (empty($rolesList)) { $rolesList = $tmp['id']; } else { $rolesList .= ";" . $tmp['id']; } } // Add user in DB DB::insert(prefix_table("users"), array('login' => $login, 'name' => $name, 'lastname' => $lastname, 'pw' => bCrypt(stringUtf8Decode($password), COST), 'email' => $email, 'admin' => intval($isadmin), 'gestionnaire' => intval($ismanager), 'read_only' => intval($isreadonly), 'personal_folder' => intval($haspf), 'user_language' => $lang['valeur'], 'fonction_id' => $rolesList, 'groupes_interdits' => '0', 'groupes_visibles' => '0', 'isAdministratedByRole' => empty($resRole) ? '0' : $resRole['id'])); $new_user_id = DB::insertId(); // Create personnal folder if (intval($haspf) == 1) { DB::insert(prefix_table("nested_tree"), array('parent_id' => '0', 'title' => $new_user_id, 'bloquer_creation' => '0', 'bloquer_modification' => '0', 'personal_folder' => '1')); } // Send email to new user @sendEmail($LANG['email_subject_new_user'], str_replace(array('#tp_login#', '#tp_pw#', '#tp_link#'), array(" " . addslashes($login), addslashes($password), $_SESSION['settings']['email_server_url']), $LANG['email_new_user_mail']), $email); // update LOG logEvents('user_mngt', 'at_user_added', 'api - ' . $GLOBALS['apikey'], $new_user_id); echo '{"status":"user added"}'; } catch (PDOException $ex) { echo '<br />' . $ex->getMessage(); } } else { rest_error('USERALREADYEXISTS'); } } } elseif ($GLOBALS['request'][0] == "auth") { /* ** FOR SECURITY PURPOSE, it is mandatory to use SSL to connect your teampass instance. The user password is not encrypted! ** ** ** Expected call format: .../api/index.php/auth/<PROTOCOL>/<URL>/<login>/<password>?apikey=<VALID API KEY> ** Example: ** RESTRICTIONS: ** - <PROTOCOL> ==> http|https|ftp|... ** - <URL> ==> encode URL without protocol (example: becomes ** - <login> ==> user's login ** - <password> ==> currently clear password ** ** RETURNED ANSWER: ** - format sent back is JSON ** - Example: {"<item_id>":{"label":"<pass#1>","login":"******","pw":"<pwd#1>"},"<item_id>":{"label":"<pass#2>","login":"******","pw":"<pwd#2>"}} ** */ // get user credentials if (isset($GLOBALS['request'][3]) && isset($GLOBALS['request'][4])) { // get url if (isset($GLOBALS['request'][1]) && isset($GLOBALS['request'][2])) { // is user granted? $user = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT `id`, `pw`, `groupes_interdits`, `groupes_visibles`, `fonction_id` FROM " . $pre . "users WHERE login = %s", $GLOBALS['request'][3]); // load passwordLib library $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] = ".."; require_once '../sources/SplClassLoader.php'; $pwdlib = new SplClassLoader('PasswordLib', '../includes/libraries'); $pwdlib->register(); $pwdlib = new PasswordLib\PasswordLib(); if ($pwdlib->verifyPasswordHash($GLOBALS['request'][4], $user['pw']) === true) { // define the restriction of "id_tree" of this user $userDef = DB::queryOneColumn('folder_id', "SELECT DISTINCT folder_id \n FROM " . prefix_table("roles_values") . "\n WHERE type IN ('R', 'W') ", empty($user['groupes_interdits']) ? "" : "\n AND folder_id NOT IN (" . str_replace(";", ",", $user['groupes_interdits']) . ")", " \n AND role_id IN %ls \n GROUP BY folder_id", explode(";", $user['groupes_interdits'])); // complete with "groupes_visibles" foreach (explode(";", $user['groupes_visibles']) as $v) { array_push($userDef, $v); } // find the item associated to the url $response = DB::query("SELECT id, label, login, pw, pw_iv, id_tree, restricted_to\n FROM " . prefix_table("items") . " \n WHERE url LIKE %s\n AND id_tree IN (" . implode(",", $userDef) . ")\n ORDER BY id DESC", $GLOBALS['request'][1] . "://" . urldecode($GLOBALS['request'][2] . '%')); $counter = DB::count(); if ($counter > 0) { $json = ""; foreach ($response as $data) { // check if item visible if (empty($data['restricted_to']) || $data['restricted_to'] != "" && in_array($user['id'], explode(";", $data['restricted_to']))) { // prepare export $json[$data['id']]['label'] = mb_convert_encoding($data['label'], mb_detect_encoding($data['label']), 'UTF-8'); $json[$data['id']]['login'] = mb_convert_encoding($data['login'], mb_detect_encoding($data['login']), 'UTF-8'); $json[$data['id']]['pw'] = cryption($data['pw'], SALT, $data['pw_iv'], "decrypt"); } } // prepare answer. If no access then inform if (empty($json)) { rest_error('AUTH_NO_DATA'); } else { echo json_encode($json); } } else { rest_error('AUTH_NO_DATA'); } } else { rest_error('AUTH_NOT_GRANTED'); } } else { rest_error('AUTH_NO_URL'); } } else { rest_error('AUTH_NO_IDENTIFIER'); } } elseif ($GLOBALS['request'][0] == "set") { /* * Expected call format: .../api/index.php/set/<login_to_save>/<password_to_save>/<url>/<user_login>/<user_password>?apikey=<VALID API KEY> * Example: * * NEW ITEM WILL BE STORED IN SPECIFIC FOLDER */ // get user credentials if (isset($GLOBALS['request'][4]) && isset($GLOBALS['request'][5])) { // get url if (isset($GLOBALS['request'][1]) && isset($GLOBALS['request'][2]) && isset($GLOBALS['request'][3])) { // is user granted? $user = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT `id`, `pw`, `groupes_interdits`, `groupes_visibles`, `fonction_id` FROM " . $pre . "users WHERE login = %s", $GLOBALS['request'][4]); // load passwordLib library $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] = ".."; require_once '../sources/SplClassLoader.php'; $pwdlib = new SplClassLoader('PasswordLib', '../includes/libraries'); $pwdlib->register(); $pwdlib = new PasswordLib\PasswordLib(); // is user identified? if ($pwdlib->verifyPasswordHash($GLOBALS['request'][5], $user['pw']) === true) { // does the personal folder of this user exists? DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT `id`\n FROM " . $pre . "nested_tree\n WHERE title = %s AND personal_folder = 1", $user['id']); if (DB::count() > 0) { // check if "teampass-connect" folder exists // if not create it $folder = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT `id`\n FROM " . $pre . "nested_tree\n WHERE title = %s", "teampass-connect"); if (DB::count() == 0) { DB::insert(prefix_table("nested_tree"), array('parent_id' => '0', 'title' => "teampass-connect")); $tpc_folder_id = DB::insertId(); //Add complexity DB::insert(prefix_table("misc"), array('type' => 'complex', 'intitule' => $tpc_folder_id, 'valeur' => '0')); // rebuild tree $tree = new Tree\NestedTree\NestedTree(prefix_table("nested_tree"), 'id', 'parent_id', 'title'); $tree->rebuild(); } else { $tpc_folder_id = $folder['id']; } // encrypt password $encrypt = cryption($GLOBALS['request'][2], SALT, "", "encrypt"); // add new item DB::insert(prefix_table("items"), array('label' => "Credentials for " . urldecode($GLOBALS['request'][3] . '%'), 'description' => "Imported with Teampass-Connect", 'pw' => $encrypt['string'], 'pw_iv' => $encrypt['iv'], 'email' => "", 'url' => urldecode($GLOBALS['request'][3] . '%'), 'id_tree' => $tpc_folder_id, 'login' => $GLOBALS['request'][1], 'inactif' => '0', 'restricted_to' => $user['id'], 'perso' => '0', 'anyone_can_modify' => '0', 'complexity_level' => '0')); $newID = DB::insertId(); // log logItems($newID, "Credentials for " . urldecode($GLOBALS['request'][3] . '%'), $user['id'], 'at_creation', $GLOBALS['request'][1]); $json['status'] = "ok"; // prepare answer. If no access then inform if (empty($json)) { rest_error('AUTH_NO_DATA'); } else { echo json_encode($json); } } else { rest_error('NO_PF_EXIST_FOR_USER'); } } else { rest_error('AUTH_NOT_GRANTED'); } } else { rest_error('SET_NO_DATA'); } } else { rest_error('AUTH_NO_IDENTIFIER'); } } else { rest_error('METHOD'); } } }
} } // update cron time DB::update(prefix_table("misc"), array('valeur' => time()), "intitule = %s AND type = %s", "sending_emails", "cron"); } break; /** * Store error */ /** * Store error */ case "store_error": if (!empty($_SESSION['user_id'])) { // update DB logEvents('error', urldecode($_POST['error']), $_SESSION['user_id'], $_SESSION['login']); } break; /** * Generate a password generic */ /** * Generate a password generic */ case "generate_a_password": if ($_POST['size'] > $_SESSION['settings']['pwd_maximum_length']) { echo prepareExchangedData(array("error_msg" => "Password length is too long!", "error" => "true"), "encode"); break; } //Load PWGEN $pwgen = new SplClassLoader('Encryption\\PwGen', '../includes/libraries');
if ($i == 3) { $item[$i] = html_entity_decode(htmlspecialchars_decode(str_replace("<br />", "\n", $item[$i]), ENT_QUOTES)); } $pdf->MultiCell($w, 5, $item[$i], 0, $a); //go to right $pdf->SetXY($x + $w, $y); } //return to line $pdf->Ln($h); } } $pdf_file = "print_out_pdf_" . date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('y'))) . "_" . generateKey() . ".pdf"; //send the file $pdf->Output($_SESSION['settings']['path_to_files_folder'] . "/" . $pdf_file); //log logEvents('pdf_export', implode(';', $printed_ids), $_SESSION['user_id']); echo '[{"text":"<a href=\'' . $_SESSION['settings']['url_to_files_folder'] . '/' . $pdf_file . '\' target=\'_blank\'>' . $LANG['pdf_download'] . '</a>"}]'; } break; //CASE export in CSV format //CASE export in CSV format case "export_to_csv_format": $full_listing = array(); $full_listing[0] = array('id' => "id", 'label' => "label", 'description' => "description", 'pw' => "pw", 'login' => "login", 'restricted_to' => "restricted_to", 'perso' => "perso"); $id_managed = ''; $i = 1; $items_id_list = array(); foreach (explode(';', $_POST['ids']) as $id) { if (!in_array($id, $_SESSION['forbiden_pfs']) && in_array($id, $_SESSION['groupes_visibles'])) { $rows = DB::query("SELECT as id, i.restricted_to as restricted_to, i.perso as perso, i.label as label, i.description as description, as pw, i.login as login,\n as date,\n n.renewal_period as renewal_period,\n k.rand_key\n FROM " . $pre . "items as i\n INNER JOIN " . $pre . "nested_tree as n ON (i.id_tree =\n INNER JOIN " . $pre . "log_items as l ON ( = l.id_item)\n INNER JOIN " . $pre . "keys as k ON ( =\n WHERE i.inactif = %i\n AND i.id_tree= %i\n AND (l.action = %s OR (l.action = %s AND l.raison LIKE %s))\n ORDER BY i.label ASC, DESC", "0", intval($id), "at_creation", "at_modification", "at_pw :%"); foreach ($rows as $reccord) {