$o = ltrim(strstr(${$fielda}, "_"), "_"); // Get the placement sequence after the "_" $auto_keys = array_keys($auto_fld_placement, $n); $akq = $auto_keys[$o]; $auto_fld_str = $auto_fld_string[$akq]; $fieldautoclass = str_replace('"', "'", $auto_fld_str); $fieldautoclass = htmlentities($fieldautoclass); $headfieldid[] = $fielda; $headfieldclass[] = $fieldautoclass; $headfieldclass2[] = $fielda; $headfielddir[] = $textdirec; $headfield_txt[] = $auto_fld_str; $headfield_extra[] = $extrafield; } elseif (${$optiona} == "yes") { $fieldkey = mysql_field_name($resulta1, ${$fielda}); localize_fields($fieldkey, $fieldface); $fieldaliasclass = str_replace('"', "'", $fieldalias); $fieldaliasclass = htmlentities($fieldaliasclass); $headfieldid[] = $fielda; $headfieldclass[] = $fieldaliasclass; $headfieldclass2[] = $fielda; $headfielddir[] = $textdirec; $headfield_txt[] = $fieldalias; $headfield_extra[] = $extrafield; } //end elseif (if the user opted for a particular field) } // end if (if this is not the last cycle) } //end for (end loop of all the fields) // Assign the header arrays to the Smarty template
/* print "blevela1 ".$blevela1."<br />\n"; print "elevela1 ".$elevela1."<br />\n"; print "blevelb1 ".$blevelb1."<br />\n"; print "elevelb1 ".$elevelb1."<br />\n"; print "blevelc1 ".$blevelc1."<br />\n"; print "elevelc1 ".$elevelc1."<br />\n"; */ localize_fields($fields_name1, $fieldface); $lclzd_fields_name1 = $$fieldface; localize_fields($fields_name2, $fieldface); $lclzd_fields_name2 = $$fieldface; localize_fields($fields_name3, $fieldface); $lclzd_fields_name3 = $$fieldface; $toggleyes = ""; if ($toggle !== NULL && $toggle !== "") { $toggleyes = " (".$toggle.")"; } // end if if ($blevelb1 !== NULL && $blevelb1 !== "") { $fieldnamegroup2 = "/".$lclzd_fields_name2; $blevelbgroup = ":".$blevelb1; $elevelbgroup = ":".$elevelb1; } // end if if ($blevelc1 !== NULL && $blevelc1 !== "") { $fieldnamegroup3 = "/".$lclzd_fields_name3;